Thursday 1st November:
* Angina accompanying me into the new month, along with frequent indicators for me to visit the WC.
Knees not too bad, as is the wind balloon, impetigo, feet and piles.
* Decided to wear the new jeans this morning... and apart from restricting movement in all leg areas, being too long, too tight to fasten without pain, and too narrow, they are alright.
* On laptop for a while. Facebooking.
Knees not too bad, as is the wind balloon, impetigo, feet and piles.
* Decided to wear the new jeans this morning... and apart from restricting movement in all leg areas, being too long, too tight to fasten without pain, and too narrow, they are alright.
* On laptop for a while. Facebooking.
* Went over to see Stewart and Maxine, his other carer. Took some nibbles for them, and we had a little chin-wag.
Took a photo of them, and updated this Diary of Woe.
* Lazy day waiting for the test results to be emailed or phoned to me - neither arrived.
Friday 2nd November:
* 'Orrible night with the angina pains. Little sleep.
* Up at 0325 hrs and WC, extra painkillers taken, cuppa tea, and on the laptop.
* Went over to see Stewart and Margaret, had a natter. Margaret looking a little tired, Stew was not with us properly, a little concerned over sorting out his financial arrangements with Virgin on his mind.
* Walked into town to Waterstones to try and get L R Johnson's book ' The Unacceptable Truth', but could not get it.
Called in Poundshop for seed and disinfectant.
* Called at Lidl on way back to get some bread, fed the birds on the way.
New member of staff on the till - well it's the first time I've seen him anyway. He said 'Good morning to me!' They'll soon knock such niceties out of him I'm sure. (Shame)
* Got home and the tiredness came over me again. Nosh, medications, sat to read Berlin book.... then pitiful sleep overtook me.
* Dropped Stew's paper in for him, then in the hovel and put oven on to 'do' me giant spud in, going to mix some cheese granules in later, then put back in oven to brown off - fingers crossed?
* After waking from my nodding off, I managed to rescue some of the burnt potato.
* Up about 0500 hrs, hernia bothering me in a nasty way, but angina is easier, but had a dizzy spell or two.
* Had a brainwave to write a note for myself to remind me of hospital visit Tuesday (INR Warfarin level blood-test, and to pick up prescriptions on Wednesday).
* Took morning medications, WC'd, and made a mug of tea.
Noted I'd left the water heater on all night - questioned my parentage and spat a bit!
* Went over to see Margaret, but she was not there.
* Bussed it to Bulwell, got some reduced in price frozen chicken bits in batter, nibbles, and forgot to get the bleach (fancy that).
* Feeling so tired suddenly again - oh dear, cough coming on now too! So cold.
* Spent a while looking for the note for myself to remind me of hospital visit Tuesday (INR Warfarin level blood-test, and to pick up prescriptions on Wednesday that I did. No luck, how do I do it I wonder?
The next trip to the WC - and I had no chance of getting there on time. Ran all over me on way up the stairs, wash and change of togs carried out.
* Getting worried now, as I had no desire for any fodder, and didn't know what drinks would be safe to consume.
* Kept nodding on and off all day.
* I called the NHS helpline to inquire - and after taking details they sent an ambulance.
* Many tests later, they assumed I had got a stomach bug. They were very thorough.
* They arranged an appointment for me with the GP for the morning.
* Still the new pains, but they were less frequent, as were there mad dashes (well hobbles anyway) to the WC!
* Ran (hobbled) up to the WC, messy, smelly, disgusting mess... but I got there in time.* Walked into town to Waterstones to try and get L R Johnson's book ' The Unacceptable Truth', but could not get it.
Called in Poundshop for seed and disinfectant.
* Called at Lidl on way back to get some bread, fed the birds on the way.
New member of staff on the till - well it's the first time I've seen him anyway. He said 'Good morning to me!' They'll soon knock such niceties out of him I'm sure. (Shame)
* Got home and the tiredness came over me again. Nosh, medications, sat to read Berlin book.... then pitiful sleep overtook me.
Saturday 3rd November:
* Angina was less bothersome last night, but the bladder was worse. (swings and roundabouts?)
* Up at 0300 hrs - WC, made a cuppa, on the laptop, WC.... took medications, WC... WC... oh dearie me!
* Popped over to see how Stew was on my way to shops, asked if he wanted anything from shops, he asked for TV paper.
Called in newsagents and got us both a copy.
Then on to Lidl for some bread, potatoes and fruit.
* Popped over to see how Stew was on my way to shops, asked if he wanted anything from shops, he asked for TV paper.
Called in newsagents and got us both a copy.
Then on to Lidl for some bread, potatoes and fruit.
* Dropped Stew's paper in for him, then in the hovel and put oven on to 'do' me giant spud in, going to mix some cheese granules in later, then put back in oven to brown off - fingers crossed?
* After waking from my nodding off, I managed to rescue some of the burnt potato.
Sunday 4th November:
* Only angina bothering me to any degree this morning - this very very cold morning.
* A nice scent of burnt baked potatoes still lingering in the hovel.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, both seemed okay today. Ogled and pined over Margaret.
Took photo's of Margaret as she was making nosh for Stewart while she wasn't looking.
* Idle day today. (Again).
Monday 5th November:
* Had a brainwave to write a note for myself to remind me of hospital visit Tuesday (INR Warfarin level blood-test, and to pick up prescriptions on Wednesday).
* Took morning medications, WC'd, and made a mug of tea.
Noted I'd left the water heater on all night - questioned my parentage and spat a bit!
