Friday, 16 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Friday 16th April 2021 -

 Goodeth Morningski!

Inchcock's Day: Thursday 15th April 2021

 Jolly Good Morning!

TFZers ♥

Thursday 15th April 2021

Tatar: Пәнҗешәмбе 15 апрель 2021

23:50hrs: I woke up wanting a wee-wee, again this morning, and they kept coming throughout the day, with a gusto! Tsk! I took a few moments to recap on yesterdays farce of a day, and I tried to mentally prepare myself for another dollop of disasters being due! Just in case. Took a few deep breaths. Why? I've no idea!

Whoopsiedangleplop, Ooh, the ankle ulcer just gave me a tingle of tingles - almost like an electric shock. Which shouldn't surprise me really, the dying nerve-ends and all that. I'll be getting these more often, methinks now.

As I whipped of the quilt from my pins (legs), with the lights still being on, from my wonderful near three hours of kip, I could not but notice the right leg was stinging like heck; and yet looked so much milder and calmed down on the skin? The sensation of worms underneath was a lot stronger than what it was when I went to bed? Proper stinging this morning, yet looking so much calmer... This Peripheral Neuropathy is so variable. Anyway, the wee-weeing needed doing.

I removed my cuddlesome, flobby-bellied body from the c1968 recliner, caught my balance, and limped over to the overnight emergency bucket, which was already well-filled from the nocturnal visits, and after using, needed emptying, cleaning and sanitising, which I did. 

Smug-Mode Adopted! I am pleased to report that no taps/faucets were left running,  no lights left on, and it seemed at first glance around that I had not been doing any nocturnal-nibblings either - at least there were no apparent signs!

I seemed to be in a calm mood in myself, and made a brew of Glengettie Gold, and got on with updating the bits that needed doing to finish the Wednesday blog. An ode came into my mind that flowed freely from my warped, under-capacitated brain to my fingers typing. A bit of fun!

Whoopsiedangleplop I sent the Email link off, and I posted the blog to Blogger. Then went on Facebook However...

So, I nipped off to the Porcelain Throne. A great session, again no mess, no bleeding, but a fair bit of pain, as Constipation Konrad is still ruling the roost, so's to speak.

05:20hrs, noises from above started again. Clattering, knocking, but it was alright it didn't wake or bother me. I don't think it can Herbert, he was noisy, yes, but not usually at this hour. The tapping continued on and off all day.

The internet was still so slow, so I tackled the handwashing. I got carried away a bit with it, Hehehe!

A jacket, a shirt, pyjama bottoms and many pairs of socks washed, freshened, wrung, and hung up above the kitchen sink on hangers.

I cleaned up and got the fodder progressing. In the crockpot went the potatoes and garden peas. I got the leeks and beef on the go, in the saucepan, seasoned, ready to be turned on later.

Then I got the ablutions done. A no-bother much session this one was. Of course, the usual dropsies, a few nicks shaving, nowt profound, and I started Toothache Thomas off. 
Smug-Mode-Entered! I got the socks on without using Sock-Glide-Glenda! Then nearly went over when getting the trousers along. And had a good battle to get the 'Supplied by Jenny' cosey slippers on...

Whoopsiedangleplop-Accifauxpa: Leaving the wet room, I managed to end up in a heap on the hallway floor, as I lost my footing with the soft slippers. Clouting my elbow on the way down, and so annoying Arthur Itis and Cartilage Cathy, who both let me know their displeasure! Haha! But I soon felt better after I made a brew and ate some Scottish lemon-flavoured shortcake bikkies! 

The PN in the right leg is getting worse, not better as the day goes on, mind you, the wee-weeing has decreased, you can't win 'em all!

Finally, I got around to doing the Health Checks, and what a pleasant surprise!

Well, just look at the sphygmomanometer results, all in green! For the first time in months, the BP results had gone out of the red - and into the Pre-High amber Zone!!!! Yee-Ha!

I had a look to see if any comments had come in on Blogger. One from Tim Price. I'm worried about Ohio Billum and HRH Lisa, not heard anything; I'll email them later, see how they are going.

I did this p[ost for a few hours (while the net is working), and then made an order with Sainsbury's, for next Wednesday a.m. twixt 06:30 > 07:30hrs. 

