Monday 12th April 2021
Spanish: Lunes 12 de Abril de 2021
01:00hrs: I rose to require a wee-wee, broke free of the c1968 recliner, and heaved my frighteningly massive-bellied body to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), and had a rather uncomfortable PSSU (Persistent, Short, Sharp, Uncomfortable) mode wee-wee. Thankfully for once, without any PM (Pre-Micturitional) or CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling.
Well, that went okay, and my spirits rose a tinker's damn, and even a smidgeon of semi-satisfaction, with rare, minimal hopes for a better day, drifted through my grey cells. I should have known better!
Whoopsiedangleplop: Emptied, cleaned and sanitised the NWWB and went to get the kettle on. Only to find I'd done it again - left the hot water tap running. My microminiature hopes of a better day today were shattered immediately. A Sulking Mode was temporarily adopted, with a wobbling bottom lip. And an inclination to sob!
What a plonker, idiot, and nebekh! Oy-Yoy-Yoy!
Whoopsiedangleplop: I took the medications.
I'd somehow missed taking last nights, again! What bit of confidence I had left was dwindling fast here! I think that disconsolateness is developing from within. Haha!
I've no idea why I laughed there?
I got the Health Checks done in hopes of finding something to try and perk me up, like better results, but...
Whoopsiedangleplop: Well, that didn't work, did it? The damned BP was well back up in the danger zone! What next?
I opened Blogger and checked the comments; I'd got two come in today, and one that Google just advised me about that apparently came in last Thursday? Then went on WordPress Reader.
Got yesterday's Inchcock's Day finished off and emailed the link.
The sound of the World Wide Hum had a sound of susurrous to it this morning, not the usual drone? I stood up to go and make a brew and noticed how the new, whatever it is on the feet, was seemingly getting paler and less vivid. So, maybe by tomorrow, it will have disappeared? Or not!
Went on Facebooking, not a lot of activity today.
The call to the Porcelain Throne arrived, so off to the wet room, I poddled. Well, I have to say, apart from the evacuation hurting like hell, it all over in seconds, no mess, no foul aroma, and the torpedo was cleared with one flush of the WC! Brilliant job!
Whoopsiedangleplop: Then I had to medicate and cleaned Harold's Haemorrhoids. It is not cheap this Germoloid Ointment, but it did need doing straight away, even though I'll be back in a while to get the ablutioning done and have to do it again. Hey-ho!
I spent a few hours starting this blog off. Very few wee-wees were called for. How is it that the wee-wee rate can change every day, and the evacuations can go from one extreme to the other as well daily?
Ah, dear, the time shot by, I'd better get the abluting done, then.
As soon as I got in the wet room, I realised that I just had to have a go at that horrible floor again. I stripped and got the spray on the floor and the mop and bucket on the go.
I made such a crap job that when the ablutions were all done, I put the towel over the Sock-Glide-Glenda, on the shower chair; I just could bear to look at the floor! Humph!
Toothache Thomas was a little easier, I don't know why, but there you are.
A few dropsies, a couple of tiny nicks shaving, followed by a most pleasant and accident-free showering session. Oh, Yes!
After medicating certain' things, I noticed that the feet and legs were looking a lot calmer, too! Double, Oh, Yes!
But as I left the room, EQ told me not to get too excited, for things that lie ahead will stress you out, big-time! Unfortunately, as usual, he was right! Then again, he always is!
I was in the mood to get some sorting done, despite the certainty that things will soon go porangi, or at the least something is about to occur that will baulk my plans... and may even drive me over my limits of concentration and mental stability! That came out too easily; I'm worried now!
I sort of organised myself, yes, it has been known... mine you, not for a few years, Hehehe!
I got the waste bags sorted out, cleared some stuff out of the cupboard, and loaded the bags in and on the walker guide. Then went to make a brew - and found more bags I'd made up earlier that I'd forgotten about, so I added them to the stack. It made for an interesting struggle.
I hobbled my way to the waste room, got inside, and deposited the rubbish bags down the chute. Apart from a slight knock on the ankle leaving the room, there were no injuries, banged heads or arms, or trapped fingers.
I got down in the lift and outside to take the recyclables and glass to the appropriate bins. Not a soul about, no caretakers, no Wardens, no residents; even the crows were not squawking about?
I put the bags on the big bin and jars in the little container and got back indoors.
The area out front had an odd atmosphere about it, a shame I could work out what it was. Tsk!.
The new notice board was being utilised, and someone had kindly part-painted the electrical cables hanging out from the wall in the main lobby.
An eerie silence fell as I got to the elevator doors. That might well have been what I'd felt outside?
I got back up to the twelfth floor and onto the hovel, and got the kettle on, made a brew of Glengettie. I must get some work done on this blog now, or I'll be so far behind, I'll start getting all the up again. But first, I had a nip out on the balcony to take some photos while the sunshine was out.