* Went over to see Margaret, but she was not there.
* Bussed it to Bulwell, got some reduced in price frozen chicken bits in batter, nibbles, and forgot to get the bleach (fancy that).
* Feeling so tired suddenly again - oh dear, cough coming on now too! So cold.
* Spent a while looking for the note for myself to remind me of hospital visit Tuesday (INR Warfarin level blood-test, and to pick up prescriptions on Wednesday that I did. No luck, how do I do it I wonder?
Tuesday 6th November:
*Odd night, not sure if I kept waking up or dreaming.
* Up around 0430hrs, WC, got things in bag for hopspital visit, cuppa, WC, medications, WC, and on the laptop. Cough a bit worse this morning, Angina a git, bladder hot.
* Walk to hospital went well, not too cold, and I got there in about 1 hour 25 minutes. Bit of a wait, but not bad really, soon done and dusted and on my wat to town on bus.
Caught bus out to Carrington.
* Called at Stews on way back, he was in a mood of a grumpy disposition bless him. Lidl for some nosh, then home to eat it.
* Fell asleep.
* Walk to hospital went well, not too cold, and I got there in about 1 hour 25 minutes. Bit of a wait, but not bad really, soon done and dusted and on my wat to town on bus.
Caught bus out to Carrington.
* Called at Stews on way back, he was in a mood of a grumpy disposition bless him. Lidl for some nosh, then home to eat it.
* Fell asleep.
Wednesday 7th November:
* Horrible night, little kip, much pain and horrible dreams. Never mind. New pains this morning in chest -not agina. And hernia painful too.
* First trip to WC and thick round cobbles came out.
Second visit, and I only just made it in time, almost liquid, putrid smelling, pains in chest persevered.
So tired, just kept sleeping into the morning, not up to going out to get medications from chemist.
The next trip to the WC - and I had no chance of getting there on time. Ran all over me on way up the stairs, wash and change of togs carried out.* First trip to WC and thick round cobbles came out.
Second visit, and I only just made it in time, almost liquid, putrid smelling, pains in chest persevered.
So tired, just kept sleeping into the morning, not up to going out to get medications from chemist.
The next trip to the WC - and I had no chance of getting there on time. Ran all over me on way up the stairs, wash and change of togs carried out.
* Getting worried now, as I had no desire for any fodder, and didn't know what drinks would be safe to consume.
* Kept nodding on and off all day.
* I called the NHS helpline to inquire - and after taking details they sent an ambulance.
* Many tests later, they assumed I had got a stomach bug. They were very thorough.
* They arranged an appointment for me with the GP for the morning.
* Still the new pains, but they were less frequent, as were there mad dashes (well hobbles anyway) to the WC!
Thursday 8th November:
* Up about 0530hrs.
* First trip to the WC, I only just made it in time, almost liquid, putrid smelling, pains in chest persevered. Second trip I failed to hold it, another pair of knickers in the bowl soaking.
* Still no desire for food. (been a while now, and that's not me)
* Saw the note/reminder I'd left myself re doctors appointment, prescriptions to collect, and toilet paper to be bought. I realised this might be a high-risk operation... high risk of rear-end evacuations, being away from toilet for so long!
* Still seem to be wanting to nod-off all the time.
* Set off for the GP appointment. Called at Stewart's on the way, (keeping my distance from Margaret and him, I explained why I'd not called to see them for a while. Scary to see people's horror when you've a communicative disease innit?
* Got to surgery, visited loo as a precaution straight away - all wind and pith though.
* Fell in love with a toddler baby in the surgery waiting area, mother was holding her up, and bouncing her on her knee - the little might was so interested in all around her, and had such an expressive face, and occasional sweet smile.
* Visited the loo again, just in time too, only just. The putrid aroma I deposited with the liquid evacuation from the rear, caused me to blush as I returned to the waiting area - I was convinced that everyone there was suffering the 'Phew Syndrome' I'd created.
* Went in to see Dr Vindla (God she's sexy), who patiently went through questioning my ailments, had me on the couch poking, feeling, probing and... best not go on about this part of the visit, I'll get myself all excited.
* She recommended I eat bland food, suggesting toast. Gave me prescriptions, told me to call back if things had not began to settle after 48 hours, and I was off to the chemist. Becoming more aware of the 'Surprise Elements' of what she said I'd picked up (gastroenteritis) I called in the WC before leaving.
* To the chemists for prescriptions, then sharpishly into Lidl for bread (believe it or not, I managed to forget the toilet rolls!) - got back to the hovel only just in time... (Oh the stink).
* Made and ate some toast - didn't feel hungry, but thought it best to after a couple of days without food.
* From about 1300 hrs I put on the TV (Heartbeat), and kept nodding off, waking, going to the loo, nodding off, goin.. you get the idea? Until about 1800 hrs.
Took medications, then... yes you've guessed it, nodded off, Loo, nodded off, Loo...
* Things settled after my last nigh-time visit to the loo - and I thought I'd try to watch an episode of CIA on me new telly... nodded off, and (I don't know how anyone can sleep so much) didn't wake until o530 hrs...
Friday 9th November:
* Came down and made a cuppa (still the thirst remains, but still no desire for food), took med's, put laptop on to update this blog.
* When doing so, an escape from the rear came - all on its own. Cleaned myself up, brought down the long johns soaking from yesterday and washed the one's just muckied, and left in soak again.
* Google plus message from Gary Hoadley this morning, re my current situation via this blog - heart-warming that anyone would take the bother and wish me well, kind man Sir Gary.
