Saturday 1st December 2012:
* Up at 0600hrs - medications, WC, cuppa, then a couple of hours struggling to get on the internet again. laptop still slow as well.
* Tried to sort new phone camera shot size out, failed.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, but they were not it.
* Walked to Asda, then caught tram to Bulwell, where I donated some togs and DVDs to the Headway shop, then spent some money I could not afford on pressies.
* Caught bus back home in time to fall asleep again. (getting fed-up with nodding off now!)
* Tried to sort out the mobile settings - failed! Fell asleep again.
Sunday 2nd December 2012:
* Up at 0600hrs - medications, carbolicalisation, cuppa and on the laptop.
* Pete had sent me this photo of when he says he was half way through shaving his 'tash off.
I said I liked the Hitler look, and challenged (dared) him to keep it!
* Had a go at trying to get the settings set up on the mobile - failed again!
Oh dear!* Pains in stomach and chest seem a bit easier this morning.
* Bloomin' cold this morning -2.
* A fellow Spoofer and cyber-friend sent me an email from Canada, with a photo and message:
"A photo of a tree in our yard with lights on it. We have had a very snowy beginning to winter, but as you can see, it can be pretty. (it's about -10 C)"
So cold out there.
But what a magnificent tree!
* Had a rinse, and went over to see Margaret and Stew.
* Margaret was tired and her leg had still not healed, I wish there was something I could to help.
* I felt so tired again today, no walking, mostly dosing between visits to the WC.
Monday 3rd December 2012:
* Up at 0440hrs. WC, cuppa then medications.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stewart. Stew was testing his new disability scooter... yes the Harley Davidson one has gone.
Margaret was looking a little better. She plods on despite her injuries bless her.
* Tool this photo of Margaret as she was cleaning up for Stewart while he tested his new scooter.
I can assure you she was not about to remove 'Chloe' from the bed by lifting her by her head!
* Had a walk into the city centre, called at the 99p shop and got some nibbles and bits for the nurses, Margaret, neighbours and chemist staff.
* Amazingly the rain stopped for my walk into the city, belted down while I was in the shopping centre, stopped again while I walked to get the bus back to the hovel, came again while I was on the bus, then stopped for my walk to the house, then as I was preparing me Goulash and peas, poured down again!
* Tried sorting out hetting the web on the mobile again... no luck again.
* Attempted to watch a DVD - nodding off for a few minutes very few minutes until I gave up.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stewart. Stew was testing his new disability scooter... yes the Harley Davidson one has gone.
Margaret was looking a little better. She plods on despite her injuries bless her.
* Tool this photo of Margaret as she was cleaning up for Stewart while he tested his new scooter.
I can assure you she was not about to remove 'Chloe' from the bed by lifting her by her head!
* Had a walk into the city centre, called at the 99p shop and got some nibbles and bits for the nurses, Margaret, neighbours and chemist staff.
* Amazingly the rain stopped for my walk into the city, belted down while I was in the shopping centre, stopped again while I walked to get the bus back to the hovel, came again while I was on the bus, then stopped for my walk to the house, then as I was preparing me Goulash and peas, poured down again!
* Tried sorting out hetting the web on the mobile again... no luck again.
* Attempted to watch a DVD - nodding off for a few minutes very few minutes until I gave up.
Tuesday 4th December 2012:
* Up at 0430 hrs. WC, kettle on, laptop on, WC, Diary updated, WC... oh dear, WC, one of those days?* Not good today, mind wandering a bit.
Wednesday 5th December 2012:
* Bad night.* Went over to see Stewart and Margaret, they had just got back from the doctors when I arrived. Both seemed well. Asked if they wanted anything from the shops, then popped down to get it, and returned with it for Margaret. Maxine was at the house 'Stew's other carer), she;s been burgled!
* Walked to Asda to get some nosh, and at the check-out, suffered a blank, and could not remember my pin number - on the third go I managed to get it right. I apologised to the woman and the waiting shoppers, and scurried off.
* When I got home, I could not find the £30 cashback... oh dear, cutbacks on the way now!
Thursday 6th December 2012:
* Awoke about 0400hrs, WC, made cuppa - and thought I heard noises from outside. I peeked out through the curtains, and saw a youth lingering near to my neighbours car and van - I got the camera, opened the door. and took a photo of the grey hooded yob... however when I downloaded the photo, he was not in it?
Was he too quick for me? Understandable
Where had he gone?
Had I imagined him?
Am I losing it? Silly question really, sorry.
It was -4 degrees, and the door cracked a bit when I opened it?
Anyway, I could not see anyone after taking the photo?
* Took medications.
* Concentration bad again today - depressed a bit too.
* Concentration bad again today - depressed a bit too.
Friday 7th December 2012:
* Up at 0510 hrs.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret - Stew in a not answering/talking mode, sorting out some paperwork, I realised I was not welcome and he was doing something ijmportant to him, so left.
* Got bus to Bulwell. Everyone seemed unhappy, grumpy or depressed.
* I got some cheap chicken and chips from the freezer centre, and returned to the hovel.
* Amazingly the falling asleep and nodding off was less obvious today.
Until I tried reading a book, then the head dropped.
* Couldn't muster any interest today.
* Up around 0400 hrs, and to the WC - no blood or pain, looking good.
Medications taken.
*On waking properly at 0559 hrs, I immediately noticed the pungent aroma my rear emmissions had left behind... blimey!
And they continued.
I was worried for when I opened the door, and imagined the pigeons would be falling from the sky when I did!
* WC, cuppa and laptop on. BT Internet connection had to be reset a couple of times (fancy that!)
