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♥ Mary & Gerry getting charged up? ♥ |
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I semi-stirred and had a natter with Teddy Ted & Koala Katie.
The Blood-Pressure had gone from in the green yesterday, up into the second-stage Red section! Erm, I'm perplexed!
Of course, with me being such a young, fit, attractive health fanatic as wot I am... Oh, never mind then! Hehe!
I came out of it in an instant, which I usually do, but had no idea why I'd seem to lose myself. I mentioned this once to the doctor; She listened patiently, then said, "Any other problems?" I didn't bother her again!
This car with the probationary 'P' plate was there a few times this week. So, I assume it is a carer or nurse, perhaps?
They were all small bags, so no bother or accifauxpas suffered.
Once the flow began, it was all clean, not messy at all, painless and bloodless!
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03:10hrs: Reality returned, in a fashion, and I noted that the feet were clearer this morning, and no Colin Cramps - Yee-Haa!
I rose to have an even more reluctant than yesterday wee-wee. At least it didn't spray all over the place this time. I think there was more AMD (After-Micturition-Dribbling) than actual wee-wee?
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Stripped of the Clothing
And went for a stand-up wash and shaving session, during which I needed three more wee-wees, that combined, might have just filled a coffee cup? Well, nearly!
On the bright side of things, the knees were looking much better today.
The legs had gone back to fat at the top and skinny at the bottom?
However, the ablutioning went exceptionally well for once. In total, only about five dropies, and just one tiny nick shaving, no accifauxpas either, not a single knock, dizzy or banging into anything. Hard to believe, I know, even I was confused.
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Tended To The Health Checks
Fingers Crossed
The result? Oh, dearie me!
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Started on this blog
But not for long!
Number-cruncher, manipulator, and Virgin Internet destroyer, CEO of Liberty-Global Mike Fries, ensured that.
Down Again! Grrr!
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Made a Brew!
I swore a lot, then perambulated my chubby-wobbly body out onto the balcony to see how many cars were parked in the end car park. Not a lot - None!
Not that you can tell by this horrible photo I took. I should have got the Kodak out with it being so dark. Ah, well!
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Eventually, Fries, #ucked Up Internet came back on
Pressed On Updating
It took me another three hours to get yesterdays post finalised, checked and sent off to Blogger.
Then, got back on finishing the Facebooking disturbing. The uncaring, Liberty-Global CEO Mike Fries had interrupted with one of his many failures and the Virgin Media internet going done for the 39th time this week! These skills he must have at number-crunching and toying with figures must have impressed his bosses, if he has any, enough to pay the Mammonistic, acquisitive, grasping, materialistic, gluttonous, hoarding, money-grabbing, predatory, rapacious, unscrupulous, cunning, reprehensible Mr Fries, over $22million a year, plus expenses, and no doubt back-handers are thrown in?
Still, it doesn't bother me!
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Refilled Spring Water Bottles
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The Haze came over me!
No depression or irascibleness, just the vagueness and almost pretty total loss the memory for a while, just a few minutes.
Where was I? Oh, yes, I was standing looking at the recliner, again why I don't know. But I took a photo of it, for some reason or other?
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A Normality Returned
Carer Valerie rang the buzzer and came in. She was looking less stressed than yesterday, which pleased me.
Val got the medications sorted, as she was doing them, I had a look at the end car park - bejesus, a car had parked!
Valerie was soon off on her rounds but seemed happier, bless her.
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Took the Bags to the Chute
I was secretly hoping that Valerie would take them on her way out. Which was cheeky of me - Naughty Inchie!
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Porcelain Throne Duties
Another unwilling to start session. Which suited me cause I did very well starting crossword 101, the best start in a long time. I was almost sad when the torpedo forced its way into the pan. Hahaha!
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Back To Finish Facebooking
Not too easy a job, I'd forgotten which and where I put which photos in the albums. Heck of a job sorting things out!
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Finally Got This Post Started
Gone noon, now! After doing a bit of it, I had to go on CorelDraw to make up some graphics; I'm right out of them now!
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Beautiful Sky
Not the Nosh Made
Evening Carer Sobia
I ate the nosh and put the tray down, and I fell promptly asleep for two hours or so. I was woken by the incoming Carer Sobia, who didn't mess about, no time for a natter, got the medications done professionally, made me farewell and shot off.
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I Got On With This Blog
Completed it, checked it so that Blogger could change my formatting, font size alignments etc. Posted it off, set up a template for tomorrow, and didn't bother with Facebooking. I knew $22m a year salaried Libert-Global Virgin Media Internet would go down, as it had done every day for the last eight days when I went on Facebooking, CEO? Phwert!
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