Friday, 6 May 2011

Cardiac Valve Replacement Surgery - and afterwards!


Made redundant, low esteem, failed job-search and other stuff,
I admit, made me a little depressed, sour and even gruff,
I thought my position could not any get worse or rough,
But the Good Lord decided I'd not suffered quite enough,
A heart-valve collapsed, operation needed and I had to be tough,
In preparation things had to be attended to that made me huff,
The dental visits, painful, they made me huff and puff,
The four time daily scrubs, the removal of all every bit of fluff,
Operation six days away now, and this is not a bluff,
I hope to here at Christmas, to eat some plumb duff,
Still, time will tell, no need to get in huff!

Monday 9th May 2011 - 0600hrs:
Started the Chlorhexidine Cluconate Antimmicrobial 4 times a day Skin Scrub session today, along with the Muppirocin Calcium Nasal ointment treatment. Got to keep them up until I go in Thursday for the operation on Friday.
OK if one has a shower (I do not), but a devil to scrub on without help, getting it off is bit difficult, especially from the rear, belly button and genital areas.
Going to ring Cardiac Rehab nurse when I've posted this, to check on what I can and cannot and must take in with me, I did go to a session with 14 other patients last week, but the hearing aids do not pick up every word in a hollow room like the one we were lectured in.
They'll probably think; 'Silly old sod, senile, decrepit and sad' - and they'd be right!
One hearing aid playing up, but neighbor assisted with phone call to Cardiac Ward - all sorted now.
Pippa the cat must be ensconced in another of the many homes on the street she has adopted, cause i have not had a visit today.
About to listen to Radio4Extra (1900hrs) and Round The Horne show - Classic comedy series starring Kenneth Horne, Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Bill Pertwee, Douglas Smith and Betty Marsden

RELEASED from Ward  Day One - Thursday 19th May 2011 – GH4

Released last night into surreal world – so incapable, in pain, and frustrated with lack of abilities – walk up or downstairs have to rest! When in need of relief, as I found out last night, one is going to have to live with wet trousers.
The overpowering memories of the stay in cardiac unit, was one of existing on three different levels of reality – The first a world of pain agony, accompanied with messages of gloom – that each sounded logical and perfectly understandable .
Intermingled with this stage, I had perhaps a stage of reality, in which I could communicate with patient and staff, but never understanding an answer completely!
The third level was farcical in nature, impossible in reality, yet at times seemed the most reliable one, that I foolishly found myself hanging on to as the genuine scenario!
I appreciate all the help given me, really! But at this moment, I do not think I could put myself  thorough this again, and would formerly like to request that any further time and effort cardiac wise being considered, be dropped, as many spare parts that you can get for practice of others benefit, help yourself please. I do request a strong drug that will allow me to exit with calm dignity be used.

RELEASED from Ward Day 2 - Thursday 19th May 2011 – GH3
The sensors are still confused – teeth seeming smaller, colours changing on their own.
Awaited taxi for QMC appointment (supplied free for me which I appreciated, so did not ring about non-arrival until the time of the actual appointment) of 0930hrs, sat at door from 0750hrs, dared not to move. Rang department at QMC helpline to explain why I had not arrived by 0930hrs – lady explained if I was on the list, I would be collected at some point today – just wait until they arrive – fair enough. Arrived QMC Campus D floor 0930hrs Warfrin Advice tests at 1055hrs.
Helpful people, I found to be patient. My level was too high, arranged schedule for Warfarin, and another session.
Forgot most of what was being aid as it was said I think – endearingly natured you lady I think I found caring, and am sure I opened up verbally with things normally contained.
Trip home a bit horrendous, the ambulance passed within 2000 yards of my house, then proceeded to three other addresses, by which time I was a little confused, and in pain, then took me to ‘Sherbrook Road Daybrook’ to be dropped off, instead of Sherbrooke Road Carrington – driving on then to the right address, where they asked if I’d be alright walking about 5 house fronts form the ambulance to the front door – thought I’d be OK. But had to keep stopping and think I became unsteady, Ambulance chap supported me throughout marathon (to me) walk  – sat quietly for hour or so, and slowly felt so much better and perkier – Rang Janet, I think she said to make shopping list and get laundry ready
I hope that such abilities will develop as time goes on, but think I am somehow behind schedule for recovery.
Some reason tablet taking is now difficult? Weird or what?

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 3 – Sat 21st May - GH3
I think Janet and Pete may be calling today – yes Janet helped taking some washing, Pete took out rubbish, and fetched fodder. Thanked them both profusely. 
Passed from both ends in the morning, the only actions of the day.
Still convinced the lost equilibrium has not returned yet – In morning I made three trips upstairs (inc false alarms), and the time to recover, did not seem so long, but necessary all the same each time. Distracting sitings of what cannot be, but travel across vision, then disappear in their own space again today – this is a new one. The lack of taste, misjudging of sizes remains, but either I’m getting used to them, or their getting less frequent as the day goes on.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 4 – GH3.2
Woke up with usual chest pains – but aware that things were still out of sync – teeth felt massive, I’d dreamt of the production line I’d just been though, remembering that the drugs in hospital case were all from same companies, the hurried in hurried out procedure, the feeling of experiment vs patient? Why such sudden revelations? Went up to ablute, took time really steady, cut myself shaving, but it seems to have stopped with about 10 minutes pressure. Read a book on loo between tasks (Shaving – washing – teeth, abluting, seemed to get though OK.
Came down to look for ‘Pippa’ (the fat black cute kitten that adopted me) but no signs, I think being away so long had upset her. It had been raining, and a hazy sunshine was forcing its way through to mother earth and the broken beer bottles, untaxed vehicles, and eviction notices scattered around the street. Felt bilious. 

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 5 – GH3.2 -Monday 23rd May 2011
Got to stay in stay in today, chair coming - Pete says put near front/back  door. He’ll look on Wednesday for me?
Sleep came in the usual five to twenty minute periods, awoke sharply (this is usual for me even before surgery) at 0245hrs – went up put heater on. Read book while it heated, then had wash, shave and shampoo.
Recalled dream about somewhere in the 60’s, GNCS Greengrocery & Wet Fish involved, dream centred around some failure of mine at the time, and then the underground city, stinking, flooded streets, no sky, all buildings – with everyone else Red Cross gent de;livered going about their business, totally ignoring my presence, but not offensive. Weird this one, amazing how I can recall dreams now, as I couldn’t before op. Red Cross chap delivered chair and bottle - thanked him muchly. Red Cross lady called, arranged for meals on wheels to call on me Thursday to discuss using their services.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 6 (0001hrs) Tue 24th May 2011– GH3.1
Woke up with usual chest pains – bad so got up and started to write this blog, good job 'cause I had to  use the bottle. Got to get ready for Coagulation Clinic Tests this morning, free taxi/ambulance to pick me up betweem 0800 & 1200hrs, feel a bit unsteady, put that down to busy day yesterday with visitors callers. Incidentally it's like 'Pippa' the kitten knows about my blood situation, because ever since I've been home, she has used other methods of letting my know she is hungry, other than the usual delicately extended claw in the right leg .
Got calls from many Aftercare people (4 at least) all after 1815hrs. Nice. Gent at clinic gave me box of Warfarin to keep safe in case.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 7 – GH3.3 - Wednesday 23rd May 2011
Meals at home service people coming to see me sometime today.
Also Janet & Pete calling, return washing, and bringing pop for me - must ensure I keep telling them how much I appreciate their help.
Had erotic dream (well erotic for me anyway), but cannot place the tall plump young lady in the dream - so annoying, I'm sure she is from somewhere in my real memory, I think getting lost in offices came into it somewhere, wrote down what bit I could recall.
I had a bad blood loss Tuesday on passing, not in the matter though - I'll see if I pass 
today and then react if bloody again! Meal people called back, they can do Thursdays for a while, until I can get to surgery, then change back to Tuesdays. Suffered dizzy spells throughout the day. 'Pippa' granted me her presence all day today! - although she did adopt her old habit of digging a gentle claw into my groin to make me aware of her need for food.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 8 (0550hrs) Tue 26th May 2011– GH2.9
Many chest pains - still no further passing from the rear. Exspecting first meal mix some time today, will order some AD Breakfasts (£2 each) and cirtus sponges for next week.(50p each). If dizzy spells continue, I'll get to Dr's somehow. Mobility is getting better each day, apart from dizzies I'm suffering with. Must try to arrange getting an 
electric shaver soon, as I'm getting nervous about the saftey razor shaving risks.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 10 – GH3.3 - Saturday 28th May 2011
Getting about a bit now (Thursday Friday), but not rushing anything - can now cross the road to talk with mate Stewart, without too much of a drain now! Meals at home delivered - small portion meals at £2 each, and 50p for dessert. Frozen, all microwaveable. Taste buds still returning, now beginning to enjoy food and tea.
Chest centre still painful, and when I cough or sneeze... boy is it sharp!
No contact yet from Christine. Emailed Janet & Pete to thank them for help with 
washing, shopping.  Still getting confused a bit, a few dizzy spells, and the memory is not yet  to be relied on. 
Overall improvements in most areas - thankfully