* Got things ready for going on walk to town and the Pound Shop. Took some old DVDs and clothes for charity shop with me.
* Called in Stewart's on way out, he and Margaret were okay, although Margie was tired again.
Stew's TV was not working, despite my inadequate unskilled attentions. Margaret phoned and arranged for engineer to call on Monday AM from Virgin,
* I set off, fed the pigeons, and walked with relative ease into the city, by the time I arrived, I was walking (hobbling) in my usual fashion.
* The place was crammed with folk, Big issue sellers, street entertainers (singers, guitarists, squeeze-box's, saxophonists etc), shoppers, muggers, shop-lifters, yobs... and even a few people not using a mobile device. The many using them, I had to be weary of, as they tended to walk into me, one nearly knocking me over and calling me a naughty name! It take all sorts I suppose.
* The Slab Square was busy with the fair and shopping stalls, and despite the rain, it seemed packed.
* Walked into Broad Marsh centre and the 99p shop, but they had very little on offer that I needed or fancied. I did get a few bits for 'Thank You' pressies for the chemist staff, hospital haematology, the GP staff, and the girls at the launderette.
Dropped off the stuff at the charity shop there. I noticed that even more shops had closing down sales on... bit depressing how few people were shopping in there.
* Caught the bus home, and the usual tiredness and weakness overcame me, I became the useless article I normally do in the afternoons nowadays. Nodded of regularly, little concentration, no will power...
*BT Internet connection was working...Yes really!
* No coconut thingies available, but I did get some Potato Fritters from Farmfoods.
* Miserable rainy weather, miserable health, and a little sorry for myself, I caught the bus back to the flea-pit - to find a very sorry looking wet Chloe meowing at the door.
*Took her in and tried to dry her off a bit, and fed her... Stew had locked her out in the rain again!
* When it came to time for me to try and get me head down, she was already in position on me belly and legs imitating a hot water bottle with claws. Sleep was not a possibility.
* She decided to vacate the premises about 0500hrs, and then I got some kip! Realising when I woke about 0930hrs, that I had not taken me morning medications... so I just had a beta-blocker, and Omeptrzole to get me through.
* Got an email message from Thomas on Facebook, his Dot has gone through the a bit this year - new kidney and eye. He's had a few accidents too. They both amaze me how they cope so well, wonderful people.
* Not going out on walk today - it will be too dangerous in the crowds fighting to get their late Christmas stuff. I'll pop out to get me bread and milk tomorrow afternoon after the rush dies down a bit.
* Called in to see Stewart and take him a snack - then returned to the hovel and stewed and brewed between falling off into nods, coughing, wheezing etc.
from fragments of old real, not so good memories and seemingly patchworked together, not nice, but for some reason they didn't bother me so much last night... perhaps... well never mind.
* Got up late, 0715 hrs, WC (no blood), Cuppa, laptop on (BT Internet connected first time!).
* Dark and wet out still, must remember to get my bread later on in the day when the rush eases off. If they have any left that is.
* Popped over to see Stew and take him some liquors. He was expecting visitors, so I soon left and had toddle in the rain down to the shop for some stale bread (Lidl), and drop a few gifts in at the chemists for Christmas and New Year by way of thanks.
* Spent a dreary day, WC, reading, dozing, TV, Internet, WC, dozing, WC... you get the idea?
* Made a cuppa, started laptop (BT Connection working, fingers crossed), WC, looked for me three Christmas cards to open, but could not find them - I just know I put them somewhere safe.
* Later I'll go over to see if Stew is okay, and feed the pigeons... well it's someone to talk to.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret - Stew in a not answering/talking mode, sorting out some paperwork, I realised I was not welcome and he was doing something ijmportant to him, so left.
* Got bus to Bulwell. Everyone seemed unhappy, grumpy or depressed.
* I got some cheap chicken and chips from the freezer centre, and returned to the hovel.
* Amazingly the falling asleep and nodding off was less obvious today.
Until I tried reading a book, then the head dropped.
* Couldn't muster any interest today.
Saturday 8th December 2012:
* Awoke 0545 hrs, aware I had been having horrible dreams on and off all night, but could not recall anything of them... only that they were disturbing.
* Kettle on, WC (No blood this morning!), water heater on, and updated this Diary of Woe.
Sunday 9th December 2012:
* No other Woes to report today, unless of course, one has occurred that had taken affect at a later time, that my limited observational and memory cells had missed, by which time I would have become aware of it's happening in which case it may be recorded elsewhere in this log, if I remember it. (I think)
* Not a good day.
Monday 10th December 2012:
* Up late again, (Temperature -1c) feeling a bit perkier, around 0600hrs. Medicated, abluted, carbolicalised, cuppa, and toyed with the idea of going on the BT internet - Ha! - much anguish, frustration and two hours later, I gave up.
* Decided I needed a good
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, took photo of Margaret as she sorted Stews meal, she looks so good today, and my loins were girded.
* Bade my farewell and set of on marathon walk to Bulwell to get some Potato fritters.
* The walk went okay, knees not too bad, no dizzy spells, but feet hurt after a couple of miles of steady unhurried walking. weather not too bad after all.
* On my quest for potato fritters, I visited Iceland, Heron, an independent shop (forgot the name), without any luck, none of them stocked potato fritters? Eventually got some from Farmfoods store, and very nice too!
* Took a walk around and got some cheap bikkies and other stuff.
Struggled with the two full bags to the the bus, and caught it. (Again, thank heavens for the free bus-pass).
