Thursday, 22 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Wednesday 21st April 2021 - My failings revealed, cock-up by cock-up!

Good Day, all!

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Spanish: MiĆ©rcoles 21 de abril de 2021

01:15hrs: I stirred back into imitation life, remembered the J Sainsbury order was due this morning and spent a while trying to recall what I just knew was an exciting dream I'd been having. But yet again, no details were recallable to me. Krumpleclags!

Then something, well, three things, absolutely amazing dawned on me; I did not need a wee-wee, no calls to the Porcelain Throne, and Saccades Sandra was acting so kind to me, I could see so much better, more explicit, than when I went to bed. (Unfortunately, this didn't last long, but I did enjoy it while she was inactive!)

I rose with a wobble and trudged off to the kitchenette. Made a mug of tea and got waste bags ready to go down later. It's a price you pay for cleaning and sorting things out, Humph! But I didn't get it finished; when the summoning from the innards to the Porcelain Throne arrived.

It was undoubtedly a Constipation Konrad ruled evacuation this time. A long, tremendously elongated, black mamba snake! There was virtually no mess to clean up. On the bright side, no obnoxious smell, and the spectacularly long product was cleared with just one
So no refilling the tank needed either! T'was an odd, different, yet riskily hopeful start to the day!.

I decided to get the ablutions done while I was in the wet room.

Whoopsiedangleplop Stripping off, I noticed that the old right ankle ulcer was a lot less inflamed, but some new dry looking underskin blood growths had developed overnight and had spread out somewhat. Mmm?

Possible Inchcock Fib Detected The ablutionalisationing went well, no noisy showering of course, and no brave use of Sock-Glide Glenda, I didn't put any on. Not that I'm scared of the contraption, of course. No! A man of my heroism, stoicism and bravery? I just thought it best to not put any socks on so as not to inflame the ankle ulcer, that's all. Ahem!

02:45hrs, the strange, crumbling noises from somewhere above returned. I just hope it isn't any of the building's concrete on the move. Hahaha!

I got on with updating the Tuesday blog using dedication, concentration, and frustration. I got the email link sent off and posted it to Facebook, where I had perusal and added photos and comments to the TFZer, and Winwood Heights pages.

I posted a photo of my belly and ladies breasts... I mean, the new timer that goes around the neck and may hopefully wake me up when I fall asleep? I found out later, it is not loud enough, what a shame! It's okay if I'm awake, but it failed to wake me up when I tried it and nodded off!

I spend a long time on Facebooking today. It's the TFZer gals, you know; they are irresistible.

Witty, sociable and fun! Thanks, gals and guys, for putting up with me! ♥

I took this photograph of the kitchen window view with the Kodak camera, not come out too bad? The mist soon cleared away, and the sun got a foothold, albeit a not so warm one.

I then had a bash at the handwashing. It went okay this morning; not messes spilt. Smug-Mode-Engaged

I must get around to sorting the messy state of the draining board out. Or maybe not? 

A few minutes later, the intercom burst into light and proffered its weak, hardly hearable buzzing noise. If I had not been in the kitchenette, which is nearer the communications box in the hallway, I'm not sure I'd have heard it at all? Mmm! 

It was the Sainsbury delivery driver. I pressed the admit button, and he was up at the door in minutes with the fodder for me. He packed the good into the box and bag for me; bless him.

I slipped him a drinkie by way of thanks, and off he trotted—a pleasant chap. 

I took the things through to the kitchen and got them sorted out. As you can see in the photographs below, I'd gone a little heavy on the ordering. But not to fret, I should be alright for food until next week now - unless, of course, I weaken and nip down to Sherwood and the Co-op, Ahem! I'm thinking of cream cakes here, Tsk!

I'll dine well tonight, no doubt about that! Hahaha! I got the mushrooms and potatoes sorted out and cooking. 

I'd already part planned the meal for later on, and it will involve the French unpasteurised salted butter I'd bought, going on the boiled spuds and cooked mushrooms, with the cooked ham and tomatoes... Thoughts to Self: 

Steady on Inchcock, your sitomani, coenaculousness, and allotriophagy are all getting excited! 