Then as I got back on the blogging, the landline rang out and flashed at me. It was the Doctor from the stroke ward.

 I was in. It's been nearly two years since I left there, the man told me. His accent, or to be fair, my lousy hearing, made it difficult to follow all he was telling me. I explained, and he said (I think) that he would send me a questionnaire to fill in and return to him. I agreed and thanked the chap.

I heard noises again, but not from above this time, so I went to check at the door. Aha, a letter had been posted; the regular postman generally knocks on the door or rings the bells, as he is aware of earholes not working very well. Good on him!

It was about my pension. I'll have to get someone to explain things to me, but I don't think it will need any answering... I hope.

I then concentrated on CorelDraw to make two graphics for tomorrows blog. Hard work, the brain was going into a 'Lockdown' mode of its own. What bit of concentration I had left was dissipating into the ether.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I made the nosh, and I was sure I'd taken a photo of the tray of fodder. I remember taking a picture of the tray on the swivel chair that I use as a footrest and worrying that it may move while I was shooting it. Clear as a bell in my memory that bit was. But no, in the morning when I came to download the photo, it wasn't there! Humph!

I washed the pots, then got down in the c1968 rickety, non-working recliner.

Whoopsiedangleplop: The Thought Storms beg. Clagnockers!

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Inchcock's Day - Wednesday 14th April 2021:

 All the best for them today!

TFZer Gourmets!

Wednesday 14th April 2021

Welsh: Dydd Mercher 14eg Ebrill 2021

Whoopsiedangleplop: 02:25hrs: I woke and the grey cells regenerated, a prolixity of Thought-Storms started - fears, worries, self-depreciation, and concern that I had forgotten an important thing I was to get done, or attend to, today.

Accifauxpas: The mental confusion was getting to me and carried on for a good ten minutes or so. Thankfully terminated, but unfortunately by the need for a wee-wee, and as fast I tried to get free of the c1968 recliner and on my feet to get to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket) in time, I failed! Thanks to the most embarrassing, red-face making, insurgent PMD (Pre-Micturition Dribble). Oh, dearie me, is it going to be yet another bad day? 

But I must maintain hope... or should I? Hehe!

A silver lining was found, however. Had I been wearing the Amazon, or Sainsbury PPs (Protection Pants), I would have been a right pickle and mess. Luckily, I'd got a Tena Full-Cover pair on. These really saved the day for me. Phew! I had a surprisingly long wee-wee and got the bucket emptied, cleaned and disinfected straight away. Washed and change into fresh PPs, while praying that the PMD was a one-off!

I went to make a mug of Co-op 99 tea, took the morning's medications, made the brew, and remembered the J Sainsbury order is due between 06:30 and 07:30hrs this morning. Do, I got the Health Checks done, with the intention of getting the updating done to yesterdays 'Inchcock's Day' swiftly if the ailments let me; then get the ablutions done before the fodder arrives. 

I'd hoped to get out to Sherwood today; that is when I can remember why I wanted to. Old age, Huh!

The Health Checks had, well, the Blood Pressure ones, gave me a start! Blimey, it's never been as high - and for the third day! Hope the nurse calls this week.

Looking through the old Blogger photos, I later found the same day in 2019. I bet at the time, I thought that these readings were disproportionately high? But look at today's results in comparison... mind you, the 2019 ones did have a high DIA of 102? I confused myself again!

I started on doing the updating the Tuesday blog. Thanks kindly to these ailments; Shaking-Shoulder-Shirley, Saccades Sandra, Dizzy Dennis, and Toothache Thomas, for all being kind and thus allowing me to complete the updation to be achieved in record time! I sent off the diary to Blogger and posted the email link.

Having smugly and figuratively patted me on the back, I rose to go to the kitchenette for a brew... and soon realised that some other ailments had been lurking waiting to attack when I stood up to hobble! Cartilage Cathy and Neuropathic Pete (right leg) both were seemingly taking glee in their attacks. I had to be doloriferous a few times.

Got on Facebooking. Then emailed the link.

Sainsbury's order later, I'll get the ablutions done.

All went well, no shower, of course, too early yet. Plenty of dropsies again, Toothache Thomas not so bad for some welcome reason. Only two tiny cuts shaving in the lip and earhole.

As Herbert (I assume) was handing me some clunks, guess what?

