Friday, 9 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Thursday 8th April 2021

TFZers? Doing the News? Haha!

Thursday 8th April 2021

Somali: Khamiis 8-dii Abriil 2021

Whoopsiedangleplop: To over Wednesday/Thursday, I woke at 20:15hrs (Wed): I gave up on trying to get any sleep, and got up for a ferocious wee-wee, that I thought would never end. The flow nearly took the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket) out of my grip! Tsk! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got the kettle on, and I had to go to the wet room for a Porcelain Throne session. Messy! Sprayed some disinfectant around the room and went to make the brew of Glengettie tea, poured it out, and it was back to the wet room, in a hurry! But it turned out to be a false alarm. The only things that evacuated were wind and an odour that was suitable to be used in germ-warfare! I suffered an awful lot of PM (Pre-Micturitional) and CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling.

I got the Blogger post finished and sent off. Emailed the link and went of Facebooking. I'd had two comments come in, which I replied to, in between wee-weeing. Humphski!

I got the Health Checks done. The BP was not much different to yesterdays results. The body temperature was high but less than it was on Wednesday.

Medicationalistical Figures

I opened the new Your-Area enewsletter and found a couple of interesting facts out. The Covid figures looked rather good and encouraging for once. Down 53.7% on the previous week! 

What a session that was, fantastically damage-free! Toothache Thomas was a little easier. Shaving produced only two minuscule nicks, chin and behind the earhole again, hardly worth mentioning, though.  they were that tiny. 

No Neuropathy, Pete, leg dancing! No shower, of course, but that meant no clouts or bangs against anything and zilch dizzy spells! 

I got the waste bags made up and gathered them onto the walker-guide box in the flat's hallway.

I got some potatoes sliced and into the crockpot for tonight's nosh.

Whoopsiedangleplop: CorelDraw glitches, and my lack of concentration through sleep deprivation, were all telling me to get some sleep! I accepted this and would do so as soon as the graphic was finished... 

Then I went on CorelDraw to create the graphics for this post, and hopefully, tomorrow's as well. This took me four hours to get two done. Then, I saw this report about Nottinghamshire. This somewhat confused me. Which is nothing unusual when it comes to figures, numbers, percentages etc. I seem to go brain-dead, well, stunted. 

Then I spotted this, about the AstraZeneca Covid injections. It appears that the one with which I had the first jab and I was laid up for seven days! 

I'm lucky like that! I've only heard of one person who had any serious side effects with this jab.

A rare side effect, HMG and Euro. Tells us. That's not helping the three who have died after getting the inoculation, nor their families, is it? I'm going to look up what 'low blood platelets' means on Google now.  

It's Thrombopenia (Which is worrying because I have got deep vein Thrombosis already?) A deficiency of platelets in the blood. I shall now try the medical dictionary to see if it might have anything to do with taking Warfarin, Enoxaparin injections, Clonazepam, liquid Morphine, Bisoprolol-Fumarate (Beta-blockers), Pentoxifylline, Simvastatin, Lansoprazole, Codeine-Phosphate, Peptic Antacid, Furosemide, Clobetasone, Macrogol, Dioctyl, not to mention the ointments and pain-gels. Oh, I just did, Hehehe! 

The NHS page said:

Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which you have a low blood platelet count. Platelets (thrombocytes) are colourless blood cells that help blood clot. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel injuries. It might occur due to a bone marrow disorder such as leukaemia or an immune system problem. Or it can be a side effect of taking certain medications. It affects both children and adults. Thrombocytopenia is usually relatively mild, but it can be severe and show severe life-changing/threatening signs or symptoms. In rare cases, the number of platelets can be so low that dangerous internal bleeding occurs. There you are!  I'm on Warfarin, which is a blood-thinner! 

I'm not looking forward to the second jab! 

I'll have a sulk, then make a brew of Thompsons Punjana, I think.

I've spent more hours now doing this blog. After the biscuits have been dunked in the tea, I'd better get the ablutions done. Another stand-up session this morning cause I have the Morrison-Amazon order arriving early, I hope. Then I will not need an Iceland delivery this weekend. 

Back in a bit...

I was going to tackle the handwashing but got diverted when I found out, via a text message, that the Morrison order was due shortly.

Within a few minutes, the intercom buzzed and flashed, and I let the chap in.

He dropped the paper bags, some unopened, in the doorway and shooteth off. 

Nice bloke, thank you, Sir. Checking the things as I put them away, I found the bag of 6 Worcester sauce flavoured sticks, were only one small pack, so I'd lost five there somehow? But, an easy enough mistake to make, and he was a nice chap. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I put the things away. The bread only had one days sell-by date on it. Things were unavailable. And although the strawberry doughnuts had two days sell-by date, the one I couldn't resist eating while storing the items away didn't taste very fresh?

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then, I spent many hours on CorelDrawing and had to sort out a problem when options suddenly became unavailable. I had to keep closing down and rebooting? Being so tired with no sleep last night, I was getting irritable with things and myself!