* Went on Facebook. Decided Jaggedone's Spoof about MI5 and Spy pigeons was worthy of Certification, and am just about to create one for the effort.
MI5 pigeon-spies banned from flying during Chinese Communist party conference!
* Margaret called to see how I was bless her, the look on her face when I opened the dooe and she saw me, told me I must have looked in a right state.
* Chanced it and hobbled to the shop tp get bread and milk in - then bravely managed to eat some food - possibly a mistake I realise now?
* Things seemed to take a downturn around midday, when stomach cramps joined the other symptoms of my malaise. Tiredness, with unusually for me, the inability to nod off, and the cramps continuing, another escape from the rear, and I felt drained.
Saturday 10th November:
* Bad night. stomach cramps bad - another not in time visit to the WC. (More embarrassment and dirty washing)
* Up at 0515 hrs. Weary, bleary, gurgling, and cold.
* Up at 0515 hrs. Weary, bleary, gurgling, and cold.
* Feeling sorry for myself now... not good, I'll have... oh here I go again up to the loo.
*Arrived just in time this time, same liquid, pain and mephitis present. (Still liquid Poo & stink Argh!) But it took ages to get through, stomach still wibbly-wobbly.
* Put on laptop, made a cuppa, and took medications. Will try later to do graphic to try and take my mind off of my condition.
* At the moment, I'm getting some exercise in at least - after each messy long winded visit up to the loo, I'm coming down restarting the bloody BT connection to the web, and five minutes later, have to drag me grumbling, rumbling noisy stomach up smartly back to the loo, and sit there in the cold, waiting for the completion of the movement - oh dear!
* Damned cramps, bubbling internally, chest pains, dizzy spells, trips up to the WC, and BT internet failing regularly is getting me down!
* At the moment, I'm getting some exercise in at least - after each messy long winded visit up to the loo, I'm coming down restarting the bloody BT connection to the web, and five minutes later, have to drag me grumbling, rumbling noisy stomach up smartly back to the loo, and sit there in the cold, waiting for the completion of the movement - oh dear!
* Damned cramps, bubbling internally, chest pains, dizzy spells, trips up to the WC, and BT internet failing regularly is getting me down!
* 0830 hrs: During the last couple of hours I've spemt more time in the WC than any other room... ergh! Feeling shivery too now, finger ends cold. Cough developing a bit.
0930 hrs: Not been to WC for twenty minutes, things might be improving, but still the gurgling innards talk to me - dare not eat yet. Taking water all the time though, to replace that lost.
Going to try and concentrate on doing a graphic for Eskine Quint.
1025 hrs: No more trips to the WC yet... but the BT internet connections keeps disappearing, and being as I am feeling proper poorly - my temper is getting frayed with the service I'm not getting! Risked a cup of tea...
1055 hrs: Got BT Internet signal for a bit anyway - Margaret called to see how I was bless her cotton socks. It was very frustrating not being able to get close to her or fondle her... (Sob)
0930 hrs: Not been to WC for twenty minutes, things might be improving, but still the gurgling innards talk to me - dare not eat yet. Taking water all the time though, to replace that lost.
Going to try and concentrate on doing a graphic for Eskine Quint.
1025 hrs: No more trips to the WC yet... but the BT internet connections keeps disappearing, and being as I am feeling proper poorly - my temper is getting frayed with the service I'm not getting! Risked a cup of tea...
1055 hrs: Got BT Internet signal for a bit anyway - Margaret called to see how I was bless her cotton socks. It was very frustrating not being able to get close to her or fondle her... (Sob)
Twixt 1100 hrs and 1700hrs - dosed, WC, put telly on, WC, dosed, cuppa, tried eating some bikkies and half a banana - WC, dosed, WC, WC, WC... the gurgling abated somewhat.
1700 > 2100hrs: Dosed, 'No WC Visists!', nodded off proper - I've never known myself to dose so much!
Sunday 11th November:
* Kept waking up, sensing the gurgling and inner turmoil brewing, stomach aches still rampant, but no stabbing chest pains! Hurrah, things looking up now?
* Put on laptop, and kettle, and went up to the familiar sight of the WC - spent yonks hoping for something to happen - all wind and pith. Came down, made me tea, and found the BT Internet Hub was working! So updated this crap while I could.
* Feeling so much better, I called over to see Margaret and Stew for quick natter - then went on a little walk, but didn't go far, when the gurgling returned, and so did I to the WC! But only wind escaped - same all day, no passing at all.
* Read a book for a bit, but kept nodding off... tried watching a film, but kept nodding off.
* Managed to eat some nosh, but still no passing at all? Had evening medications (missed midday one's bother!).
* On laptop.
* Bubbling and gurgling from within abated more and more as the day went on, very pleased with that.
* Despite all the kips and nodding off I seem to have become addicted to lately, I slept on and off for over 6 hours? Amazing.
* Called and chatted to Margaret from a distance so as not to take risk of her catching anything, then plodded into town.
* Now the flippin' rains comes! But I carried on, as I was enjoying getting a walk in after so long a time. Soaked through, I went in Primark (nothing but quality for me!) Spent on some long sleeve t-shirts, and replacement long johns. Oh, and a water-proof hat.
* Popped into Marks & Spencers food hall to have a look at the food I could not afford to buy, then into the gents wear, the same hat (or very similar anyway) I'd bought at Primark for £4, cost £17.50.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, fed a few pigeons, got in the hovel, fell asleep. Huh, what a life!
* Had a good walk and some bus rides in search of cheap food.