* No sooner had I got in and had a meal (potato fritters, baked beans and beetroot), the tiredness descended again, and I virtually did nothing for the rest of the day. Sad.
Tuesday 11th December 2012:
* Up late yet again 0630hrs, (Temperature -5c) confused, in pain and depressed.
* Decided against going to the launderette due to the freezing weather. Not that I expect it to get any better, just that I feel a bit fragile this morning, poor old git.
* WC, cuppa, laptop on (Yes I got on the BT internet... how long for is as yet unknown if course), medications taken.
* Half an hour later, had to curse, spit, and reset the BT modem thingy! Then again! Then again!
* At 0747hrs I published this Diary of Woe on the web to here.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stewart. I asked if Stew wanted anything from the shops, and set off to get his TV paper. Very icy road and pathway surfaces in places, took care, and fed the hungry birds of the way there.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stewart. I asked if Stew wanted anything from the shops, and set off to get his TV paper. Very icy road and pathway surfaces in places, took care, and fed the hungry birds of the way there.
Wednesday 12th December 2012:
My local launderette |
Medications taken.
* Cuppa made, and Diary updated. -3c this morning.
* Got laundry ready.
* Popped over to see Margaret and Stew, but Margaret not there, poorly.
Stew had received new mobile phone and asked me to put sim-card in and charge it up. Fancy phone, a G3?
* On to the launderette - only two people there.
* Returned togs to hovel, and went on walk to get some microwave bacon cobs from Asda.
Knees and sternum not bad at all. Got the cobs, fed the birds on the Forest on the way back.
* Had potatoes, beans, and cob, watched Heartbeat on the goggle-box and fell asleep as is my habit nowadays.
Midday Medications taken.
* Woke up about 1800hrs, WC, wash and change, cuppa, medications taken, laptop on, during which I had an escape of wind - that if it could have been harnessed as a weapon, could have replaced nuclear weapons!
Evening Medications taken.
* Got laundry ready.
* Popped over to see Margaret and Stew, but Margaret not there, poorly.
Stew had received new mobile phone and asked me to put sim-card in and charge it up. Fancy phone, a G3?
* On to the launderette - only two people there.
* Returned togs to hovel, and went on walk to get some microwave bacon cobs from Asda.
Knees and sternum not bad at all. Got the cobs, fed the birds on the Forest on the way back.
* Had potatoes, beans, and cob, watched Heartbeat on the goggle-box and fell asleep as is my habit nowadays.
Midday Medications taken.
* Woke up about 1800hrs, WC, wash and change, cuppa, medications taken, laptop on, during which I had an escape of wind - that if it could have been harnessed as a weapon, could have replaced nuclear weapons!
Evening Medications taken.
Thursday 13th December 2012:
* Up at 0425 hrs - WC (painful), Laptop on, cuppa, and Morning medications taken.
* Popped over to see Stewart and Margaret, but only Stew there - he says Margie just busy. Had a chinwag, then had a walk into town.
* Called in to chemist on the way, to see if Stewart's prescription was ready - told to call back in the afternoon.
Carried on to town in the bitter cold, and warmless sunshine.
* Called in Poundland shop to get some pressies.
Then at Primark to get some long sleeve T-shirts on offer.
* As expected it was very busy with depressed looking shoppers, yobboes, Big Issue sellers, Charity collectors and dangerously driven disabled scooters mingling.
I even noticed a few youngsters not using a mobile device!
* Took photo of one of the stalls in the foreign market, the busiest being a 'Beer Stall' selling small bottles of rare beers at 3 for £10.
* Popped over to see Stewart and Margaret, but only Stew there - he says Margie just busy. Had a chinwag, then had a walk into town.
* Called in to chemist on the way, to see if Stewart's prescription was ready - told to call back in the afternoon.
Carried on to town in the bitter cold, and warmless sunshine.
* Called in Poundland shop to get some pressies.
Then at Primark to get some long sleeve T-shirts on offer.
I even noticed a few youngsters not using a mobile device!
* Took photo of one of the stalls in the foreign market, the busiest being a 'Beer Stall' selling small bottles of rare beers at 3 for £10.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, and called at chemist to collect Stewart's prescription.
* Had Herrings in sauce, potatoes and garden peas for nosh, then the usual nodding off.
* Had Herrings in sauce, potatoes and garden peas for nosh, then the usual nodding off.
Friday 14th December 2012:
* Up at o315 hrs.
* WC, medicated, carbolicalised, cuppa, WC, laptop on. Internet connection (up until this point, 0430 hrs) only lost twice
* WC, medicated, carbolicalised, cuppa, WC, laptop on. Internet connection (up until this point, 0430 hrs) only lost twice
* Had a go at sorting the mobile out for an hour or so - gave up again.
* Tried to get the presets on the DAB radio sorted - gave up.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew. Both I'm glad to say in good form. Remembered to take Stew's prescriptions I collected yesterday, and some nibbles and After Eight mints for Margie. Chin-wag pursued.
* Went to shops, remembered to get TV mag for Stewart. Also got some microwave Veg burger cobs with cheese. Tried one later, very nice, well done Lidl.
* Dropped paper off at Stew's.
* Noticed through the morning that sneaky emmissions of wind from the anus had increased in frequency and intensity. And it stayed that way all day and night!
* Tried to get the presets on the DAB radio sorted - gave up.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew. Both I'm glad to say in good form. Remembered to take Stew's prescriptions I collected yesterday, and some nibbles and After Eight mints for Margie. Chin-wag pursued.
* Went to shops, remembered to get TV mag for Stewart. Also got some microwave Veg burger cobs with cheese. Tried one later, very nice, well done Lidl.
