The scintillating daily record of Nottingham Lad, Gerry Chambers
Saturday 1st June:
* Up at 0515hrs, Kettle on, WC (No blood), the ticker, angina, knees, hands, hernia, ulcer, bladder feeling fair this morning. Although a dizzy spell worried me a tad.
* Laptop on, medications taken gels applied.
* Intend to get some serious writing in today, for the Cafe Spike and Soz, along with graphics. (Hopefully that is).
* Eventually forced myself off the laptop, and into the bathroom for my ablutions, then got some nosh made and sat down to eat it while I watched the England v Brazil match on the box.
My opinion of the match:
Embarrassing for us, they let us get away with a draw.
Embarrassing for us, they let us get away with a draw.
Monday 3rd June:
* Up late for me, around 0700hrs. WC (bit of blood, nowt to worry about methinks), cut meself shaving, dropped and broke me TCP bottle, came down and got on the laptop.... for a couple of hours... well five.
* Decided I needed a good hobble to help free the knees and bit.
* So set off to walk to Bulwell, a decent walk taking about hour and forty minutes. Good weather.
* Feet now getting very painful. Tsk!
* Into Boots (the shop that is), toothpaste, vitB complex, nail cutters and Omega3 tabs.
* To the first cheapo short date shop, got 3 x 200g packs choc digestives for a quid.
* To the second cheapo short date shop, bought nothing, nowt I fancied in.
* To the third cheapo short date shop, got beans, and a giant tin of mushroom for 89p. IT nearly made the pain of me legs and feet worth while.
* Caught bus back to the hovel. Put me nosh in oven, and updated this outstandingly boring diary.
* Big John rang, I'll meet him on the morning at the launderette, and he'll lift me to Asda to get shopping in. Milk, Spring water, cheapo bleach and anything else I see on offer.
* Decided I needed a good hobble to help free the knees and bit.
* So set off to walk to Bulwell, a decent walk taking about hour and forty minutes. Good weather.
* Feet now getting very painful. Tsk!
* Into Boots (the shop that is), toothpaste, vitB complex, nail cutters and Omega3 tabs.
* To the first cheapo short date shop, got 3 x 200g packs choc digestives for a quid.
* To the second cheapo short date shop, bought nothing, nowt I fancied in.
* To the third cheapo short date shop, got beans, and a giant tin of mushroom for 89p. IT nearly made the pain of me legs and feet worth while.
* Caught bus back to the hovel. Put me nosh in oven, and updated this outstandingly boring diary.
* Big John rang, I'll meet him on the morning at the launderette, and he'll lift me to Asda to get shopping in. Milk, Spring water, cheapo bleach and anything else I see on offer.
Tuesday 4th June:
* Blimey me kness! Woke up around 0520hrs - and boy were the knees bad! After about ten minutes of struggling to get up, a little like a baby elephant would, and a few choice words spoken, I managed to get to the WC (no blood).
* I remembered about the laundry, so got on the laptop, make a cuppa, and took me AM medications.
* Toddled of to the launderette, Big John arrived at same time. took me midday med's with me to take.
* Off in BJ's pappap to Asda, where i spent a bit. Then on to J Sainsbury's to get salad, but they had ran out. BJ kindly dropped me off at the hovel.
* I made a plate of lettuce, beetroot, mushrooms, mini-pork pie and a cheesey potatoe.
I then stubbed me toe while carrying it to the chair!
Then I cleaned up the lettuce, beetroot, mushrooms, mini-pork pie and a cheesey potatoe from the floor!
* Tsk!
* Toddled of to the launderette, Big John arrived at same time. took me midday med's with me to take.
* Off in BJ's pappap to Asda, where i spent a bit. Then on to J Sainsbury's to get salad, but they had ran out. BJ kindly dropped me off at the hovel.
* I made a plate of lettuce, beetroot, mushrooms, mini-pork pie and a cheesey potatoe.
I then stubbed me toe while carrying it to the chair!
Then I cleaned up the lettuce, beetroot, mushrooms, mini-pork pie and a cheesey potatoe from the floor!
* Tsk!
Wednesday 5th June:
* Up at 0500hrs, WC, medications, laptop on, Troll Free, Facebook, email, and did some graphics for about four hours.
* Did me ablutions, and decided to have a walk into Nottingham. Fed the pigeons on the way.
* No sunshine today, but the wind was far less, and it was not cold.
* Called in Aldi and got some pickled eggs and their version of Pringles.
* Then hobbled (the feet were hurting and a burnin' a tad now) to the EE phone shop where I got me mobile from, to seek some help in why the red handset and exclamation mark thingy was showing on the screen, and I was getting a green flashing light all the time.
The young man patiently listened to me explaining this (with a look on his face that said 'poor old twit'), then took the mobile, and handed it back to me within about 4 seconds with a chirpy "That's done Sir!"
I felt such a fool!
* On to the pound shop for some more medication dosage pots, bird seed, a John Wayne DVD for Big John, paper plates, and Cycling gloves for brother-in-law Pete.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, popped in the Co-op for bread. Where a lady did a survey with me. I'm think she might have been depressed afterward, as she held her head in her hands?