* On return to the hovel, overcame with tiredness again, and flaked out.
Must see doctor about this nodding off all the time!
*No internet access again - very frustrating. Then the computer kept freezing every time I tried to get on the web!
Went through the BT help thingy repeatedly without success.
Rebooted countless times, reset hub countless times - swore a bit!
Disconnected everything and tried again.
Tried in safe mode.
Tried a System Restore - and Norton told me I had a problem - had to download a patch thingy, then save it, then install it in Norton?
Which was a problem because I could not get on the web? However, when rebooting for the eleventh time, I did it in Safe with internet connection, and managed it.
Remembered (late) to take morning medications.
All hot and bothered internally, I reboooted - and walla... I got on the web, then Norton told me I urgently needed defrag, virus check, updates, and Start-up cleaning.
Rebooted yet again as instructed - and sat watching the search and repair process for a an hour or so.
Then BT connection was lost again... grrr!
* Going to vote today for the Nottingham Police Commissioner, I'm voting for the two independent candidates, a doctor and an ex-policeman - only in protest at the political party candidates though.
* Called in to see Margaret and Stew on way out. Margaret is sick again and off work poor thing.
* Voted, then walked to Asda, got a few tins of potatoes, English Breakfast tea bags on offer and garden peas.
* Then caught tram to Bulwell to see if they had any Steak & Liver at B&M. Got some cheapo bickies and chocolates for Margaret.
* Caught bus back to the flea-pit, nosh, and yet again collapsed drained, spending the rest of the day and night kipping on and off.
* Medications taken, WC visited, and cuppa made. (By gum life is interesting!)
* Called at Stewart's for a chat and to get news of Margaret. Rang her, and her daughter said she was looking after her, so my offer of doing any shopping etc was rejected. I forget she has a family sometimes, silly me. Got a text telling me my talk time left was 28p... stilll searching for the card for the phone to add.
* Had a walk to B&M, then Aldi... spent too much on food again.
* Now what had lately become 'regular' exhaustion came over me even earlier today.
* Called to see Stewart and phone Margaret - Stew said he'd tried ringing her but no reply. Hope she's okay.
* So tired. Idle day
* No other Senior Moments to report today, unless of course, one has occurred that had taken affect at a later time, that my limited observational and memory cells had missed, by which time I would have become aware of it s happening in which case it may be recorded elsewhere in this log, if I remember it. (I think)
* Bad night I'm afraid - lousy bits of sleep between pains and dreams.
* Nodded off properly around 0500hrs - awoke surprisingly in active mode at 0630hrs?
* WC, medications (bit late), made a cuppa... laptop on first time and with internet connection working!
* Damned cold this morning, icy too.
* Still feeling drained.
* Message from Pete (brother-in-law), arranged to meet him later to collect microwave from Argos.
* Nipped over to see Stewart on the way out, he seemed in good fettle. Too early to see Margaret.
* Walked into town and met Pete in slab square - where we queued to get free playhouse tickets for him and Pete from the Evening Post seller on Long Row.
*We joinded the queue for the free tickets, and Pete took this photo with his Samsung mobile phone.
After getting his tickets, we then walked up to Hearing Aid centre to get my free batteries. Swapping memories of the area with each other.
* We then walked down and back through the slab square, where a fair was going on, took a shot of a ride that seemed higher than the council house - then on to Clumber Street where all the mobile phone shops are, and Pete at my side for advice, we went into some shops to ask the price of pay-as-you-go mobiles with camera.
First call was at the EE shop - where a helpful assistant confused me totally with advice and specifications of the phones available.
Then we called at the O2 store, (BT owned I think?) where I was more confused than ever... fancy that.
I gave up.
*We then walked to Argos, where I bought the cheapest microwave available, and Pete (Bless him) carried it home for me.
* Got the oven set-up, heated a pizza for Pete to eat in his way home to test it worked, and he set off.
* I sat down with a cuppa, took my evening medications, and drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the day.
* WC, cuppa and medications taken.
* Went out to get TV paper and some bread, called in at Stewart's en route, to see if he wanted anything from the shops, all he needed was a TV paper as well.
In the papershop, I got rid of some pennies and those horrible 5p coins when I purchased the papers.
* Bought some roses for Margaret when I called at Lidl to get the bread.
* Dropped off the TV paper at Stewart's, Margaret was there by then, and gave her the Roses and some nibbles.
* Guess what? Stewart insisted on paying for his TV guide - in pennies and 5p's!
* Had a chinwag with them for a bit, Margaret looked very attractive as usual this morning. Her ankle is still painful for her, but she says it is getting a bit easier, and the walking stick helps a bit too.
* Went back to the hovel, and made some nosh, consumed it, passed wind, belched painfully, and the nodding off overtook me again... did nowt for the rest of the day apart from drift into and out of kip, but the chest pains were easier today.
* Called into Stew's, no Margaret, but Maxine had replaced her. Stew was all het up, he was expecting a visit from a social worker, so I left him to it.
* Got in and had some oven chips, baked beans, and tinned ham.
* Watched an episode of 'Heartbeat', then did this update.
* Created a couple of graphic's for Erskine Quint from Author L R Johnson's picture, put the on Facebook.
* Waited near the water fountain, crowded with shoppers, shoplifters, potential muggers and pickpockets, spaced out teenagers... oh and two people not actually using a mobile device!
* We went to the EE shop, to sort out a card for the phone Jane (sister) had given me when she got an updated one.
What a palaver!