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home: Day 11 (0505hrs) Sun 29th May 2011– GH3.9
As I said to 'Pippa' the cat this morning as she lay preening, stretching and yawning herself on the bed; "I'm so pleased to have had you adopt me...." she looked up as if to say 'How dare you disturb me without a bowl of 
kitten food...' looking me up and down!
At this stage of my recovery, I think patience is called for, and important. Stewart from over the road had given me an electric shaver to use, as recommended by the hospital, to avoid the risk of any cuts, as it would be very harmful to my new ticker if I did bleed. Very nice of him, I thanked him. I'm passing better now, and no repetition of the blood loss earlier thank heavens. This has taken away the worry about shaving now, although the print on the instructions is too small to read even with the reading glasses, so I'll have to work out about cleaning it, and charging - ah.. there's a point, just my luck to electrocute myself! Ha-ha! Yesterday I didn't go over to see Stewart, because the dizzy spells were worse than usual, I hope they ease today. Going weekly to QMC for Coagulation checks, and Warfarin dose reassessment, I'll mention the dizzy spells to them then. I'm hoping to manage to get out eventually on my own, so I can visit the Doctors with my list of requests and questions. I'll try to get over to Stewart to thank him again as well today.
Still unsure about having a bath safely, I'll ask on Tuesday. I'd love to trip down to the shops too, but do not feel confident enough yet, and as I said. best not to rush anything, one fall could put me back so much.

RELEASED from Ward – Now Home:  Day 12 – GH3.3 - Monday 30th May 2011:  Made up for better day yesterday, chest pains bad. No contact with anyone today. Computer playing up. Out of bread, bleach, and butter, but will manage, meals in freezer. bit down today I'm afraid. QMC tomorrow, Warfarin/Coagulation checks.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 13 (0645hrs) Mon 31st May 2011– GH3.2 Still not feeling very good at all. To add to it, the fluid in the legs has started accumulating again, so started Furisomide tablets again. Waiting for lift to QMC for Warfarin/IRA check at clinic. Not in good nick at the moment, confused, in pain, and perhaps feeling lonely and sorry for myself - this must stop! The weather does not help, and having to put the heating on is worrying. Things will get better I hope when I can get out on my own - want to visit doctors, chemist, do a bit of shopping, feed the ducks... but I'm not going to rush things, and will not venture out until I'm more confident and stronger, then the dizzy spells can be assessed for what they are maybe. Sorry to sound down, but that's how it is.

Now Home in Rehab:  Day 15– GH3.8 - Wednesday 1st June 2011: Just heard that my nephew Alan Rawson, who had the same cardiac procedure as I did, in the same ward, a week before I went in... has passed away. He was a good, genuine, sound man, who leaves his children and wife Mary, Mary having had triple bypass herself some years ago herself. My heart goes out to her and the kids (grown up now) who thought of Alan more as a friend than father. I am so sad, I cried for the first time in many years - it always seems the good guys who suffer - I hate this world.
My health is better than the last two days, but the dizzy spells still remain - must get to the doctors ASAP. Seem to be getting about easier today, a good sign I hope.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 16 (0635hrs) Thursday 29th May 2011 - GH3.9  Shave change and wash took less out of me this morning, about time I had a better day, hope it continues. Trevor might be calling today. I've made a list of questions for Dr Vindla, for whenever I can get across to see her. Was going to ask Trev (if he comes) to lift me to surgery, but  two things - I might not get an appointment, and today is the meals ladies day, so got to be in for her! Pain in chest still there and sharp at times, might if ever I get there ask the doc for stronger painkillers. Just made a cuppa, and will update facebook in a bit - concentration seems a bit muffled this morning - weird is it not, I feel better physically I think, but the brain and memory seem more stunted today? A word in memory of Alan Rawson - God rest Alan, see you in a bit. Trev rang, on his way approx 1000hrs. Rang again 1100hrs, something come up, will be here later. So that's put the kibosh on arranging anything weith the Doctors surgery. Fancy that, me having bad luck again - hard to believe innit? So I wait for the meal lady to arrive. Tried doing a bit of cleaning on stairs and oven, but a bit painful yet, so desisted. Pissed off now, so I'll make a cup of tea again. Trev arrived, and helped talking to Doctor and Chemist for me on phone, then walked (he just managed to keep up with me), to the Chemist and  spoke for me, as the effort meant I needed to sit and rest a bit. Arranged for gentleman to deliver prescriptions to house after work, very kind of him. He also (Chemist) spoke with Doctor, and got a note from her confirming which tab's I should carry on taking, now down to a mix of 14 a day at various times, and dropped it off with medications. Enjoyed meal for the first time proper tonight, could taste it, Home Meals Bacon Brunch-tomatoes, egg,sausage, bacon, and potato cubes, nice! I hope the taste of others foods and especially my beloved tea returns soon - mind  you, as I cannot taste the difference, I've been having the cheapo tea bags all the time - might try the good stuff tomorrow. Must ring Trev and thank him for his help, it can't be easy for him with him working and living so far away.... he might be reading this... Cheers Mate!

