Saturday, 3 July 2021

Inchies Day: Friday 2nd July 2021: Diary, graphics, photographicalisations, and the odd ode.

Just Perfect!

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Friday 2nd July 2021

Regretfully, a bad start to the day today. After the carer called, I sank into the darkness of depression. And started to be affected by the VD. As Tim Price suggested, I'll call what I suffered SD-VD. (Sudden Depression & Vascular Dementure), I like that! 

This was eleven hours ago. I felt the urge to write about how I felt, hoping someone who knows about this stuff reads it.

The peripheral neuropathy gave me some problems trying to use the computer, with Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters packing up on and off all day long. Up to now anyway. 

So this Inchies Day is going to be a bare one on details, sorry. The evening carer is due shortly.

The memory is a bit, no, very hazy. Sorry.


Feeling a little better now. Here is the link for the ode if you've not seen it.
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I'm going to get something to eat now, back in a bit, folks.

Ate most of it, then got the TV on to watch the Euro matches. Which I did, in a fashion...

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Carer June Arrived

Poor gal had to do both sessions today, morning and evening. To cover for carers calling in late, sick again. Told me I have a bloke coming in the morning.

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Two Euro Matches To Watch!

Well, try to anyway. The weariness and fatigue ensured there was no chance of my staying awake for any period over two minutes. Totally farcical - why I didn't just give up, I don't know! But there you go... so did I, to sleep!

Friday, 2 July 2021

Ode To Sudden Depression and Vascular Dementia

 Ode To Depression and VD

Emotions so changeable, unpracticable, unpredictable,

Memory lapses & blanks, midst Thought Storms, unresolvable,

Some, uninterpretable, all uncontrollable!

Self-hating thoughts, yet ungraspable...

Vicious verbal attacks, somewhat ungainsayable

Yet, minutes later, I felt gay, unflappable?

Only to sink back down; Incredible!

The gloom of depression, damned extirpable!

A wee-wee was taken, and I felt sulliable,

  Then I could have gone to the ball!

No depression around at all!

Ten minutes later, the darkness did fall!

I swore at this, in a low Nottingham drawl,

Up and down things went, Gawd, it was dismal!

No chance of feeling relaxable,

My sanity was questionable,

Then, a few minutes of remediable,

Semi-contentment, I did feel!

Depression took a regrip; it was diabolical!

Attacking, then self-removal?

Coming and going was remarkable,

This pattern was unbudgeable,

One moment. I seemed unattackable!

My smug attitude was uncrackable,

Then back to the darkness, so degradable,

Out of the blue, a while feeling amiable?

Again, I seemed so unflappable,

A polymorphic period, nowt controversial,

Then sod it, back to the abominable,

Uncontrolled lugubriosity, 

For an aperiodicity,

The darkness returned, the audacity!

I suppose, because of my caducity?

I silently let rip my built-up causticity,

I blame my own complicity,

I got Anne Gyna's pains, like electricity, 

Which is such a flaming pity!

I pray for a visit from friendly felicity,

I hope she arrived in fecundity!

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Not one of my betterer days, Sorry!

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Inchies Day - Thursday 1st July 2021: Diary, graphics, photographicalisations, and the odd ode.

TFZer Ruth, Accusationally pointing something out... Haha!

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Thursday 1st July 2021

05:30hrs: The mastodonic bellied blogger awoke. In his usual confused, 'What day is it?', condition. As the last few Thoughts Storms gave up the battle to bother him, due to no response, disappeared, an involuntary blast from his rear end sort of exploded! It came to a phut-puttering end. A weak limpid 'Oh!' was uttered, and the battle to get to the Porcelain Throne in time commenced. Well, what a farce it was too! He bumbled and fumbled his way out of the £300, second-hand, c1968 recliner, and onto his feet, with incredible ease, and caught his balance.

Off to the Throne Room, banging his right shoulder against the doorframe going in the wet room. Settled down on the raised seat and thought about having a go at the crossword book, but the motion started straight away, and did it keep coming? Yes, it did! A rare but definite victory for Trotsky Terence over Constipation Konrad. Messy, phooey, massive, and needed ages to get things (the bowl and me) cleaned up afterwards.

The top of the legs had acquired some more mystery blotches to go with the old ones in various conditions. Some dying off; others were seemingly coming up.

On the bright side, there was no bleeding, no pain, and it was all over quickly. Hehe!

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Handwashing -Waste Bags Sorted

I felt a smidge more 'with-it' today. Physically, not necessarily mentally, yet.

I got the made in Afghanistan long-sleeved grey tee-shirt done, wrung and hung.

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Toque Blanche adorned:  Metaphorically

I went into food-prepping mode!