* Dropped paper off at Stew's.
* Noticed through the morning that sneaky emmissions of wind from the anus had increased in frequency and intensity. And it stayed that way all day and night!
Saturday 15th December 2012:
Had a challenging walk in Nottingham City Centre |
And they continued.
I was worried for when I opened the door, and imagined the pigeons would be falling from the sky when I did!
* WC, cuppa and laptop on. BT Internet connection had to be reset a couple of times (fancy that!)
* Got things ready for going on walk to town and the Pound Shop. Took some old DVDs and clothes for charity shop with me.
Slad Square amusements - but few smiles were noticed! |
Stew's TV was not working, despite my inadequate unskilled attentions. Margaret phoned and arranged for engineer to call on Monday AM from Virgin,
* I set off, fed the pigeons, and walked with relative ease into the city, by the time I arrived, I was walking (hobbling) in my usual fashion.
* The place was crammed with folk, Big issue sellers, street entertainers (singers, guitarists, squeeze-box's, saxophonists etc), shoppers, muggers, shop-lifters, yobs... and even a few people not using a mobile device. The many using them, I had to be weary of, as they tended to walk into me, one nearly knocking me over and calling me a naughty name! It take all sorts I suppose.
* The Slab Square was busy with the fair and shopping stalls, and despite the rain, it seemed packed.
* Walked into Broad Marsh centre and the 99p shop, but they had very little on offer that I needed or fancied. I did get a few bits for 'Thank You' pressies for the chemist staff, hospital haematology, the GP staff, and the girls at the launderette.
Dropped off the stuff at the charity shop there. I noticed that even more shops had closing down sales on... bit depressing how few people were shopping in there.
* Caught the bus home, and the usual tiredness and weakness overcame me, I became the useless article I normally do in the afternoons nowadays. Nodded of regularly, little concentration, no will power...
Sunday 16th December 2012:
* Up at 0330hrs, in a little discomfort from chest and bladder pains, WC, WC, laptop started, cuppa made, WC... then realised I'd not taken my evening medications last night.Bother!
*BT Internet connection was working...Yes really!
* Stomach rumbling noisily and painfully.
Desperately tried to get BT Internet to work - rests, help guides, reboots, and much frustration, and by 0315hrs I'd managed to get a slow connection working.
Little wonder that when a BT Internet advertisement comes on the TV - my reactions are: 1) To laugh out loud. 2) Cry. 3) Spit. 4) Hatred and 5) Despair!
* Then then laptop gave up the ghost, all sorts of messages, everything went haywire. R.I.P.
* Managed to get the old Vista laptop going, and got an internet connection to so this update with at 0400hrs. (Phew!)
* No cash for another or repairs, so I hope this one keeps going and working for me.
* Going for a walk today, to get some more little thank you pressies, bread, and veg, after I visit Margaret and Stew later, must remember to call at surgery to ask for prescriptions for Ramipril and Codienes that I'm low on for some reason.
* Called in to see Margaret and Stew - who was having his Virgin DigTV box installed. Margaret looked very tired and unwell. Had chinwag and left some nibbles, Stew did ot need any shopping done.
* Dropped off box of biscuits at surgery with prescription request, to be collected Wednesday if I remember.
* Walk into town, not too cold this morning, bit of drizzle. Feet aching a bit, angina bothersome, and the wind was still aromatically pungent!
* Got some gifts from the cheapo shops, the streets were still busy for a Monday, then caught tram to Asda.
* Got some microwave cobs and instant mash, had a dizzy spell as I left the store. All okay within a few minutes.
* Realised I'd overdone the shopping as I started to walk home with the two bags, and was well knackered when I got there.
* Tried reading but nodded off. Tried watching DVD, nodded off. Tried watching TV, all crap programmes and nodded off. Got me head down and for the second night suffered horrible dreams, I couldn't remember anything about them, other than I did not like them.
Monday 17th December 2012:
* Up at 0210hrs. Made a cuppa, WC'd. Laptop on.Desperately tried to get BT Internet to work - rests, help guides, reboots, and much frustration, and by 0315hrs I'd managed to get a slow connection working.
Little wonder that when a BT Internet advertisement comes on the TV - my reactions are: 1) To laugh out loud. 2) Cry. 3) Spit. 4) Hatred and 5) Despair!
* Then then laptop gave up the ghost, all sorts of messages, everything went haywire. R.I.P.
* Managed to get the old Vista laptop going, and got an internet connection to so this update with at 0400hrs. (Phew!)
* No cash for another or repairs, so I hope this one keeps going and working for me.
* Going for a walk today, to get some more little thank you pressies, bread, and veg, after I visit Margaret and Stew later, must remember to call at surgery to ask for prescriptions for Ramipril and Codienes that I'm low on for some reason.
* Called in to see Margaret and Stew - who was having his Virgin DigTV box installed. Margaret looked very tired and unwell. Had chinwag and left some nibbles, Stew did ot need any shopping done.
* Dropped off box of biscuits at surgery with prescription request, to be collected Wednesday if I remember.
* Walk into town, not too cold this morning, bit of drizzle. Feet aching a bit, angina bothersome, and the wind was still aromatically pungent!
* Got some gifts from the cheapo shops, the streets were still busy for a Monday, then caught tram to Asda.
* Got some microwave cobs and instant mash, had a dizzy spell as I left the store. All okay within a few minutes.
* Realised I'd overdone the shopping as I started to walk home with the two bags, and was well knackered when I got there.