Now Home in Rehab: Day 17 (0634hrs) Friday 3rd June 2011 GH4.0  Chest very painful this morning, no doubt due to the long walking of yesterday. Took new medications, had a cuppa, had a wash and shave, then spent about 3 days on the bog hoping for a movement from the rear - but no! Will go over to see Stewart later when and if the sun comes out. (Stewart is a handicapped gent who lives across the road from me, Margaret is his helper lady who helped me with shopping last month, bless them both, friends are rare and precious to me. Will email Janet & Pete. Just noticed and corrected the many mistakes I've made in this blog, lack of concentration! Pete later too. Taking interest in other things now, but still get confused, and the short term memory is diabolical - I was telling Trev something and he had to remind me I'd told him 40 minutes earlier! (I think) Concentration is difficult sometimes too. I will not try doing any cleaning again for a while, after yesterday's reactions. I've made appointment with Dr Vindla for Monday 10.50hrs, and hope I'll be able to walk over to the surgery okay. Janet has been doing my washing, and I'm grateful to her, she's a nice woman, thoughtful in not telling me about Alan dying until she thought I could cope with the news better. Trevor called again this afternoon, and bought me some Asda Potato Snacks, cheese & and Brocolli - how kind and thinking of him, I really enjoy these, and soon demolished one along with a tin of curried beans and bread - super! Late on, I had another (Home meal) of Steak & Kiney Pie, remebered to take the Diotyl capsules this time, so I hope to encourage some movement (less painful than the last I hope) from my nether regions.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 18 Saturday 4th June 2011 0505hrs GH3.9 Bad night for chest pains, very uncomfortable. Got up and had a shave, when I tried to clean the shaver, it fell to bits, and I could not find the cleaning brush, managed somehow to put it together again though. I hope to have a Missiom Agony movement/evacuation today, must mention the problem to the Dr Vindla when I go to see her Monday. (I hope I can manage to walk there on my own, should be okay by then surely). The spot on the right eye has increased in size by about 30%. Stomach aching a bit too, possibly my own fault for having two meals yesterday. Not a good morning for me today, but in the past I've started days well and ended up poorly, so maybe today is to be a start bad-get good day?
I had a chat with 'Pippa' (the cat) about the troubles in the Middle East, Fundamental Buddhism,  and what a mess the house was in. amazingly she didn't show much interest!
Additional Entry: I had to add this.... So I'd taken the evening medications, and suddenly thought it was about time to risk having a warm bath! (Very brave) Had a shave and did the teggies while the water ran, then got in, used the ph scrub (gently I might add), the scars and scabs did not bleed, finished off with coal tar soap... then came the farce, something that amazingly I had not considered beforehand - 'Getting out of the bath!" It took longer and more pain than all the other stuff collectively! I did feel a fool, thought at one stage I was going to be stuck there until someone called, and no one is due until Wednesday! Never mind, all sorted now, and painkillers taken!

Now Home in Rehab: Day 19 Sunday 5th June 2011 0515hrs – GH4.1
Better night last night, still plenty of waking up without reasons, and some magnificently confusing dreams. Remember one about driving a Bristol Loddeka bus - into a canal, and being attacked by yobs in a mud field somewhere? Trying to work out if they mean anything, I realised that I like old buses, and the Loddeka was my favourite, also I'm scared of deep water (got thrown in the canal when I was about 5 years old), but where the mud banks and yobs came from I don't know, odd innit? However the chest pains were sharp when I got my head down, but seemed to ease as the night went on?
Bit cooler this morning, I might try a little walking later, in readiness for tomorrow mornings walk to Doctor Vindla's Surgery.
Oh my big gob! The chest pains have just returned! I'll take some Codeine hang on a bit.... that's it, taken them, now I can expect to fall asleep at any time!

Now Home in Rehab: Day 20 Monday 6th June 2011 0545hrs - GH4.2
Going to walk to Doctors this morning - and I'm a bit nervous I do not mind saying, about the walk there. I'm hoping I do not run out of steam, and or get a dizzy spell while en route. Soon find out though!
More dreams again last night, every time I nodded off, can only remember a bit about one of them. They were not nice.
Took medication, did this blog (will add more later today after visit to Dr's) Will do ablutions late today, just before I go to surgery.
Well the Doc seemed to think I was doing well, got to go back in 3 weeks.
Must get things ready for INR (Warfarin) tests Tuesday at the QMC Anticoagulation Clinic. The walk back from the surgery was so tiring, I've slept on and off for hours since getting back. Did manage to get a meal though (frozen meals @ Home) liver onion, swede, carrots, new pots - Urgh! Horrible! I tried a Vegetable Brunch the other day, and although I could not make out what was in it, it tasted lovely! I'm ordering some more of them. The chest still hurts a bit, that will be because of the walking I've done I assume. Doc said I should wait at least a couple of weeks before I even consider travelling on buses again, the jerking about may dislodge the breast bone, that is apparently at the highest risk during the 3rd to 5th week after the operation?
going to take painkillers and get my head down now - goodnight all! GH3.9

Now Home in Rehab: Day 21 Tuesday 7th June 2011 0610hrs- GH 4.00
* Remember Anti-coagulation clinic, ambulance any time after 0800hrs
Dream filled night, must have woke up 20 times, and I think I had a dream between each time - can't remember any though. I think the walking yesterday took a bit out of me. Feel very tired still, despite sleeping (in ten minute blocks) for longer than I have done since being released from Morris Ward. Taken am medications, made a cuppa, looked for 'Pippa', did this blog to here.
Back from hospital 1140hrs - and I walked both up to the clinic, and down afterwards! (Just took some painkillers as the breastbone area is now very painful). The INR is still not good at all, 1.7 today. The lady increased the Warfarin doses for the week, going back again next Tuesday. No mention of self injecting mentioned. Pete should be calling with the washing that Janet has done for me today, and some bread.
The Ed Cross lady rang to see if there was any need for her to call on me, i said no thanks, and reminded her again that Tuesday's are my hospital day.
Feeling a bit down today, why I do not know.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 22 Wednesday 8th June 2011 0425hrs - GH4.0
You'll notice perhaps, that my time of awakening this morning, was a little earlier than usual? I can thank the attentions of a young fat black cat by the name of 'Pippa' for this! I thought she had gone out last night, so was mildly surprised to find her walking over my torso at 0355hrs this morning, purring, meowing, and head-butting me! Two pouches of Puricat premium food digested, she returned upstairs to continue her beloved grooming and kipping. (She, when she visits, sleeps on one of my jumpers on the bed, I sleep on a chair, that I fall asleep in every night.) Bless her.
It seems that I had gotten myself confused over the day that (Sister & Brother-in-law) Janet and Pete were calling to see me this week, bringing my washing back that she has done for me, it must be today sometime, not yesterday. Thanks to her and Pete. Fancy me getting confused? Ha!
New severe pain this morning, in the left shoulder/chest area - I've taken some painkillers along with my morning medications, but feel uncomfortable about it. The last thing I need is more pain really.
Seem to be getting about easier this morning, a good sign that!
I'd like to thank folk for their good wishes, Trevor, Christine, Ricky and Sarah, Sir Kev, and Margaret, much appreciated!
Pete called with washing, walked me down to CTM and carried the shopping for me, bless him. After he's left, I was so drained, but I was okay during the walking.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 23 Thursday 9th June 2011 0510hrs- GH 4.1
Usual night of sleep-dream-wake, sleep-dream-wake... Can't remember any of the dreams though.
Frozen meal lady calling today. I cleaned the shaver today, putting it back together  made building a scale model of the Bismarkt out of meccano seem easy!
Feeling alright at the moment, I've started contributing to YQA (Yahoo Questions & Answers) again, and some of the contributors sent me an email to welcome me back, that was very nice, I sent each an email back thanking them. Very nice. Meals at home delivered late afternoon, they sent liver & onion meals - I tried one last week and did not like them, so am amazed I ordered any more, if I did. Can't rely on short term memory to challenge this.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 24 Friday 10th June 2011 0925hrs - GH4.1
Cor blimey, luvva-duck - 0950hrs and I almost forgot to take me morning medications! That's because I've posted a magazine article to the 'Spoof' site. I remember James Gordon Brown I'm afraid click the blue wording to link to the site, and if you like, give me some stars if you think the article/ode is worth it please?
You can do a writer search to find my articles published, my monica on the site is Inchcock!
Not very warm this morning, but I feel a little hungry now, that is not a bad thing I think.
The chest pains are still there, irritated by my having a bit of a cough this morning, but no dizzy spells as yet today!
Not expecting any visitors until next Thursday, but got Anticoagulation/Warfarin clinic on Tuesday at the QMC. they seem to be having problems getting the INR level anything near right, it should be between 2.5 > 3.5 - but the last two weeks tests showed it as 1.5, then 1.7!
Never mind, time will tell. The legs are still swollen, but not as bad as yesterday I reckon, so good news there! The headache is coming back at the moment, so I'll take some painkillers methinks. See you in a bit.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 25 Saturday 11th June 2011 0510hrs- GH 4.2
Chest and shoulder pains still bad this morning. Feel very tired, weary despite sleeping. Perhaps today will be a bad day health-wise. Got letter to go to Cardiac Rehabilitation, at Dundee House on the City Hospital campus on 22nd June 1500hrs. filled in the questionnaire, then rang them to confirm my attendance. So a busy month for me from here on: Tue 14th QMC Anticoagulation tests - Thur 16th QMC Hernia assessment - Tue 21st QMC Anticoagulation tests - Wed 22nd Cardiac Rehab - Mon 27th Surgery Blood Tests & assessments -  Tue 28th QMC Anticoagulation tests - Thursday 30th Cardiac Recovery Assessment Session City Hospital.
Thought about Alan Rawson and Mary who has been coping so well with his death. Life is very unfair.
No contact with another human now for 44 hours, thank heavens the computer and web are still working for me.

