♥ Hello, hello? ♥ |
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Thursday Evening
Bootifull!My microwaved mini-meal.
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I Woke Up It wasn't easy!
I woke amidst the devil and the deep blue sea. In a conundrum and a half! The desperate desire to go back to sleep and the need of a wee-wee? Naturally, the taking of a wee-wee won - it always does, one constant in my life that rarely fails me, the ever-challenging, expect anything, wee-wee! 06:50: After three hours in the comfort of Sweet Morpheus.
This mornings effort kept me on my toes; I've never taken such a farcical wee in my entire life (I don't think so, anyway). Maybe after the stroke, though?
Here's how it went: I felt the flow on its way, heating the inner pipework as it approached Little Inchy... Then it gave a short, weak spray (thanks for that, I've only just put these clean jammies on last night, Tsk! more washing!) And things fell inactive, not a dribble would come, for ages, I waited...
Suddenly, a strong, painful torrent kicked off, and this one lasted a while. I had to concentrate while holding the bucket to avoid any more mishaps! As sudden as this hose-pipe like flow had stopped, again no trickling followed, things stopped so suddenly again.
Well, I thought, I got away with just the jammies to wash, no bleeding from the final lesion either. I was pulling up the PP's (protection pants) and had to drop them a lot quicker than I pulled them up, as another blast arrived!
I cautiously bade my time. I wasn't going to get caught out again. But I was!
The not unknown PMAD (Post-Micturition-After Dribbling) began... I feared it may never stop! I recall thinking, I'm going to look a twerp if the morning carer arrives now! Eventually, the gentle cascading stopped. I cleared away the things in case a carer called early and got the jammie-bottoms in soak in the wet room bucket with Dettol and liquid soap powder. Glad that was over with!
Washed things up, me and the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee-Bucket), sanitised the pale and got some fresh PP's on.
I'm interested in seeing what the next wee-wee produces - might be music and lights with it? Hehehe!
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Halved Some Warfarin Tablets
Used the pill-splitter without any harm or accifauxpas (A touch of Smugness developing here!). Left the tablets in the splitter pot for when I need halves to fit in with the evening dosages. Then got carried away, so as to speak...
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Waste Bag Sorting!
I got carried away with waste bag sorting and having a go at decluttering the un-decluttered kitchen, now that the declutterers had failed to declutter and clean the place for me.
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Got the Health Checks Done
The assessment on the NHS site put me just inside the typical, light green section. Yes! Good innit?
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Search Conducted - Again!
I made seek-the-Comfort bottles, mysteriously gone after the declutterers left, and I'd asked one of the bullies not to take them. Search Results:
Went back to the kitchen. Reminder to self here: Do Not Use Nottingham City Care vetted Declutterer Cleaners again. They are definitely, threatening persons, con men of dementia and older people: But it has to be said, fair enough, they are skilled at how they get away with it, fair do's!
That would be the one that the cleaner declutterers had left soaking wet with a bit of fluff, filthy, with tablets and even a paper clip floating about on the floor, and I slipped on the dirty water and found myself on the floor.
A Danger To Your Health and Wealth!
Aha! The beautiful, caring carer! Jill's appearance in the flat always cheers me up exponentially. She never fails ♥.
She got the medications and questions done. She was in a hurry this morning, staff shortages at Meridian again.
She took some bags to the chute for me on her way out. I think she said she's due tonight. More great news! ♥.
Checked The End Car Park
Hehe! Much a sameness, lousy parking, red cars dominant. They'll be a reason for this but blown if I know it.
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Porcelain Throne Needed!
Well, well, that session went superbly! A smidge messy and pongy, but no other issues at all. The usual slow to start routine, it seems they are all of this nature nowadays. Luckily, crossword 99 needed another go at solving, and I got one answer in! Not a lot!
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Potatoes in Pan
Seasoned with Worcester sauce, Squid sauce and liquid smoke. I'll have just one an afternoon nibble later.
I'll have this with them; I've taken to these now I have the means to cook them, I may even have a box of chips!
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Updating Blog
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More bags made and taken to the chute
Plates and ankles looking betterer!
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Nosh Two!
The mostly microwaved mini-fodder-food platter came out alright.
Micro-chips, the BBQ burger thingy, and a boiled potato. Sprinkled with Worcestershire sauce. BBQ sauce on the cob... reet good it was!
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To try to make some graphics for the top of the Inchies Day blog.
Not sure if I'll get any done. But I must try to stay awake, (if I can) as the Amazon man is delivering stuff for our Jane. Don't want to miss him!
The evening carer is due in about a half-hour. Jillie, I hope ♥.
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♥ Care Jill Came ♥
I was pleased for her and Eugene when she told me he has been offered a job in Canada. But so sorry to hear it at the same time. The loss of Jill-Help is not going to be easy to cope with.
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Facebooking - Blogging
But this didn't last long. Thanks to so many people's leadership and uncaring attitude, my faith sank, and the darkness of depression dawned. For many reasons, I believe: Just now... Mr Stephen Fries crap Virgin Internet Media...
Went Down yet Again!
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I went to kip, feeling sorry for myself, depressed, frustrated and worried.
Still, you don't like to complain, do you!