Sunday, 11 April 2021

Sunday 12th April 2021: Ah, a betterer day!

Good Morning!

 TFZer, Jillie. Vespa & Scarlett time? Hehehe! 

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Sunday 12th April 2021

Hungarian: Vasárnap 12 Április 2021

02:00hrs: Yee-Haa! Jiminy Cricket, I've had five hours of needed sleep, uninterrupted, as well! I woke up for the first time in months, not wanting a wee-wee or the Porcelain Throne... I'm not sure if that's a positive or negative sign yet? 

After hauling my bulksome-overbellied-body out of the recliner and catching my balance, I had to stop my mind and limbs from hobbling to the NEB (Nocturnal-Emergency-Wee-Wee-Bucket) to take a leak.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I had a wash and rinse, got the kettle on, and noticed the state of my feet and ankles!

It really looked like they were when I woke after the hospital's stroke, and they discovered I was allergic to Clopidogrel. I later looked up the side-effects and realised I had all of the serious ones... but nobody seemed bothered, so I wasn't...

I got the Health Checks taken and was pleased with the resulting blood pressure figures given!

The SYS had crept up am iota but is still a lot lower than Sunday to Friday. Not sure about the DIA dropping to 65; that's the lowest it's ever been, but the NHS BP test returned as not so high as it has been? The body temperature had shot up, to the highest ever, at 38.3°c - 100.94°f. Hey-ho!

I decided to get the potatoes prepped, so I sliced and chopped some and got them in the crockpot with just some Chinese salt & Chilli-pepper as seasoning. Oh, and no accifauxpas! Snug-Mode was temporarily adopted, but not for long!

I got CorelDraw going and made a graphic for this page-top, it took me far longer than I'd planned, not through the ailments, but the internet was so slow again! 

I went to turn on the crockpot, put the regulator on a low setting, and stirred things up a bit.

As I started the updating of yesterday's Inchcock's Day, guess what? Go on, have a guess! No? Alright, I'll tell you...

Unbelievable, Monsieur Fries does it again, lets down his stupid, thick, ignorant, overpaying, doolally internet customers!

Whoopsiedangleplop:  Well, that's gone and cocked up the apple cart! Knackered my plans! And, caused me to bring forth such a hatred of Fries, a loathing, a jealousness, repugnance, with an arbitrariness that bore no self-guilt, and a hankering desire for revenge! I was now casting black-magic spells on Mr 'Square-Jaw' Fries that I hoped would cause his tackle to rot painfully and drop off, and he'd die agonisingly, piteously-painfully, and as unpleasantly as is possible. Well, he deserves no less, the lad! 

And we'd meet at St Peter's Gate! Naturally, neither of us would be admitted; Fries for his living only for monetary gain and the suffering he's given to his overcharged, under-serviced internet customers. And me, for believing in black magic. I'm losing it again here... Hahaha!

So, I decided that the Mafia man would get me all hot & bothered again, and I set to getting the handwashing done.

Whoopsiedangleplop: And what a mess I made of it. I only washed the made in Myanmar (Burmese) too small for me, grey zip-up jacket, and a few socks in the kitchen sink. To look at the state of the kitchenette afterwards, you'd be forgiven for thinking a tidal wave had just taken place! 

I made a check on the computer to see if the extortionist blood-sucker Mr Fries, well, his underpaid minions, had returned the sad, pathetic, Liberty-Global, Virgin internet service yet. Nope!

So, I got the ablutions done early; they had to stand at the sink, teggie-cleaning, shaving, and my flobby-stomached body scrubbing. Then the drying off, medicationalisationing, and application of the deodorant based items. 

Whatever it is that's affected, the legs and feet seem to have encouraged the old ankle ulcer to burst into life, or try to? The marks seem more vivid than earlier. The ones on top and sides of the feet are not painful and don't even itch at all? 

Whoopsiedangleplop-Accifauxpa: I'd done really well with the ablution...until I came out and stubbed my left hallux! Oooh! 

The only bit that worries me is in/up my rear-end. The thingamabob feels just like the right ankle ulcer does. I suppose, when, if, the nurse calls, I'll have the embarrassing job of asking her to take a look. Which will be worse for her, of course! 

I can't get to see it... ah, if it still itches like there're worms under the skin and hurts as much tomorrow, I can try to take a photo of it - not for publication, of course. Haha! Although, maybe the Tate Gallery will want to buy it. It'd be better than a pile of bricks! Har-har-har!

Back to the computer, and it was going a treat... for now anyway! 

I got Josies Sunday nosh done up and delivered it to her door at the regular time of around about 12:00hrs. The gal seemed in good form.

Whoopsiedangleplop: At long last, I got the updating finished, and I sent it off to Blogger. Then viewed the mass of comments that had come for this tremendously popular Inchcock's Day... Well, I got one from Billum in Ohio. Replied and then went on Facebooking.  Two hours later, just as I was finishing off on Facebooking... Oh, dearie me!

Whoopsiedangleplop: This time, it only lasted a few minutes, and when I got back to the blogging, the font sizes had changed, apparently at random. Must be something to do with the net going down at the time things was being saved? 

Note to self: No, you fool, you were on Facebook at the time, not blogging!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Another bout of knock-knocking from the friendly, sweet-natured, noisy git, Herbert above. 

I had a look at the WordPress Reader. I can no longer use it, but with them changing to blocks has ruined it for me!

I went on Amazon, ordered some pencils and fabric freshener. I'm spending well, Hehe! Then went on the balcony to take these snaps of the reddish sky. Lovely!

I went on the Health Unlocked site and made a comment or two on my Anticoagulation section.

I opened the YourArea news Emagazine and found some facts and figures to publish, showing the Nottingham figures for Coronavirus and my zone's crime figures. Which curiously was for crimes reported in February this year. 

I continued the slow job of updating this post further to the accompaniment of Herbert's clatter-knocking. 

But it only lasted a few minutes this time. At least I know he's not kicked the bucket, a comforting thought there. Hehe!

It's well past my usual head downtime again. I'll turn off the computer, get something to eat... oh yes, the Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes. 

Then updated this post in the morning.

The Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes, with assistance from some Milk Roll bread, followed by an ice-cream Cornetto, was well worth a flavour rating of 8.5/10!

Washed the pots, and got down in the recliner, recalling things I'd forgot to put in this blog, as the self-depreciatory Thought-Storms launched unto activity. which meant I got to sleep, so much later than I planned, despite my mind and body was ready to rest. Crumbleckskins!


  1. You ankle and feet look pretty beat up. Nice color in the clouds. Great looking CCC.

  2. Hi, Tim,
    No pain with the feet? No idea what it is, could be summat from the new slippers?
    Eating well now, mate, got over the first Covid-jab at last. Tsk!
    Hope all well, taketh care!