* Tried reading but nodded off. Tried watching DVD, nodded off. Tried watching TV, all crap programmes and nodded off. Got me head down and for the second night suffered horrible dreams, I couldn't remember anything about them, other than I did not like them.
Tuesday 18th December 2012:
* Up at 0500 ish this morning. Kettle on, WC (failed in both departments), laptop on (worked thank heavens), and updated blog to this morning. Tried WC once again, despite my well honed muscular young body telling me I needed to go, I couldn't.
* My previously subtle escapes of wind turned into mini-blasts this morning, but not as lethal aroma-wise. Managed a painful in the WC passing just before going out about 0800 hrs.
* Set out on walk to the hospital - remembering to take record log and appointment sheet, bus pass, and umbrella, but forgot my mobile phone.
* My previously subtle escapes of wind turned into mini-blasts this morning, but not as lethal aroma-wise. Managed a painful in the WC passing just before going out about 0800 hrs.
* Set out on walk to the hospital - remembering to take record log and appointment sheet, bus pass, and umbrella, but forgot my mobile phone.
* Not too cold this morning, and no rain, called in Lidl en route for bread.
* A decent crowd in waiting area when I arrived at 0939 hrs.
* Caught bus back to town, then another to Carrington, called in to see Stuart and Margaret, thankfully she looked a little less tired today.
* Bubble and Squeak and egg sandwich for nosh, then nodded off. (Fancy that?)
* Haematology clinic called with Warfarin level test results... 1.6, way too low. They gave me increased dosage levels, and appointment for 27th December for another test.
* Made a cuppa, and nodded off again! (Well I never!)
* A decent crowd in waiting area when I arrived at 0939 hrs.
* Caught bus back to town, then another to Carrington, called in to see Stuart and Margaret, thankfully she looked a little less tired today.
* Bubble and Squeak and egg sandwich for nosh, then nodded off. (Fancy that?)
* Haematology clinic called with Warfarin level test results... 1.6, way too low. They gave me increased dosage levels, and appointment for 27th December for another test.
* Made a cuppa, and nodded off again! (Well I never!)
Wednesday 19th December 2012:
* Up around 0300 hrs. sore-throat and cough, WC, cuppa and laptop on, got BY Internet connection after three tries... bless them.
* Did some graphics, feeling okay at the moment I must say.
* Set off to collect extra prescriptions from GP, and Pete (Brother in law), called as I was leaving the hovel, bought me a pressie from him and Jane. I gave him mine for them, such as it was.
Arranged to meet him on Friday at Vic centre clock 1400 hrs.
* Called to see Stew on way out, but he was not available.
* Collected prescriptions and took them to the chemist to be filled, then caught bus to Bulwell to get Potato Fritters, bird seed, Goulash, and cheap bleach - I got the bird seed.
* The usual performance (or lack of) when I got back in the PM - tired, nodding off.
Thursday 20th December 2012:
* Woke around 0315 hrs - blazing sore throat, cough, angina bothersome, knees not too good, went to WC (blood), put laptop on, made a cuppa, but sore throat meant I didn't enjoy it, but thought it best to take fluids anyway.
* BT Internet connection came on First Time! Damned slowly, but it came on! I might try to create a graphic of congratulations for them and post it on Facebook later?
* Other than nipping over to see Stew, and trying to catch my neighbour to give them their pressies, I do not think I have anything on today? Just as well with how I feel.
* Managed a bloodless visit to the WC, and popped over to see if Stewart wanted anything from the shops and take him a tin of biscuits. He was just going out, to wait for his lift to the Social Centre Christmas nosh and bingo.
* Popped limping, sore-throat, coughing and passing wind, to Lidl, and got a pork pie (my seasonal weakness), milk, and apples and vegetable curry.
* Washed changed and wrapped up well, gargled with the last of the TCP, and snuggled down for a read... kept nodding off.
* A few cold calls on the land-line, and I unplugged it.
* A knock at the door from a cold calling accident claim urchin, who I breathed heavily on in the hope of him catching my cough and sore-throat, got me a bit worked up.
* Then afterwards I drifted into oblivion - to be woke up by Chloe (Stews cat), head-butting me awake in her efforts to draw my attention to the fact that Stewart had locked her out, abandoned her, and that she needed fodder rather urgently. I obliged her - despite not knowing how she got in the house in the first place?
She spent the rest of the night, curling up and settling on my more than adequate comfortable stomach, demanding attention between feeds, attending the grit tray, returning to the comfy stomach. What a night... bless her!
* Managed a bloodless visit to the WC, and popped over to see if Stewart wanted anything from the shops and take him a tin of biscuits. He was just going out, to wait for his lift to the Social Centre Christmas nosh and bingo.
* Popped limping, sore-throat, coughing and passing wind, to Lidl, and got a pork pie (my seasonal weakness), milk, and apples and vegetable curry.
* Washed changed and wrapped up well, gargled with the last of the TCP, and snuggled down for a read... kept nodding off.
* A few cold calls on the land-line, and I unplugged it.
* A knock at the door from a cold calling accident claim urchin, who I breathed heavily on in the hope of him catching my cough and sore-throat, got me a bit worked up.
* Then afterwards I drifted into oblivion - to be woke up by Chloe (Stews cat), head-butting me awake in her efforts to draw my attention to the fact that Stewart had locked her out, abandoned her, and that she needed fodder rather urgently. I obliged her - despite not knowing how she got in the house in the first place?
She spent the rest of the night, curling up and settling on my more than adequate comfortable stomach, demanding attention between feeds, attending the grit tray, returning to the comfy stomach. What a night... bless her!
