Thursday, 2 September 2021

Thursday 2nd September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode might slip in!

Natty, I like it!

Billum's Artwork!

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Up All Night!


Nodded of at 03:30hrs. 04:25hrs: I woke in pain with Colin Cramps enjoying his applicationing of absolute unbearable pain in both of my legs! Naturally, it didn't bother me.

I stumbled out of the £300, second-hand bought, c1968, nauseously beige-coloured, not-working, uncomfortable, rusty, rickety, difficile, crumb-covered, tatty recliner. Caught my balance, had a weak unwilling wee-wee, and decided to get the Health Checks done, as the hopes of getting back to sleep suffered, with the continuing attention of Colin Cramps!

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So, I Got The Health Checks Done

With some good results too!

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06:30hrs: Fell Asleep Again

06:40hrs; had to go for a wee-wee. The end of any chances of any more kipping now! Weak, unwilling and sprinkly!

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End Car Park Check

Black and White Minstrel show in the park this morning. The neatly parked (Haha!) red van seems to be claiming this spot for himself to park badly into?
Trapped my arm while withdrawing it from the gap. I'm so glad this didn't happen to one of the overcharging, bullyings, harassing, vetoed by Nottingham City Care as suitable to work for disabled, elderly people, declutterers and cleaners who charged me £345 for doing neither correctly. Also causing me injury via having a tumble because they had left the kitchen floor soaking wet and slippery; they had sodded off after being paid in cash as they demanded...

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Sorting Kitchen Cupboard


If it had not been for my changing my mind so often, taking out the things to rearrange, and getting them back in - and still not happy with the layout. Then, the shelf with the new payout was completed. I'd done the job in an hour or so... and I shouldn't have been feeling so pretty darned smug about it...

The shelf collapsed, leaving a right dirty great mess to be cleaned up, and me with a bruised toe that a bottle had fallen on! 

I abandoned my efforts, threw the stuff back in the cupboard, swore quietly but profusely,  passed wind, and made a brew of Glengettie tea while sulking!

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The Amazon Shopper Cameth

He was soon up at the door. Dropped the bag in the door sill and was off like a shot... I think he was on a promise?

I thought I made a nifty lob of getting the parcels in a line in the hallway. Then wondered why I'd bothered doing that?

There will be a reason, but...

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To The Kitchenette

Got them into the kitchen, and the fodder was stored away safely, and injury-free too! A welcome rarity there! I was also a smidgeon proud when I remembered resisting getting some fresh cream French Horn cakes when ordering, Oh, Yes!

How I managed to order the jam-filled doughnuts is a mystery to me. I had them with a mug of 99 tea.

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More cleaning up after the £345 Decluttering and Cleaning men. I was struggling to reach between the cooker and the cabinet to retrieve a dropped scouring pad and...

Oh, dearie me: I'm getting myself going again. Hehehe! 

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Getting Ultra Confused Now

I honestly wasn't sure who had been and who not, what time of the day it was, morning or evening? What I was doing before my rant. What I was supposed to be doing... I decided to get something to eat and sit for a while to recover. Sleep I may discover?

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New Microwave Utilised!

I did a reasonable job with the meal.

A simple meal, for a simpleton. It went down well, despite the drooping eyelids. It didn't take long for me to drop of into the land of Sweet Morpheous. I even recall a bit of a dream I had. I was in an office block running around being chased by a gang or declutterers and cleaners... Hehehe! I made that up! Sorry.

I was floating in the sky, birdlike, but without any flapping of wings or arms; it was incredibly mitigatory, despite my being puzzled as I soared, as to how I could be floating like this?

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I stirred into Imitation Life

As I was grappling with Metal Mickey, to heave my elephantine bellied flobby-body up onto my feet, the evening carer crept cunningly up behind me - The poor thing was in a right state, bless her. Once again, some carer had failed to turn up for work, and she had endless extra calls to do, so not much time for a chinwag this time. I managed to drop a couple of funnies and an imitation in for her. I think she was a small iota happier when she left me. I'd given her a choice of drinkies and a packet of cream biscuits to nibble. She let me take a quick photograph of her.

Oh, it was Helen who did me.

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Update Photo - End Car Park

Just for the devil of it!

By gum, I know how to have fun!

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On The Computer

Grafting away and getting slower and more confused all the time.

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The Evening Suddenly Darkened

I'd put the Canon camera on to charge, so I used my Kodak to take these pictures of what I thought was an amazing vista of clouds on view from the balcony.