The food delivery chap arrived and packed the things in the box and bag for me. Decent bloke, I slipped him a can of plonk in thanks. And took things through to the kitchen and photographed them, just to show off how well I live, Hehehe!

The beef chunks had one days life on them; I put the fridge items away.

Cleaning materials.

Got the photos above on the hard-drive, and got ready to go out.

I took some recycling bags down with me in the lift and deposited them near the green bin on my way to call of the ILC Wardens, Deana & Julie. Had a few words with Ice Skating Champion for North Nottingham, Julie, Deana was busy, but Deana acknowledged my presence.

When I got to the bus stop, Penny and the Winwood Court Lady had a natter with me. That was nice. We got the bus down to the shopping area on Mansfield Road.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I took photos to the left, ahead and to the right on Mansfield Road... then realised I'd not got a card in the camera! Grrr! What a memory-challenged chump I am!

Whoopsiedangleplop: I went into the Co-op and got some canned peas, fresh potatoes, tomatoes etc. and paid at the self-serve till - I had no option, as I the discovered I had not taken any money with me either! I was so annoyed with myself that I decided when I went to Wilko, I'd buy a camera card and use it. Grrr! Pillock!

A stroke of luck as I entered, but I was not too overjoyed: I'll explain. J Sainsbury had some orange-scented fresh-air spray on offer, £5, down to £4, so I ordered one. It can be seen in the right-hand cleaning materials photo above. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: There right in front of me was the exact same article, for sale at £3! I bought one, anyway. Got a cheapo camera card, Ylan ylang laundry-freshener, and as I getting to feel a little low, I bought a bar of chocolate Orange chocolate as well. Comfort food? 

Initially, I was pleased I'd got a camera card and fitted it in the camera. And took several photo's of the area, as I made my way up to the bus stop, where I met the Winwood lady and we chatted for a  few minutes before the bus arrived - Ah, I foolishly thought, my luck is changing - Huh!

We got back to the flats, had a chinwag on the hobble along Chestnut Walk, where I left her wishing the gal a good day, and proceeded in a Northerly direction, back to the flat. Taking a couple more pictures en route. I was cheering up a smidgeon again, now... I got in and took a photo or two of the purchases, made a brew of Glengettie, and got on with uploading the card to the computer... well, that was the plan... Whoopsiedangleplop: The SD card would not work at all! It had some pictures on it but would not let me capture them? The Computer told me I needed to this and that, and I had no idea what it was asking me to do! I lost hours trying out things to get the photo downloaded, but without any luck, I gave up in the end. My Wednesday's up and downness continued! I was enervated, sour, miserable and dour! Blungletads!

So, more hours lost, more failings...

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then, some mail had arrived. It was from Servern Tren Water. They have a leak in a pipe, and it's losing 1500 litres of water an hour! It lists the flats (all of them) in Woodthorpe Court, who are responsible for paying for the repairs beyond the external stop-tap and will have to pay for the private water supply pipe that brings the private fresh water to the property. This is including detection, repairs and or replacement of the supply. Any holes will be refilled with black tarmac... 

Followed by a lot of legal jargon and the law under various sections of the Water Industry Act 1991, and we need to repair this leak within the next seven days, and for someone to contact us with the details??? If a tenant - we should contact the landlord - Check our home insurance details. If you are not covered - you must contact a plumber... It's doing me no good all this hassle! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I rang Jenny and Deana for advice, but they were both engaged. I had a bash at CorelDraawing, though, but the heart was not really in it, now; after so many cock-ups, Accifauxpas, mistakes, and Whoopsiredangleplops, and the worrying bad news from Severn Trent.

I'll get something to eat, then! So I did. 

This odd meal had some cheapo imitation sliced beef, crispy smoked streaky bacon and tomatoes. The contents were tasty enough; the problem was the churning depression inside the bounces grey cells. I did eat it all but to the accompaniment of Thought-Storms.

I washed the pots, had a wee-wee, washed me, jammies on. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: Incidentally, I put the jammie-bottoms on back to front. Which had the Saccades damper-pad in them, and muggings here just thought he's got the other jammies on that has no pockets in them. I searched for ages for them - finding them eventually, when I sat down on them, thinking I may have had an escapage in the PP's... Tsk!