Now Home in Rehab: Day 26 Sunday 12th June 2011 0505hrs - GH4.3
At 0500hrs I threw open the front door, in a spirit of joy, as the chest pains were less than usual, and I was overjoyed - I glanced up the street, the burnt-out car, the broken beer bottles, the split black bags of rubbish, the boarded up windows, the new patches of sick on the pavement, the crude graffiti, the children's shoes and a rattle in the middle of the road, the blocked drains, and the overflowing wheelie-bins tipped up and scattered along the road - brought back the depression I had not woken up with as I normally would have, if only I had resisted looking outside so soon in the day!
Feeling my mobile capacities are returning, yesterday I walked back (got bus there) from Sherwood where I purchased some bread and cooked meat, of course I was drained afterwards, but I made the trip, the longest I've tackled so far!
Must contact Trevor today, I think I was a bit short with him yesterday when he rang, because I was feeling so low - he's a good mate and guy.
I do miss the work arena a bit, the comradeship I suppose is what I miss most. I go days without any human contact, thank heavens for the hospital appointments!
Cannot see 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cute cat anywhere, not seen her for a day or two now.
Ah... I think I am about to need the WC... must go!

Now Home in Rehab: Day 26 Monday 13th June 2011 0505hrs - GH3.9
Pains in Sternum area bad all night, and still giving 'gip' now I've got up. Still coughing badly again.
Dream ridden night again, I can remember bits about one - Trev Baverstock, Bengi, Trev's Mum, his brother Kev, Game of squash, and my old 3 wheeler Robin Reliant car were in it somewhere!
Took morning medications, had a shave, realising as I was forced to use the mirror, just how haggard and drawn I look this morning. So no photo for today!
Last night I had a potato-snackpot, tin of peas, and the belly-pork with capsicums - now for a change, I'm glad no one is calling to see me - if they did and I was to breath on them, it could be fatal! But oh, I did enjoy it! Wonder if this had any affect on my uncomfortable pains in the chest area this morning?
Popped my head out of the front and back door, no signs of 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat this morning as yet, been 48 hours now? I imagine with the rain we've been having, she is ensconced snuggly in one the many homes she has adopted and allowed the owner to feed and offer her a bed, hibernating over the rainy period.
I hear on Talksport radio this morning that Steve Mclaren had joined Nottingham Forest! Click this link for details
10.30hrs: Coughing, sneezing, and chest pains no better - so I did what the doctor said, and got in touch straight away! I called at the surgery to see if I could book an appointment.... Next Friday the earliest one available... 4 days!!! I smiled and told the receptionist; "If I'm still alive, I'll come in then, then!" Warms my heart to know they care so much about me!

Now Home in Rehab: Day 28 Tuesday 14th June 2011 0525hrs - GH3.3
Chest/throat pains remain with me this morning. Took more painkillers along with the morning medications. These new pains are beginning to take over my mind, or rather what the hell are causing them! The odd cough and sneeze are still coming painfully.
Had a shave early, will do blog and check email, then get a wash and do teggies, and get changed ready for Anticoagulation/Warfarin Clinic, thank heavens they are sending an ambulance taxi, cause I do not feel up to much again this morning, and that is a bit disappointing after so many days, to find myself feeling worse than I did a week ago - however it is only the chest pains that are worse, other aspects are improving.
The new pains are constantly there, but variable in degree, wearing me down. Let's hope things improve.

Tuesday 14th June 2011 - GH 4.0: Went to Anticoagulation session, and they admitted me to Cardiac D55 ward - Rang Pete and Janet, asked them to cancel my Meals at Home delivery, and bring in shaver please, asked the nurse to ring and cancel Doctors Appointment. Janet came in Tuesday or Wednesday, but forgot the shaver, they brought in t-shirt, jammies, towel etc, bless them. Doctors seem uncertain of cause of the pains.

Wednesday 15th June 2011 - GH 4.6: Moved to be tested for Acute Sepsis - then returned to D55, then moved into bed 3, then moved into bed 5. Lady at other end of ward passed-away in the night, much kerfuffle on the ward, very little sleep. I spoke with her at meal time, she was full of life and fun... sad!
Thursday 0200hrs: Chap in bed next to mine, bed 4, collapsed and fell through onto my bed, cutting his head badly and getting concussion poor chap, more kerfuffle as the staff got their story right about why his bed arms were not up, after they got him taken away to A&E, and Anticoagulation treatment, poor sod had already had three heart operations as well - spoke with him afterwards, nice young man. Seemed to recover pretty well, and told me of his experiences, harrowing to say the least.
Thursday 16th June 2011 - GH 4.4: 0900hrs: Doctors called, and said they really did not know what had caused the pains, that continue today, now as I'm writing, but I've just took some new medications/painkillers. They took off one medication, and added three, two for the heart, and one painkiller. Then said, when coagulation dose is received from clinic, and medications were delivered, I could go. I rang Janet and Pete, knowing Thursday is their day out, to assure them I'd be okay getting home.
Thursday 1100hrs: The nurse then said they needed the bed urgently, so I was to wait in the Discharge Lounge. While awaiting the porter, I had eight students come to listen to my heart, The ward staff packed up my things, warned me not to try and travel on public transport for at least another two weeks, and avoid lifting for same period, and then a porter took me down to the Waiting Lounge by 1330hrs, where the Coagulant and medications had been redirected to. At 1735hrs, the medications arrived (at the waiting lounge). At 1739hrs the coagulant sheet arrived, but no Warfarin tablets, and it was now time to take them! The other evening tablets, that were delivered, I took them. Realised that the Anticoagulant date had changed to a Monday.
Thursday 1751hrs: Lift arrived, by then I'd fell asleep again and had to be woken up again - soon got home, and took Warfarin within time limitation of one hour, called at Doctors Surgery with new medication list, and then at the Pharmacist to collect the Simvastin I requested last Monday, and bought a packet of Senokol, as i had not passed anything for 4 days! - then treat myself to a bag of chips! (Naughty!)
Got back in about 1855hrs, but took an hour to find shaver! By then the beard was really bothering the chest wound, and the chips were cold. Chest pains had eased. Got head down, but took hours to nod off, not like me at all, but then I had been nodding off on and off for hours while waiting in the Lounge. 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat, gave my bit of fuss, and actually jumped up on my chest, but gently! Put hearing aids in soak (plastic bits only of course), and got new batteries ready.