To the left, the great puffer clouds, and down to the right, the end car park at Woodthgorpe Court end on Chestnut Walk was photographed with the Canon camera.
Which remind's me of a lady I met one day, a lifetime ago, at Mablethorpe, on the .promenade, who was, believe it or not, telling holidaymakers their future by reading the puffer clouds. She was not doing it for profit; she was only charging 3d (1.5 new pence), Hahaha! She had them queuing! But, I digress...
Whoopsiedangleplop! I turned to come back into the flat and tripped and fell on my front on the floor, knocking over the step ladders on my way down! Of course, it didn't bother me at all. A man of my calibre, vitality, bravery, and guts never felt a thing. No hassle or pain whatsoever. Ahem!
After a bit of a sulk, I stopped the bleeding and checked on the camera; it was still working. Phew!
I went on the Health Unchecked Anticoagulation site in response to a message telling me I had received two comments. Both were about my letter regarding the AstraZeneca inoculation. So I went on to have a decker at them. One of them said it would be best if I went on the link he'd sent me. To report the effects I'd suffered, so I did. But I could not get to the site. So, I came out and rebooted. Everything, just in case something naughty, was toying with my computer, and I copied the link into the browser; I got through okay. However, it took me over two hours to get it filled in.
I've never seen a more complicated form filling farce in my life, and I've been around a few years! The box for the medication list I was on had to have each one singularly put in, and ADD clicked each time. Crumbs, with my medications, I wasn't shocked that it tool so lone. Then, I realised it was a Block controlled questionnaire! In total, it took me three hours to get it done, and I'm not sure I got it right or not! This must be the angst that EQ was on about, I thought... I was wrong. More were on the way!
The intercom rang; I assumed it was the Amazon lad with air-spray and pencils. I put on my facemask and went to the door ready for his arrival, to find six pieces of mail had been delivered, one of them marked Private - Important! Oh dearie me? The delivery lad came and passed me the parcel that only had the pencils in it, fair enough, no problem.
- Thanked the youth, and he shot off at high speed; I went to check out the letter contents...
- Whoopsiedangleplop The door chime went, it was Josie returning her player, cutlery and tray from her Sunday lunch, I had to ask if she enjoyed it, and she said yes! Good enough for me!.
- Whoopsiedangleplop: I got back to check on the letter, and the landline burst into life... It was a recorded message; as soon as I heard the voice, I knew it was the con artist who has been calling me regularly to thank me for the order and telling me £3050 has been taken from my account... I slammed the phone down!
- Whoopsiedangleplop: As I got back to trying to find out what the surgery letter was about, Herbert started another round of clunking and banging.
- Whoopsiedangleplop: Then the intercom went off; I tried to admit the Amazon man with the air-spray, but the screen froze and was like it when the timer closed it, no idea if it will work. Again afterwards, but it's not looking good!
- The man came up with the box of sprays and left it in the hallway, bless him.
- As I opened the box of fabric spray, dear old Herbert went into another round of drilling and banging, but it didn't last for long.
Finally, I got around to checking the Doctors letter, but I was not in a good mood after the series of annoyances I'd suffered; I may have been swearing a bit, Tsk!
I was informed that a Severe Frailty Review (which will take 40 minutes) and my Annual Health Check are now due. A none fasting blood test and health review as well. A follow-up telephone appointment to discuss my blood results and medications will be made at this appointment.
Please take your medications as usual (Whether that means to fall asleep and miss your evening ones, I'm not sure?)
Bring a sample of urine with you to your appointment. This needs to be a sample provided on the day of the appointment and a sterile urine sample bottle. If you do not have a urine sample bottle, please collect one from the reception before your appointment.
If you have already made an appointment, please disregard this letter.
Do not book an appointment if you or anyone in your household has a fever, new cough or loss of smell or taste.
Do not come early for your appointment. You will not be allowed to enter the building until your appointment time.
Be aware that our facilities such as toilet and water fountain are not available, other than for emergency only. Please wear a facemask or covering to reduce the risk of infection.
Please do not bring anyone with you to your appointment due to social distancing guidance, other than a carer or interpreter.
And the above was sent by the surgery, that when I was really poorly after the first Astra-Seneca jab for six days, couldn't be contacted by phone or email! I shall let my feelings be known on the day!
Or, as I have a cough, I might not bother going; that should please them.
This day started so well for me. Clappernaggersness!
It is now 2-hours beyond my standard head-down time, and I've got the meal to prepare yet.
Am I bothered? Yes!
I got the meal sorted, a sort of Chilli-Con-Carne and potatoes mix. Fairly decent taste, I'd made too much, but, I ate up all it!
A 7.5/10 Taste-Rating.
I followed it with an ice-cream cornet!
Sleep came easily when I'd got the pots washed and settled. In fact, six hours worth... Oh, Yes!
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