Friday 21st December 2012:
* I awoke around 0345 hrs, being head-butted again, got bullied into feeding Chloe once again, WC, Washed, fell over Chloe - then opened the door to see if she wanted to go out, and of she went... Nine hours of bullying me, headbutting me, being fed, walking on the laptop keys, and all without a thank you! Huh!
* Made a cuppa, laptop on, remembered to go meet Pete at 1400hrs at the Vic Centre fancy clock come fountain thingy.
* Must remember to take my camera when I meet Pete.
* Set off on walk to town. No rain, not cold either, things looking good - until I got on Milton Street, where on the last 50 yards I was knocked on my right arm by a cyclist in the crowd, hit on my left side and arm by a mobility scooter, then nearly knocked over by a damned skate-boarder! Never mind.
* I took a photo of the crowds of shoppers ignoring the 'Stop - don't cross' signs, at the junction with Upper Parliament Street, where two pedestrians have been killed, and eight injured this year - they never learn!
* Went in Vic centre and waited for the arrival of Pete - he arrived late again... I say Again, AGAIN! This makes the last four meetings arranged that he's turned up late for... I'm considering reporting him to the Outer Peruviam Pregnant Kangaroo Appreciation Society!
* Set off on walk to town. No rain, not cold either, things looking good - until I got on Milton Street, where on the last 50 yards I was knocked on my right arm by a cyclist in the crowd, hit on my left side and arm by a mobility scooter, then nearly knocked over by a damned skate-boarder! Never mind.
* Went in Vic centre and waited for the arrival of Pete - he arrived late again... I say Again, AGAIN! This makes the last four meetings arranged that he's turned up late for... I'm considering reporting him to the Outer Peruviam Pregnant Kangaroo Appreciation Society!
* Gave him some goodies for him and Jane, and he tool photo's of me for later use.
* Walked home, leaving Pete at the Lincolnshire Poacher Ale House on Mansfield Road for a Tipple. I carried on to the hovel, where I got the laptop going and updated this drivel.
* Watched a soppy Christmas film on TV - Gawd knows why?
* Well I say watched... the usual nodding off occasionally accompanied the going cold cups of tea, and emmissions of wind. Gargled with TCP to try and ease the sore throat a bit.
* Walked home, leaving Pete at the Lincolnshire Poacher Ale House on Mansfield Road for a Tipple. I carried on to the hovel, where I got the laptop going and updated this drivel.
* Watched a soppy Christmas film on TV - Gawd knows why?
* Well I say watched... the usual nodding off occasionally accompanied the going cold cups of tea, and emmissions of wind. Gargled with TCP to try and ease the sore throat a bit.
Saturday 22nd December 2012:
* Up around 0530 hrs. Miserable night, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, angina bothersome, and bleeding on my first visit to the WC - botherations!
* Dark this morning, the rain looking settled in to me. When I find me reading glasses I've have a peruse of me book.
* Might have a nip into Bulwell later (on the bus, not walking in this weather), to see if I can get some potato fritters for myself, and coconut thingies for Jane and Pete.
* No coconut thingies available, but I did get some Potato Fritters from Farmfoods.
* Miserable rainy weather, miserable health, and a little sorry for myself, I caught the bus back to the flea-pit - to find a very sorry looking wet Chloe meowing at the door.
*Took her in and tried to dry her off a bit, and fed her... Stew had locked her out in the rain again!
* When it came to time for me to try and get me head down, she was already in position on me belly and legs imitating a hot water bottle with claws. Sleep was not a possibility.
* She decided to vacate the premises about 0500hrs, and then I got some kip! Realising when I woke about 0930hrs, that I had not taken me morning medications... so I just had a beta-blocker, and Omeptrzole to get me through.
Sunday 23rd December 2012:
* Got a cuppa and the laptop on around 1000hrs - then popped over to Stewart's, but I felt a little worn, weary and frazzled.* Got an email message from Thomas on Facebook, his Dot has gone through the a bit this year - new kidney and eye. He's had a few accidents too. They both amaze me how they cope so well, wonderful people.
* Not going out on walk today - it will be too dangerous in the crowds fighting to get their late Christmas stuff. I'll pop out to get me bread and milk tomorrow afternoon after the rush dies down a bit.
* Called in to see Stewart and take him a snack - then returned to the hovel and stewed and brewed between falling off into nods, coughing, wheezing etc.
Monday 24th December 2012:
* Better night pain-wise - much improved. Throat a bit easier this morning, cough no worse, things looking good. But the horrible dreams, all made-upfrom fragments of old real, not so good memories and seemingly patchworked together, not nice, but for some reason they didn't bother me so much last night... perhaps... well never mind.
* Got up late, 0715 hrs, WC (no blood), Cuppa, laptop on (BT Internet connected first time!).
* Dark and wet out still, must remember to get my bread later on in the day when the rush eases off. If they have any left that is.
* Popped over to see Stew and take him some liquors. He was expecting visitors, so I soon left and had toddle in the rain down to the shop for some stale bread (Lidl), and drop a few gifts in at the chemists for Christmas and New Year by way of thanks.
* Spent a dreary day, WC, reading, dozing, TV, Internet, WC, dozing, WC... you get the idea?
Monday 24th December 2012:
* I was sat in me chair wondering whether or not to bother getting up, realised I was late with me medication, started to nod off again... and heard a metallic bang from outside. I peeped out of the window, it was raining as usual, but could see little untoward, other then a few wine bottles smashed in the road between the parked cars.* Made a cuppa, started laptop (BT Connection working, fingers crossed), WC, looked for me three Christmas cards to open, but could not find them - I just know I put them somewhere safe.