Friday 17th June 2011 - GH 3.8 Woke up, chest/neck pains had returned with a vengeance. Took medications, started to do my blog. One of the new tablets is shaped like a heart! Bisoprolol Fumariate, very cute! I must remember that clinic is on Monday's now, just when I'd informed everyone they were on a Tuesday, and got used to it too! Never mind, without these wonderful people I would not be here. If anything else happens exciting, I'll add it later. Stabbing pains still bad again! Medications are now:
Warfarin as weekly schedule 
Furosomine 40 mg - One per day, mornings
Bisoropol 2.5 mg - One in morning
Docusate Sodium - 100 mg caps - One four times a day
Ramipril 2.5mg (Down from 5 mg) One a day at night
Simvastin 40 mg - One a day at night
Codeine Phosphate - 30 mg - Twice a day
Ibuprufen - 400 mg One three times a day
Paracetomol - 500 mg - Four times a day
Ranitidine - 150 mg - One tablet twice a day

Not too good again today!
Saturday 0405hrs - GH 4.0: When I got my head down last night, I took usual medications, and some extra painkillers - but was later in agony with sharp cruel pains in left shoulder/neck area. Got up at 0410hrs, took some more painkillers, had a wash and did teggies. still in pain.
This coming week (due to being hospitalised earlier), INR tests are on Monday not Tuesday, I'll mention the pains again then, and about the dizzy spells I'm getting - both a little concerning to me, as is the inability to concentrate (keep making mistakes in this bog, blow it) properly. Still it can't be too bad, or they would not have sent me home from Ward D55 would they? The pain is getting me down a bit now though, also I managed to pass this morning, but much blood flowed, so I'll mention that too.
My mate Trev Baverstock rang from Dorset to see how I was last night, good of him. Margaret (neighbour) fetched me some bread, another kind person. I must not allow the pain to stop me thanking them all properly.
'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat abandoned me last night, and did a runner, after leaving her scent all over me as I sat reading. (Even reading is hard nowadays, concentration you see, or rather lack of it lately).
Got a few medical session coming up now, INR tests weekly (day not known as yet), Wednesday Rehab session at City Hospital, Dundee House, Doctors blood tests on the 27th, Wed 29th QMC Dr Ritchie, re Hernia/bladder. 
All in all, I'm not feeling too good at the moment, but hope that things will start to improve soon.

Sunday 19th June 2011 - 0505hrs - GH 4.2 A much better night last night pain-wise, the usual dream filled sleep, but at least I got some sleep, great! And the pains still in shoulder, have been joined by central neck pains... but far less severe, or the tablets are working! Oh I do hope this improvement stays! Took all of the painkillers (3) prescribed this morning along with the other five AM medications, keeping fingers crossed, although as I write this, the shoulder pains are increasing in degree, blast it!
A quick look outside for the 'Fat Black Cuddly Cat' had no success, however it did reveal a new pile of freshish sick on the pavement, some new broken beer bottles on the road, and the threat of rain and depression hanging in the air!
Managed to pass a motion this morning, but there was blood with it again today.
On the positive side, I can taste my morning cuppa more today, so the taste buds are returning at last! Hurrah!
I'll try a bath later when I do my morning ablutions. Oh I am brave. Haha!

Monday 20th June 2011 - 0510hrs - GH 4.1 Decent night again, some discomfort and painfully sharp involuntary intakes of breath, and the pain areas moved a little again, now around throat mainly, with intermittent chest and shoulder stabs. But still an improvement on last week, I again took painkillers during the night when I kept waking as usual. Anticoagulation/Thrombosis Clinic today this week instead of Tuesday. Still feeling very tired and weak though, but overall the pains are copable with at the moment, thanks to medications.
No sign of 'Pippa' the Black Fat Cuddly Cat again this morning?
Ambulance-taxi early today for Anticoagulation/Thrombosis Clinic, and I got seen to quickly, managed to walk up to clinic and back without too much bother, but drained when I got back home. 'Pippa' ran in as I was opening door, meowing without stop until she was fed! Bless her.
The INR level was really high this time, far too high, as the last three sessions have been low?
Pharmacist said she thought this was due to the tests carried out and medications given in my stay in D55 last week, not too worried.
Kept nodding off after I'd had some nosh, I hope this does not stop me sleeping tonight!
I'm even yawning now as I write this at 1800hrs after taking evening medications, usually if I yawn, cough or sneeze it is painful, but not too bad at the moment, apart from little bother from the throat area, things might be getting better? I hope.

Tuesday 21st June 2011 - 0455hrs - GH 4.4 Not a bad night last night - usual dream filled, that I cannot remember. Going to go to the chemist today to get some more painkillers, now they seem to be keeping the pains in the chest/shoulder/throat areas down to manageable level.
I realised I'd left the water heater on all night, when I visited the bathroom for my ablutions this morning, boy did I swear! (Yes I did!)
I do enjoy listening to the radio, but some of my favourite stations like Talksport, Jazz National, and Classic have adverts like Auto-Glass,, etc, that drive me around the bend! Thought I'd just mention that.
Still finding concentrating a little difficult, cannot cope with games on the web at the moment, even writing this is hard sometimes. Take care all.

Thursday 23rd June 2011 - 0310hrs - GH 4.6 Yesterday, I attended the Rehab Session at Dundee House, at the City Hospital. I got there early, and took a book to read - they were running late. I was reprimanded by the rehab nurse for taking a bath (far too early), travelling on public transport, and shopping on my own! Appointment made for 'Mobility test' at Dundee House, Wednesday 29th June 1330hrs. So this coming week's schedule to date is: Monday; Doctors - Tuesday; QMC Anticoagulation/Thrombosis Clinic Session - Wednesday 'Mobility test' at Dundee House - Thursday; Cardiac Clinic Tests (ECG, blood, oxygen etc.) all day session - Friday; QMC Nations Hernia assessment, and Saturday I'm free, up to now!
Walked home after session at Dundee House, getting some food on the way, and collapsed wearily after eating and taking medications, taking extra painkillers before getting my head down. Better night last night for kip and pains.
Up early this morning, thanks to 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat, exercising her claws, and headbutting me as her way of reminding me she needed feeding. I assume she would have been purring threateningly, but of course I did not have my hearing aids in to find out, but felt I could feel her doing so as I wrestled to get her off as she clawed the chest area. (I lost).
Meals at Home lady is delivering today, so I am getting to talk to people recently with all the appointments etc.
I hope the pains do not return today, comfortable at the moment.
While waiting for the meal lady to arrive, I started reading the side effect labels on the medications, now I know why I get dizzy spells, memory loss, and such pains! I took a photo of the med's, and made a jpeg graphic for you to see for yourself what I mean.... Please click on the graphic to view in full readable size.

Take care all!

Now Home in Rehab: Friday 9th June 2011 03440hrs- GH 3.2
Vicious pains in the chest area woke me early - and they are bad too. So bad I took extra Codeine Phosphate, in the hope of reducing the pain a bit, also took Dyactle to try and counter the back-passage blockage that is sure to follow when I take these tablets!
But the pain is bad this morning, very bad. 
Just heard 0400hrs news on radio, seems all doom and gloom to me, or perhaps the pain is making me feel down again? The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan is good I think, the consequences will have to be seen, I'm sure the rich rulers of the so called free world, with their interests in Haliburton, Oil, and their financial backers will soon find another precept for another conflict somewhere their investments can be increased, soldiers killed, and political points scored. It's a horrible cruel world.
Sorry if I sound a bit depressed today, my discomforture, degree of severity is as bad as it has been this morning, since being released from hospital, and my mind is confused a bit too.
Another night of dreams and nightmares, but I cannot remember any of them.