I got settled in the non-working recliner, put the TV on, but didn't watch anything, a habit, you know? And the Thought-Storms increased, and getting to sleep was impossible for hours. So much to worry about, fear and feel apprehensive about.

When at long last, Sweet Morpheus arrived, it was a few hours of 'Get up for wee-weeing, back down and up again. I've not had such a short sleep, nor so many nocturnal wee-wees for yonks!

Each time I woke, the mind stewed with discontentment, and silly thoughts of a self adiaphorous nature mingled with a certain defeatedness tone as I hobbled the now familiar, few footsteps to the bucket.

I think the extended lockdown, lack of help and frustrations are getting to me. But, Hey-ho:

I'll give it another bash tomorrow,

With hopefully, much less sorrow,

So many things to worry about,

I'm determined, though,

That I can get through without,

That contentment will flow,

Yes, I'll give it a go...

I know, I'll get some bread, sourdough?

From Whoopsidangleplops, I need a furlough,

I hope my dreams are not hollow,

But, you never know!

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Monday 12th April 2021



Monday 12th April 2021

Spanish: Lunes 12 de Abril de 2021

01:00hrs: I rose to require a wee-wee, broke free of the c1968 recliner, and heaved my frighteningly massive-bellied body to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), and had a rather uncomfortable  PSSU (Persistent, Short, Sharp, Uncomfortable) mode wee-wee. Thankfully for once, without any PM (Pre-Micturitional) or CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling.

Well, that went okay, and my spirits rose a tinker's damn, and even a smidgeon of semi-satisfaction, with rare, minimal hopes for a better day, drifted through my grey cells. I should have known better!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Emptied, cleaned and sanitised the NWWB and went to get the kettle on. Only to find I'd done it again - left the hot water tap running. My microminiature hopes of a better day today were shattered immediately. A Sulking Mode was temporarily adopted, with a wobbling bottom lip. And an inclination to sob! 

What a plonker, idiot, and nebekh! Oy-Yoy-Yoy! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I took the medications. 

I'd somehow missed taking last nights, again! What bit of confidence I had left was dwindling fast here! I think that disconsolateness is developing from within. Haha! 

I've no idea why I laughed there?

I got the Health Checks done in hopes of finding something to try and perk me up, like better results, but...

Whoopsiedangleplop: Well, that didn't work, did it? The damned BP was well back up in the danger zone! What next? 

I opened Blogger and checked the comments; I'd got two come in today, and one that Google just advised me about that apparently came in last Thursday? Then went on WordPress Reader.

Got yesterday's Inchcock's Day finished off and emailed the link.

The sound of the World Wide Hum had a sound of susurrous to it this morning, not the usual drone? I stood up to go and make a brew and noticed how the new, whatever it is on the feet, was seemingly getting paler and less vivid. So, maybe by tomorrow, it will have disappeared? Or not!

Went on Facebooking, not a lot of activity today.

The call to the Porcelain Throne arrived, so off to the wet room, I poddled. Well, I have to say, apart from the evacuation hurting like hell, it all over in seconds, no mess, no foul aroma, and the torpedo was cleared with one flush of the WC! Brilliant job!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then I had to medicate and cleaned Harold's Haemorrhoids. It is not cheap this Germoloid Ointment, but it did need doing straight away, even though I'll be back in a while to get the ablutioning done and have to do it again. Hey-ho!

I spent a few hours starting this blog off. Very few wee-wees were called for. How is it that the wee-wee rate can change every day, and the evacuations can go from one extreme to the other as well daily?

Ah, dear, the time shot by, I'd better get the abluting done, then.

As soon as I got in the wet room, I realised that I just had to have a go at that horrible floor again. I stripped and got the spray on the floor and the mop and bucket on the go. 

I made such a crap job that when the ablutions were all done, I put the towel over the Sock-Glide-Glenda, on the shower chair; I just could bear to look at the floor! Humph!

Toothache Thomas was a little easier, I don't know why, but there you are.

A few dropsies, a couple of tiny nicks shaving, followed by a most pleasant and accident-free showering session. Oh, Yes!

After medicating certain' things, I noticed that the feet and legs were looking a lot calmer, too! Double, Oh, Yes! 

But as I left the room, EQ told me not to get too excited, for things that lie ahead will stress you out, big-time! Unfortunately, as usual, he was right! Then again, he always is!