* Later I'll go over to see if Stew is okay, and feed the pigeons... well it's someone to talk to.
Wednesday 26th December 2012:
Suffered bad BT Internet connection loss yesterday - and despite all my efforts had to give up trying, but back on this morning, although slow. Doesn't bode well for my chances of getting on near New Years day does it?
* Tuesday, I took a walk in the rain to feed the pigeons - didn't see even one? Odd that.
* Didn't speak to anyone apart from Sam and Alan my neighbours who kindly dropped off a new saucepan and timer Christmas pressie for me - that was nice.
* Got up late and feeling a little low around 0700 hrs. Kettle on, WC (No problems), cuppa and medications.
* A ring on the stove burnt-out this morning... another! Still I've got two rings still working.
*Popped over to see Stew and Margaret, and walked her home. She was looking well, despite her feeling so tired and worn out. I'd love to win the lottery and make it possible for her to stop working.
* A ring on the stove burnt-out this morning... another! Still I've got two rings still working.
*Popped over to see Stew and Margaret, and walked her home. She was looking well, despite her feeling so tired and worn out. I'd love to win the lottery and make it possible for her to stop working.
Thursday 27th December 2012:
* Up just after five hundred hours - not that I slept really, just kept nodding off for a few minutes, dreaming horrible dreams, bursting into wakefulness and trying to remember what I'd dreamed, then forgetting what it was about, nodding off and starting again.
* Visited WC (No problems), started laptop, put heater and thermostat on in bathroom, made cuppa in my Christmas pressie giant mug (Took care not to fall in it!), opened browser and lost the BT signal. Got it back again.
* Remembered I had Warfarin level blood tests today, checked I had record log, nibbles for the nurses, and bus pass ready. Hoping the rain keeps off, to enable me to get a good walk in to the hospital, I need one - eating too much of the wrong foods, and not been getting my regular walkies in lately. My own fault allowing myself to get feeling down and depressed, at least I was cheered up a bit yesterday in seeing Margaret.
* Felt a touch of dizziness this morning - I hope this eases when I go on me marathon walk.
* Set off on the walk to the QMC, proud I'd remembered to take me bus pass, record card and the mobile - but when the rain started, I regretted forgetting to take the umbrella. Got there in good time, 1 hr 20 min's, and not too many patients waiting, took me ticket, and read several chapters of 'Berlin - The Downfall', when my number was called. There was only one nurse today instead of the usual three - they'd suffered many absentees and had to use then on the wards.
* I departed to the bus stop - to find it was a Sunday service, and I had no idea of the times. After half an hour, I had to nip back into the hospital to use the WC - I saw the bus pulling away as I walked out of the building. (Fancy that!)
* I walked into town, and got some bird seed, no buses passed me as far as I noticed, and the rain held off too!

* Got bus home, got in, WC, kettle on, TV on, then realised I'd forgotten to collect me prescriptions - so coat and hat on, and out to the chemist. Who, after a long investigation, informed me they had forgotten to order my medications, but had three-quarters of them in stock, and I could return on Thursday 3rd to collect them. (huh!)
* Got back to the hovel, had a nosh, watched a bit of the box, then laptop on - got phonecall from Insurance company about unpaid account, paid it.
* Came across photo of me op last year. Where did they out me Sternum while they were doing me? No wonder I still get pains in that area.
* Up around 0600hrs, Kettle on, laptop started (praying BT internet would work this morning), WC (blood), no extra pains today. Looking good at the moment - the marathon walk yesterday might have helped.
* Went on 'Satirists Safe House', and did a couple of postings.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret, took them some nibbles.
Margaret very very tired, she is doing double shifts at the Theatre Royal (Pantomime) for three days, poor girl. Managed to give her a keep well cuddle - dare not give her a kiss in my state.
* Came back had a rinse in cold water then put the water heater on, made a cuppa, and updated this rubbish.
* Did nowt but graphics and web today.
* Visited WC (No problems), started laptop, put heater and thermostat on in bathroom, made cuppa in my Christmas pressie giant mug (Took care not to fall in it!), opened browser and lost the BT signal. Got it back again.
* Remembered I had Warfarin level blood tests today, checked I had record log, nibbles for the nurses, and bus pass ready. Hoping the rain keeps off, to enable me to get a good walk in to the hospital, I need one - eating too much of the wrong foods, and not been getting my regular walkies in lately. My own fault allowing myself to get feeling down and depressed, at least I was cheered up a bit yesterday in seeing Margaret.
* Felt a touch of dizziness this morning - I hope this eases when I go on me marathon walk.
* Set off on the walk to the QMC, proud I'd remembered to take me bus pass, record card and the mobile - but when the rain started, I regretted forgetting to take the umbrella. Got there in good time, 1 hr 20 min's, and not too many patients waiting, took me ticket, and read several chapters of 'Berlin - The Downfall', when my number was called. There was only one nurse today instead of the usual three - they'd suffered many absentees and had to use then on the wards.
* I departed to the bus stop - to find it was a Sunday service, and I had no idea of the times. After half an hour, I had to nip back into the hospital to use the WC - I saw the bus pulling away as I walked out of the building. (Fancy that!)
* I walked into town, and got some bird seed, no buses passed me as far as I noticed, and the rain held off too!

* Got bus home, got in, WC, kettle on, TV on, then realised I'd forgotten to collect me prescriptions - so coat and hat on, and out to the chemist. Who, after a long investigation, informed me they had forgotten to order my medications, but had three-quarters of them in stock, and I could return on Thursday 3rd to collect them. (huh!)