Sat 25th June 1515hrs: Friday continued; Went over to see Stewart for a chat, and while I was listening to him, I realised I was sweating profusely, then went very dizzy, and asked Stewart if I could sit down - I awoke in the chair, with Steward ringing for an ambulance. There was a crew of three chaps I think (a little confused at the time), one of them took the house key to get my medications and paperwork to take with us. I was given oxygen and morphine, and noticed my arms were very very pale and the skin wrinkled! At the QMC I was wheeled into the Recovery Room, where tests were carried out, and questions answered. It was soon decided I'd had a mild stroke, so was admitted to Ward B3 - alcove 3 - bed 3. The chap in the next bed (Tony) chatted, and he loaned me his phone to ring Janet and Pete to let them know, told them not to visit, as they expected my to be released Saturday morning. Chest pains were bad, and they decided to give me Codeine Phosphate, and laxatives, which did nothing at all to relieve the pain, until the 2200hrs dose, and that seemed to ease it a little. I had the vegetarian nosh, and it was wonderful! 
A chap (Another Tony) had had two valve replacements, and was suffering with the same pains as I was, but they seemed more severe than mine were, he was really suffering. He told me (unprompted) about his seeing different views in intensive care, and described almost to perfectly, one of the views that I saw! True!
Saturday morning, they had a lot of bother getting blood, one vein burst, three bruised. They decided to keep on with the Codiene Phosphate, and added some liquid medicine laxatives called Lactulose Solution, they say it is very effective, and should allow me to continue with painkillers to ease pain without so much blockage of the back passage. (I hope they are right)
The amazingly pretty selection of nurses were very busy, and again I was moved out of the bed to make way for another poor devil to occupy, and wait in the reception area, where a gorgeous nurse bought the medication.
I thought about how to get home for a bit, I could not use public transport, could not afford a taxi, the Hospital could not supply a lift for me.... so I decided to walk, and enjoyed it very much, very slowly of course, I'm not saying it was easy. I called in to get a loaf of bread, and saw some large pots of fried onions, so got one for Janet and Pete as a way of a thank you.
It took just over two hours to get home, but the weather was good, which was really good because I did not have a coat with me. Got home about 1515hrs, and did this blog update, during which the chest pains seemed to lessen a bit!
Going to have a shave, and wash now, and then I feel sure I'll fall asleep, as I do feel very tired. Cheers all, take care.

Sun 25th June 0515hrs: Another night of struggling to sleep, but the chest pains were a lot less than recently... Whoopee!
The weather is overcast, and threatening rain at any moment.
The chest scars are itching a bit, and it is taking all my efforts not to scratch them!
I hope Trev Baverstock is okay, he works odd shifts now, he has been very good to me during my illness, and he has been very understanding.
I think a little colour is returning to my face this morning, the chest arms and legs remain deathly pale and white though. I must say I'm feeling better at the moment, and am about to take morning medications; Foresomide, Diactle, Luctose dose, Amiodarone, Bisopropol, Ranitidine, Codeine Phrosphates, and Paracetamol 600mg. I'll just make a cuppa to take the pills with..... all gone down now, a few to take at noon, and then the big session tonight at 1800hrs with that lot again and Warfarin, Simvastitin and Ramparil to digest.
Just noticed more broken beer bottles on the pavement outside, deary me!
A lady from Virginia in the USA sent me an email last night, giving her best wishes for my recovery - that was very nice and unexpected - I replied thanking her. She is a fellow contributor  on the Yahoo Questions site. Made my day that did!
Take care all!

Monday 27th June 2011 0425hrs: A rather sleepless night, but again the pain in the chest/throat area was tolerable and much less than of late - and I am so glad for the relief! Thank heavens.
Doctors this morning at 0850hrs. I might risk a walk into Nottingham later, I feel up to it at the moment, I'll see how I go now I've just taken morning medications.
Look after yourselves every one!
Saw Doctor Vindla (oh she is sexy!) at 0850hrs, she gave me blood test note for the Anticoagulation clinic for a week next Tuesday, stopped the Ramitidine tab's, and prescribed Omeprazole in place of them.
I had a walk up to the pharmacy and got prescription filled, then home, then out again to get bread, and mouthwash, and popped into the chemist again to return the unused tablets. 

Tue 28th June 0525hrs:
Good morning each, I can gladly report that last night was almost painless (Chest) - brilliant!
I dosed up with Codeine Phosphate (not forgetting laxatives too) as I tried to get my head down - not much sleep, but it was a delight not to suffer severe pains, only acceptable odd stabs.
I hope this continues, as the severe pains were getting me down.
Anticoagulation Clinic Tests at the QMC again today, I'll report results here when I get back. Sat at window with door ajar until 1330hrs, no sign of taxi-ambulance, so rang clinic - who said the taxi driver reported getting no answer to his knock on the door! I know that no one came, I think they had called at Sherbrook Road, Daybrook, and not Sherbrooke Road, Carrington! Anyway, now I have got to take anticoagulation stuff to City Hospital for Warfarin blood tests, along with a test for the Doctors before going to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Mobility Test. 

Wednesday 29th June 2011 0322hrs: Bad night, no sleep again, but very little chest pains, that's a bonus! As I lay there thinking of the busy day ahead, 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat served up her usual head-butting and gentle insertion of the claws in my shoulder as she climbed on me, to inform that it was fodder time for her - she gobbled it up, and disappeared into the garden, not to be seen again today.
Got stuff ready for the 40 minute walk to the City hospital visits, attended Haematology, and had blood tests for INR/Warfarin Clinic, and Doctors requirements carried out, and I got seen to very quickly, so quick that I was 2 hours early for the Cardiac Rehab mobility tests, where the long waiting time for the appointment was partly filled by the fire alarm going off. Good job I took a Morse book with me to read.
1335hrs: The Meeting: I could not hear half of what was being said, apart from the bits where I could see the trainers lips moving. We (3 staff, 10 patients) moved into the gym, where I volunteered to be first at the walking test - it seemed easy enough. They rated me, and booked me in for Wednesday session 10 > 12 at the gym, starting August. I walked home, and en route the rain and hail decided to come down! by then I was getting tired, and the legs ached a bit. At home I took evening medication, guessing that the Warfarin dose should be one tablet, must ring them tomorrow to find out. The chest started to bother me a bit, but the pain was not too bad, although as I say, bothersome.

Wednesday 30th June 0525hrs: No fat black cuddly cat about this morning, I missed the head-butting and clawing from her.
Got some sleep last night, but chest pains were niggling a bit, not too excessive at all though. Got up and did this blog, then sorted things needed for today's Cardiac Clinic tests. I'm getting plenty of walking in lately, two and a half hours walking form QMC on Saturday, 40 min's to, and 50 minutes back from City yesterday, (I cannot work that out, other than I must be a little tired after treatment/assessments) why it takes me longer to walk the same route back after the visit? And today, supposedly another 40 and 50 minute walk! The legs are as i said, aching a bit, but I reckon and feel that walking is a good exercise, as long as the weather is kind. Last night I had a Vegetable Home meal, and I must say they are tasty, expensive, but nice flavour. 

Friday 1st July 2011 0422hrs: Yesterdays visit to the cardiac assessment clinic went okay, another medication Amariazone has been removed from the list. Had a bit of fun getting lost as I searched for the haematology dep't, then the lung function dep't, the the X-ray unit, then the ECG room, to have tests etc, - then finding the Cardiac Clinic 7, as I wandered around I must have looked a little lost or confused, as many staff members stopped and asked if they could help!
Walked home, I think Trev Baverstock rang, or I dreamt it, had a meal (fish pie, bread, ice-cream and bikkies), made cup of tea, and fell asleep in the chair - so no fat black cuddly cat let in to comfort me, I miss her head-butting me, and no diary blog done for the day.
Friday AM; Another decent nights sleep, and again very little pain - super! woke up and had a look for 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat, no signs of her. Then took morning medications.
I replied to an email from Lynda in Philadelphia USA, a new cyber friend from the Yahoo answers site, she sounds like a nice person and lady.
I must remember to call the Anticoagulation clinic today, to get the Warfarin doses for the week. Then ring or call at the doctors to inform of the removal of Amariazone from my medications.
Might walk into town later, and have a wander around for a bit. I can't carry anything yet, so must resist purchasing any thing above 2lb in weight! It depends on how soon I can get through to the clinic, sometimes it takes many hours to get an answer.
I'll update if anything exciting occurs.