The potatoes first, and after removing the blighted and bruised ones from the Morrison bag of Baby Potatoes, I took these snaps below of them. A second one to show the second form the left spud's other side. Hehe!

Put the few decent potatoes in the crockpot and got the chopping board out to prepare the leeks to join the spuds... but found this mystery mark on the underside of the board? Hmm!

I could not remove the mess on the board using a wire brush, bleaching, nor Mr Muscle stain remover! So I left the board to soak in the bowl, washing up liquid, caustic soda and bleach in it. An hour or so later, I returned to check it out. It had hardly diminished at all? I threw it away, and I dug out one I had in from the rubbish room. On the carton label, I found that it was delivered in August 1989. Ahem!

Then, I got the leeks added to the mini-potatoes in the slow-cooker.

All done but not sorted, I made a cuppa and planned to do the Health Checks.

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Second Porcelain Throne Visit!

But No! For a second calling to the Porcelain Throne arrived, off to the wet room.

Oh, dear! Almost a carbon copy of the first visit, but more of it and slightly less solid. Cleaned and washed up again. 

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I delved into the Health Check routine

The Blood Pressure was back up again. The pulse was good (I think), the Wee-wee colour was fine! But it's been higher.

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At last, I got On The Computer!

Hah! It was hard work, so many errors made that needed ever correcting, then I'd make the same ones again! Blogger didn't help when it stopped me from changing the text colouring! Grrr! The concentration joined the memory and got lost. I part-sorted out the current photographs, then I made a start on this diary!

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Carer Carole Arrived

08:10hrs: Care Carole came in. At least, I think her name was Carole. I get so confused with the memory doing a bunk on me, you know. Tsk! We had a chinwag which I enjoyed greatly as she dosed me up. I thanked her, and off she shot; a busy day for her today, she told me.

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Third Porcelain Throne Visit!

Well, it was practically a liquid evacuation this time! Despite this, it needed several flushes and extra buckets of water to rid the product from the bowl! Hehehe! They say things happen in threes - I do hope so, and this will be the last visit today. I'm feeling a little squeezy inside now.

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Photographic Check on the Workings Below

I went to make another brew of Glengettie. I might get around to drinking one this time! It seems we have a new equipment storage container on Chestnut Walk.

Har-Har! It looks like another temporary compound will be needed for the workmen's gear and tackle to be stored in? Well, the pigeon has no problem parking.

The time is flashing by!

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Checked the Waste Bag Box

There laying on top was the cutting board, clinging onto it, the mystery stain! Haha!

By this afternoon, it will be filled and wanting to be emptied. So I'll get my shoes on and do it now! Oh, I am good!

I had to laugh out loud at my own antics with the long shoe horn this time. How the heck I got it stuck twixt shoe and heel, I can't grasp. But then again, there's an awful lot of stuff I can't understand nowadays. Hehe!

 Off with the walker and box to the Chute room.

And it went so well, too. No walking into anything en route, and once in, no finger trapping, dropsies, toe-stubbing or ankle bashing whatsoever!

Bit of a Smug-Mode coming on now!

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Made A Sainsbury's Order

For next week

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Made An Iceland Order

For tomorrow 06:00 > 08:00hrs

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Well Shattered Now!

Going to get the nosh done.

Braising steak, potatoes and veg, with smoked chilli, liquid smoke, passata, Squid vinegar, and leeks. It took a lot of time and concentration to prepare. But, having made a similar meal twice in the last week, I was confident of success! (Big mouth!) It smelt terrific as I plated it... sat to eat.

Argh! The beef was horrid! Spit! Tough as leather, but tasted worse!

Ah, well, you can't win 'em all, I suppose!

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Updated This Blog - Nodded Off

I woke in an hour or so, care due shortly, so I started tomorrow's template.

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Carer Arrived

Looking strained, and she was feeling somewhat tired and had a lot more calls to do yet. Poor thing, I hope she goes on alright.

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Updated & Posted This Blog

Took me hours to do; my eyelids were drooping...

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Few Crap Thoughts In Crap Ode

Got my head down, hopefully, to sleep.

Thought Storms came, full of cleep,

Fears and worries tormenting and deep,

Little Inchies lesion began to seep...

Up for a wee, I wanted to weep!

I could give up! Life's not worth a heap!

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More Crap Thoughts In Crap Ode

Wish not for the hopes of pure desire,

Let your love set a fire,

A flame of passion, not barbed wire,

Oh, if it's terrible odes that you require?

I'm the man of whom to inquire!

Be warned, if you do wish to buy any of Inchies Customised Designer Odes, they have been known to cost as much as up to 20p - 25p each!

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Wednesday 30th June 2021: Diary, graphics, photographicalisations, and the odd ode.

♥ TFZer Model ♥

Good Morning!

