Saturday, 19 June 2021

Inchies Day: Saturday 19th June 2021: Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

 TFZer Thomas!

Liberty-Global - The Customer-Haters!
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Morning Thoughts In sad Rhyme

I woke at 04:30, feeling far from normality,

Realised confusion was to be my reality,

The brain working in duality,

Twixt feigned normality and practicality!

In search of an iota of normality,

Thought Storms started, though it's not a rarity,

The thoughts showed incredible insensitivity,

They continued a while showing proclivity,

Suddenly, and with great clarity,

T'was something of a curiosity,

I rose to get spuds ready like it was my destiny?

Found an odd potato, I had to smile,

I couldn't stop looking at it for a while,

It sent my depression into exile! 

Then kettle on, a banana I'll eat,

By gum, it was so small,

It didn't last long at all!

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Handwashing Done

Only a long sleeve shirt to do... well, there was more, but, sod it! Haha! I still had assistance from Neuropathy Pete to make a lot of mess with the twitching and shaking of my right side limbs. Thanks, Pete! 

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Health Checks Tackled

And boy, were they Good!

The Blood Pressure had almost reached the amber level - it's never been that low before! Close, but not this low.

Wee-wee colour was fine. I was having some pain from Anne Gyna again, but not too bad; it's been a lot worse.

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Another Brew, I Photo'd the View

We'd had a good downpour overnight. Not that I was aware of it, it might have been a short sleep, but it was a deep one!

I tried to take shots of different area from the light & view-blocking kitchenette windows. Some of them did not come out very good, these above best the best I could manage with the Canon camera, and Peripheral Pete's unwanted attentions, Ah, well!

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Started Updating Blogger

But Mr Fries Mob Failed Again

So, I went to get the ablutions done and needed another Porcelain Throne visit. I started with the Throne duties first:

Once again, things were reluctant to start, but I got the crossword book and made a right mess of it. It was a long wait... the motion started suddenly and flowed freely and smoothly once it did begin to escape. 

I spotted some new telangiectasia varicose veins showing through the right leg. 

Not messy, no bleeding, no soreness!

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Stand-Up Ablutions

Not a lot went right, yet nothing disastrous or serious took place, I hope!

I stubbed my left foot, right between the hallux and long toe, against the Dreaded Deadly Sock Glide as I moved it. 

Only one mini-cut while shaving.

The teeth cleaning was a little tender.

When I had one of the many dropsies, I bent down to retrieve the razor, and;


An adventitious right leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dance kicked off with a short but brutal momentary flailing performance. I thought it worthy of being performed on stage at the time. Not really! I caught the top side of my head against the door frame as I grabbed it to help keep my balance and avoided going over. It's been such a long time since the last one of these attacks. Ah, well!

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The Medicationalisationing Went Well

The final dropsies were the olive oil dropper bottle, but no harm nor damage. Retrieved it using the short picker-upperer supplied to me by Jenny ♥. From behind the WC bowl. Amazing how they find the least accessible spot to land in! Haha! The feet and toes didn't look too bad at all after the stubbing.

Mind you, the skin is looking a cadaverously welmish, pale colour again?

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Bangs, Knocks & Clattering from the Flat above, again!

Back to the computer, I trotted. I carried on with the updating to the accompaniment of many loud bags and knocks from Herbert's. These annoyances carried on and off for hours, and I was getting a little pee'd off with them.

He might be building a full-sized steam engine or submarine? There's certainly enough noise. Hahaha!

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A Little Late Arrival of the Carer

Nice bloke though, Col. Did the job professionally enough, and he showed concerns, was sociable with it.

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Set Up Template - Then Facebooking

Nicodemus's Neurotransplanters were playing up often. This was the most time consuming and aggravannoying. Humph!

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Anticoagulation DVT Results Delivered

This morning, I told the carer, Col, that the INR DVT (Deep Vein Anticoagulation) clinic had phoned me with the results and new dosages of Warfarin. Which, naturally, he was unsure if they were right or not! Now they have arrived, with a new test due on Monday, things should be clearer for them.

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I was working on the computer, battling the nerve-ends loss, and became aware that a faint noise was buzzing. I found the mobile phone, but it wasn't that... but what was it?

To my sudden amazement, I realised it was the intercom. That has not been working for weeks now? But, of course, it is not loud enough to hear and cut's off far too soon before we can get to answer it. My worry is that it might have been the prescriptions being delivered? But indeed, if so, they would have surely phoned me? I'm confused now! It didn't help with the noise from above going on so long!