Saturday 2nd June 0510hrs
Awoke, took medications, searched for the fat black cuddly cat 'Pippa' without success, visited the bathroom, made a cuppa, and started this blog. (exiting life innit?)
Pains again low during the night, dreams continue that I cannot remember what they were about (like in life for me really). A day off from medical sessions today, so I'm going to try to rest and get some Spoof stuff done.
1055hrs: Been to town, (walked there, bus back) to £1 shop, got sandwiches, mugs, and some cleaning stuff.
Back now at the hovel, to be greeted by the fat black cuddly cat 'Pippa' - demanding her food, nad she ate two servings, must have been out all night methinks?
Weather okay, legs aching a bit, but that is to be expected with all the walking I've done this week. Chest pains not bad either at the moment. Looking good!

Monday 4th July 2011 0622hrs: I got up late this morning for me, as the body finally allowed me get some sleep, and the chest pains were again tolerable, almost minimal! Yahoo!
Put kettle on, and took the rubbish out to the bins - during which 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat burst in to inform me that it was time for her to be fed. And did she eat? Two full bowls-full, So I'll have to go to the shop later, and get her in some reserves. 
The morning medications are now down to only 5, the evening are down to 7, so things going in the right direction?
I should hear soon about the Hernia and Thyroid assessments due, they said that when I was fully recovered from the cardiac op, they would be contacting me about them being carried out.
I tried to do some cleaning in the kitchen, but the pains returned when I started to press and pull, so I decided to leave it a while. Took some painkillers,  and hope they work, as it is a day or so since such pains have bothered me. Still got to be patient I suppose, my fault for rushing things.
IRN tests on Wed this week. Home food on Thur. Docs on Mon oh that's today!

Wednesday 6th July 05120hrs: Good morning.

Wednesday 20th July 0545hrs: Monday I went  to doctors nurse for the first time to have INR tests done - not a successful day I'm afraid. The nurse said to wait in the reception for a few minutes to ensure no bleeding came from wound where the blood was taken from, and she'd have a look, then if all okay I could go home and await a phone call from Anticoagulation Clinic with results and Warfarin dose to take for the week. I waited about 30 minutes, but no one came, so no blood from arm, I went home.(1430hrs). 1800hrs, the clinic rang, telling me the level was far too low, and I had to go to the QMC clinic, for another check and direct injections into the heart, on Tuesday, we agreed for me to be there at 1400hrs.
I arrived at the Anticoagulation clinic at the QMC, and was seen quickly, the nurses seemed very concerned with the INR level being so low. (Yet I felt in the best nick I'd been since being released after the operation?) The nurse asked questions, checked the record on computer, then injected some liquid Warfarin into the ticker area. She told me to take 3 Warfarin tablets that  night, and to return Wednesday AM, for further tests and checks.
I was going to walk there, but the weather is threatening rain, overcast and gloomy! I'll catch a bus there, but cannot until 0930hrs, when I can use my bus-pass.
Last night when trying to kip, a new pain above the heart area developed, and went, sharp and grinding, so I'll tell them about this when I get there.
Bit worryingly, when I was at the hospital, I met the wife of the chap in the next bed to me, who had the same operation on the same day, and naturally asked her how Horace was going on - he had passed away last week! I felt so very sorry I has asked, as the obvious pain showed in her face. So, out of the five patients in the cardiac unit I was in, two have now died. I make that 40% - so much for being told the risk was 5%!
I'll see how it goes today.
I now have a cyber friend from the USA. Nice lady, Lynda, and she has a gorgeous dog named Louie, part pug as you can see!
I'm learning a lot about the American life from her, and enjoying getting her emails.

Wednesday 0500hrs: QMC tests still too low - got to go back again on Friday at 1030hrs to Anticoagulation Clinic for more tests and injections. Nurse booked me in doctors for 1545hrs. Attended and explained about the pains returning, but being weary of taking Codeine due to the rear-blockage they cause, that might cause bleeding. She gave me prescriptions to Codeine 15mg instead of 30mg, and to use in conjunction, Fenbid Ibuprofen Gel, an external gel to rub into chest. I'll see how it goes.
Got back in the hovel, and was headbutted by 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat, so fed her 'AGAIN'. No wonder she's fat!
I was going to try and put a photo of 'Pippa' on the blog, but I lost the fight to get her to sit and pose for me.
 Tomorrow is the first day of the week that is medical appointments free. Hurrah! Start again Friday though... boo!

Thursday 21st July 0515hrs: A bad night for chest pains and bad dreams kept waking me. I can remember a bit about one dream about 1969, when I was working at the Co-op! Did daily walk to Sherwood and got some shopping, then walked back, and boy did I~ have a meal and a half - BBQ Belly pork, potatoes, chips, peas, and bread, followed by ice-cream, yogourt, bikkies, and some pod peas. I ate the lot, I don't know how or why, but I enjoyed it. Then fell asleep.

Thursday 22nd July 045hrs: Bad dream ridden night again, and kept springing awake every half hour or so. Had to toilet at 0430hrs, a little pain there. (Not surprised really, with the mammoth meal  I had last night!)  Going to QMC clinic again today, I'll walk into the city, then catch a bus out to QMC. This might help get rid of the affects of the meal and a half?
Providing it's not raining of course. Taking medications now, I'll put the Ibuprofen gel on when I have a wash and shave later.
I'll update later.
Thought of the Day: People get fixated over things they desire, that they cannot have, and tend to fail to appreciate the things they already have!
1630hrs, I'm home again. INR level 2.2, so no injections needed today. Got to go back Tuesday next. I got the bus from QMC to town, then did a bit of shopping, and walked home, slowly, it only took about 40 minutes or so.
'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat fed, and now I can't find her, yet all the doors and windows are closed? Never mind, she'll appear when she wants food! Talking of food, anyone reading who likes a tasty strong cup of tea, I tried some from Aldi stores, 'Gold', they are good!

Wednesday 30th June 0545hrs: A bad night for sleep, or rather lack of it. Terrible, kept waking within minutes each time I managed to nod off. And the odd moments of kip I did get were ridden with dreams. However, the chest pains were a lot easier. Today is my exercise free day of the week, so I'll be able to catch up with an 'Old man's moment or two' later... perhaps?
'Pippa', the fat black cuddly cat has been fed (as if would dare not to!), my medications taken, toileting attended to, a cup of tea digested, and the radio put on.
Thought of the Day: Although life has taken away my money, pride, my loved, and my health, can it please keep off of my memories?
1110hrs, postman (mail-man) delivered appointment for the NHS Treatment Centre Gateway B – Cardiac, for Tuesday 2nd August. (how many more?), same day of the week as the usual Anticoagulation INR test! I'll have to inform the clinic on next Tuesdays visit.
I went over to see how Stewart was this morning, he seemed alright.
I offered to help him list all of his thousands of music CD's, perhaps we could make a day each week, and crack on with it, cause it will take ages to compile. I can do it as he wants it, in Excel, and print it out for him when complete. I just hope if he wants to, the clinic do not call me in if the INR level is low on that day, like last week, everyday bar one.
I was thinking earlier, each time I go to the clinic, I have to take: Medication declaration, filled in medical incident report, hearing aids and spare batteries, reading spectacles, pen, documentation  umbrella, hat, food and drink in case I have to wait a long time, list of and sample of medication additions if any, painkillers just in case, something to read... oh, and me!
You've got to laugh.
Just listening to radio about the Norwegian horror, makes my whining complaints infinitesimal, and  insignificant, almost irrelevant.
What is this world coming to, murder and mayhem so rife, no value given to life. 