Wednesday 30th June 2021

Mysterious Awakening!

I must have been relatively 'with-it' when I first woke up. For I later found some, which had been neatly written on the pad on the ottoman for me. I used these to help me find what I'd been up to! However, what took place in the first hour or so of wakefulness remains in part and vague mystery to me.

It seems I woke at 05:00 hours, feeling hazy. Got the computer on, made a brew, and made up some waste bags; before utilising the Porcelain Throne, the only description of the session was 'bad'?

Then, I recall finding these two pictures I'd taken on the SD card. A view from last night and a photo of the meal that I cannot remember making or eating? 

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Memory Blanks!

It shouldn't be a laughing matter, but somehow I can see the humour in this situation. I should feel sombre or morbid about it, I suppose?

I anticipate that things will worsen with my vascular dementia and expect not to recognise these things eventually. That, I admit, I'm am a little scared of.

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a new carer, Carol, called

I was feeling a lot better now, but not entirely with it still. I thought the lady had called before, and I made a fool of myself.

As Cathy sorted the medications, stuttering Stephanie was a nuisance, and she was thorough and asked if I'd had anything to eat yet. I wish I'd said yes in reply now, instead of " I can't remember!" A lovely natured gal, she listened to whatever I was saying, whatever that was.


I assume I mentioned the new can opener because I found us both in the kitchen, and she got it set up, working for me. ♥

Opened a tin of peas and put them in a saucepan. Bless her.

 A shame, but within seconds of the gal leaving, having been thanked graciously, what had taken place had not been too fully logged into the brain box. Worried me a tad! I'm sure we spoke of some other topic, but I have no certainty about that. I do know that I felt uplifted after Carol's visit. I think I started to sing to myself? ♥ 

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Facebooking, Emailed Blog Link

Unequivocally, I was suffering again from a lack of concentration. The mind sort of meandering along without much in the way of concern for any consequences?

But, I believe things are less bothersome than they were earlier on? Of course, this can be a form of blind hopefulness.

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Searched The Local News

I opened the Your Area Emagazine to see if owt interesting was going on locally.

Not all good news, is it!

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Virgin Media Down Again!




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Got the Nosh Prepped

I was angry, fuming, pissed-off, had enough, and in a Liberty-Global, Virgin Media Internet hating mood, like never before!

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Fell Asleep After Eating

Woke up after an hour or so and realised that I had not needed or taken a wee-wee for hours! Funny what you worry about, innit?

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The Carer Is Due Soon

I had a drink of orange juice and got on with updating this blog. Added the labels and made a start on a new template.

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Late Hazy Sunshine

So, I took two photos from the balcony. Oh, and I threw in a rare shot of me, almost laughing! The end of Chestnut Walk and the new car parking spaces being built.

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Evening Ode

So, good luck remains vastly overdue,

Many happenings today, that I rue,

Memory loss, and Colin Cramps, Ooh!

Made a meal, a nice chilli stew...

Sadly that was dropped on the floor too!

Took hours to make it - Whoopsiedangleplop!

Thankfully, it wasn't cordon bleu,

A new carer, one of the kind few,

I walked into a door; the bruise turned blue,

Phorpain gel and tablets, what a todo!

As a character on TV said, 'Yabbadabbadoo!'

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Care Pamela (I think) arrived at 18:40hrs. She was looking tired, bless her.

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I'm not sure why or how, but I had missed putting in the results of the Health Checks I made early this morning?

Probably, possibly, mayhaps, conceivably, perhaps, feasibly or debatably, due to the funny turn I had on waking up, I suppose.

I'll try my best to avoid having such a spasm again in the morning.

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Updated & Posted This Blog To Blogger

It was a bogger for this blogger. I had Shaking Shaun visit me! The bugger!

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Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Tuesday 29th June 2021: Diary, graphics, photographicalisations, and the odd ode.

 Tuesday 29th June 2021

Two TFZer Oz Gals on the Beach

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There's not going to be much in this blog, folks. A busy day ahead. (Planned, at least) I hope the carer comes early to get the bus to Morrisons for the bread, treats, leeks and potatoes, and other sundries.
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Then get back in time for the England v Germany match in the Euros. Not that I honestly have a lot of faith in a victory, but there is a possibility... I hope, of an England win? MY EQ tells me we will win? Can he be wrong for the first time? I do hope not! I'll most likely fall asleep at half-time and miss the second half! We'll see.

Of course, if the carer is three hours late again, there will have to be another enforced change of my plans for the rest of the day. Tsk!

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Wee-wee, Kettle on and did the Health Checks

Damn it, the Blood Pressure was back up again. Ah, well, can't be helped! But, on the other hand, I imagine that the three-hour late given medications yesterday morning might have played a part.