I was in the mood to get some sorting done, despite the certainty that things will soon go porangi, or at the least something is about to occur that will baulk my plans... and may even drive me over my limits of concentration and mental stability! That came out too easily; I'm worried now!

I sort of organised myself, yes, it has been known... mine you, not for a few years, Hehehe!

I got the waste bags sorted out, cleared some stuff out of the cupboard, and loaded the bags in and on the walker guide. Then went to make a brew - and found more bags I'd made up earlier that I'd forgotten about, so I added them to the stack. It made for an interesting struggle.

I hobbled my way to the waste room, got inside, and deposited the rubbish bags down the chute. Apart from a slight knock on the ankle leaving the room, there were no injuries, banged heads or arms, or trapped fingers. 

I got down in the lift and outside to take the recyclables and glass to the appropriate bins. Not a soul about, no caretakers, no Wardens, no residents; even the crows were not squawking about?

I put the bags on the big bin and jars in the little container and got back indoors.

The area out front had an odd atmosphere about it, a shame I could work out what it was. Tsk!.

The new notice board was being utilised, and someone had kindly part-painted the electrical cables hanging out from the wall in the main lobby.

An eerie silence fell as I got to the elevator doors. That might well have been what I'd felt outside?

I got back up to the twelfth floor and onto the hovel, and got the kettle on, made a brew of Glengettie. I must get some work done on this blog now, or I'll be so far behind, I'll start getting all the up again. But first, I had a nip out on the balcony to take some photos while the sunshine was out. 

To the left, the great puffer clouds, and down to the right, the end car park at Woodthgorpe Court end on Chestnut Walk was photographed with the Canon camera.

Which remind's me of a lady I met one day, a lifetime ago, at Mablethorpe, on the .promenade, who was, believe it or not, telling holidaymakers their future by reading the puffer clouds. She was not doing it for profit; she was only charging 3d (1.5 new pence), Hahaha! She had them queuing! But, I digress...

Whoopsiedangleplop! I turned to come back into the flat and tripped and fell on my front on the floor, knocking over the step ladders on my way down! Of course, it didn't bother me at all. A man of my calibre, vitality, bravery, and guts never felt a thing. No hassle or pain whatsoever. Ahem! 

After a bit of a sulk, I stopped the bleeding and checked on the camera; it was still working. Phew!

I went on the Health Unchecked Anticoagulation site in response to a message telling me I had received two comments. Both were about my letter regarding the AstraZeneca inoculation. So I went on to have a decker at them. One of them said it would be best if I went on the link he'd sent me. To report the effects I'd suffered, so I did. But I could not get to the site. So, I came out and rebooted. Everything, just in case something naughty, was toying with my computer, and I copied the link into the browser; I got through okay. However, it took me over two hours to get it filled in. 

I've never seen a more complicated form filling farce in my life, and I've been around a few years! The box for the medication list I was on had to have each one singularly put in, and ADD clicked each time. Crumbs, with my medications, I wasn't shocked that it tool so lone. Then, I realised it was a Block controlled questionnaire! In total, it took me three hours to get it done, and I'm not sure I got it right or not! This must be the angst that EQ was on about, I thought... I was wrong. More were on the way!

The intercom rang; I assumed it was the Amazon lad with air-spray and pencils. I put on my facemask and went to the door ready for his arrival, to find six pieces of mail had been delivered, one of them marked Private - Important! Oh dearie me? The delivery lad came and passed me the parcel that only had the pencils in it, fair enough, no problem. 

  • Thanked the youth, and he shot off at high speed; I went to check out the letter contents...
  • Whoopsiedangleplop The door chime went, it was Josie returning her player, cutlery and tray from her Sunday lunch, I had to ask if she enjoyed it, and she said yes! Good enough for me!.
  • Whoopsiedangleplop: I got back to check on the letter, and the landline burst into life... It was a recorded message; as soon as I heard the voice, I knew it was the con artist who has been calling me regularly to thank me for the order and telling me £3050 has been taken from my account... I slammed the phone down!  

  • Whoopsiedangleplop: As I got back to trying to find out what the surgery letter was about, Herbert started another round of clunking and banging.