* Back to the flea-pit, and put me belly pork in the oven, and on the laptop to do this scintillating account the Nottingham Lads life. (Huh!)
Thursday 6th June:
* Couldn't get to sleep last night for ages. Thus I was up late, and only just within the time limit for takin' me AM med's. Phew! 0740hrs.
* Last night, I was about to change the batteries in the camera, and one of me hands started to play up, so I took a photo of it with hand not playin' up. Come in handy to show the doc methinks, cause the fingers never go twisties on their own when I'm in hospital, clinic or GP surgery to show them.
Saturday 8th June:
* Up around 0530hrs - WC (failed attempt, no blood), cuppa, medications WC.
* Toyed around with Coreldraw, Facebook, Writers and Troll Free. Did some graphics and posted them. Pattie and Frankie doing alright at the moment, so glad about that, hope all goes well for them, a pair of diamonds they are.
* Ablutions, changed (not like Jeckle and Hyde though).
* Had a part-walk to Bulwell, only about a quarter of the way, then caught bus rest of the way.
Spent on things I didn't need, but were on offer and I fancied them. Luxury or what?
* Bus back, and had belly pork, beans and roast potatoes. I can smell em now.. mmm.
* No sleep last night until 0525hrs this morning, took med's - Tsk!
* Felt a lot better when I got up at around 0900hrs. WC (Blood), thought about thinking about the possibility of having a wash and shave... nearly did.
* On the laptop eagerly doing some graphics, posting, and messaging on Facebook.
* Things were going well. I took a break to make some cheesey potatoes. Remembered to take them out after an hour and a half, and scoop out the flesh, and give it me special treatment number 1 - strriong cheese, vinegar, rock salt, and cheese granules, bash it all up, and put back carefully in the skins/husks, and returned them to the oven to brown off and crisp the tops.
Returned to the laptop.
* About three hours later I smelt the burning... oh dear, another incineration!
One of the potatoes actually burst open when I took it out of the oven, luckily the Germolene was close to hand. (Tsk!)
* Undaunted, I started all over again after cleaning up the mess.
* Two hours later, and success! (on the left here) Had them with some very very mild veg curry... Mmmmm, lovely.
Just how I like em, slightly, I say Slightly burnt on the edges.
* Managed to get to kip by about 0100hrs or so, but it was in ten minute sessions - think I had the usual 'orrible dreams all the way through again.
Just when i really wanted to get some sleep in ready for the marathon walk to the hospital in the morning - Tsk!
Sunday 9th June:
* Not a good day.
Monday 10th June:
* Felt a lot better when I got up at around 0900hrs. WC (Blood), thought about thinking about the possibility of having a wash and shave... nearly did.
* On the laptop eagerly doing some graphics, posting, and messaging on Facebook.
* Things were going well. I took a break to make some cheesey potatoes. Remembered to take them out after an hour and a half, and scoop out the flesh, and give it me special treatment number 1 - strriong cheese, vinegar, rock salt, and cheese granules, bash it all up, and put back carefully in the skins/husks, and returned them to the oven to brown off and crisp the tops.
Returned to the laptop.
* About three hours later I smelt the burning... oh dear, another incineration!
One of the potatoes actually burst open when I took it out of the oven, luckily the Germolene was close to hand. (Tsk!)
* Undaunted, I started all over again after cleaning up the mess.
* Two hours later, and success! (on the left here) Had them with some very very mild veg curry... Mmmmm, lovely.
Just how I like em, slightly, I say Slightly burnt on the edges.
* Managed to get to kip by about 0100hrs or so, but it was in ten minute sessions - think I had the usual 'orrible dreams all the way through again.
Just when i really wanted to get some sleep in ready for the marathon walk to the hospital in the morning - Tsk!
Tuesday 11th June:
* Up just before six, after laying there for ages trying to force myself to rise... er... get up. Remembered hospital visit, and stirred into motion - slow and painful, but motion never the less.
* WC, cuppa and med's taken - things got ready for me outing to the clinic of sorts, and did a bit on laptop. Then off on me walk to the QMC.
Bit of sunshine, not too cold, off down the road, onto Hucknall Road, cut through to Nottingham Road, down that and right onto Forest Road.
Fed the pigeons on the Forest, and continued the mile or so down and up to Gregory onto Radford Boulevard, right into Hartley Road, left into Lonesdale Road, along Croydon Road, right down Brixton Street, right into St Peters Street, down to Ilkeston Road, then left down Triumph Road, all the way to the end, and right into Derby Road. Nearly getting knocked over again by a cyclist going against the lights as I crossed the road onto the QMC side.
* Arrived at the hospital in a good time, about 1h 20min's. Got seen to straight away.
* Walked along Derby Road into town, and on this walk me feet started to play up, and me limping and pain was a little more severe than I was comfortable with. Hobbled into the pound shop and got some bird seed, air spray, cheddars and microwave burgers.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington (with feet tingling something awful). Dropped off a Lidl and got some bread and yoghourt. New girl on the till I think, she said 'Good morning' to me.
