Saturday, 10 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Saturday 10th April 2021 - A most difficile day!

♥ What a kind, considerate TFZer Gladys is! ♥

Good Morning each!

Saturday 10th April 2021

Welsh: Dydd Sadwrn 10fed Ebrill 2021

Here we go: 00:10hrs: Woke, wriggled free of the £300, second-hand, c1968 recliner, and had a wee-wee. A piffling, unwilling affair, droplets more than a flow. 

I emptied, then cleaned and sanitised the overnight emergency bucket. Washed and got the kettle on. 

Whoopsiedangleplop! Then, Oh, dearie me! I found the hot water tap (faucet) had been left running, and the water was really icy cold! It's times like this, one feels like an ignoramus, knucklehead, and or a  schlepper... but not limited to these choices. Bearing in mind that yesterday, I had to come back to the flat from the Chiropodist to collect the cash I'd forgot to take with me and get back again - then, I missed the bus to Sherwood, and the one coming back again! 

I suppose it must be due to senile dementure approaching at a faster rate of knots nowadays? This mental and physical incapacitation and debilitating is not unknown; it's just that no one listens or cares, even when you recognise the fact yourself and you plead for help. That is because nothing can be done about your Alzheimer's disease, and others are aware that they could cop for it as well. I just thought I'd mention this while I still the ability to. 

I got distracted there, didn't I, sorry, about that!

I made a brew of Thompsons Punjana, took another wee-wee ( It's getting stronger now). And got the Health Checks sorted out.

Well, a lot better results all around this morning! SYS down to 155, DIA up a smidgeon at 80, Pulse at 88 bpm, and the body temperature at a steady 36.4°c - 97.5°f. No complaints there then! Even though the Whoopsiedangleplops started so early. Hehehe!

I diverted to get some potatoes cooking in the crockpot. I only added roast paprika and some salt to them - the plan is to drain the spuds and have them with chilli chicken, peas and tomatoes... but we'll see cause it looks like another late night for a nosh. Cause of the time it's taken me to get things done, up to now, I've not even reached the ablutions tended to, yet.  Blurblecrups!

I got around to making some graphics on CorelDraw, but the time it takes me nowadays. It's either Nicodemus, 's Neurotransmitters failing, Shuddering Shoulder Shirley shaking my shoulder out of its socket, or Saccades Sandra preventing me seeing properly... at all sometimes, or any of the three. Today was a bad one, and I did have the trio going away at me. I spent three hours and only got two graphics done! This and the memory problems, and lack of concentration, really makes me consider packing up doing the blogging. It just takes up so much time. It's worse since Wicked WordPress went on blocks and forced me to pack up using them!

And the horrendous oddities of this Blogger are as bad! Lifes, a bugger with blogger! Hehehe! Still, you don't like to complain very often, but today is a horrendously ailment prone one. Saccades have never been so bad; on the bright side, at least she's not staying for long periods, like last Wednesday, so I'm sorry again.

I got on with the updating of the Friday post. I got up just after midnight, it is now 08:15hrs, and I've only just finished, tried to check, and posted the blog off! 

Then I spent hours on Facebooking. I usually love going on there, but today, I fear I did a bit of moaning, too much mayhaps. OOOh!

I checked the potatoes and decided there was room for me to slice another one and get it in - Not a good idea - well, I know that now. Humph!

Accifauxpas: I have to say, that scalloper knife I bought twenty years ago, from Griffith and Spalding's, has been so responsive to the sharpening stone over the years.  Oopsy daisy!  It looks worse than it really is; note in the photo I was squeezing the finger to get it to bleed for the camera. Just a tiny stab down the nail. Hahaha! 

Started updating today's post to the sounds of odd clunk's accompaniment, bang and clonking noises from Herbert above. 

Made a brew of Glengettie, took a wee-wee, pondered over next week's food order, and went to the J Sainsbury site to see what slots were available - got one for 06:30 > 07:30 hrs on Tuesday 14th April. With a £4 delivery charge attached to it. Huh! 

The sun was doing its best to come out; I just wished some energy would do the same for me. I took a photograph from the balcony.

I was pretty pleased with the outcome, so I've put it in large size.

So late already, I'm going to get the meal prepped and served now; I can't go on; I'm getting brain-dead symptoms. Har-har!

Despite my weakening by the minute now, I got the nosh prepped and served up. And I have to say, I found a new spirit, and wakefulness arrived when I started to imbibe this delicious meal; that for once, I'd got it right for the first time.

Well, not exactly. I had planned to have the ready-cooked chilli-bbq-turkey breasts, but they had gone out of date. Tsk! However, I found two mini pork and pickle pies in-date, and I had them; they were great! The whole meal went down with a delightful taste-bud titillating taste, with the added caramelised onion pickle. 

The seasoned potatoes were particularly acceptable. I'll use the same seasoning for tomorrows, methinks.