  • Whoopsiedangleplop:
    Then the intercom went off; I tried to admit the Amazon man with the air-spray, but the screen froze and was like it when the timer closed it, no idea if it will work. Again afterwards, but it's not looking good!

  • The man came up with the box of sprays and left it in the hallway, bless him. 

  • As I opened the box of fabric spray, dear old Herbert went into another round of drilling and banging, but it didn't last for long.

Finally, I got around to checking the Doctors letter, but I was not in a good mood after the series of annoyances I'd suffered; I may have been swearing a bit, Tsk!

I was informed that a Severe Frailty Review (which will take 40 minutes) and my Annual Health Check are now due. A none fasting blood test and health review as well. A follow-up telephone appointment to discuss my blood results and medications will be made at this appointment.

Please take your medications as usual (Whether that means to fall asleep and miss your evening ones, I'm not sure?) 

Bring a sample of urine with you to your appointment. This needs to be a sample provided on the day of the appointment and a sterile urine sample bottle. If you do not have a urine sample bottle, please collect one from the reception before your appointment.

If you have already made an appointment, please disregard this letter.

Do not book an appointment if you or anyone in your household has a fever, new cough or loss of smell or taste. 

Do not come early for your appointment. You will not be allowed to enter the building until your appointment time.

Be aware that our facilities such as toilet and water fountain are not available, other than for emergency only. Please wear a facemask or covering to reduce the risk of infection.

Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment due to social distancing guidance, other than a carer or interpreter.

And the above was sent by the surgery, that when I was really poorly after the first Astra-Seneca jab for six days, couldn't be contacted by phone or email! I shall let my feelings be known on the day!

Or, as I have a cough, I might not bother going; that should please them.

This day started so well for me. Clappernaggersness!

It is now 2-hours beyond my standard head-down time, and I've got the meal to prepare yet.

Am I bothered? Yes!

I got the meal sorted, a sort of Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes mix. Fairly decent taste, I'd made too much, but, I ate up all it! 

A 7.5/10 Taste-Rating.

I followed it with an ice-cream cornet!

Sleep came easily when I'd got the pots washed and settled. In fact, six hours worth... Oh, Yes!

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Sunday 12th April 2021: Ah, a betterer day!

Good Morning!

 TFZer, Jillie. Vespa & Scarlett time? Hehehe! 

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sunday 12th April 2021

Hungarian: Vasárnap 12 Április 2021

02:00hrs: Yee-Haa! Jiminy Cricket, I've had five hours of needed sleep, uninterrupted, as well! I woke up for the first time in months, not wanting a wee-wee or the Porcelain Throne... I'm not sure if that's a positive or negative sign yet? 

After hauling my bulksome-overbellied-body out of the recliner and catching my balance, I had to stop my mind and limbs from hobbling to the NEB (Nocturnal-Emergency-Wee-Wee-Bucket) to take a leak.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I had a wash and rinse, got the kettle on, and noticed the state of my feet and ankles!

It really looked like they were when I woke after the hospital's stroke, and they discovered I was allergic to Clopidogrel. I later looked up the side-effects and realised I had all of the serious ones... but nobody seemed bothered, so I wasn't...

I got the Health Checks taken and was pleased with the resulting blood pressure figures given!

The SYS had crept up am iota but is still a lot lower than Sunday to Friday. Not sure about the DIA dropping to 65; that's the lowest it's ever been, but the NHS BP test returned as not so high as it has been? The body temperature had shot up, to the highest ever, at 38.3°c - 100.94°f. Hey-ho!

I decided to get the potatoes prepped, so I sliced and chopped some and got them in the crockpot with just some Chinese salt & Chilli-pepper as seasoning. Oh, and no accifauxpas! Snug-Mode was temporarily adopted, but not for long!

I got CorelDraw going and made a graphic for this page-top, it took me far longer than I'd planned, not through the ailments, but the internet was so slow again! 

I went to turn on the crockpot, put the regulator on a low setting, and stirred things up a bit.

As I started the updating of yesterday's Inchcock's Day, guess what? Go on, have a guess! No? Alright, I'll tell you...

Unbelievable, Monsieur Fries does it again, lets down his stupid, thick, ignorant, overpaying, doolally internet customers!

