Tsetchem Leshalom, for the Day!
Saturday, 1 May 2021
Inchies Day: Friday 30th April 2021: The day started with a record level of Whoopsiedangleplops!
Friday, 30 April 2021
Inchies Day: Thursday 29th April 2021 - If it was go wrongable, it did!. Schlubberdubersnarl!
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Inchies Day: Wednesday 28th April 2021: Farcical fun, froideurs, foolery, feracious fermentations, and Cramps!
Inchcock's Day: Tuesday 27th April 2021: Medicationalistical stuff mostly today
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Inchcock's Day: Monday 26th April 2021:
Monday, 26 April 2021
Inchcock's Day: Sunday 25th April 2021 - Sad!
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Inchcock's Day: Saturday 24th April 2021
Have a Fine Day!
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Nice to see the UK and Euro socialising! |
Saturday 24th April 2021
Norwegian: Lørdag 24 April 2021
02:00hrs: I woke from a decent, well, fantastic six hours of peaceful slumber. I still felt an iota of comfort from yesterday's caring, helpful visit from Matron Julie, who gave me more help, solace and empathy, than I've had for months and months. Bless her.
I dislodged the extruding wobbly mass of scarily mountainous folds of wobbly flesh, known as my body from the second-hand, c1968 recliner, and got my feet on the floor.
With Cartilage Cathy and Arthur Itis both being so kind to me as well! I was well-pleased with the state of the Clopidogrel blotches and ankle ulcer. They had diminished so much compared to how they appeared last night. And, the thick and thin leg syndrome seemed to be equalising, as well! But it would be silly for me to adopt a Smug-Mode so early in the day - So I didn't!
As I was taking the early morning quotidian wee-wee, the brain seemed to go on strike. For just a minute or so, I couldn't work out what day it was? By the time the UTD (Unwilling-Trickling-Dribbling) wee-wee had finished, things were back to usual with the brains activities. I was still partially confused, of course, but that is quite normal for me nowadays.
I hobbled and had a rinse and freshen-up, then to the kitchen and got the kettle on. I put some potatoes in the crockpot; I'll turn them on later, too early yet.
I got the Health Checks sorted out, with some pleasing results as well.
The NHS ap Blood Pressure was a little lower than yesterday, despite a couple of amber numbers?
I took the morning medications, as sorted out by the lovely Matron Julie for me, yesterday.
I took a wee-wee that surprised even me, this time! It was of the annoying and rare, flipping IRPT (Indefatigably-Relentless-Painful-Trickle) mode. Gawd, on and on it went, with so little released into the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), followed by nearly as much fluid again, in the form of CM (Cessational Micturitional Dribbling). It took longer than it has ever before to take this trickling, slow-motion leak! Tsk!
I had a comment come in from Tim Price from New Mexico. I read and replied, then got the Friday post updated and finished off. Another long slog of a job.
Whoopsiedangleplop: Not Blogger to blame this time, but Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters dying off and returning so often. It's not a painful experience, but when typing or trying to type and not feeling any sensations of touch at the fingertips on the right hand, it causes problems that need time to find, check, and correct. Hey-ho, so many PN sufferers are worse off than I am - I must remember that!
Whoopsiedangleplop: I went to make a brew of Glengettie tea and noticed the moon was out. By the time I'd got the Kodak camera out, the clouds had partially covered the planet. I tried a couple of times, but the results were so bad, deleted them from the SD card. Humph!
I did eventually get the diary done, and I emailed the link. Then spent a while on Facebooking, mostly a pleasure. Before starting this blog off, I made another brew, Thompsons Punjana this time, and noticed a letter had been delivered, oh dearie me!
Another threatening letter from Servern Trent about the leak repairs and reminding us that it is our responsibility to respond and finance the repairing work? What's what here? Jenny assured me it was nothing to do with us, and I believe Jen more than Severn Trent con artists!.
After a few hours spent on this template, then I started to compose the tale of woe. I went to make another brew, Glengettie Gold and took this photograph of the view from the kitchen window.
The blue and red hues make this one look almost as if it had been painted. Getting light now. The sun came through later on, from behind the flats.
Ah, well, time to get the ablutions tended to. Off to the wet room, and almost, smoothly, I primped myself. I washed some clothes first.
Then did the shaving, only one tiny nick on the chin. Later, I found there were three, Tsk!
The teeth cleaning next; I went really carefully around the cracked double tooth, but I still managed to get cause aggro from Toothache Thomas. And, I used the new bottle of mouth wash, CPC, Colgate's Plax Coolmint it was called. I'd have said it was a different CPC Crude, Poisonous, Crap, tastewise anyway. Hehehe!
Multiple-Whoopsiedangleplops: The showering session had a few near Accifauxpas. One clout on the head when I dropped the loofah. Hit my elbow against the grab rail, and after showering, I had a go at cleaning the marks on the floor, yet again. I hit my head on the wall as I bent down to scrub at the blotches - then turned in the other direction and did it again! That one didn't go down with my pain receptors very well at all!
Possible Inchcock Fib en route: Being the brave, masterful, fearless, indomitable, stouthearted young chap I am, there was no crying or sulking, and definitely no swearing and cursing! Oh, no! Ahem!
I dried off and carried out the medicationalisationing. Which was in itself amazing for the lack of pains! Arthur Itis, Cathy Cartilage and Harold's Haemorrhoids all accepted their medicine creams and ointments without protesting by pain-giving! Now there is a first! A Smug-Mode was irresistibly Engaged!
Accifauxpa: Getting the PPs (Protection Pants) on, I lost my balance for just a second, but it came at a crucial point - my left leg was up in the air, foot aiming at the PP's - backwards. I went... I turned to put my hand out to ease the fall, but I failed... And hit the head in the same place as in the shower! However, with clouting the head, I did not go all the way down; I just redistributed the medications and sanitary stuff from the floor cabinet to the deck!
Naturally, the Smug-Mode, adopted moments earlier, evaporated into the ether. I swore and cursed without any compulsion; I wanted to spit and hit something or someone! Sorry, but at that moment in time, that is what I felt would have release things for me?
I carried on and got dressed. Made a brew, got an orange chocolate Golf biscuit and sat down to stew, angry at myself for getting overconfident with the excellent start to the day, I suppose! Then, a lingering thought that things would get better as the day went on - Now I knew I was losing it!
I pulled myself together, not an easy task - and got on with updating this blog.
I went onto CorelDraw to try and get some graphics done in advance.
But of course, it will all depend on Saccades Sandra, Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters and Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet. not to mention my own Concentration Connor and how they behave. But I'll do my best.
I fell asleep when I sat down to change into my jammies. And the potatoes ended up overcooked slightly, as I didn't wake up for a few hours, and when I did, I could so easily have nodded off again.
I drowsily made up the meal, and surprisingly, flopped back in the c1968 recliner, found that 'Red Dwarf' was on the David channel, and dines while watching the three back-to-back episodes.
Whoopsiedangleplops: I enjoyed both the meal and viewing Red Dwarf. But if I remember correctly, I finished the fodder, after the three half-hour shows were finishing... no problem as such... But did it really take me that long to eat dinner? If so, why? How come?
All I can think of is that I unknowingly, nodded-off a few times? But undoubtedly, I would have known, remembered this? This little teaser played on my mind for ages, even doing the pot-washing I was thinking it through.
Despite these extra kips and my early head-downtime, I still managed to sleep for... wait for it, no joke... a total of six hours! Grrreat!