* WC, cuppa and med's taken - things got ready for me outing to the clinic of sorts, and did a bit on laptop. Then off on me walk to the QMC.
Bit of sunshine, not too cold, off down the road, onto Hucknall Road, cut through to Nottingham Road, down that and right onto Forest Road.
Fed the pigeons on the Forest, and continued the mile or so down and up to Gregory onto Radford Boulevard, right into Hartley Road, left into Lonesdale Road, along Croydon Road, right down Brixton Street, right into St Peters Street, down to Ilkeston Road, then left down Triumph Road, all the way to the end, and right into Derby Road. Nearly getting knocked over again by a cyclist going against the lights as I crossed the road onto the QMC side.
* Arrived at the hospital in a good time, about 1h 20min's. Got seen to straight away.
* Walked along Derby Road into town, and on this walk me feet started to play up, and me limping and pain was a little more severe than I was comfortable with. Hobbled into the pound shop and got some bird seed, air spray, cheddars and microwave burgers.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington (with feet tingling something awful). Dropped off a Lidl and got some bread and yoghourt. New girl on the till I think, she said 'Good morning' to me.
Wednesday 12th June:
* Up at 0545hrs, usual WC (No blood), laptop on, cuppa and medications, and on Facebook, and this blog.
* Did some graphics and posted them.
* Called Margaret to find out if any plans had been made for those going to Stewart's funeral tomorrow, after waiting for a month while the social services tried to find some relatives of his. None made, she will ring me back later to sort. Still waiting.
* Did some cheesey baked potatoes, put them back in the oven to brown and crisp up, and went up to do me ablutions.
* Had a nosh of potatoes, curried beans with sultanas, bacon, and bread, followed by a pot of yogurt.
Boy did that push of the already active wind status beyond the point of pleasure?
Yes it did.
* Feeling a bit low tonight, and didn't go on the web at all - not like me, but I was thinking of Stew.
* Had a nosh of potatoes, curried beans with sultanas, bacon, and bread, followed by a pot of yogurt.
Boy did that push of the already active wind status beyond the point of pleasure?
Yes it did.
* Feeling a bit low tonight, and didn't go on the web at all - not like me, but I was thinking of Stew.
Thursday 13th June:
* Cuppa, took med's, started laptop up.
* This is the last photo I ever took of Stew 'Stewart Rowley', when he went into hospital to see why he was losing his balance and falling all the time.
Margaret and I visited, and I didn't see the lad again.
* It's taken three months of waiting to lay him to rest, and today is the day.
Not a happy one for Margaret and me, but we both agree he is now at rest.
* I met the three girls outside Stew's flat - and we caught a taxi to the crematorium.
Margaret had arranged all the things needed, and I have to say she did a marvelous job bless her.
She picked three pieces of Stew's favourite music. and the upbeat conducting of the service by the minister was appreciated.
The 23rd psalm has been modernised beyond recognition. But I liked the wording.
There were 11 people there. Social workers, mental health workers, and carers, much more then we anticipated.
I think Stew would have approved.
* Got back and I was in surprisingly good spirits, the girls were tearful, but we all agreed, we were happy that Stew had at last been laid to rest, and he was free of his suffering.
Again, thanks and love for Margaret for her wonderful organising abilities - Somehow the constant rain seemed right today.
* WC (no blood), cuppa, laptop on, and medications taken.
* WC, cuppa, med's, on laptop.
* Went up to do me ablutions in readiness to go out to chemist for me prescriptions, and get some bread.
After getting dressed ready and coming down the stairs, I felt a new tingling around me torso? Hello I thought, what's this then.
I'd sprayed meself with fly killer by mistake for deodorant! (Double Tsk!)
* The medications were ready when I arrived at chemists, then I went on to Lidl to get me bread and bits. The usual responses from an obviously experienced Lidl cashier, like: Grunt, Eh?, and a high quality sneer.
* Fed the birds on the way back.
*Nice nosh today.
* Watched a DVD, then decided to do meblog, and have a look around the web on me laptop.
With an hour I'd found me reading glasses. Huh!
Then the fun started....
When I opened Facebook in Chrome, it went to another old facebook page, and I'd lost all my connections, friends etc.
After much failed attempts, help searching and fiddling, I tied opening facebook in Firefox - and wallah I got the right one.
Sandra from The Troll Free Zone advised me to make Firefox my default in the hope it might rectify the problem. So I did. I just hope all is well next time I open it.
Oh dear...
* Must get out for a walk today, the knees are not very good through lack of use I think. I'll take me camera in case I see owt interesting in town.
Cuppa and took med's, then got the laundry ready for later. Big John is going to pick me up and go with laundry with me to do his, and then take me shopping.
Did a bit on laptop.
* Big John collected me and we went to launderette.
* When the machines were started, I nipped out up the road and called at GP and made an appoitnment, Thursday 0940hrs. Waddled back to the launderette, and got all the news about Big Johns holiday from him. It sounded lovely a place he's visited (Cornwall).