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Porcelain Throne Visited

I anticipated another struggle again. But no! All very smooth, although a little messier.

While I was in the wet room, I got the Ablutions tackled. In case the Carer came early... Oh, dearie me, what am I saying?

Then washed a long sleeve t-shirt, done, rung and hung it over the sink.

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Waste Bags, Photo & a Brew

Waste bags made up. Placed in the box on top of the walker-guide trolley.

Photo of the late morning view.

No Carer yet, but it is early for them.

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Carer gal ♥ arrived, sorted me out

Rushed about to get the bus on time to Morrisons. Fingers crossed!

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Route to the Bus Stop

Along the passageway to Winwood Court and the ILC's Holding Cell, and I managed a chat with ILC (Independent Living Coordinator),  Oberstgruppenfuhreress, Warden and Ballet Dancer, Deana. Unfortunately, carer Nichola passed, and we had little laugh between us.

Right made my day that did! 

Off to the bus stop, where I had another gossip with Christine, Jean and few others. I do love a verbal get together. Took a couple of photos, Winchester & Winwood Court

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Bus Ride To Morrisons

The pains from the ticker were easing off, but the sin was looking welmish a cadaverous pallor. I expect it to gain some colour as the day goes on - I hope so!

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Morrison Shopping - Accifauxpas!

I looked at the timetable for the L19 bus, 50 minutes past the hour. (Hehehe!) and decided I could get the stuff and be out in time to catch the next bus home.

I got carried away and bought far too much fodder, but I wasn't bothered in the slightest at the time. I just wanted to get home in time to watch the football match. I had a funny turn at the check-out; a chap came to ask if I was alright and tell me I looked terribly ashen! Thanked him for his concern. Feeling a little better as I did so.

I left the store with the walker bag packed, and two large carrier bags hanging on the handles!

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To The Bus stop Whoopsiedangleplop!

What a dunderhead! I'd got the time wrong for the bus home earlier. It was 40 minutes passed, not 50! Hence, I missed it, and the next one was due in an hour! Humph!

What to do?

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I decided to walk into Bulwell -Fool!

It was a decent walk, and it was cluttered with the damned Escooters!

The feet were stinging, I had hobble faster than was really safe, then Back-Pain-Brenda started to play up. Eventually, having avoided being knocked over a couple of times, I arrived in Bulwell Front Street.

I had to abandon my belated plan to buy a watch strap, as when I got in the Market Place, there were only a few minutes to spare before the bus departed, so I made for the platform.

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Knackered Out, I got on the Bus

When I took off my Andy Cap and put it on the Trolley guides basket top, the sweat partly filled the grey tray and ran down my head into the neck area - most uncomfortable!


But worse was to come... The wild ride of the old single-decker bus, the jerking and bouncing over the speed bumps, started poor old ailment Back-Brenda off again, and it was agony; I had no painkillers with me either.

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Back To Winwood Heights

After the hour-plus uncomfortable ride back to the flats, I was not in very good shape physically or mentally, I'm afraid.

I took it steady; on the way home, Back Pain Brenda was not getting any better. Limping through the connection passage twixt Winwoo and Woodthorpe Courts.

I did stop to take photos of the overgrown weeds that had taken over the grass area in the rear seating benches area. They might be weeds, but they looked so beautiful.

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Passage, Lift Up to The Flat

I got the Morrison things sorted out, opened a carton of orange juice, and sat down in the £300, second-hand circa1968 recliner.

 Took off the trews, pain-gelled the feet, knees and back as best I could. Got the football match on the TV and treated myself to an ice-cream lollipop. Then, I was just too tired to do anything else. I fell asleep at halftime.

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Carer Jane Arrived

She watched a little of the game with me, and we gossiped a bit in between. Nice gal. 

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And What A Result!

So, my EQ was correct again in his forecast! This is too much joy for me, you know... First, France going out (Divine Bliss), now England win.  
Finally, to end a 55-year wait for a knockout tie victory over Germany! Grrreat!

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UpDated This Blog

It took me hours to catch up to here.

Made a meal, braised steak in rich onion gravy, and some spuds and peas added.

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Got this Diary ended & Posted

Not sure what happened afterwards? But I woke up several hours later, not even remembering eating the meal?

Ode To The Day

A day full of abnormality,

Little if any practicality,

Nowt to make me feel jaunty,

France losing brought some merrity,

Beating Germany, great gaiety,

Whoopsiedanglepops being in the majority,

Oh, I've just managed a wee-wee,

There's a reason for some glee?

Shit! Stubbed my toe, silly me!

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Palmed in a haze of instability,

Which may appear to be stupidity?

By the losing reality, Inchy,

Likely, it's his worst ever ditty!