Sunday 24th July 0645hrs: Good night pain-wise, but very little sleep again, and that was dream infested. Good job I've no appointments, and can have a nap during the day to catch up. 
My nice cyber friend Lynda, from Virginia, in America informed me that they get 'Are you being Served' comedies on TV out there!
That got me digging out my old DVD's of the programme to watch again!
I intend to do as much of nothing as I can manage today!
Thought of the Day: They say Politicians are only human - but is that a good thing?

Monday 25th July 0340hrsGood morning all.
Up early as chest pains bad again, in fact they have moved to the upper left neck area now? Even the codeine tabs and Ibuprofen gel didn't seem to ease them much. I cannot seem to get a straight answer from the doctor about why they are persisting. At the clinic, after talking to other fellow sufferers, it seems some are pain free, others the same as me, in bad pain on and off. One chap at the City Cardiac (patient), said he was told that it was pot luck as to how they managed to wire up the sternum. They have it seems to do it as quickly as possible, and if during the first weeks you put any strain on it, it can take months to heal properly. I don't know, but why are the pains moving all the time? I must ask at the clinic on Tuesday. The odd times when I am free of the pains, it is heaven, and I cheer up a lot. Last night and this morning are more painful than for weeks. Add getting no sleep again, it's not good.
Going to do some more of the laundry mountain today. I'll make sure I split the weight between two bags, as I do not want to risk pulling at the chest any more than needed.
I feel a bit down today I'm afraid, but things may improve if the pains dissipated later.
100hrs: Laundry done, got some cobs, bacon, and cake at shop on way back home. Also called at pharmacist, and asked about stronger Codeine Phosphate and Rampiril tabs - he said he'd contact Surgery, calling in again tomorrow on way back from Anti-coagulation Clinic. (If they don't keep me in for intravenous Warfarin) Going over to see Stewart and Margaret in a while.   
Pains in chest/shoulder/neck seem to be lessening a bit, they should, I've taken 2 codeine, 2 paracetamol, and used the Ibuprofen gel. 

Tuesday 26th July 0545hrs: A better night thank heavens. Got some sporadic kip, and the pains easier than night before! Anticoagulation Clinic today, so must start to get things ready for visit soon. I've decided to walk there today, get some exercise.
Back home again: It took me One and a 1/2 hours to walk there, best time yet. I used bus-pass half way back, and walked the rest (35 min's). Got in, had food, and fell asleep.
The INR level was 2.8, so now I have a week before going again. I did this little ode to them, printed it and took it in to them:
The QMC Anticoagulation Team

I find them to be busy, having to organize, calibrate and calculate,
So very many patients they have to look after and accommodate,
Our INR levels to judge, the prevention of our blood to coagulate,
Our needs and support, they have to measure and anticipate,
With new technology and treatments they have to keep up-to-date,
The amount of pressure upon them, I certainly do not underrate,
It is our health they are trying to improve and ameliorate,
From high standards of service they do not derogate,
Our problems and whims they always try to facilitate,
Their own problems, sickness, absence etc they have to circumnavigate,
The patient’s dignity, I’ve never known them to violate,
Sometimes unavoidable issues, mean patients have a long wait,
This is not their fault, and we must not objurgate,
Of their care and attention, I do not exaggerate,
When I say a big thank you, their dedication I really do appreciate!
They liked it, and one lady asked me if they could use it in the staff magazine, naturally I was tickled pink, and said "Please do!"

Thursday 28th July 0440hrs: Morning all.
Very bad night for chest/shoulder/neck pains. Very little sleep, I feel terrible.
Got up, toileted, made a cuppa, started laptop and blog, took medications (down to six tabs, one medicine and one gel in the mornings now).
Walked to Forest Rd to get tram to Bulwell, and purchased some Breakfast Meals at 4 for £5, and a loaf of bread. Dropped of tram at Forest, and walked home.
Nipped over to see Stewart, didn't stay because he was eating, but he looked good. Margaret who had been bitten my red ants (on her leg) said it was slowly getting better. (Margaret is Stewart' carer)

Friday 29th July: 0525hrs: Slightly better night I'm glad to report, I got some kip in. Although the pains got worse after I got up this morning?

Saturday 30th July: Went over to see Stewart and Margaret, took laptop. We has a laugh and good time listening to old music. Chest bothersome.

Sunday 31st July: Not good this morning. Took extra painkillers.

Monday 1st August: Going to go for a long walk today.
The usual chest and neck pains not any worse than they have been lately, but backache now! (Grrr!) Still cannot lift anything even slightly heavy without severe pain, I'll inquire at next visit (tomorrow) to Cardiac unit if this is normal after 11 weeks. And I'll inquire about the moving chest/shoulder, neck pains too. Putting on a lot of weight as well lately, fast, despite trying to get a lot of exercise in. Blubberman will be my next nickname soon?

Thursday 25th May 2012: Hello, Blubberman speaking!
Currently suffering badly with arthritis in the knees, especially the left one.
Got a cold and sore throat. Nose running all the time.
Painful emissions of wind is worse than ever, don't know why?
Managing to get some walking in though, painful it might be, I do not think it is making the knees any worse.
The Angina is still hit and miss nightly, as is the sleep.
Left saucepan on stove for nine hours yesterday - the baked beans did not want to part company with the saucepan.
Still can't bend down without pain unfortunately, but once walking,  I can cope well enough with it.
I mentioned the dizzy spells to the GP, and she's increased the Rampiril from 2.5mg to 7.5mg daily.
Did some jacket spuds with cheese sauce, black pepper, sea salt, and a nob of olive-oil spread - so tonight will dine regally, with the spuds, smoked kipper in veg sauce, bit of bread, with dried onions, followed by either two (max permitted) biscuits, or plain yogourt with a bit of honey!
And HRM thinks she's got it good?

Sunday 11th June 2012: The arthritis is not too bad today - the angina's a bit worryingly persistent, but the mind is the biggest worry now.
The memory is definitely getting worse.
I'm fed-up with burning saucepans, leaving the heater on, forgetting appointments etc. Biggest concern: I keep falling asleep and thinking it is night but its morning and visa versa, thus taking morning medications instead of evening medications or missing them.
I think the lack of money is making me a bit depressed and sorry for myself, but cannot do anything about it.
Pathetic comes to mind.
Sad innit? 

Monday 18th June 2012
Margaret serving Stewart his meal yesterday

Tuesday 19th June 2012: 
The angina is still bothersome and sometimes worrying.
The arthritis in the hands and knees are easier today by far.
Walked to QMC for Warfarin level tests, and got severe cramps in legs afterwards.
No dizzy spells today - hopefully because the GP has increased my Ramipril dose from 2.5 to 7.5mg daily, and this is having a beneficial effect?
I called in to see Stewart to see how he was going on the way home, seemed in good form bless him.
Margaret looked gorgeous this morning when I took her photo.
Had her hair done differently methinks!
Got in had nosh, fell asleep, and woke up with such cramp pains I think I yelled out!

Monday 16th July 2012
Arthritis in knees not so bad this morning, but the hands are bad. It's horrible when the fingers bend sideways, very frustrating too.
The hernia is bothersome, as it has been for the last few days.
Very few dizzy spells lately though, that's good.
Going to meet brother-in-law Pete this morning, we're going to Mansfield to have a memory walk about. Must call in GP's on the walk into town to catch the bus (Can use free bus-pass), to arrange appointment for CHD (Cardiac Heart Disease) examination.