* We moved on to Asda, where things are a bit bit harder for me to recall, due to some horrendous dizzies while shopping affected me.
I rememebr things clearly from when he dropped me off, saying we were over 2 and a half hours in Asda?
* When I got in the house, a pink envelope lay on the mat, it was from Patti in Florida, my cyber-friend and brave girl going through cancer treatment with spirit and amazing resilience bless her - she had sent me a painting on an easel that she had made, and wrote a lovely letter along with it. When I get a new camera (yes the old one finally packed up), I'm going to take a photo of it and post it for you all to see. It must have taken her a great effort to produce, and I love it. It will have pride of place in my hovel. She has painted a plant and clock, and put it on an actual working easel. She called it "Gerry's healing time".
She also sent a card, that I hope to photo and post as well.
* The fatigue overcame me again, and I faded and just ate, read a bit, and watched a DVD... but at least I got some sleep in for once.
* Not so good again this morning, good job I'm booked in to see the GP tomorrow morning.
* I went to take out some rubbish in the yard, and to me utter amazement, all the overgrown weeds and plants had been cut back!
I think it must have been my neighbour? I really was choked that someone would help me like this, and so appreciative of it - I really must thank him properly when I see him again. I feel so humbled now.
* I do not intend to try any walking today.
* Not a good day really up to now:
Facebook would not let me post graphics. (and still wont) I love spending hours creating things that Facebook will not let me post. Getting the "There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." message everytime I tried over the last ten hours! Grrr....
Then the blisters on me ankle burst. Another mess to sort.
Then I decided it would be a good idea to grill some bacon and make a sandwich... oh dear,... I foolishly nipped back to the laptop to try and fail to get photo's posted, whattamistakatomakkka! When the smoke started billowing into the room, I realised I'd forgot about the bacon cooking.
Taking my panic with me, I got into the kitchen to see the flames leaping up from the cooker. Arghh!!
I saw the made up spray disinfectant and laundry softener I'd made up yesterday, and sprayed it on the flames - luckily it did the job, although it was thirty minutes or so before I felt confident that the flames had actually been extinguished fully.
What a mess.
Afterwards I called me brother in law Pete, and he is coming to have a look in the morning, about helping me get a new second hand cooker fitted, and getting rid of the old mangled one. and Big John said he'd call later today to have a look to check all was safe.
What a day! Well miffed with life at the moment.
* Got things ready for the GP visit, remembered me list of woes, extra prescriptions required, remembered to put the camera in the bag, and the crossword book, and I was off.
* I was nearing the entrance when I realised I not got my mobile or a pen... huh! So much for ringing Pete when I got out of the surgery. Tut!
* Due to the dizzies I've been experiencing the doc told me how to cut back and finish with the water tablets 'Furosomide'. Half a tablet for seven days, then half a tablet every other day for the next week, then half every three days for another week.
She said the scabs on my ankle were acne, and prescribed some cream.
Gave me prescriptions for extra pain-gel and 40g codeine.
Gave me note asking for a second blood test for hepatitis, tuberculosis and a word I cannot read. I can have this done on Tuesday when I go to the QMC hematology for my Warfarin Anticoagulant level blood tests.
* I'd only been out of the place 1 minute, and Pete walked up to me.
We decided I'd cope without a cooker for a while, manage with the microwave.
we went to the chemists to get the prescriptions filled. Nice lady there, she nearly spoke to me.
* Back to the hovel and Pete checked out the safety of the incinerated cooker, okay, and the roof's chances of getting through the next three months... not so good.
He then checked me lotto ticket - Aha! I'd won a tenner! After nine and half years, my first win!
*Pete said he would go with me into town for a walk about and get some weed-killer, fly-spray (Forgot that tut!), and a loud timer I could use to help prevent me burning stuff.
We caught bus into town, and on the way round, we noticed some giant raffia-like floral statues advertising something or other all around the centre.
Here are the photo's I took of em:
* We hobbled (well I hobbled) around trying various outlets for a timer. Pete suggested trying Maplins, so we made our way there, and got one to try.
* Then to Wilko's and got some weedkiller.
* Pete caught his bus home outside the shop - jolly good egg he is.
* I went into Boots to look see if the hearing centre had any really loud timers - no.
* Popped in the Pound shop and found some weedkiller cheapo, so bought a bottle.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, and went out and sprayed the garden as such, with the weedkiller. We'll see how it goes, used the expensive one.
* Tried out the Maplin's audio timer, not too bad at all.
* Laptop on and updated this twaddle.
* I met the three girls outside Stew's flat - and we caught a taxi to the crematorium.
Margaret had arranged all the things needed, and I have to say she did a marvelous job bless her.
She picked three pieces of Stew's favourite music. and the upbeat conducting of the service by the minister was appreciated.
The 23rd psalm has been modernised beyond recognition. But I liked the wording.
There were 11 people there. Social workers, mental health workers, and carers, much more then we anticipated.
I think Stew would have approved.