No sooner had I finished, washed the pots, and got down in the recliner, my mini-moment of mercuriality made me return to the moroseness mode. I made for the Marmite and made a mess, making a sandwich, and devoured it. 

I got an iced Cornetto, and returned to the chair with it, headphones on, and started to watch an old film; Batteries are not included. 

I think it was made in 1968. It's not very often a movie takes my fancy, but this one did. I love it when the goodies win!

I watched it all the way through without any nodding off, although it was a fight not to drift away during the commercial breaks. So I cunningly found another channel showing Brtians Parking Hell episodes, and changed to that one, when the adverts came on - but of course, it didn't work, cause the stations had their advertising on at the same time, but it killed time when I may have dropped off... I made a mess of that comment, didn't I? 

I reckon after the film finished, I must have nodded off immediately, cause when I woke up five hours later, I'd not moved, and the remote lay there in the folds of my gargantuan bulging stomach! Haha!

Inchcock's Day: Thursday 9th April 2021


Hello, what's all this then? Hehe!

Monday, 5 April 2021

INCHCOCK's DAY: Sunday, 4th April 2021


TFZeress; Haberdashery Queen!

 Sunday, 4th April 2021

 Welsh: Dydd Sul, 4ydd Ebrill 2021

02:30hrs: As for the past ten days or so, I woke confused and in need of a wee-wee. I went into auto-mode and groped my way out of the grotty, £300, second-hand, c1968, unsteady, not-working, incommodious, sickeningly beige-coloured, haemorrhoid-testing recliner. Without any tumbling back down or losses of balance.

Caught my balance and toddled wobblingly over to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket). 

Whoopsiedangleplop: When I painfully passed at least two egg-cups worth of wee-wee. 

The highlight being that on the NHS Wee Status guide card, I found the colouring put me in number three grading, which is the best it has been for many a month. In the 'FAIR' level! 


I washed my dandies and hobbled CC (Cathy Cartilage), which was giving me some bother, but she's been a lot worse, so no complaints, to the kitchenette and got the kettle on. 

I had to divert to utilise the Porcelain Throne. Would there be any action this time, I thought en route? 

After being sat for a minute or so, I realised that Constipation Konrad was back in complete control! So, out came the crossword book, and no sooner had I started puzzling, the action started!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Gawd, the effort needed to keep things moving was uncomfortable, to say the least. Fear of something being split open in the rear quarters crossed my mind! Har-har! Why am I laughing?) Viewing the evacuated product, bought the Atom Bomb to mind, but in an almost black, single rugby ball-shaped dollop! How the heck did that get out!  

I got the Health Checks sorted and recorded next.

The SYS was down from yesterdays rediculous 185, to 167, with the lower DIA, this brought down the NHS site's level a bit. But it was still too high. The pulse had tumbled to 79, the second-lowest it has ever been since I started recording the details. The body temperature had sneaked up to the amber level. 37.2°c - 98.96°f. Why this should be showing in amber, I don't know.

I made a belated mug of Glengettie tea and got the computer on to update the Saturday post. Even after previewing and hanging things so often, Blogger still published it with different formatting and fonts, sizes etc., and I was so annoyed! I might just have to give up blogging altogether. 

I can no longer cope with learning anything new. I just do not understand what is going so wrong, or rather what I'm doing wrong. I need one to one help - and I ain't gonna get that. Even this blog shows on the editor the right fonts, but in the preview, it offers a different font? I kept reselecting the font I wanted, but it didn't change in the review? Frustration grows!

Started this blog up here, then posted the Saturday post off to Blogger, and went on Facebook catch-up, comments, messages and uploaded the photos to the albums.

I went to the kitchen to make another brew; it was Glengettie this time and made a start on the potatoes in the crockpot. I got the spuds sliced and chopped first. I added seasonings, roast paprika, sea salt, balsamic vinegar, and some beef gravy granules. Oh, and a pinch of garlic. I'll add some tomatoes and maybe peas a little later; I might even have vegetable chilli-stew today.

I returned to the computer and took this opportunity to display my utter incapabilities in trying to master, understand the working of the Kodak AZ651 camera; by taking this shot of the computer screen. Had I tried to take the worst picture of the month, I could not have done better. 

However, I didn't mean to!

The blogger was still playing up changing fonts, formatting, even the colours at times. I can't get my head around what I'm doing wrong? 

I decided to stop computerisationing, to give myself some time off from the niggling, self-criticising and frustration. So, I got the hand-washing sorted out, all done, wrung, and hung to dry; a pair of trews and socks. 

Then, I checked on the earlier washed clothing to see which wasn't ready to go away. None were. 

I went to get the ablutions done. The teeth cleaning produced a bit of tenderness from the cracked molar. The real amazing thing was having to shave with two days growth of stubble to get through, and only one tiny nick was suffered. Honestly! 

But the dropsies at that point were about none or ten. Tsk! 