Much wee-weeing then started and continued. I made a mug of Glengettie and took the afternoon medications. Then popped out into the balcony to take some snaps of the views.

I put this car park photo in so that Sir Billum of Ohio, Associate Professor of the RCMAA Red Car Monitoring Assessment Association (Financial Donations Accepted), could use the figures. Hahaha! Morning Bill and Lisa

Updating this blog was not easy; I was drained through lack of sleep and needed some urgently. The damned internet...  

Sister Jane rang, and despite feeling so mentally drained, and the usual lousy connection from West Bridgford. Sister Jane's home town we had a long natter. 

She's to go back to the hospital in two weeks to have her eye operation checked out. Hubby Pete is coping well with his Big C surgery. With the lousy line on the phone, and JAne sounding more like our 'Auntie' Bobbie with her speed of talking, it's getting harder to understand what she is saying; that'll get me in trouble! Hahaha!

Typing that brought back some memories of when we were ankle-snappers. Jane was whisked away to live with Bobbie and going all over with them. She was in Sicily for years, RAF station. And all that time. Jane thought I was lucky enough to be at home and living the life of Riley, and I was jealous of her, thinking she was over there living the life of Riley. And we were both going through purgatory! Bless her. Ah, well!

I poddled into the kitchen to check on the potatoes. I realised that I would not eat them yet, as I'd decided I must get some sleep. But felt confident I'd wake up and eat them a few hours.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I found that earlier when I was sorting out the delivery, I had to throw some ice-lollies to make room for the new stuff. It seemed that I had missed the bin with one of the ices. It had fallen behind and melted on the floor. Sticking the two waste bins hard to the tiles, and spread the sticky liquid all over! One of the tiles actually came up when I pulled to free the bin! What a time-consuming mess that needed cleaning up!

I did notice as I lay there all confused that the Peripheral Neuropathy and stroke-affected right leg was getting thinner and weaker than ever. I must mention this when Warden Jackie calls again; No idea when that might be) I may ring her tomorrow cause hobbling is getting more painful and dodgy over the last two days.

But things didn't go according to plan. That should be my life motto! I did nod off and woke after five hours of a blissfully uninterrupted meeting with Sweet Morpheus!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then, the wee-weeing, worrying, and dreaded Whoopsiedangleplops began!


  1. Your legs have become quite 'Not Eeeven". Looks like they've been shaved in that shot. Best wished for Jane and Pete.

  2. I'm having trouble coping with walking now, Tim! The limb seems to be weaker, thinner and harder to control - PN of course being the reason. The old ankle ulcer again feels like there are worms under the skin - add the bother with the magical reformatting all the time while editing on Blogger, taking my far too long to get things done, and they are not right then! Sorry mate, things ain't good. BAd enough WordPress taking away the option for the old editor - SWINE! I know of no other platform to use... I'm fed-up!
    Mind you, I should get my feet done later on, we'll see. With my luck lately... Hehehe!
    The leg hairs fell out at the bottom of my legs completely, after the stroke? Baffling! One for the Tate, maybe? Ha!
    I'll pass on your thoughts, Tim to Jane & Pete, thanks.

  3. Good to count on those extra red cars at the end of Chestnut Walk — a hotbed of activity most certain and most clear.
    I liked those thoughts on Covid-19, cannibals fit the scene, do they not? I shall have to retrieve my machete and a proper sharpening stone — good prep for potential chaos, a worse chaos than pavement cyclers, innit?
    My finest regards to Jane and Pete, I never have fancied getting a jab in the eyeball, a bit too close to a sharp stick in my humble opine. Glad that Pete is faring at least betterer than expected. My regards to that there pair!
    We got some ginger snaps that showed an expiry date of December 2020, they were as stale as an old ale (or something).
    Lots of folks unhappy with that WP blockedy block editor. A disappointment to many if not virtually all bloggers who prefer the "classic" way of editing. But they didn't ask me, did they? Perhaps they are planning a merge with Virgin Mobile. I always liked the old Unix editor that was designed in the 1960s. Did a lot of programming using that very intuitive piece of computer insight. It is so good in fact that they still use it as underlying code in "modern" machines. I am often a foe of that modern stuff and bother, perhaps it shows :-)
    Hardy har to all and each, yer got to laugh at least once a week, excepting Sunday of course.
    A betterer set of health indicators to all of us as we trundle through the month of Abriil
    Billum and HRH, Lisa!

  4. So glad to help the esteemed and well medicated, Associate Professor, and director-general, of the RCMA Red Car Monitoring Assessment (Financial Donations Accepted) of Ohio, near where he dwells with HRH Lisa (Secretary, organiser and logicality assessor) and essential furry friends.
    Indeed, pavement cyclist importance withers away by comparison to Chestnut Walk, mate.
    I can't believe that the slobbersons at WP didn't consult with you first, the Swine!
    Ah, you may be right about the proposed merger, mate - a death to both companies that would be - yes, let them do it!
    Thanks for the well wishing, and may your foibles ferment frequently with furiously fantastic, fun times, improved health, and splash of super luck!