My lack of knowledge of mobiles didn't help. We sorted a package that had internet access and 250 free calls and texts £10.50 a month.
The young man seemed helpful, and I hung on his every word - until he put the Sim-card in the phone the wrong way around.
Pete & I wondered off, and he tried to get the internet on, without success.
We returned to the shop, where the same young man told Pete how to delete settings to start again.
I'm not sure how he did it, but we did get web access eventually after another hour or so of trying.
* I can't manage very well with the small button thingies, and still can't get on the web yet on my own.
* Technology and me are not the best of acquaintances.
* Pete bought some bits for Janet, left him at his bus stop.
* Caught bus back to the hovel, had a nosh... and fell asleep again!
The old laptop wouldn't read the camera - and the newer laptop went so slow it was unbelievable - but did eventually read the card from the camera, thanks to Pete giving me a holder where the small card from the camera could fit into it, then it fitted in the laptop... but oh boy, it took hours to get them downloaded!
Methinks the laptop is on the way out... oh dear!
* Knees and feet bad today, and I felt so tired.
* Up at 0430 hrs. Bad night pain-wise.
* Freezing this morning. (Brrr!)
* On laptop, email from Pete, with photo of one of his cats, good old Arthur. (Note the excellent brickwork rendered by Pete!)
* WC visit, made a cuppa and took medications.
* Had dizzy spell on way to the WC... first bad one for weeks, but hey-ho.
* Readied the dirty laundry for visit to launderette later.
* At the launderette, a woman spoke me unprompted! I thought hello hello hello... I like this! I adjusted the hearing aid control and asked her to repeat what she'd said - shoe pointed out that my flies were undone! Ah well.
* Took laundry home and put it away, then popped over to see Margaret and Stew. Had as natter, then returned to the hovel, and toyed with the internet and laptop problems for a few hours, no progress at all.
* Had a nosh, and spent the rest of the day nodding off and dozing - and having a few dizzy spells again. Bad end for the month, never mind.
* Put on laptop, and kettle, and went up to the familiar sight of the WC - spent yonks hoping for something to happen - all wind and pith. Came down, made me tea, and found the BT Internet Hub was working! So updated this crap while I could.
* Feeling so much better, I called over to see Margaret and Stew for quick natter - then went on a little walk, but didn't go far, when the gurgling returned, and so did I to the WC! But only wind escaped - same all day, no passing at all.
* Read a book for a bit, but kept nodding off... tried watching a film, but kept nodding off.
* Managed to eat some nosh, but still no passing at all? Had evening medications (missed midday one's bother!).
* On laptop.
* Bubbling and gurgling from within abated more and more as the day went on, very pleased with that.
* Despite all the kips and nodding off I seem to have become addicted to lately, I slept on and off for over 6 hours? Amazing.
Monday 12th November:
* Up just after 0500 hrs - toilet - yes... I've been, and passed in the accepted style! (although painfully)
* Celebrated with a mug of Yorkshire tea, must go over to see Margaret later, I shan't go in Stew's house, until I know I've got rid of the bug and cannot pass it on, but it will be nice to see and listen to her.
* Hopefully I will be able to walk to the hospital tomorrow for my INR level tests, and boy do I need a blow-out.
* Might try to take a little walk into town (only 1.1 miles) this morning, and get some cash so I can tackle the pile of washing waiting attention on Wednesday.
* Called and chatted to Margaret from a distance so as not to take risk of her catching anything, then plodded into town.
* Now the flippin' rains comes! But I carried on, as I was enjoying getting a walk in after so long a time. Soaked through, I went in Primark (nothing but quality for me!) Spent on some long sleeve t-shirts, and replacement long johns. Oh, and a water-proof hat.
* Popped into Marks & Spencers food hall to have a look at the food I could not afford to buy, then into the gents wear, the same hat (or very similar anyway) I'd bought at Primark for £4, cost £17.50.
* Caught the bus back to Carrington, fed a few pigeons, got in the hovel, fell asleep. Huh, what a life!
Tuesday 13th November:
* Up late, around 0600 hrs. WC - back to solidish stuff now, laptop on, cuppa, got things ready for the hospital... not raining at the moment.
* Abluted, and off on trek to the blood tests at the QMC.
The knees were very good this morning, and hardly any bother with the angina, hernia, ulcer, sternum, wind-ball or dizzy spells! (A bit worrying this?)
The walk went like the clappers, and I think I did it in 1 hour 2o minutes!
Test carried out without a long wait - and I was off on the 37 bus to the city centre (Yes, I remembered the bus-pass too - Are things going too well I thought?)
*Caught bus from town to Carrington... that is where I became more suspicious of my good fortune and health for the day, as I got in the hovel, it began to rain, and I'd missed getting caught in it!
* Seemed to feel vital, fit, and ready for anything? (Scary now!)
* Made a nosh and cuppa, while consuming it, I planned the rest of the day:
1) I'd update this blog.
2) I'd check emails and Facebook.
3) I'd finish the funny graphic idea I'd started about the Senior Citizen memory spray.
4) I'd clean the oven.
5) I'd write a letter to the Prime Minister.
* I booted the laptop up, visited the WC, and made a cuppa.
* Unfortunately my best laid plans were handicapped when I fell asleep... for several hours! (Here ended the good fortune of the day)
* Abluted, and off on trek to the blood tests at the QMC.
The knees were very good this morning, and hardly any bother with the angina, hernia, ulcer, sternum, wind-ball or dizzy spells! (A bit worrying this?)
The walk went like the clappers, and I think I did it in 1 hour 2o minutes!
