Sunday, 4 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Saturday, 3rd April 2021

 Good Morning, each!

I wonder what the answers were?

Saturday, 3rd April 2021

Spanish: Sábado, 3 de Abril de 2021

03:35hrs: Another late awakening, for the same reason as yesterday, the lack of Sweet Morpheus's enthusiasm to allow me to nod off. Well, the thought-storms, really. Ah, well! I lay a while, stewing in confusion, then rose from the second-hand, £300, c1968, recliner and caught my balance. And limped off to the kitchenette to get the kettle on.

Whoopsiedangleplop: The standard hemerine awaking time demand for a wee-wee came a little later today. And what a difference it was. An MRT (Most-Reluctant-Trickle) that would have not filled a coffee cup! In the time the wee-wee took me, I could have made a mug of tea and baked a cake!

Made a brew of Thompsons Punjana and made some graphics on CorelDraw to use on this post. Then proceeded, in a mind-muddled-mess, to get the Health Checks done.

A little concerning?

Whoopsiedangleplops: The Blood Pressure was absurdly high! The SYS result at 185 and the DIA was at 80. Made the NHS programme almost get to the top of the graph! It worried me at first, seeing it.

WhoopsiedangleplopsI made a start on the template for this post, then began updating yesterdays blog. But the fonts size and formatting kept changing. Most annoying, not knowing what I'm doing wrong. I fumbled and bumbled my way through and sent the Monday post off to Blogger; it is a bugger!  

Emailed the link, answered a Blogger comment (From Billum, in Ohio). Good news on the health front, I'm glad to hear! 

I got the last of the leeks and potatoes cut up and in the crock-pot. Then put some seasoning in the pot, stirred it up, and on a low heat setting.

Fodder for the future!

The summoning to the wet room arrived, and off I trotted, but with little hope, for things felt tight, blocked in the rear end, no escapages of wind! I got inside, sateth down, and spent several, be, many minutes reading the book. Gave up! 

Next, I got some bags made up to go to the waste chute later on or tomorrow. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: And a jolly right mess I made of it. One of the bags split open; another leaked fluids. 

Then the box fell off of the trolley!

I regained control of the situation and started again, part-refilling the cardboard box.

Cleaned up most of the mess I'd made and then went to make another brew of Glengettie tea.

This was when I heard an odd-sounding noise, seemingly coming from the apartments lobby area?

I investigated, but I could find anything that may have caused the weird, loud, gurgling sound. Or anything untoward, either? 

I had several hours on the compiling of this blog. And had come across formatting problems again and was getting all uptight about the situations!

A second calling to the Porcelain Throne was brewing, and with any luck, I might achieve an evacuation this time. Back to the wet room. Noting was moving, and I read the Clarkson book, getting to the last few chapters. The movement started, a massive single torpedo, painful, but no bleeding or mess to sort out. Ahh, that is better out than in! 

I returned to the kitchen and did some adding to the crock-pot. Some beef in gravy, and chopped some tomatoes and put them in with the mix. 

It will not be long before it is ready now. The smell of it is getting me feeling hungry. 

The landline rang - it must have mended itself from yesterday tumble to the floor? It was Sister Jane. We had a good nattering session, which was very nice! She does not like the Blogger layout. I told her why I left WordPress and the problems I was having with the Blogger; she said the bloomer I got yesterday looked okay. I had to ring-off to go to the Porcelain Throne again. 
But it's back to the no-movement scenario.

I sent a photo of the bread to Jane afterwards. I think she will be trying it on Tuesday from Morrisons. I cracked a joke: "Don't forget the free gift in the bag..." I was referring to whatever it was I found in between the sliced in the wrapper yesterday. She didn't get it at first, but she laughed later. Haha!

The door chimes rang out, and I anticipated it would be the batteries from amazon arriving.

No, it was the Rugby trousers that on the Amazon site tell me they will be delivered between the 7th to the 10th of April? And the batteries are on their way today. Confusing innit?

The delivered trews, which on the label, were just the right size and leg-length to suit me. 

But in reality, they are about a foot & a-half or more too long to fit me! I cleverly, for me, found the Kodak shot-timer. It used it to take the trousers' snap, which is where they come up to... above my nipples, and the bottom of the legs is still beyond my feet! I'm a lucky bugger, I am! 

I could do with getting the stew eaten; I'm getting peckish now. I'll check on the amazon tracker to see how far away the AA's are. The distance it is away from me looks just the same as it was hours ago? Life can be a buffer, can't it?

I'm hoping these Nanfu Alkaline AA's, which claim to be leakproof, and mercury-free, might last longer in the ablution-time wet room? Hello, here we go again...

I'm fed-up!

I was struggling to stay awake, actually nodded off a couple of times for a few seconds. Hoping each time I woke, I had not missed hearing the intercom and checking the box for missed calls.

The delivery arrived, the driver accepted a can of run & lemonade with my thanks.

Then the race was on to get the well-overcooked stew served and imbibed!

But it was well worth the long wait and patience. The flavourings had been well marinated in the slow cooker.

The old can of beef I put in tasted grrreat! No peas tonight, just the potatoes, tomatoes, canned meat and leeks. A worthy 8/10 for the taste rating.

As I was washing up the pots, it dawned on me as I scratched my chin and felt the stubble; I'd not done the ablutions!!!

The Blogger quirks and internet problems had taken up so much of my precious time.

I'll not bother now. I'll get settled down all smelly; sleep is the most important thing at the moment.

As I climbed into the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, incommodious, grotty recliner, I remembered that I'd also forgot to do the second set of Health Checks!

The thought storms had a bash at me, but my utter tiredness won the battle this time. ZZZ!


  1. Well heck. Your BP is way up, but at least you temp is perfectly normal. You got enough batteries to keep you charged up for awhile. BTW, the regulations that be have not allowed mercury in batteries for years. Maybe the new ones won't burst forth with alkaline. Mighty good looking can of beef.

  2. I was hoping for an appearance into the BP orange zone.
    Cummings is using the same weasel words that always work as a get out of jail card. Arghgrumph!!

  3. Thank yer for the Humira mention. Today, I found that the Gut-Tate-Museum sores flare up for about 24 hours, then things settle down. Still waiting for a call from the purchasing team at Tate, but as you know, they do not always recognize genuine art when they sees it.
    Good News: only 2 1/2 hours of Sunday remaining in the Nottingham realms.

  4. Mud Gorning, Billum Sir,

    Cummings is so detestable, he should be in the Tate, or Madame Tussauds, do you think? Suitably stuffed, of course! Hehehe!

    Having problems of all sorts with the computer... Double-Humph!
    Humira might help?

    Thank heavens the countdown has started, mate - Monday commeth!

  5. Ah, wise-words on the battery front, Tim! I'd not given it a thought before.

    The Cummings is a typical Get-all-you-can and look after your back-handing friends, methinks?

    Hope the office is coming along okay, heck of a jopb you got on there. Best of luck!