* Got back and I was in surprisingly good spirits, the girls were tearful, but we all agreed, we were happy that Stew had at last been laid to rest, and he was free of his suffering.
Again, thanks and love for Margaret for her wonderful organising abilities - Somehow the constant rain seemed right today.
Friday 14th June:
* I awoke and laid there thinking of Stew and his quirks, bravery and felt so much more positive. I hope to be joining him in a bit, I bet he's up there making them laugh, recording his music, and hopefully waiting for us. I still miss the visiting him each day down here.* WC (no blood), cuppa, laptop on, and medications taken.
Saturday 15th June:
* Up around 0600hrs, got a bit of kip in, still full of nightmares. Tsk!* WC, cuppa, med's, on laptop.
* Went up to do me ablutions in readiness to go out to chemist for me prescriptions, and get some bread.
After getting dressed ready and coming down the stairs, I felt a new tingling around me torso? Hello I thought, what's this then.
I'd sprayed meself with fly killer by mistake for deodorant! (Double Tsk!)
* The medications were ready when I arrived at chemists, then I went on to Lidl to get me bread and bits. The usual responses from an obviously experienced Lidl cashier, like: Grunt, Eh?, and a high quality sneer.
* Fed the birds on the way back.
*Nice nosh today.
* Watched a DVD, then decided to do meblog, and have a look around the web on me laptop.
With an hour I'd found me reading glasses. Huh!
Sunday 16th June:
* Up at 0500hrs, WC (no blood), cup of tea, med's and laptop on.Then the fun started....
When I opened Facebook in Chrome, it went to another old facebook page, and I'd lost all my connections, friends etc.
After much failed attempts, help searching and fiddling, I tied opening facebook in Firefox - and wallah I got the right one.
Sandra from The Troll Free Zone advised me to make Firefox my default in the hope it might rectify the problem. So I did. I just hope all is well next time I open it.
Oh dear...
* Must get out for a walk today, the knees are not very good through lack of use I think. I'll take me camera in case I see owt interesting in town.
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Dead centre of Nottingham |
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Entrance to the Arboretum |
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Near where I was mugged last August |
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The Pond - now with fewer condoms but more needles! |
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Just thought this was a nice sky |
Tuesday 18th June:
* Dodgy start to the day, dizzies and ankle lesions a bit raw.Cuppa and took med's, then got the laundry ready for later. Big John is going to pick me up and go with laundry with me to do his, and then take me shopping.
Did a bit on laptop.
* Big John collected me and we went to launderette.
* When the machines were started, I nipped out up the road and called at GP and made an appoitnment, Thursday 0940hrs. Waddled back to the launderette, and got all the news about Big Johns holiday from him. It sounded lovely a place he's visited (Cornwall).
* We moved on to Asda, where things are a bit bit harder for me to recall, due to some horrendous dizzies while shopping affected me.
I rememebr things clearly from when he dropped me off, saying we were over 2 and a half hours in Asda?
* When I got in the house, a pink envelope lay on the mat, it was from Patti in Florida, my cyber-friend and brave girl going through cancer treatment with spirit and amazing resilience bless her - she had sent me a painting on an easel that she had made, and wrote a lovely letter along with it. When I get a new camera (yes the old one finally packed up), I'm going to take a photo of it and post it for you all to see. It must have taken her a great effort to produce, and I love it. It will have pride of place in my hovel. She has painted a plant and clock, and put it on an actual working easel. She called it "Gerry's healing time".
She also sent a card, that I hope to photo and post as well.
A gigantic Thank You and cyber-cuddle to Patti!
* The fatigue overcame me again, and I faded and just ate, read a bit, and watched a DVD... but at least I got some sleep in for once.
Wednesday 18th June:
* Up around 0530hrs. WC, cuppa and med's, laptop on.* Not so good again this morning, good job I'm booked in to see the GP tomorrow morning.
* I went to take out some rubbish in the yard, and to me utter amazement, all the overgrown weeds and plants had been cut back!
I think it must have been my neighbour? I really was choked that someone would help me like this, and so appreciative of it - I really must thank him properly when I see him again. I feel so humbled now.
* I do not intend to try any walking today.
* Not a good day really up to now:
Facebook would not let me post graphics. (and still wont) I love spending hours creating things that Facebook will not let me post. Getting the "There was a problem with this request. We're working on getting it fixed as soon as we can." message everytime I tried over the last ten hours! Grrr....
Then the blisters on me ankle burst. Another mess to sort.
She was only 23 years old as well! |
Taking my panic with me, I got into the kitchen to see the flames leaping up from the cooker. Arghh!!
I saw the made up spray disinfectant and laundry softener I'd made up yesterday, and sprayed it on the flames - luckily it did the job, although it was thirty minutes or so before I felt confident that the flames had actually been extinguished fully.
What a mess.
Afterwards I called me brother in law Pete, and he is coming to have a look in the morning, about helping me get a new second hand cooker fitted, and getting rid of the old mangled one. and Big John said he'd call later today to have a look to check all was safe.
What a day! Well miffed with life at the moment.