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At Long Last - Made a Start on This Blog

Ah, the noise from above has stopped. Fingers crossed. Got some progress done finally.

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Visited the YourArea Email Magazine

Searched for owt of interest

It must be a slow news day? Hehehe!

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Sister Jane Sent This Funny for Inclusion

So, I inclusioned it! Hahaha!

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Got the Meal Made

A taste rating of 8.2 was granted. This does not include the lemon iced mini cake cause I dropped it and have yet to discover where it fell, down between the chairs somewhere, I believe. But using the torch to search didn't reveal anything. Hehe!

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Football Match

Put the TV on to watch a Euro match, but fell asleep well before it started.

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Carer Arrived

Just as well, she woke me up. But I was in a bit of a haze and cannot recall most of what happened with being half-asleep or with it exactly. I think it went well, apart from falling to sleep as she spoke to me. The gal seemed happy as she leaving; I can recall that! I foolishly expected to drop off as soon as I settled back into the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, rusty recliner.

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Attempted To Get Back To Sleep

I cleaned the pots and tried to get back to sleep. But it was no good, sweet Morpheus denied me, and the Thought Storming started! I rose, had a wee-wee, wash, and took a photo of the end of day Sun.

Settled once again, but the Thought Storms were too much for me to zone out! So, I got up and did some work on the blog.

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Got it finished

So tired and weary now, I fell asleep on the computer chair. How I didn't fall off of it, I don't know, but it was a shock when I woke in need of a wee-wee and felt for the arm of the recliner to help myself up, and it wasn't there! Hahaha!

Inchies Day - Friday 18th June 2021: Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

 Friday 18th June 2021

 ♥ TFZer Jillie - Australian Newshound

Morning Thoughts of Confusion

An Ode of sorts...

23:45, Late to bed, 05:40, late to rise,

Porcelain Throne needed,

Getting up seemed wise,

Thought Storms; they'd not receded,

From the recliner my body I did prise,

Common sense desperately needed,

The evacuation was painfully slow, giant size!

Crosswording, as the rear end, it bleeded,

Clump, thud, splosh... Oh! my cries!

Then cleaning up and medications proceeded,

No one here to sympathise...

Not that this was what I needed,

When I stubbed my toe, that was unwise,

My early morning Accifauxpas were exceeded!

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I felt like I'd just passed some andesite?

The carer was so late last night,

Little sleep, I felt in a right plight,

I looked in the mirror, a horrendous sight!

The toes look like they had blight?

Lack of blood? I was very white,

The rear end still hurt; things felt very tight?

Cleaned, Germoloided, it was a bit of a fight,

Hurt so much, my head felt dizzy and light?

20g Codeine, to ease the pain of the shite,

Realised I looked a terrible sight,

So I cleaned my spectacles with 'SpecsBright',

Saturdays view after the storm was nice and bright,

Wish someone had told me it was Friday...

And not Thursday night!

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Health Checks Tended to 

Oh, I am a good lad!

The BP SYS had gone back up a bit. The DIA was at 71, the same as yesterday. The pulse seemed to be maintaining some level readings now. Pulse and Temperature were both fine. The wee-wee chart level had gone up one, which is a good thing. Apart from the blood pressure back up, things looked good!

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Hello, back to the Porcelain Throne!

A similar evacuation mode was suffered, but with far less content. However, the bleeding was pretty bad again. Medicationing needed!

I cleaned everything up, and I got the new tube of Germaloid Ointment and fetched the last Phorpain tube from the medical box. And took a Codeine straight away. Cause the rear end was having a ball with the pain-giving this Friday! See, I got the day right! Hehehe!

I'm a smidge worried about perhaps running out of painkillers. I'm hoping that the chemist is going to deliver the prescriptions this Saturday Oh, dearie me!

The Phorpain was used to give Arthur Itis and Cathy Cartilage some relief. Well rubbed-in, and I used rather more than I should have, bearing in mind the limited supply. Hopeful of a prescription delivery tomorrow.

On the brighter side, there were no toe-stubbings, shoulder bashing, or any bother with Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters... the swine usually reserves his attacks for when I'm shaving or using the computer. Grumph!

