Friday 23rd April 2021
Welsh: Dydd Gwener 23ain Ebrill 2021
02:50hrs: I stirred after a decent four-hour kip, and the thoughts turned to last night's water leak - 'Would there be any in the flat?'
I fumbled and bumbled my way out of the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, incommodious, grotty recliner. and went to check in the kitchen... 'Phew, no signs of any leaks!'
Relieved, I relieved my self in the wee-wee bucket—a somewhat forceful flow, but with no pre or post-micturition dribblings. So, I'd had two bits of early awakening good luck? However, with my record of Whoopsiedangleplops, Accifauxpas and self-inflicted injuries, I remained in my regular expect-anything, cautionary-status mode! No signs of any Smug-Modes, yet.
Whoopsiedangleplop: Ah, the call came from the innards, so, off to the Porcelain Throne. Grobbleclangs, that was a tough session. Rock-solid congealed meatballs and more of the mucus-covered blood followed. Heck of a job to get things started, probably what caused the bleeding?
Confused: I'll have to consider going off the constipation pills and back on the poo softener Dioctyl capsule; I'll make a brew and take on now with the morning medications. Better sake than sorry, not that know if this is a good idea or not... Oh, heck, back into an unenthused, undecided mode!
I took the meds and got on with updating the Thursday Blogger post. Which brought me several hours, having to use the notes I'd made, with little actual memory to guide me. Poor old thing!
Whoopsiedangleplop: I got it finished, despite Google Bloggers determination to change the layout, found, and colours. I had to leave some fonts misaligned and in Times font instead of this Hepta Slab, the one that I like so. Feeling peed-off is putting it lightly! Grumph!
I emailed the link off. Then went on Facebooking with the TFZ and Winwood Court sites. Then, I got some potatoes sliced, chopped and seasoned with sea salt and black pepper and got them in the Crock-pot, cooking on the lowest setting. I've got a fancy for potatoes reborn within me nowadays?
I got the Health Checks done. Another row of in-the-green results on the SIA, DIA, and Pulse!
I made another brew of tea, this time a delightful mug of Co-op 99 brand. And snapped a photo of the view from the kitchenette window, with the sunshine rising from behind.
Got around to making an order from Iceland for delivery next Wednesday morning between 06:00 to 08:00hrs.
I investigated the incoming comments; there was only one from Billum of Ohio, the Associate Professor of the RCMA Red Car Monitoring, Assessment (Financial Donations Accepted) and Author of the Personal Problems of a confusing nature, Uncle Bill's column.
I thought I heard a noise like running water, and I thought this was as good a time to panic as any... So I did!
The thought of floodwater coming down from above, I rushed, well, hobbled niftily to the airing cupboard to check about again for any water...
Whoopsiedangleplop: There was no water felt when I put my hand onto the clothing. Phew! There was a slight hint of a smile coming on as I withdrew my arms from the cupboard: Then I caught the right elbow and scraped it along the ends of the two blunk overly-long screw-heads, cleverly used when the place was upgraded.
Accifauxpas: I got many mini-electric shocks, more than pain; I didn't half jump, so much that it started Cartilage Cathy of aching!
The elbow almost immediately turned to a purple come blue/red colouring. Within minutes, I put some Germolene cream on it and made a mug of Thompsons Punjana.
When I got back on the computer, the elbow looked like nothing had happened, apart from two tiny scratch bubbles? I continued with the damned font and format changing Blogger, and the landline burst forth.
It was Sister Jane with hubby Pete (listening in the background), probably recording the conversation; so that the chaetophorous pickpocket and lock-breaker can blackmail me or win a bet at a later date, I should wonder. Hehehe!.
We had an excellent chinwagging session. I was told off a few times, and we reminisced somewhat. She going back for them to look at her eye again in a fortnight.
I got the ablutions done, all went extremely well again, apart from when I had to use the electrocuted right elbow joint. Haha! I was about to get the camera to take a shot of the much-improved elbow and ankle, and the intercom went off. It was Matron Julie arriving, bless her. I had to rush like I hadn't done for months, to get some clothes on before she came up to the flat - only just made it in time!
She had come to sort out the medications, so things were ready for the Medication Crew. She told me they were due next Monday at 11:30hrs.
Jackie really looked after me then, even more. She sorted the medicine box's/tubs. She brought some medications that I was short of, arranged a box to use until they arrive.
She even tried to help to get the new non-working battery-powered automatic can-opener to work, but with no luck. ♥
When she left, the usual touch of sadness dawned.
I had a quick look at the local Enewsletter for owt fascinating.
The Coronavirus figures were a bit more encouraging, mind you!
The weariness is falling on me again, drained mentally. The tremendous help given to me by Marton Julie today; is much appreciated. All the sorting with the various health departments and chemist - Bless you, gal. Thanks ♥
Now to get something to eat. After three late nights (for me), I need some sleep.
I satisfied my phagomania with this plate of fodder on the right.
I had all those garden peas, thanks to Matron Julie, by the way. When we both failed to get the Amazon electric can opener to work, she opened a can with the old difficult for me to use, hand-operated opener for me to heat and eat later. What an Angel! ♥
I had the last of the Iceland Wholemeal 'Soft' Pitta Bread and filled the two slices with the pork and mushroom pate. The spuds were tasty, the shallots tangy, and the tomatoes were okay—a deserved Taste-Rating of 8/10.
With a sense of being pampered, helped, not scorned at or put down, and really being cared for, Sweet Morpheus arrived early, and I was soon in the land of nod. And for six hours! Grrreat!