An ever-changing view, as the sun was blocked and unblocked.

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Ablutionalisationing Time

The pins and patellas were looking and now feeling a lot better than this morning? Why? Pass!

I was still having trouble finding things needed. The decluttering and cleaning failure blokes had hidden stuff so effectively. I had to try and get to the box of things they'd effectively hidden behind the wheelie-trays. Stuff in that box from the kitchen, front room and spare room?

But I had no luck with my hopes of finding the two full bottles of Comfort liquid that I told them not to take. Huh!

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Thompsons Punjana Time

Got some potatoes ready to make the microwave-mini-meal later on and made a brew of Thompsons tea.

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A Last Photo of the View

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Continued Updating the Blog

It was slow work, with my confusion and weariness getting worse. It's well gone midnight already. I can't help but fear that the confusion when I get to sleep and even wake up will be worse than ever in the morning. Updating took me an hour or two to do. Ah, well!

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Posted the blog to blogger. Facebooking.

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  1. Many thanks for featuring my tribute to that mostly neglected sport:


    It is also quite possible that I have actually made up that game from the thinnest of thin air. Still, I am not letting it slip from a world stage that knows little (very very) of it significance at this moment in time.
    I am also convinced that it's a good idea to purchase a dedicated scanner, I cannot seem to take pictures that are worth 3/4s of a cent. Another major reason: CHORTLEBALL will never make headway against football and tennis (to mention two ball-oriented sportages). The time is therefore nigh, or nigh enought for me.
    The SYS number continues to average a nice healthy number. If you keep up, you'll be my choice for a Nottingham Chortleball Club (Nottingham CC).
    Those pathetic con men don't even try, do they? Worra sad sample of sick sorts make up so many public-service organisations. Perhaps I should write a letter to the mayor of Nham? Wouldn't hurt would it? HRH Lisa is outraged and is ready to give the sorry organisers a couple words of dire reproach, yer cannot say that they do not deserve a bit of comeuppance.
    I am quite amazed at how much attention red cars are given on the new parking spaces on Chestword Walk. The Red-Car Monitoring Agency has quite a bit of clout. Who would have guessed it just six months ago??
    Yer doing a knockdown job on becoming a microwave chef deluxe (but you wouldn't know from de looks of it). Sorry for the groan of a joke, Sir! Have yer considered wearing that rather exellent master-chef tall hat (I've forgotten the actual name for it, doncha know.
    Next Stop: Friday the 3rd of September two-thousand and twenty-one. Full speed ahead, and welcome to the world of CHORTLEBALL!

    1. Dang creative stuff there, Sir Billum!
      Thinkableisationingly, thought-up from your think-worthy thinktank: Chortleball, sounds more attractive and fun involving, as an alternative to realisation, Sir. Well done!

      If you were aware of my percentage of first time photographicalisationings, compared to unusable ones, your infinitesimal instinctive calculus, trigonometry, arithmetical, calculations, number-crunching activties, would come into play, and then you'd really lose me. (Hehehe)

      I feel an Ode to My BP, coming on, hope it comes into fruition. Bet I forget all about it later, Tsk!

      I've not noticed any yellow or blue vehicles in the new park yet? I sign on the social notice-board inviting them may help... Hahaha!

      I too have forgotten the name for the hat, we share so many traits. Haha!

      (Sat AM) Friday night, I was not in a good state, Angel and Carer Jill, agreed I should not do anything after she's left, and get my head down. Hence, I woketh up after... ready for this... Nine-Hours kipping! And am now so far behind with the blogging, its unbelievable!

      Thanks for HRH's and your understanding of how the declutterers have got to me. ♥

  2. You are making good ue of the microwave. I'm happy to see you finally got it set up. Poor Helen. People who don't show up for work make it really hard on those who do.

    1. Cheers, Tim,
      Thanks to Jill, the microwave is now being activated twice a day. In my effort to please the diabetics team, and eat smaller meals, but twice a day. The BBQ cobs have taken my fancy, and are the most regular content. (With a drop of chilli sauce added on the cob, Hehe!)
      This morning (Sat) Part-time student Carer Craig called, nice young lad, travelled, wise and careful in his job. I'd dropped a pill when taking them, and he noticed it. Good on him, it was the 30g Codeine. Much needed as with the extra pain from the toothache and declutter caused leg and arm wounds still being tender.
      Last night, I slept for nine-hours with Sweet Morpheus - Bliss!