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Meridian Morning Carer Arrives

Care Pamela arrived just after seven o'clock, and I mentioned last night's carer's lateness, but not complaining about this. I am aware that problems come now and then. It's just with the VD; I tend to panic a bit and think I've missed something, a message, instruction... meaning I may have forgotten.

Tsk! I had been told not to touch the medications in the bag. Not that there are many left now to touch. Pamela was a little defensive, but I hastily told her I was complaining about the carer being late, just its effect on me. I need some concrete instructions on what to do in case it happens again. Not much sleep was attained through staying up so late, and I did appreciate the gal getting here, despite whatever 'problems' had delayed her. She was calm and collected and sorted the medication out as I rambled on about, I know not what. Hehehe!

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Computerisationing Started at last

I got the updating on yesterday's post completed, sent off, emailed the link, and went to make a brew of Glengettie.

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Caught Up with Facebooking

TFZer and Winwood Heights visited.

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Sidetracked WordSearching for Odes!

The brain just thought it was a good idea at the time to select from rhyming words for use later in my pathetic odes. Over three-and-a-half hours later, I'd gathered them... Plonker!

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Made a Start on This Blog

Very belatedly!

I was doing reasonably well... then... Mr Fries controlled Liberty-Global who bought out Virgin Media, failed on me again!

Makes me sick! Virgin on the ridiculous, now!

I used CorelDraw to make some graphics up, I need them anyway. This is the first one I made. Thank you, Mr Fries!

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Late Ablutions completed

A danged messy affair I'm afraid. The usual timing to do as much damage as possible from Neuropathic Pete! I don't think I've ever had so many dropsies - that many I got backache from picking things up, cause I was fed-up with using the picker upperer so often. Humph! 

Still, I avoided any toe stubbing.

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Got the Nosh prepped and Served

By the time I'd cleaned up after cooking and serving, the meal had transformed into a cold one. But that didn't matter, it tasted fine! The Polish bacon was tasty, the only things dodgy was the tasteless Morrisons mandarin in jelly and the wormlike-ridden Cox's apple.

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Carer Came 19:15hrs

I was eating the nosh at the time, not that it mattered at all, with it being cold anyway. Hehe! Pamela (I think was her name), soon had me sorted out with the medications, and was in a chin-waggable mood, which was great! I thanked her muchly, and off she trotted.

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England v Scotland Match

I settled to view the football. But somehow just knew that I was going to nod off - and I damn-well annoyingly did, too! Grrr!

Having read the result and comments on the BBC Sports site, when I woke up, I am now contentedly glad that I fell asleep!

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My EQ Spoketh to Me!

Emotional intelligence (otherwise known as emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.

As I was battling to get back into the land of nod, and without any Thought Storms, my EQ was messaging me! He's not been talking to me so often lately?

As usual, the content was vague, yet positive. Vague in detail, positive that something is going to occur tomorrow, that will have me fretting and worrying. And it will, my EQ is never wrong! 

I sense a late Carer call may be part of it? But I am often wrong with my analysis.

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Keep Safe!

Friday, 18 June 2021

Inchies Day - Thursday 17th June 2021: Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

♥ TFZeress! ♥

Hint, hint?

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 Thursday 17th June 2021
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Morning Ode

My feet were hurting from hobbling out apace, 

The Dentist left me with a contorted face,

Yet my faith, I continue to embrace,

My kind thoughts, I'll not debase!

But, when I'm visiting cyberspace,

Irritations will evolve and surface,

 I forgot what I was writing; it's commonplace!

I'll change the rhyme and typeface... 

Oh, dear, I just passed wind, Phwoar!

This could be a messy visit, I auger!

And it was gooey, for sure,

Knocked my shoulder against the door,

Fret not, it's not too painful or sore,

Later on, I may write some more,

Even though this ode is bazaar & poor!

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Woke in a Rush About Mode!

Panic, flapping about, got things ready for a busy morning dawning. Got in a pickle with starting things and making a brew or taking a wee-wee and forgot what I was doing earlier! Eventually, I calmed down and...

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Got the Healthchecks Done

Well, look at these results, will you? Phenomenal! Brilliant! Much better!

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Morning Views from the Kitchen

Not the best photographs I've ever taken, but it was a little hazy out there, and the storm last night. I'm not too displeased with them.

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Computer Problems Humph!

The card reader would not work, CorelDraw stopped letting me use keyboard shortcuts.

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Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters Go on Strike

Got in a right mess with losing the sense of touch. Hours lost!