My tastebuds were already tingling in anticipation!

I gathered the bags of waste and took them down. I arrived outside and wandered up to Winwood Court to see if ILC, Warden and Bungee Jumping champion, Deana, could phone the Chemist for me to tell them I have only enough medications left until the weekend.

Whoopsiedangleplop I got to the court, entered and found the office and interrogation room locked. Then it dawned on me, it was only 08:00hrs, and I was too early. I did feel a fool - which is nothing new or unusual for me. 

I had a wander around taking some photographs with the Canon camera. The lobby area and back passage... I'll rephrase that, the back passageway hall, rubbish near the lift from Woodthorpe, and the ILCs office door. Ont the way back, I spotted some new posters up for us in Woodthorpe's lobby.

I pottered about with the laundry, and downloaded the photos from the card, and went down again later, around 0900hrs, to see if Deana or Julie had arrived. I had a bit of a chinwag with the caretakers en route. I'd left the camera in the flat, so I couldn't take any views. No one in, curtains still closed; I hope everything is alright.

Back to the flat again.

Whoopsiedangleplop Working on this blog, and I got several calls from some con-merchant, a recorded message. Two of the three had the same background recording playing, pretending they were calling from an office somewhere. I rang off each time.

After a few hours grafting away, fighting my brain, nerve-ends, and Blogger kept changing fonts and formatting;

I got a call from Matron Jackie. Bless her, she'd spoken with the Doctor. Jackie needed to ask some questions about the history and what ailments come with Peripheral Neuropathy.

A cold phone-call con-artist rang again, the same voice, I think. Some more work on the blog, and Jackie rang back.

She's spoken with the Chemist, and they reckon that my next month's prescriptions are not due until April? I really thought I'd sorted it all out with my buying the four weeks dosage pots. And, I filled them on the day the tablets arrived - so how come... Oh. I'm fed up!

I'm getting tired and irritable with myself now. I'll turn off the computer and get the meal prepped.

Not feeling very perky at all.

I got down to eat the rather pleasing looking meal, with a naughty but nice, well delicious, Lemon Mousse. I nodded off before it was finished, I was so tired.

Whoopsiedangleplop The landline rang again, I struggled out of the recliner, just managing not to drop anything off of the tray, and got to the phone in time. It was Matron Julie. As far as I can recall, bearing in mind I was not fully with-it, mentally; I am to have a visit from the Medical Management Team again, to try and sort out what I'm doing wrong with the medication taking.

I think an appointment is being made for me to see a Neurologist, as well.

I got back down and finished the meal, washed the pots, but then had to cope with the Thought-Storms.

Nearly all of them, mini-panics and a self-hating nature. My failings with the medications... a mind-stew of fears and frustrations; that meant getting to sleep a long job.


  1. Meds aren't due until April? This is April. Or so I thought it was? Your ankles are looking pretty splotchy. The food looks great. I've read your other posts, but it depends on which computer I'm on weather I can comment or not. Google's kind of funny. WordPress is a freaking nightmare.

  2. I fear I have made yet another of cock-ups, not that I'd noticed until you mentioned it, Tim. May, may be a better Month to have used. Hahaha!
    I appreciate the problems you and Bill are having with Blogger, I am struggling. I blame WordPress entirely for my hassle, whu og, why did they take away the option to use the old 'blockless' editor??? There'll be money involved in it somewhere, which reminds me, I must cancel my premium membership, if I can work put how to.
    Thanks for trying, mate. I must get Doug's email, so he can keep reading my rubbish, too.
    Keep well and safe. TTFN.

  3. Your ailments take on consistent names that characterize each ailment. It is amazing how many characters arrive to claim their power over the ailment specimen. It is very unfortunate how far Wordpress management will go before recognizing that many of the blogs they mismanage do not like a blockcentric perspective on the many editors who keep rewarding them by contributing to the blockhead business.
    May you also keep well and safe, kind ailment sufferer!
    Sayeth Billum :-)

  4. Amorning, Sir.
    We multiple-ailmenters must sticketh together, Billum. I do hope the Humira is doing its job still, Sir?
    WordPress (Spit)
    Keep safe Lisa, Billum and the furries. ♥
