Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Monday 26th April 2021:

Venerations, Bloggers!

♥ TFZer Scooteress - with refreshments ♥

USA Covid-19 Funny

Monday 26th April 2021

Croatian: Ponedjeljak, 26. Travnja 2021

02:15hrs: I woke, trying to recall details of the seemingly long dream that I'd had, and found squashed in the stomachs folds of mountainous proportions, the notepad, with notes already made, which I assumed I wrote last night? I tried to sort them, but some were unreadable, others were gin clear - which made me wonder if I'd woken and gone back to sleep, written some notes, nodded off, and the dream continued. Then woke again and scribbled some more? 

I had a wee-wee after getting up, and I got the computer going to put down about the dream in last nights blog. Which was finished and updated but took me a couple of hours plus.

I realised that yet again, I had a decent kip, the last bit of it was a good four hours after the dream, and with the earlier involuntarily nodding offs, I dread to think of how long it was in total.

Whoopsiedangleplop: The call to the Porcelain Throne arrived, and I poddled to the wet room. What a painful one it was, exceedingly messy again, too! As yesterday, inwardly solid meatballs and a half-brick, but covered in a furry-like semi-liquid. Still, it was cleared with just a couple of flushes on the bright side, and Harold's Haemorrhoids didn't suffer too much. 

I took some more bags to the waste chute. It's the first time I'd noticed inside the flap. It looks like someone had been putting paint down to the bins? The same colour as the room was painted!

I finished off the updating and sent it off to Blogger. I passed wind, coughed and scratched my nose.

Then went to make a brew of Glengettie tea. I got some potatoes in the crockpot seasoned to turn on later in the day. Providing my Memory permitted me to, naturally. Hehe!

Accifauxpa: I seasoned the spuds with sea salt and smoked paprika, hit my elbow on the cupboard door, putting the pots back, and then picked up the various jars of seasoning that I'd knocked over and onto the worktop and floor. Humph!

I checked the emails and found that Sister Jane had sent me a photo. It was of woodland mushrooms. I couldn't tell if they were dried or fresh. But it was nice to see Jane and Pete's ornamental configurations in their fabulous kitchen. Which seeing it in a photograph reminded me of how long it's been since I saw it in real life. I wonder, it must be well over a year at least.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I then took the medications and realised that I'd not taken last night's. So I belatedly did.

Then I got down a bit, emotionally, wondering whether I could even manage to get to their house nowadays? My health and fitness have taken a dip over the same period. Saccades, Diabetes, and the PN problems now, a Frailty revue, and Medication Control Aid is due... Oh, stop thinking, Inchy!

I went to make a brew, yet again, Co-op 99, still, not many wee-wees being taken? 

I took a photo of the moon, with the clouds belting by at a phenomenal speed; well, it seemed like they were anyway. After some terribly pathetic efforts with the Kodak and Canon camera, this one was the only one that came out anything like it was.

I put it on the blog extra-large cause I was so pleased with getting a decentish shot at last.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got the Sunday blog finished off; again, it took me ages. Mistakes, errors, cock-ups etc., all due to Nocodemus's Neurotransmitters repeatedly failing and coming back online. But hey-ho, I'm still here, so no moaning, just mentioning it! 

Got the photos done and checked the comments. Then went on Facebooking.

Started the template for today set up. Took this mornings medications. Ang got the ablutions sorted out. I rushed a bit, got a nick or two while shaving, and had just the two knocks showering. The medicating went fair; getting dressed was a mini-farce. But I didn't go over or anything serious. The legs were looking mighty fine! Much improved!

I decided I'd go out this Monday; I don't think anyone is due to call on me today. So I got ready and hastily dressed, intending to call on Deana or Julie on the way to the bus stop. I am going somewhere today that I haven't been for well over a year, Asda in Arnold. I checked the potatoes in the crockpot, lights taps etc.,, and set off down the road to Winwood Court and the Wardens Interrogation room. 

The gals were there, and I remembered to ask if Deana could assist me (do it for me? Haha!) with filling in the Rates, Routes & Risks to Reduce Vascular Dementia questionnaire. Bless her, she told me to come in the morning, about the same time as now, and she would have a look at it for me. It's many years since anyone has said that to me! Hahaha! Come think of it, I don't think anyone has ever said that to me!

