Friday 2 July 2021

Ode To Sudden Depression and Vascular Dementia

 Ode To Depression and VD

Emotions so changeable, unpracticable, unpredictable,

Memory lapses & blanks, midst Thought Storms, unresolvable,

Some, uninterpretable, all uncontrollable!

Self-hating thoughts, yet ungraspable...

Vicious verbal attacks, somewhat ungainsayable

Yet, minutes later, I felt gay, unflappable?

Only to sink back down; Incredible!

The gloom of depression, damned extirpable!

A wee-wee was taken, and I felt sulliable,

  Then I could have gone to the ball!

No depression around at all!

Ten minutes later, the darkness did fall!

I swore at this, in a low Nottingham drawl,

Up and down things went, Gawd, it was dismal!

No chance of feeling relaxable,

My sanity was questionable,

Then, a few minutes of remediable,

Semi-contentment, I did feel!

Depression took a regrip; it was diabolical!

Attacking, then self-removal?

Coming and going was remarkable,

This pattern was unbudgeable,

One moment. I seemed unattackable!

My smug attitude was uncrackable,

Then back to the darkness, so degradable,

Out of the blue, a while feeling amiable?

Again, I seemed so unflappable,

A polymorphic period, nowt controversial,

Then sod it, back to the abominable,

Uncontrolled lugubriosity, 

For an aperiodicity,

The darkness returned, the audacity!

I suppose, because of my caducity?

I silently let rip my built-up causticity,

I blame my own complicity,

I got Anne Gyna's pains, like electricity, 

Which is such a flaming pity!

I pray for a visit from friendly felicity,

I hope she arrived in fecundity!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Not one of my betterer days, Sorry!


  1. I remember when VD was something you used a condom to avoid contracting. I the age of old age one becomes vascularly demented. Excellent ode to SD and VD or SDVD.


  2. I like the SVDV, I may use that on the next one, Sir.
    You did some memory prompting from 1963 there, Tim!
    I had to go for a check at the VD clinic on Glasshouse Street.
    After a 30 minute wait, a chao came out and took me into a bare room, with rusty sealed on the tables troughs... Pointed at one and said "drop him in there yooth!" I remember t cause the troughs were a foot in length! But I swanked to my mates of course, them thinking I was getting my end away so young, but no - it was the start of Little Inchies fungal lesion, and the bleeding thing (literally) thing, is still with me! I was dubious over the green ointment they gave me to use at the time. Hehehe!
    Then donkeys years later, when I had the bladder cancer done, a doctor pointed out the lesion and asked if anyone has looked at it... I said, a doctor 40 years ago! You've got to larf! Thanks for the bringing back the memory, Tim.

  3. An excellent ode, a promising prologue to an epic, Sir! They rhymes flow strong and true, I had not heard of that conditional term *caducity*, but I recognises it in my bones now that yer mentions it. :-)
    Ode's flow leans particularly poignant when imagined in a low Nottingham drawl. An ode on the odious inopulance that draws nearer as years encrust the bones. You've gifted us. worthy, winsome, and wailing welps. They add to the mood in a most splendiferous way, must I say.

    1. Merci Mon Ami.
      We worthy, winsome, and wailing welps.Well, well, I like it!
      Copulae Inn, Place Union, Ocean Lupin, Uncial Open, Copala Nine, Uncial Nope, Uncial Open, Pale Nuncio, Leap Nuncio, Peal Nuncio, Plea Nuncio, Neap Uncoil, Lain Pounce, Lapin Ounce, Pilau Nonce, Anu Pinocle, Nil Upon Ace, Ace Loin Pun, Ace Lip Noun, Acne Oil Pun, Pica Ole Nun, Cola Pie Nun,
      Can Lie Upon, Ilea Cop Nun, Nae Cup Loin, and Ail Cup None, are a few of the anagrams from inopulence, Sir. (I cheated with Mr Google!) The shame!
      Thank the Lord, although he bever seems to answer? I've noticed that, Billum... what was I thanjing him for? Ah, for the riddance of SD; the VD will remain until I pop off and find there's nowt waiting for me at the none-existent Pearly Gates. Hahaha!
      Cheers, and I fank you!

  4. I love reading you two! NOBODY could come up with such uniquely woven wordsomes! I enjoy it so!
    Love, Lisa

    1. Not only lovely, Lisa, but well worded, and kind, my sweetheart! ♥