Carer Natalie Called

All sorted, no problems, bless her. ♥

INR Nurse Came and took the Blood

Managed a little natter and laugh while she took the blood sample for me.

Window Cleaner Arrived

Soon had sorted out. Booked next call for 09:30hrs, 15th July. 

Ablutions sorted

The legs were looking a little worse for wear this morning. I don't know why?

Readied to get the bus to Bulwell, Morrisons

Thought the no open inner passageway out to the bus stop, caught the bus, not many on it, but it filled a bit en route to Morrisons.

Arrived, I got inside and spent a while shopping. Paid and loaded up the trolley guide and out to the bus stop again.

Realised I'd got the timing wrong again, so had a long bash at the crossword book.

Got on the bus, continued with the crosswording, and took off my Andy Cap. Rather wittily I thought, the driver turned back to me and said: 'Sorry, I've not got any loose change, mate!' I did larf!

No passenger got on for ages; I was beginning to think I might have got on the wrong bus?

Back home, went through the link passage, got up into the flat, sorted the purchases away, and prepared a meal.

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Home is where the heart is!

The fodder was given an 8/10 for its flavour rating. I ate the whole lot of it!

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Washed the pots up

Then had a wash and put some Phorpain Gel on the poor tootsies and plates.

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Perused the YourArea Emagazine

Found Some Snippets...

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Phone Call Came In

I'd nodded off again and was not really entirely with it when he called. The realisation that it was time for the carer to call but hadn't confused the brain a little. (Easily done nowadays!) Not that it was too difficult before the VD arrived, Tsk!

The Anticoagulation DVT man told me that the INR level had shot up to 6.1 and asked if I'd taken tonights dose yet. I said no, and explained about the Carers calling to give me the medications.

Mentioning that Meridian now do the Carer providing, as the previous ones gave me the wrong medications on many occasions. All okay now, though. 

He gave me the new dosages: Tonight none - Fri 1½ - Sat 2 -Sun 2. Next Blood test Monday.

He did not recognise Meridian and asked for their telephone number, which I got off of the folder they keep in the flat with the instructions etc., for the Carers use.

He's going to get in touch with them? I'd already told him things were okay now with this company, but he seemed a tad annoyed, judging by the tone of his speech?

I was, I'm sure, told not to worry over anything regarding the medications now; we will sort it all for you. Which, at the time, cheered me considerably. But now, I'm agitated again.

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It's now gone 20:30hrs, and no carer has arrived. I hope whoever was coming have not had an accident. But what do I do now? I was told not to touch the medications as the Carers will be responsible for them, issuing restocking etc. Oh, dear me! At least there are no Warfarin to take tonight. But am I bold enough to dig into the bag and try to sort out the other tablets? Just don't know what to do! 

Wait and see if anyone arrives, I suppose. I know the Atorvastatin is one of them at nights, and I knew not to take any Warfarin tonight.

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♥ Aha! Carer Arrives ♥

A different Carer arrived, saying she was sorry she was so late (21:00hrs). Her name was Eliska, so now, along with Hristina, I have two beautifully named callers! ♥

 She even worked out for me what the ribbon referred to in the Duraphac 5000 prescription toothpaste instructions. Bless her. The 2cm Ribbon is the length of toothpaste to use and must be kept rigidly. Now I have to work out (ask Mr Google) what 2cm is in Olde English?

A nice young lady she was, patient with me. I told her of the Anticoagulation call. I was shattered when she went, but I gave her an ice cream lolly to eat on her way home. Hehe!

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Sweet Morpheus Resisted!
Getting to sleep was no easy thing. Which was irking me somewhat, considering how late it was and that I was so tired and drained mentally. Hergrumptlesomeness!

If I do ever get to sleep in the morning, I fear I  may not wake up in time for the Carer.

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Closing Imitation Ode

Life is such a swine at times, 

My newly found ability to fret and worry,

Over anything and everything, chimes,

The brain works slow, it's not in a hurry,

Often I feel guilty as if I'd committed crimes,

I often escape the logic and memory ecurie,

Thought Storms invade at bedtimes!

I miss my long gone mates and their cajolery

I can get depressed and blue, sometimes,

My Thought Storms are often self-annihilatory,

Occasionally, I can hear the door chimes,

My odes contain verbal embroidery,

Life is such a swine at times!

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Still, what can yer do?