Test carried out without a long wait - and I was off on the 37 bus to the city centre (Yes, I remembered the bus-pass too - Are things going too well I thought?)
*Caught bus from town to Carrington... that is where I became more suspicious of my good fortune and health for the day, as I got in the hovel, it began to rain, and I'd missed getting caught in it!
* Seemed to feel vital, fit, and ready for anything? (Scary now!)
* Made a nosh and cuppa, while consuming it, I planned the rest of the day:
1) I'd update this blog.
2) I'd check emails and Facebook.
3) I'd finish the funny graphic idea I'd started about the Senior Citizen memory spray.
4) I'd clean the oven.
5) I'd write a letter to the Prime Minister.
* I booted the laptop up, visited the WC, and made a cuppa.
* Unfortunately my best laid plans were handicapped when I fell asleep... for several hours! (Here ended the good fortune of the day)
Wednesday 14th November:
* Up late, around 0600 hrs. WC - got laundry things ready.* Had a good walk and some bus rides in search of cheap food.
* On return to the hovel, overcame with tiredness again, and flaked out.
Must see doctor about this nodding off all the time!
Thursday 15th November:
* Up at 0445 hrs. WC - cuppa, and laptop on.*No internet access again - very frustrating. Then the computer kept freezing every time I tried to get on the web!
Went through the BT help thingy repeatedly without success.
Rebooted countless times, reset hub countless times - swore a bit!
Disconnected everything and tried again.
Tried in safe mode.
Tried a System Restore - and Norton told me I had a problem - had to download a patch thingy, then save it, then install it in Norton?
Which was a problem because I could not get on the web? However, when rebooting for the eleventh time, I did it in Safe with internet connection, and managed it.
Remembered (late) to take morning medications.
All hot and bothered internally, I reboooted - and walla... I got on the web, then Norton told me I urgently needed defrag, virus check, updates, and Start-up cleaning.
Rebooted yet again as instructed - and sat watching the search and repair process for a an hour or so.
Then BT connection was lost again... grrr!
* Going to vote today for the Nottingham Police Commissioner, I'm voting for the two independent candidates, a doctor and an ex-policeman - only in protest at the political party candidates though.
* Called in to see Margaret and Stew on way out. Margaret is sick again and off work poor thing.
* Voted, then walked to Asda, got a few tins of potatoes, English Breakfast tea bags on offer and garden peas.
* Then caught tram to Bulwell to see if they had any Steak & Liver at B&M. Got some cheapo bickies and chocolates for Margaret.
* Caught bus back to the flea-pit, nosh, and yet again collapsed drained, spending the rest of the day and night kipping on and off.
Friday 16th November:
* Up late (0540 hrs) booted laptop and amazingly got on the BT web.* Medications taken, WC visited, and cuppa made. (By gum life is interesting!)
* Called at Stewart's for a chat and to get news of Margaret. Rang her, and her daughter said she was looking after her, so my offer of doing any shopping etc was rejected. I forget she has a family sometimes, silly me. Got a text telling me my talk time left was 28p... stilll searching for the card for the phone to add.
* Had a walk to B&M, then Aldi... spent too much on food again.
* Now what had lately become 'regular' exhaustion came over me even earlier today.
Saturday 17th November:
* Up at 0355 hrs.... WC, made a cuppa, then tried to get laptop working... which I did at 0500 hrs. Had to reset again!* Called to see Stewart and phone Margaret - Stew said he'd tried ringing her but no reply. Hope she's okay.
* So tired. Idle day
* No other Senior Moments to report today, unless of course, one has occurred that had taken affect at a later time, that my limited observational and memory cells had missed, by which time I would have become aware of it s happening in which case it may be recorded elsewhere in this log, if I remember it. (I think)
Sunday 18th November:
* Bad night I'm afraid - lousy bits of sleep between pains and dreams.
* Nodded off properly around 0500hrs - awoke surprisingly in active mode at 0630hrs?
* WC, medications (bit late), made a cuppa... laptop on first time and with internet connection working!
* Damned cold this morning, icy too.
* Still feeling drained.
Monday 19th November:
* Up around 0500 hrs, WC, cuppa, medications, then the now almost daily starting and rebooting of the laptop, getting it going in about an hour - however today the BT Internet people allowed me to at least an hours work before the dreaded flashing light appeared on the hub, and I lost the connections - several resets and restarts later, I managed to get it back on.
* Margaret was not there when I went over to Stew's to see her with a bowl of stew and some bikkies. (Feeling down now!)
* I decided to have a walk into town and catch the bus (bless the free bus-pass), to Mansfield for a walk around and call into B&M to see if they had any bargains in the food section.
* Decided not to take the mobile with me... I couldn't find it!
* The walk to the bus station was nice, not too cold or windy (me or the weather), the knees were in fine fettle, but the angina played up a bit.
Caught the bus, and enjoyed the ride into Mansfield. Having to cheat a bit with me crossword book though.
* As the bus drew into the bus station, the rain began.
* I called into B&M, and got some bird seed, tinned ham, and hot dog sausages.
As I left, two persistent blokes followed me towards the bus station, asking for a handout for a 'Cup of tea'. Luckily I had the sense to take the route which had plenty of people on it, and they disappeared as I got to the station.
* Dropped off the bus in Carrington, and called into the Co-op to get a loaf. The lady serving almost spoke to me.
* Back at the hovel, I put the hearing aid plastics in soak, visitedthe WC, then I ate the meal I'd made for Margaret with some bread, then a yoghurt, then drifted off to sleep again.