I thanked her and hobbled to the bus stop. Where I tucked into some nattering and chinwagging with a few tenants at the bus request stop shelter. Roy did not look too well, fingers crossed for him. 

It was hard work, with us all being a little hard of hearing and wearing the facemasks.

On the bus, Penny and I went to Arnold, the others dropped off in Sherwood. I made my way to the Asda store. They now admit customers through the side door. I wish I'd known; it made for a longer walk. Still, I was doing well. Only the toes and Cartilage Cathy were any bother at this stage. 

I had a long look around, avoiding people intent on charging into me with their trolley, as they spoke linguistically crude words to each other. Gawd, I got a little nervous at times.

After putting my £25 worth of items through the self-serve tills, I realised what I had purchased and did not need. Among them were; Luxury lemon yoghourts, leeks, potatoes, potato sticks, etc. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: When I checked later, I'd been charged for flatbread @ £2.40, and two crisps @ £1.50 each, and have no such items? Are the tills set up to overcharge on the PLU? Never again! 

WhoopsiedangleplopThey had changed the tills system from my last visit. The staff were close by, but unfortunately, their constant self-nattering would not be interrupted by a short, podgy, old git asking for help with the system. 

So, I struggled on, paid, and departed, in a huff at being ignored, although I think it was back 15 months ago when I last called at Asda to get some shopping. Humph!

I poddled along Front Street to the Saver Store and spent a little there, only £5.49, though. The staff were kinder to me when I dropped my cash all over the place when paying... oddly enough, the foul-mouthed family that tried to run me over in Asda were nearby, and they hastened to pick up my dropped on the floor and amongst the display, cash for me... Hmm!

I then had to rush a bit to get to the bus stop on High Street in time.

I arrived with 8 minutes to spare. And in despair at whatever happened in Asda with the weird over-changing of myself?.

Penny and two of the old regulars I used to natter to on the L9 bus before Covid-19 - which was called Coronavirus back then. 

Again chinwagging was difficult, but we seemed to enjoy each others company as in the old days, that was nice. ♥

Back at the flats, I walked with Penny and up in the lift with her, chatting, of course.

I started to unload the groceries back in the flat and got a call coming in on the landline. It was Sister Jane. Apparently, Matron Julie had walked Jane, as she had called to see me? Oh, dearie me, have the memory gone again? Jane told me to ring her, so I did.

I got some excellent music, then a recorded message, the more music, then a human voice. I explained why I was calling and had to supply various details, name, address, DOB etc., and the lady said she would ring Julie. I thanked her. 

Back to the music for a time, the lady told me she could not contact the Matron; but would leave a message for her, and get back to me. I thanked her again.

Then, I got on with the sorting-out and putting away the groceries in the kitchenette.

The first photograph shows the naughty potato sticks and French Fries with Worcester Sauce flavouring. Tomatoes, the rather naughty lemon yoghourts, including a large pot of layered composed lemon. Iced mini lemon cakes. Min jam and vanilla cake rolls and a bar of Jenny's favourite chocolate. All good natural, healthy foods

I got them stored in the fridge and cupboard. 

I had a check of the small potatoes; they had seven-days shelf life on them. Didn't look bad at all. But we'll see, cause I have some coming from Iceland on Wednesday.

I got some mushrooms in the saucepan and added some chopped leeks with a drop of balsamic vinegar.

Cleared up a little, and I mean, a little.

I took a picture out of the kitchen window.

I wondered why it was so poor quality; what had I done wrong? Haha! I discovered I'd left the Canon camera in the close-up mode. Tsk!

Then I set to updating this blog. Well, I got up as far as here. I started three hours ago!

Fodder-time and head-down time had already gone by. Ah, well!

Whoopsiedangleplop: So much for eating and sleeping. The landline rang again. It was a Community Nursing Sister, about the Matron who had called Jane. The lady said she'd ring Julie again; I waited while she did.

Whoopsiedangleplop: It was not Julie who rang, but the Medicine Team lady. We spoke a little about things, and during this, I checked on the diary - and sure enough, it was my blunder! There was an appointment on the Google diary for 11:30hrs! The ringing Sister said she would call the Medicine team and get them to ring me - I explained that I was just about to go to sleep - and was assured they would ring me back later - crossed communications here, I think? Now I don't know if they will call later or tomorrow... I'm fed-up!