Thursday 19th June:
* Up at 0430hrs, surprisingly decent kip last night.
* Cuppa, med's, WC (no blood), and laptop on.
* Tried on Firefox to post photo's again to Facebook, without success - then a brainwave descended upon me (very worrying that you know).
I opened Chrome, and booted Facebook, then signed out - rebooted and signed in again - wallah! I downloaded the graphics I'd made post haste to some sites. Crossed fingered it will still work next time go on.
* Got things ready for the GP visit, remembered me list of woes, extra prescriptions required, remembered to put the camera in the bag, and the crossword book, and I was off.
* I was nearing the entrance when I realised I not got my mobile or a pen... huh! So much for ringing Pete when I got out of the surgery. Tut!
* Due to the dizzies I've been experiencing the doc told me how to cut back and finish with the water tablets 'Furosomide'. Half a tablet for seven days, then half a tablet every other day for the next week, then half every three days for another week.
She said the scabs on my ankle were acne, and prescribed some cream.
Gave me prescriptions for extra pain-gel and 40g codeine.
Gave me note asking for a second blood test for hepatitis, tuberculosis and a word I cannot read. I can have this done on Tuesday when I go to the QMC hematology for my Warfarin Anticoagulant level blood tests.
* I'd only been out of the place 1 minute, and Pete walked up to me.
We decided I'd cope without a cooker for a while, manage with the microwave.
we went to the chemists to get the prescriptions filled. Nice lady there, she nearly spoke to me.
* Back to the hovel and Pete checked out the safety of the incinerated cooker, okay, and the roof's chances of getting through the next three months... not so good.
He then checked me lotto ticket - Aha! I'd won a tenner! After nine and half years, my first win!
*Pete said he would go with me into town for a walk about and get some weed-killer, fly-spray (Forgot that tut!), and a loud timer I could use to help prevent me burning stuff.
We caught bus into town, and on the way round, we noticed some giant raffia-like floral statues advertising something or other all around the centre.
Here are the photo's I took of em:
Pete with his hand up the skirt - he's aging well you know... slowly but well! |
Ladies straw-hat |
The coffee cup |
Ladies handbag |
* Then to Wilko's and got some weedkiller.
* Pete caught his bus home outside the shop - jolly good egg he is.
* I went into Boots to look see if the hearing centre had any really loud timers - no.
* Popped in the Pound shop and found some weedkiller cheapo, so bought a bottle.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, and went out and sprayed the garden as such, with the weedkiller. We'll see how it goes, used the expensive one.
* Tried out the Maplin's audio timer, not too bad at all.
* Laptop on and updated this twaddle.
Saturday 22nd June:
* Up really early even for me, around 0400hrs. Bad night's kip, head pains and cramps helped me get up... oh and the call of the WC too. (Tsk!)
* Spent all day on the laptop, doing graphics and posting them. Enjoyed it really, but felt a bit guilty not getting much else done.
* I did nip out to get some bread. I almost forgot I now have no cooker. Made meself sad now at the thought of not being able to have any baked potatoes... boo!
* The new medications might be affecting my sleep somewhat, not that it has been any good for ages anyway. The weaning off the Furosomide is causing me legs to swell a bit again, I'll have to keep an eye on em, not easy that looking down over my belly yer know! (Hehe) But if this helps to counter the dizzy spells, all to the good... I think?
Sunday 23rd June:
* Funny innit? When i first awoke, I could remember nearly all of the horrible dreams I'd been having, and thought I'll tell someone about them. Of course, no sooner had I gone up to the WC - all the recollections had gone into the ether! (Tut).
* Cuppa made, took med's, laptop on, and back up the stairs, so I could stand there like a twit for ten minutes trying to think why I had gone back up the stairs? No idea.
* Posted some graphics on the TFZ Facebook site. And started to sort graphics to add to my galleries. Did a smudge in thanks to Patti for her wonderfully thoughtful artwork that she sent me from America. Lovely thought that was.
Monday 24th June:
* No sleep last night, but i did manage an hour or so earlier on. Spent all night doing graphics for the TFZ folks. Some wonderfully nice people on there.
* I'm going to call in at the Health Centre in town today (I'll try to remember to take me camera just in case owt happens interestin' like). I took two beta-blockers by mistake this morning. Tsk! The new ones are a different shape to me usual ones yer see - that's my excuse anyway. Don't take much to confuse me nowadays.
Then realised too late I'd took a water tablet before going on me walk to the city... Treble Tsk!
* Looked a bit like rain, but it didn't, as I hobbled into the city centre, and made me way to the NHS drop-in centre.
* Managed to fins a public toilet in thVic centre on the way. (Thank heavens!)
* Thinking how clever I was, taking me crossword book with me, as I knew a wait would have to be endured... until I also realised I'd forgot the pen. Huh!
* Sat around for only half an hour or so, and they called me in.
Tested blood pressure and the ticker, said it was alright, and to take normal in the morning, and expect to feel a bit drained later. (Although that is usual for me anyway).
