♥ TFZer Thomas! ♥ |
Morning Thoughts In sad Rhyme
I woke at 04:30, feeling far from normality,
Realised confusion was to be my reality,
The brain working in duality,
Twixt feigned normality and practicality!
In search of an iota of normality,
Thought Storms started, though it's not a rarity,
The thoughts showed incredible insensitivity,
They continued a while showing proclivity,
Suddenly, and with great clarity,
T'was something of a curiosity,
I rose to get spuds ready like it was my destiny?
I couldn't stop looking at it for a while,
It sent my depression into exile!
Then kettle on, a banana I'll eat,
It didn't last long at all!
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Handwashing Done
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Health Checks Tackled
And boy, were they Good!
The Blood Pressure had almost reached the amber level - it's never been that low before! Close, but not this low.
Wee-wee colour was fine. I was having some pain from Anne Gyna again, but not too bad; it's been a lot worse.
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Another Brew, I Photo'd the View
We'd had a good downpour overnight. Not that I was aware of it, it might have been a short sleep, but it was a deep one!
I tried to take shots of different area from the light & view-blocking kitchenette windows. Some of them did not come out very good, these above best the best I could manage with the Canon camera, and Peripheral Pete's unwanted attentions, Ah, well!
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Started Updating Blogger
But Mr Fries Mob Failed Again
So, I went to get the ablutions done and needed another Porcelain Throne visit. I started with the Throne duties first:
I spotted some new telangiectasia varicose veins showing through the right leg.
Not messy, no bleeding, no soreness!
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Stand-Up Ablutions
Not a lot went right, yet nothing disastrous or serious took place, I hope!
I stubbed my left foot, right between the hallux and long toe, against the Dreaded Deadly Sock Glide as I moved it.
Only one mini-cut while shaving.
The teeth cleaning was a little tender.
When I had one of the many dropsies, I bent down to retrieve the razor, and;
An adventitious right leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dance kicked off with a short but brutal momentary flailing performance. I thought it worthy of being performed on stage at the time. Not really! I caught the top side of my head against the door frame as I grabbed it to help keep my balance and avoided going over. It's been such a long time since the last one of these attacks. Ah, well!
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The Medicationalisationing Went Well
The final dropsies were the olive oil dropper bottle, but no harm nor damage. Retrieved it using the short picker-upperer supplied to me by Jenny ♥. From behind the WC bowl. Amazing how they find the least accessible spot to land in! Haha! The feet and toes didn't look too bad at all after the stubbing.
Mind you, the skin is looking a cadaverously welmish, pale colour again?
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Bangs, Knocks & Clattering from the Flat above, again!
Back to the computer, I trotted. I carried on with the updating to the accompaniment of many loud bags and knocks from Herbert's. These annoyances carried on and off for hours, and I was getting a little pee'd off with them.
He might be building a full-sized steam engine or submarine? There's certainly enough noise. Hahaha!
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A Little Late Arrival of the Carer
Nice bloke though, Col. Did the job professionally enough, and he showed concerns, was sociable with it.
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Set Up Template - Then Facebooking
Nicodemus's Neurotransplanters were playing up often. This was the most time consuming and aggravannoying. Humph!
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Anticoagulation DVT Results Delivered
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I was working on the computer, battling the nerve-ends loss, and became aware that a faint noise was buzzing. I found the mobile phone, but it wasn't that... but what was it?
To my sudden amazement, I realised it was the intercom. That has not been working for weeks now? But, of course, it is not loud enough to hear and cut's off far too soon before we can get to answer it. My worry is that it might have been the prescriptions being delivered? But indeed, if so, they would have surely phoned me? I'm confused now! It didn't help with the noise from above going on so long!
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At Long Last - Made a Start on This Blog
Ah, the noise from above has stopped. Fingers crossed. Got some progress done finally.
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Visited the YourArea Email Magazine
Searched for owt of interest
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Sister Jane Sent This Funny for Inclusion
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Got the Meal Made
A taste rating of 8.2 was granted. This does not include the lemon iced mini cake cause I dropped it and have yet to discover where it fell, down between the chairs somewhere, I believe. But using the torch to search didn't reveal anything. Hehe!
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Football Match
Put the TV on to watch a Euro match, but fell asleep well before it started.
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Carer Arrived
Just as well, she woke me up. But I was in a bit of a haze and cannot recall most of what happened with being half-asleep or with it exactly. I think it went well, apart from falling to sleep as she spoke to me. The gal seemed happy as she leaving; I can recall that! I foolishly expected to drop off as soon as I settled back into the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, rusty recliner.
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Attempted To Get Back To Sleep
I cleaned the pots and tried to get back to sleep. But it was no good, sweet Morpheus denied me, and the Thought Storming started! I rose, had a wee-wee, wash, and took a photo of the end of day Sun.
Settled once again, but the Thought Storms were too much for me to zone out! So, I got up and did some work on the blog.
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Got it finished
So tired and weary now, I fell asleep on the computer chair. How I didn't fall off of it, I don't know, but it was a shock when I woke in need of a wee-wee and felt for the arm of the recliner to help myself up, and it wasn't there! Hahaha!