The landline rang again. It was the District Nurse control, the Medication Team lady is calling, on her way now.

I got my facemask on and turned off the saucepan of chilli, leeks and potatoes. Tried to titivate the place a bit, but it's still a Steptoe & Son junkyard, of the highest order.

Half an hour later, the intercom rang, the nurse had arrived.

She went through the medications for me. I answered her questions about my situation and explained the prescription cock-up, mentioning the wrong dates being on the medication bags, and now they do not put them in at all with the date, difficult to work out when the next is due.

The gal was patient with me, and she seemed to understand my situation, bless her. ♥ I think she is coming again tomorrow, after seeing and speaking to the Doctor and chemist? 

After she left, I reheated and devoured the rather pleasant, if overcooked, chilli-con-Carni soup, with added leeks, mushrooms, and potatoes. With wholemeal bread and some of the lemon compote yoghourt, which was surprisingly crap tasting, just sugary, with a minimal lemon tang. Ah, well! The main bowl was grrreat tasting!

Now well beyond my head-down time. Washed the pots, and got down to nibble a few biscuits as an extra treat, and started to watch a documentary on channel 68... I soon drifted off to welcome Sweet Morpheus, and I reckon I got in a good five hours sleep, albeit interrupted a few times, by of all ailments, Anne Gyna - who has been as good as gold lately as well. Let's hope this is a one-off. Please!.

Worra day, Tsk! 

Evening all!


  1. Wow! Great moon shot! Lots of calls. That's great a nurse dropped by. You made a great escape as well. Your TZER scooteress is about to fall out of her dress top. Nice looking meal.

  2. Thanks for moon comment, it took many shots to get this one, all of the others were a disaster, Hehehe!
    The Nurse is coming back this morning, so many things to sort out. Including my newly diagnosed Vascular Dementia. I think I knew anyway, so no surprise.
    Apparently the Stroke was the main cause, but I'll find out after the appointment to look into it - then the Frailty assessment, then the Cardiac Metal Ticker Assessment... if I live long enough that is to have them. I'm still waiting for three outstanding from two years ago. Hahaha!

    That gal be Julie from Chariton, Iowa, a TFZeress site gal. (Well, the head is, Hehehe!)
    Cheers, Sir, all the best to tellurian and furry family. ♥

  3. Your mention of the old days (15 months ago) got me to thinking about a way to break down (or be broken down) by a solid event:
    CE — Covid Era
    BCE — Before Covid Era
    We are now at about 52% of the US population vaccinated, but it's slowing down as the anti-vaxxers remark "I prefer not."
    I like that moon shot, Sir! 'twas a bigger than normal lunar full. The moon looks like it has been scratched by a furry's claws. Beware oversized furries.
    Meanwhile, you've traversed territories not visited since BCE?
    Another meanwhile, Lisa is sleeping soundly as I type these words. This latest attempt at a Guinness Record is going well. Will report details at a further hour. BCE — Beyond the Current Era?? :-). Wethinks you have convinced Sweet Morpheus to grant Lisa an unusually longish kip.
    Kip well, kind Sir!

  4. Cheers, Sir,
    Aha, when you mentioned a solid event, I thought advice was coming on my Porcelain Throne concrete-passings, Bill... Hehehe!
    Anti-vaxxers, Anti-lockdowners, Anti facemaskers... sounds like it's the same over there, as here, Billum!
    The clouds did not show up in the moon shot, only those in front, a sort of view I thought might prompt the Tate to show interest, but, no.
    I shan't be showing much interest in tranversationalising Arnold again soon, mate. Depressing, atmosphere (did I spell that right, the spellchecker's gone down?), of the place and people, put me offski.
    You'll never know how much it's cheered me up to hear of HRH getting some rest at last, bless her! Thanks for letting me know.
    I've got me twenty pages of minuscule fonted questions re the vascular dementia to fill in today - with the help of Warden Deana. Not looking forward to that, especially if it has anything with dates and or numbers that need answering.
    Hey-ho - keep safe, and may the Zzzz's continue for Lisa! ♥