Tuesday 20th November:
* Up at 0530 hrs. WC - turned on the laptop... more updates to download, took about another hour by the time it had rebooted and configured them - but the good news is BT Internet connection worked! (please do not let them know!)
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret, she was looking a bit better, Stew his usual gruff self.
* Went to Bulwell on the bus, managed to get the last two tins of good old fashioned Steak & Kidney on the shelves. Also spent too much on frozen foods, battered fish and chicken bits, I suppose I'll stop spending when the money finally runs out... I hope.
* When I got back, the usual depression, weariness, and nodding off began.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret, she was looking a bit better, Stew his usual gruff self.
* Went to Bulwell on the bus, managed to get the last two tins of good old fashioned Steak & Kidney on the shelves. Also spent too much on frozen foods, battered fish and chicken bits, I suppose I'll stop spending when the money finally runs out... I hope.
* When I got back, the usual depression, weariness, and nodding off began.
Wednesday 21st November:
* Bad night, constantly waking up, but pains from chest were a lot easier, and the knees seemed so too.
Thursday 22nd November:
* Easier night.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, both busy with paperwork for Stew's disability claims, so I left them to it.
* Has a walk into town. Very windy, made it hard going, but the rain held off until I got back to the hovel.
* Had goulash, baked beans with BBQ sauce and some bread - boy did it make me move rather rapidly to the WC on a few occasions! But it tasted great!
* For some reason I didn't nod off later in the day, and in fact could not get to sleep later, very odd for me.
Friday 23rd November:
* Up 0600 hrs - WC, cuppa, medications, WC, laptop on.
* Message from Pete (brother-in-law), arranged to meet him later to collect microwave from Argos.
* Nipped over to see Stewart on the way out, he seemed in good fettle. Too early to see Margaret.
* Walked into town and met Pete in slab square - where we queued to get free playhouse tickets for him and Pete from the Evening Post seller on Long Row.
*We joinded the queue for the free tickets, and Pete took this photo with his Samsung mobile phone.
After getting his tickets, we then walked up to Hearing Aid centre to get my free batteries. Swapping memories of the area with each other.
* We then walked down and back through the slab square, where a fair was going on, took a shot of a ride that seemed higher than the council house - then on to Clumber Street where all the mobile phone shops are, and Pete at my side for advice, we went into some shops to ask the price of pay-as-you-go mobiles with camera.
First call was at the EE shop - where a helpful assistant confused me totally with advice and specifications of the phones available.
Then we called at the O2 store, (BT owned I think?) where I was more confused than ever... fancy that.
I gave up.
*We then walked to Argos, where I bought the cheapest microwave available, and Pete (Bless him) carried it home for me.
* Got the oven set-up, heated a pizza for Pete to eat in his way home to test it worked, and he set off.
* I sat down with a cuppa, took my evening medications, and drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the day.
Saturday 24th November:
* Up 0545 hrs - WC, cuppa, medications taken, then on laptop.* WC, cuppa and medications taken.
* Went out to get TV paper and some bread, called in at Stewart's en route, to see if he wanted anything from the shops, all he needed was a TV paper as well.
In the papershop, I got rid of some pennies and those horrible 5p coins when I purchased the papers.
* Bought some roses for Margaret when I called at Lidl to get the bread.
* Dropped off the TV paper at Stewart's, Margaret was there by then, and gave her the Roses and some nibbles.
* Guess what? Stewart insisted on paying for his TV guide - in pennies and 5p's!
* Had a chinwag with them for a bit, Margaret looked very attractive as usual this morning. Her ankle is still painful for her, but she says it is getting a bit easier, and the walking stick helps a bit too.
* Went back to the hovel, and made some nosh, consumed it, passed wind, belched painfully, and the nodding off overtook me again... did nowt for the rest of the day apart from drift into and out of kip, but the chest pains were easier today.
Sunday 25th November:
* Up at 0545 hrs. WC, medications and a cuppa.
* Feeling drained again, and no walking today.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret. Found the Roses I took yesterday for Margaret in the kitchen... looking a bit sad for themselves, still in the wrapper.
Margaret arrived, She'd forgot to take them home with her.
* Took a photo of her preparing Stewart's nosh.
She looked a little tired, and her ankle was still bothering her, the tendon has been damaged, but she bravely carries on.
* Then took a photo of Stewart, watching his gigantic TV set on in the background (As usual). It's like a cinema screen! He's got all the technology of home entertainment, Sky, DVD player, Video player, Record player, Tape player, and three music centres!
* Came home, still feeling a bit tired and weary, had an early nosh, and did nothing but read my book, visit the WC, pass wind, make endless cups of tea, and nodded off frequently. Despite which I still managed to nod off around 2100hrs.
Monday 26th November:
* Up at 0245hrs - new pain in stomach area, visit to the WC.
* Medications taken, laptop on.
* Pete (Brother-in-law) phoned, Suggested I could have Janet's old mobile, and go on a 'Sim only rental' with phone company. Agreed to meet him Wednesday at 1015hrs in Vic centre.
* Went over to Stew's to see Margaret. She was still suffering with her tendon, and looked a tad drained, good job she's off work at the Theatre Royal at the moment, as her job involves a lot of standing and walking. She still looked beautiful though.
* Weather not too bad today, wind a bit less.
* Decided I needed a new tin opener, and a brush and dustpan, as I could not find my old one?
* Walked into town, arthritis a smidgeon worse today, but the sternum less painful.