* Got out into the fresh-air, and thought I'd go and take some photo's... got the camera out, and the screen had gone blank, oh dear. I half expected it though, I've had the camera for many years now.
So I walked into Jessops, to view the Grill/Ovens (they had none in stock), and had a look at the camera's. They had one that was reduced from £99 to £69, a Canon Powershot 1300. I weakened and bought it - then had to buy SD card, as the old one did not fit this camera.
* A bit miffed with meself for spending, I caught the bus back to Carrington. Feet and knees aching now, don't know how I'll get on tomorrow when I walk four times as far to the QMC for me blood tests?
* I noticed a distinct lack of yobberism and people on the street as I got home.
Set up the camera, and took these first shots of both ways up and down the street - eerie silence, very worrying.
Don't think they any better than the old camera was though.
* I'm going to call in at the Health Centre in town today (I'll try to remember to take me camera just in case owt happens interestin' like). I took two beta-blockers by mistake this morning. Tsk! The new ones are a different shape to me usual ones yer see - that's my excuse anyway. Don't take much to confuse me nowadays.
Then realised too late I'd took a water tablet before going on me walk to the city... Treble Tsk!
* Looked a bit like rain, but it didn't, as I hobbled into the city centre, and made me way to the NHS drop-in centre.
* Managed to fins a public toilet in thVic centre on the way. (Thank heavens!)
* Thinking how clever I was, taking me crossword book with me, as I knew a wait would have to be endured... until I also realised I'd forgot the pen. Huh!
* Sat around for only half an hour or so, and they called me in.
Tested blood pressure and the ticker, said it was alright, and to take normal in the morning, and expect to feel a bit drained later. (Although that is usual for me anyway).
* Got out into the fresh-air, and thought I'd go and take some photo's... got the camera out, and the screen had gone blank, oh dear. I half expected it though, I've had the camera for many years now.
So I walked into Jessops, to view the Grill/Ovens (they had none in stock), and had a look at the camera's. They had one that was reduced from £99 to £69, a Canon Powershot 1300. I weakened and bought it - then had to buy SD card, as the old one did not fit this camera.
* A bit miffed with meself for spending, I caught the bus back to Carrington. Feet and knees aching now, don't know how I'll get on tomorrow when I walk four times as far to the QMC for me blood tests?
* I noticed a distinct lack of yobberism and people on the street as I got home.
Set up the camera, and took these first shots of both ways up and down the street - eerie silence, very worrying.
Don't think they any better than the old camera was though.
Tuesday 25th June:
* At last I managed some kip - dream filled and broken, but kip none the less.
* Up at o4oohrs, WC (no blood), laptop on, cuppa, and when it turned 0530hrs, remembered to take me medications, but not a water tablet. Put things in bag for the hospital, paperwork, camera, mobile, crossword book and even the pen.
* Did some graphics for the TFZ.
* Did me ablutions and set off on me walk to the QMC at 0805hrs.
Fine morning, fed the pigeons as I passed the Forest, plodded on and on Hartley Road, this young bloke walking called me, and said: "I've just come out of the hospital, they thought I'd had a heart attack, but they diagnosed a blood clot on me lung, anyroad, I've got to get home to Hucknall and I ain't go no money...." I searched me pockets but only had about £1.10 on me. Shame.
Pressed on and on arrived at the QMC around 0938hrs.
Straight to the waiting area, and it was devoid of humanoids? So I got ticket from the machine and was called in before it had come out of the machine!
Gave the nurse the paperwork, and she was to take an extra three samples for the checks the GP had requested, and the usual Warfarin one.
I gave her the nurses nibbles bag, and was off outside in a flash.
Caught the bus back to town, nipped in Jessops and got a cover for me camera, then into Waitrose for some bread, tomatoes, beetroot and lettuce.
Caught bus to Carrington, called at number 24 to try and talk to Maxine but not in again, then in the hovel, kettle on, laptop started, fodder put away, made a cuppa, put some Rick Nelson music from MyTube on, and updated this diary.
* Phoned Big John, and he said he'd take me into town and carry back any table-top oven I find and buy.
Decent chap that, he'll be calling around 1040hrs in the AM. Cheers to Big John.
* I had a walk into town, and called at Argos, and looked in their catalogue and found some Ovens with hotplates on top that I fancied might be suitable to me, but I'd not got me reading glasses so will need verification tomorrow.
* I caught bus out to Morrison's at Colwick. There were three police vans in the car park and I thought I'd take a photo of them - but the nearest one's window opened, and I received a look from the officer that said "What the hell are you doing?" So I took a photo way from their vehicles instead.
* Feeling a bit drained, I caught the bus back to town, and then one back home to Carrington.
Knocked on Maxines door as I passed, and caught her in. So got her email address so I could send her the photo's of Stewart that she's asked for.
* Did me ablutions and set off on me walk to the QMC at 0805hrs.
Fine morning, fed the pigeons as I passed the Forest, plodded on and on Hartley Road, this young bloke walking called me, and said: "I've just come out of the hospital, they thought I'd had a heart attack, but they diagnosed a blood clot on me lung, anyroad, I've got to get home to Hucknall and I ain't go no money...." I searched me pockets but only had about £1.10 on me. Shame.