Whoopsiedangleplop:  Well, that's gone and cocked up the apple cart! Knackered my plans! And, caused me to bring forth such a hatred of Fries, a loathing, a jealousness, repugnance, with an arbitrariness that bore no self-guilt, and a hankering desire for revenge! I was now casting black-magic spells on Mr 'Square-Jaw' Fries that I hoped would cause his tackle to rot painfully and drop off, and he'd die agonisingly, piteously-painfully, and as unpleasantly as is possible. Well, he deserves no less, the lad! 

And we'd meet at St Peter's Gate! Naturally, neither of us would be admitted; Fries for his living only for monetary gain and the suffering he's given to his overcharged, under-serviced internet customers. And me, for believing in black magic. I'm losing it again here... Hahaha!

So, I decided that the Mafia man would get me all hot & bothered again, and I set to getting the handwashing done.

Whoopsiedangleplop: And what a mess I made of it. I only washed the made in Myanmar (Burmese) too small for me, grey zip-up jacket, and a few socks in the kitchen sink. To look at the state of the kitchenette afterwards, you'd be forgiven for thinking a tidal wave had just taken place! 

I made a check on the computer to see if the extortionist blood-sucker Mr Fries, well, his underpaid minions, had returned the sad, pathetic, Liberty-Global, Virgin internet service yet. Nope!

So, I got the ablutions done early; they had to stand at the sink, teggie-cleaning, shaving, and my flobby-stomached body scrubbing. Then the drying off, medicationalisationing, and application of the deodorant based items. 

Whatever it is that's affected, the legs and feet seem to have encouraged the old ankle ulcer to burst into life, or try to? The marks seem more vivid than earlier. The ones on top and sides of the feet are not painful and don't even itch at all? 

Whoopsiedangleplop-Accifauxpa: I'd done really well with the ablution...until I came out and stubbed my left hallux! Oooh! 

The only bit that worries me is in/up my rear-end. The thingamabob feels just like the right ankle ulcer does. I suppose, when, if, the nurse calls, I'll have the embarrassing job of asking her to take a look. Which will be worse for her, of course! 

I can't get to see it... ah, if it still itches like there're worms under the skin and hurts as much tomorrow, I can try to take a photo of it - not for publication, of course. Haha! Although, maybe the Tate Gallery will want to buy it. It'd be better than a pile of bricks! Har-har-har!

Back to the computer, and it was going a treat... for now anyway! 

I got Josies Sunday nosh done up and delivered it to her door at the regular time of around about 12:00hrs. The gal seemed in good form.

Whoopsiedangleplop: At long last, I got the updating finished, and I sent it off to Blogger. Then viewed the mass of comments that had come for this tremendously popular Inchcock's Day... Well, I got one from Billum in Ohio. Replied and then went on Facebooking.  Two hours later, just as I was finishing off on Facebooking... Oh, dearie me!

Whoopsiedangleplop: This time, it only lasted a few minutes, and when I got back to the blogging, the font sizes had changed, apparently at random. Must be something to do with the net going down at the time things was being saved? 

Note to self: No, you fool, you were on Facebook at the time, not blogging!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Another bout of knock-knocking from the friendly, sweet-natured, noisy git, Herbert above. 

I had a look at the WordPress Reader. I can no longer use it, but with them changing to blocks has ruined it for me!

I went on Amazon, ordered some pencils and fabric freshener. I'm spending well, Hehe! Then went on the balcony to take these snaps of the reddish sky. Lovely!

I went on the Health Unlocked site and made a comment or two on my Anticoagulation section.

I opened the YourArea news Emagazine and found some facts and figures to publish, showing the Nottingham figures for Coronavirus and my zone's crime figures. Which curiously was for crimes reported in February this year. 

I continued the slow job of updating this post further to the accompaniment of Herbert's clatter-knocking. 

But it only lasted a few minutes this time. At least I know he's not kicked the bucket, a comforting thought there. Hehe!

It's well past my usual head downtime again. I'll turn off the computer, get something to eat... oh yes, the Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes. 

Then updated this post in the morning.

The Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes, with assistance from some Milk Roll bread, followed by an ice-cream Cornetto, was well worth a flavour rating of 8.5/10!

Washed the pots, and got down in the recliner, recalling things I'd forgot to put in this blog, as the self-depreciatory Thought-Storms launched unto activity. which meant I got to sleep, so much later than I planned, despite my mind and body was ready to rest. Crumbleckskins!