* Got back to the hovel, had a nosh, watched a bit of the box, then laptop on - got phonecall from Insurance company about unpaid account, paid it.
* Came across photo of me op last year. Where did they out me Sternum while they were doing me? No wonder I still get pains in that area.
Friday 28th December 2012:
* Up around 0600hrs, Kettle on, laptop started (praying BT internet would work this morning), WC (blood), no extra pains today. Looking good at the moment - the marathon walk yesterday might have helped.
* Went on 'Satirists Safe House', and did a couple of postings.
Saturday 29th December 2012:
* Not too good this morning. Didn't get up until gone 0830 hrs. Missed medications. Past blood in WC, Chest mucous filled, coughing, angina chest pains, legs swollen, hernia tender, and a new pain in shoulder. Depressed. Good job I'm used to it innit?* Went over to see Stew and Margaret, took them some nibbles.
Margaret very very tired, she is doing double shifts at the Theatre Royal (Pantomime) for three days, poor girl. Managed to give her a keep well cuddle - dare not give her a kiss in my state.
* Came back had a rinse in cold water then put the water heater on, made a cuppa, and updated this rubbish.
* Did nowt but graphics and web today.
Sunday 30th December 2012:
* 'Orrible night filled with worrying dreams again.
* Missing yesterday's medications has caused the angina, knees, and stomach to be painful on waking. Had trouble getting upstairs to the WC, but no bleeding this morning.
Made a cuppa, laptop on. Must try to get out for a walk for a bit despite the weather.
* Nipped over to see Stew, Margaret not there, no shopping needed, took him a bar of choc.
* Still not feeling on top form, managed to do a bit on internet when I eventually got a connection from BT.
* Decided against going for a walk.
* Repaired the headphones (in a fashion) with cellotape - after I'd fell asleep with em on un broke um! So listened to radio for a bit.
* The inevitable nodding off began...
* Evening medications remembered and taken, and I tip-toed around to put the kettle on so as not to awake her Majesty in the chair. (I am a soft fool!)
* As soon as the fireworks outside started, they started inside with the cats claws alerting me to start of the fireworks.
Which was not a bad thing, as it alerted me to the cremated potatoes I'd left in the oven.
A trip to the kitchen, stubbing my toe and knocking off the table lamp en route, and I was able to burn my fingers as I rescued the intended nosh from the smoke filled oven, creating a smoke filled kitchen.
* The cat didn't like it, but preferred it to going out into fireworks outside.
* Nipped over to see Stew, Margaret not there, no shopping needed, took him a bar of choc.
* Still not feeling on top form, managed to do a bit on internet when I eventually got a connection from BT.
* Decided against going for a walk.
* Repaired the headphones (in a fashion) with cellotape - after I'd fell asleep with em on un broke um! So listened to radio for a bit.
* The inevitable nodding off began...
Monday 31st December 2012:
* Up at 0530hrs coughing, angina bad, but hernia and arthritis not too bad at all.
* WC (no blood - hurra!), cuppa, added graphics to SSH gallery, tidied up a bit until the pain of bending got worse, then ablutions, changed of togs, and off to the launderette.
Big John Wayne |
* The chap I talk and laugh a laugh with was there, Big John Wayne - and he'd used three machines, so I couldn't get to use my usual two. I used the one free one, and a small older one, and pulled John's leg and blamed him!
When they had both done, the washing in the smaller one was still soaking wet, and it took £3.80 in the drier - again I blamed John - who stuck out his tongue (See photo) and said "If it bothered me I'd tell you, but it doesn't weasel!"
I like this lads style!
He showed me how to set some things on the mobile phone.
Grizelda who wants me but doesn't know it! |
Grizelda the large gal in charge of the launderette told me she was crazy for me, and wanted to ravage me immediately. (Well what she said actually was 'Are you alright today?' but I read between the lines.)
* Got soaked on the walk home due the rain.
* Dropped off on way back to see Margaret and Stew.
Margaret had to rush off, she looked tired again bless her, Stew was okay, asked if he wanted any shopping done - negative.
* The headphones that now have more cellotape than plastic on the right side, just have to be replaced despite the lack of funds and the recent £300 spent on insurance. So I got me card, bus pass, and camera, and well wrapped up against the horrible wind (the rain had died down), and set off on a walk into town.
* The pound shop was tried, but they had none. I had to go into Wilkinsons to try and get a dvd cleaner, and they had some headphones on offer at £12 down from £16, so got them.
* Caught the bus back, and dropped off at Lidl to get a ready meal and some milk. The usual merry helpful staff scowled at me when I paid.
* The rain joined the wind as I approached the door of the hovel - and out ran poor Chloe - Stew's black cat, she'd been put out in the bad weather again until morning - so I took her in, she destroyed three pouches of cat food (Must get some more in tomorrow), and as soon as I'd had me very tasty TV dinner, she jumped up on me knee and assumed the position of purring hot water bottle.
Of course when it came to my having to get up to go to the loo and change into me sexy cotton pyjamas, a discussion and fight ensued as to who actually owned the only chair in the front room that she was spread-eagled upon... I'm now on the stool working on the laptop.
The cremated potatoes |
* As soon as the fireworks outside started, they started inside with the cats claws alerting me to start of the fireworks.
Which was not a bad thing, as it alerted me to the cremated potatoes I'd left in the oven.
A trip to the kitchen, stubbing my toe and knocking off the table lamp en route, and I was able to burn my fingers as I rescued the intended nosh from the smoke filled oven, creating a smoke filled kitchen.
* The cat didn't like it, but preferred it to going out into fireworks outside.