Pressed on and on arrived at the QMC around 0938hrs.
Straight to the waiting area, and it was devoid of humanoids? So I got ticket from the machine and was called in before it had come out of the machine!
Gave the nurse the paperwork, and she was to take an extra three samples for the checks the GP had requested, and the usual Warfarin one.
I gave her the nurses nibbles bag, and was off outside in a flash.
Caught the bus back to town, nipped in Jessops and got a cover for me camera, then into Waitrose for some bread, tomatoes, beetroot and lettuce.
Caught bus to Carrington, called at number 24 to try and talk to Maxine but not in again, then in the hovel, kettle on, laptop started, fodder put away, made a cuppa, put some Rick Nelson music from MyTube on, and updated this diary.
Wednesday 26th June:
* Cursed at the knees, and they eventually allowed me to get up at 0500hrs, WC (No blood again), Kettle and laptop on, cuppa and med's taken.* Phoned Big John, and he said he'd take me into town and carry back any table-top oven I find and buy.
Decent chap that, he'll be calling around 1040hrs in the AM. Cheers to Big John.
* I had a walk into town, and called at Argos, and looked in their catalogue and found some Ovens with hotplates on top that I fancied might be suitable to me, but I'd not got me reading glasses so will need verification tomorrow.
* I caught bus out to Morrison's at Colwick. There were three police vans in the car park and I thought I'd take a photo of them - but the nearest one's window opened, and I received a look from the officer that said "What the hell are you doing?" So I took a photo way from their vehicles instead.
* Feeling a bit drained, I caught the bus back to town, and then one back home to Carrington.
Knocked on Maxines door as I passed, and caught her in. So got her email address so I could send her the photo's of Stewart that she's asked for.
Thursday 27th June:
* Up at five o'clock, Kettle on, WC (bit of blood), Laptop started, cuppa, medications taken and on the web.
* Later while doing me ablutions, Big John rang, he was on his way to pick me up to go shop for a mini-cooker.
I got the fodder I am no longer permitted to ear ready for him in a bag, made sure I'd got me cash card etc, and off we went to Argos in Arnold.
BJ helped me though the process of choosing one, ordering it, and then lifted me home with it, and helped me install it and made sure it worked.
He even reminded me of to take me midday med's bless him. He even supplied a high quality steak pie for me to heat and eat.
So today it was oven chips, pie and beans... lovely!
* Feeling tired now, I settled down to watch some TV around 1800hrs, starting with with 'Heartbeat'... but I didn't get to the end of it, and drifted off into glorious sleep, awaking at 0200hrs.
* So I WC's, made a cuppa, started laptop and updated this tosh.
* I must clean up around the new cooker later.
* I went out and got me potatoes with some other stuff, and happy as a lark I turned on the oven to heat it up.
* Later while doing me ablutions, Big John rang, he was on his way to pick me up to go shop for a mini-cooker.
I got the fodder I am no longer permitted to ear ready for him in a bag, made sure I'd got me cash card etc, and off we went to Argos in Arnold.
BJ helped me though the process of choosing one, ordering it, and then lifted me home with it, and helped me install it and made sure it worked.
He even reminded me of to take me midday med's bless him. He even supplied a high quality steak pie for me to heat and eat.
So today it was oven chips, pie and beans... lovely!
* Feeling tired now, I settled down to watch some TV around 1800hrs, starting with with 'Heartbeat'... but I didn't get to the end of it, and drifted off into glorious sleep, awaking at 0200hrs.
* So I WC's, made a cuppa, started laptop and updated this tosh.
* I must clean up around the new cooker later.
* I went out and got me potatoes with some other stuff, and happy as a lark I turned on the oven to heat it up.
It heated up quickly, so I put in me potatoes, and changed the oven selector from 'Stay-on' to timer for an hour.
As I did this, a loud 'clink' emitted, and it died a death.
* After my emotions died down, I called Big John to ask advice, he said he would be around in about an hour, and we'll have a look and take it back if needed to the shop. I wrote this while waiting for him, grand chap that Big John.
As I did this, a loud 'clink' emitted, and it died a death.
* After my emotions died down, I called Big John to ask advice, he said he would be around in about an hour, and we'll have a look and take it back if needed to the shop. I wrote this while waiting for him, grand chap that Big John.
* BJ arrived and after looking at the thing, he changed the fuse, and said try that, if it goes again, we'll take it back.
Bit nervous about that, but it cooked me meal without problems. Phew!
Saturday 29th June:
* Bad nights kip, but I've had worse. The burnt fingers were a lot better, and I can type on computer without pain now.Yes, I burnt em yesterday on the oven. Tsk!
* WC (blood), laptop started, cuppa and med's consumed... posted a lot of graphics I'd done yesterday for TFZ folks.
* Had me first dizzy spell for a week this morning, caught me out a bit, but all okay now. Still awaiting blood test results.