Went to stall in Vic Market for tin opener but they had none in, so I went to Wilkinsons instead, and got my requirements.
* Massive nosh on returning home - oven chips, tin ham, garden peas, beetroot, and bread, followed by a yoghurt and some nuts. (Gannet that I am)
* The usual nodding off started after eating,
* Medications taken, laptop on.
* Pete (Brother-in-law) phoned, Suggested I could have Janet's old mobile, and go on a 'Sim only rental' with phone company. Agreed to meet him Wednesday at 1015hrs in Vic centre.
* Went over to Stew's to see Margaret. She was still suffering with her tendon, and looked a tad drained, good job she's off work at the Theatre Royal at the moment, as her job involves a lot of standing and walking. She still looked beautiful though.
* Weather not too bad today, wind a bit less.
* Decided I needed a new tin opener, and a brush and dustpan, as I could not find my old one?
* Walked into town, arthritis a smidgeon worse today, but the sternum less painful.
Went to stall in Vic Market for tin opener but they had none in, so I went to Wilkinsons instead, and got my requirements.
* Massive nosh on returning home - oven chips, tin ham, garden peas, beetroot, and bread, followed by a yoghurt and some nuts. (Gannet that I am)
* The usual nodding off started after eating,
Tuesday 27th November:
* Up at 0610hrs - new pain still in stomach area, visit to the WC, got things ready for the QMC Warfarin level tests.
* Set off in the drizzle at 0800hrs on the walk to the hospital, rain stopped after about a mile... and I seemed to be setting a decent pace, the knees not too bad at all, so I gave it all I had.
Arriving at the entrance to the QMC at 0912hrs - a record time!
The waiting area where get the tickets from was 'Empty' - 'Oh dear I thought, have I got the wrong day?'
Seconds after the ticket dispensed, I was summoned into the haematology room. I was done and out by 0920hrs. Too early to use my bus pass to get home - so I walked it.
By the time I'd got to the Forest area, the knees were creaking and painful once again, and the feet ached - I am a fool walking both ways!
* Set off in the drizzle at 0800hrs on the walk to the hospital, rain stopped after about a mile... and I seemed to be setting a decent pace, the knees not too bad at all, so I gave it all I had.
Arriving at the entrance to the QMC at 0912hrs - a record time!
The waiting area where get the tickets from was 'Empty' - 'Oh dear I thought, have I got the wrong day?'
Seconds after the ticket dispensed, I was summoned into the haematology room. I was done and out by 0920hrs. Too early to use my bus pass to get home - so I walked it.
By the time I'd got to the Forest area, the knees were creaking and painful once again, and the feet ached - I am a fool walking both ways!
* Called into Stew's, no Margaret, but Maxine had replaced her. Stew was all het up, he was expecting a visit from a social worker, so I left him to it.
* Got in and had some oven chips, baked beans, and tinned ham.
* Watched an episode of 'Heartbeat', then did this update.
* Created a couple of graphic's for Erskine Quint from Author L R Johnson's picture, put the on Facebook.
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Met Pete in Vic Centre |
Wednesday 28th November:
* Up, carbolicalised, medicated, found some clean clothes to wear, a cuppa, and off on the walk to meet Brother-in-Law Pete in town.* Waited near the water fountain, crowded with shoppers, shoplifters, potential muggers and pickpockets, spaced out teenagers... oh and two people not actually using a mobile device!
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Pete in Vic Centre today |
What a palaver!
My lack of knowledge of mobiles didn't help. We sorted a package that had internet access and 250 free calls and texts £10.50 a month.
The young man seemed helpful, and I hung on his every word - until he put the Sim-card in the phone the wrong way around.
Pete & I wondered off, and he tried to get the internet on, without success.
We returned to the shop, where the same young man told Pete how to delete settings to start again.
I'm not sure how he did it, but we did get web access eventually after another hour or so of trying.
* I can't manage very well with the small button thingies, and still can't get on the web yet on my own.
* Technology and me are not the best of acquaintances.
* Pete bought some bits for Janet, left him at his bus stop.
* Caught bus back to the hovel, had a nosh... and fell asleep again!
Thursday 29th November:
* Up at 0430, medicated, cuppa, and tried to download a photo I'd took with camera - ha!The old laptop wouldn't read the camera - and the newer laptop went so slow it was unbelievable - but did eventually read the card from the camera, thanks to Pete giving me a holder where the small card from the camera could fit into it, then it fitted in the laptop... but oh boy, it took hours to get them downloaded!
Methinks the laptop is on the way out... oh dear!
* Knees and feet bad today, and I felt so tired.
Friday 30th November:
* Up at 0430 hrs. Bad night pain-wise.
* Freezing this morning. (Brrr!)
* On laptop, email from Pete, with photo of one of his cats, good old Arthur. (Note the excellent brickwork rendered by Pete!)
* WC visit, made a cuppa and took medications.
* Had dizzy spell on way to the WC... first bad one for weeks, but hey-ho.
* Readied the dirty laundry for visit to launderette later.
* At the launderette, a woman spoke me unprompted! I thought hello hello hello... I like this! I adjusted the hearing aid control and asked her to repeat what she'd said - shoe pointed out that my flies were undone! Ah well.
* Took laundry home and put it away, then popped over to see Margaret and Stew. Had as natter, then returned to the hovel, and toyed with the internet and laptop problems for a few hours, no progress at all.
* Had a nosh, and spent the rest of the day nodding off and dozing - and having a few dizzy spells again. Bad end for the month, never mind.