The showering had only one point worth mentioning. As I dropped the shower gel bottle (I must buy the ones with a hook attached!), I banged the right knee against the grab bar. Cartilage Cathy started off, and I ruined what was up until then, an excellent, damage-free session! Ah, well! 

Smug-Mode-Engaged: After drying off safely, the medicationalisationing went almost perfectly! Oiling the ears:.

  • Oiling the ears; No dropsies or spillages!
  • PhorPain gelled the wrists, knees and ankles, just the one slight knock when getting down to do the right foot.

  • Applying the Clobetasone ointment to Little Inchies fungal lesion, was for some reason, far more painful than it usually is? Methinks a crack might have come up, this happens occasionally, and the ointment seeps through under the wound.

  • Dabbed the last of the toothache linctus on, Argh! 

  • Took the midday medications and an extra Codeine 30g. Oh, no, they delivered 15g this month, which is a good thing; it gives me more options to counter the various ailments. 

  • I, as usual, dithered over whether to tale a poo-softener or not. I decided to, but I fear things might get variable in the Porcelain Throne sessions again.

  • I put the Tropicamide eye drops in... Well, no, I fibbed there, sorry! I tried to put them in, but most of the fluid missed and trickled down the cheeks into the moustache, lips, then the mouth. It tasted horrible! Hehehe!

Accifauxpas: Coming out of the wet room, I thought I'd left the wall heater running, so I turned and knocked the same part of the right shoulder against the same door frame! SSS (Shuddering-Shoulder-Shirley) responded rather viciously! Things were getting riskier as the day went on? 

Oh, and I'd not left the heater running.

I got some waste bags added to those in the box on the stroller and a bag with some bits for Nora, Jenny and Frank, and poddled along out to the rubbish chute. I got to and in the room without any bother. Put the bags down the tube, no injuries! 

Down in the lift to Jenny's flat, left the bag outside the door, tapped on it, the bell isn't working, methinks. Returned up to my little dump and got on with prepping Josie's lunch. 

It was not easy, with SSS and CC both giving me a lot of aggravation. Dropsies and spillages were plentiful, but no finger-cuts, falling, or knocks suffered at all!

Although it was a close call when I was opening a ring-pull can of garden peas. It freed itself unusually quickly, and at the same time, Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters died off, and my arm flew out with the tin lid following.

I caught the top of a washing-up liquid bottle and sent it flying. I think I used up my month's supply of good luck in one go; it landed after hitting the far wall, down into the sink! Phew!

I caught up with the cooking plans and got a break, so I nipped out on the balcony to get a decent picture of the view, including the City Hospital. It came out really well for once; I was pleased with it. So happy, I've put the picture on here in an extra-large size, so you can see the details and depth captured.

I got the meal all done and served upon the tray with the other nibbles. Consisting of: 

The home-pickled cucumber slices (they might be too well pickled for Josie), also, of course, my Nottingham-famous cheesy buttery, mashed potatoes, tomatoes, tuna with balsamic vinegar sprinkled on them, pickled onions, and garden peas. A can of Gin in case she wants to get pickled, her favourite tasteless Baby Belle cheeses, and a Limoncello dessert.

I delivered it to her door, a few minutes earlier than usual. And answered her queries as to what's that (the tuna). I warned her that the cucumber might be a little too strongly pickled. She liked the look of the can of Gin and fruits, though. Hehehe!

I got back and did the cooking pots and checked on the chilli stew in the slow-cooker. Then spent a few hours updating this blog. But was hampered repeatedly, with... 

It is a crap service! No need to tell money-bags Fries this, he must know, already? At a salary of $19m, plus expenses, do you think he's worried, concerned or interested? No, me neither!

I went on WordPress. I even cringe when I have to type WordPress. Which reminds me, how do I resign from them? I'll miss reading others work on there, Tim, Cindy, Bill, Thomas etc... Tsk! 

Herbert was giving it some ashing about today... ah, it's the weekend; he used to be noisy regular. I hope he's not been away, hence the silence for a week or two, in hospital with Covid-19?

I got my nosh finished off and served up in the plastic bowl. I didn't bother with any meat, just had a vegetable stew with beef flavouring. 

The potatoes tasted delicious. I used the Bovril beef seasoning instead of the Oxo. I still added some Best Bisto seasoning as well; this seems to have permeated into the sliced and chopped spuds, much better than the whole tatties (I'll cut them up again tomorrow). Smug-Mode-Engaged! 

Another sad end to the day: the Thought-Storms erupted within minutes of my washing-up and getting down in the c1968 recliner.

I'm not sure when I eventually nodded off, but I started trying to find Sweet Morpheus's company about 18:00hrs, and remember nodding a few times for a minute or so, and the last time the News Headlines were on the box, so it must have been around ten o'clock.

I lay there half out of it, and I reckon I nodded off several times, but only for a few seconds, repeatedly. The last bit I recall was waking and putting the headphones on and trying to find something to watch on the box because sleep was not coming at all!

I managed about three hours, and I woke to want a wee-wee... everything normal there then! Hehehe!