Friday 5th June 2020
Welsh: Dydd Gwener 5 Mehfin 2020
3:30hrs: I woke in a confused state, yes, even more than usual! The Thought-Storms were not making much sense either, a sort of medley of verbal mayhem, clearly making no sound or imitation of logicalness or appurtenances. Self-arguments that should have been of no concern, in my bonce!
I took a shot of my, painful tootsies, no idea why? The feet looked welmish again.
I took a shot of my, painful tootsies, no idea why? The feet looked welmish again.
Then I rose gingerly up onto my weak agony-ridden pins and toes, and the brain seemed to be still sat in £300, second-hand, c1968, rickety, none-working, recliner. But it caught up with. As I trundled off, a little unsteadily to the kitchen with the well used overnight, EOGPB (Emergency-Overnight-Grey-Plastic-Bucket). Which I had to utilise, twice, as I got the medications out and put the kettle on.
Again the sphygmomanometer readings were a little high, well, the Sys was.
My state of mind and emotions were still a tad low and depressive in outlook. I believe part of my mental mechanisms were transmundane. So challenging to focus, stay on one subject. My thoughts were all over the place, yet they kept returning to the problems I'm having with the blogging complications. WordPress editing blocks are beyond my capabilities. Google Blogger is as ell really. Why does the text keep changing size and font of its own accord? Criggleblogsrollucks! This blogging is the only thing in my life, and the enjoyment I get from doing it was phenomenal - but no longer, now it is a grind! Hard work! Stressful, demanding and spirit-sapping!
The moon was peeping through the clouds as I took this photo. But my heart wasn't really in it this morning. Usually, I'd have to take many shots before I found a picture I thought was decent enough to use. But today; One shot, take it or leave it was my attitude. This was not me at all.. well it was, but I wasn't the same as I usually am, I think?
However, when I got on the computer, for some incongruous, bizarre, illogical reason, I decided to try and master the annoyingly difficult new block WordPress editor yet again. Mainly, because the Google blogger was no better, it just has other stumbling block difficulties for me. The instructions on how to get rid of the new crap editor were followed, and the things that I should choose were not on the page. Also, because I'm a glutton for punishment!
It’s no good, I’m giving up. The full-justify doesn’t work! I’ve taken over three hours to get this far on WordPress! Argh! Too complicated, frustrating. And, Grammarly no longer works on WordPress! I am most frustrated and annoyed! Depressed is not a strong enough word!
I’ll do one on Blogger! (Now there's a hopeful idiot if ever you've seen one!
Not even had a wash, done the teggies or anything! I launched myself, unpretentiously, and obsequiousness ready-prepared for failure. An infracaninophile and pathetic shmuck!
I’ll do one on Blogger! (Now there's a hopeful idiot if ever you've seen one!
Not even had a wash, done the teggies or anything! I launched myself, unpretentiously, and obsequiousness ready-prepared for failure. An infracaninophile and pathetic shmuck!
Pete, my Zyrophobia suffering, supercilious, recliner-breaking, over-wealthy multiple Lottery and Pools-winning Brother-in-law Pete, rang up. We had a chinwagging about this and that, mostly that. (Haha!) Yesterday, I had set-up a Blogger auto-email list, to send any blogs made direct to who I wished. Brilliant idea, I thought.
Well, Jane and Pete got one, and Jane pointed out, that I had the title of Geralds Dairy on it, in error for Diary! Oh, dearie me, another clanger! If its go or get wrongable, I'm yer man! Pete sounded a little better today. Of course, he's got a while to wait for his biopsy results yet, poor lad.
Jane sent me an email with a photo of my error! So, I got on with putting it right straight away.
Then, the inevitable happened. Yes, Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet went down again!
But it didn't bother me in the least!
Still a chance to go to utilise the Porcelain Throne was taken. As I was getting the walking stick, I remembered that the mobile shop was coming at 12:00hrs, so I can get some pots and tomatoes. But No! It was gone 13:00hrs, already! Unbelievable!
All this hassle over the blogs was getting to me now. Anyroad, off to the wet room I galloped (Galloped, Hahaha!)
Schluberduberski! What an evacuation! T'was in two parts again. It had the constituency of an overloaded can of meatballs, bled a bit, funked to high-heaven, and took ages! I got a wash and went to make a brew. I'd left my spectacles in the wet room, so I hobbled back to get them. Cor-Blimus! I could have choked to death on the foul lingering putrid odour in the air! I got out quick and closed the door!
Time to ponder on getting some food, and have a good think on whether I should give up on blogging altogether. It's taking its toll on my mind and body, and most of the day, and still I can't get the page how I want it.
Got the oven on and pan with hog dogs ready, and took some shots of the fantastic clouds on view.
Had a bash on Facebooking.
Then got the nosh sorted out. Chips (fries) and hot dog sausages. The photograph, which I checked after taking, then took another better one, have both disappeared into the ether from the SD card. (Argh!)
Yet again, sleep resisted. Humph!
Then got the nosh sorted out. Chips (fries) and hot dog sausages. The photograph, which I checked after taking, then took another better one, have both disappeared into the ether from the SD card. (Argh!)
Yet again, sleep resisted. Humph!