Friday, 16 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Friday 16th April 2021 -

 Goodeth Morningski!

Friday 16th April 2021

Haitian Creole: Vendredi 16 Avril 2021

Whoopsiedangleplop: 02:00hrs: I woke, removed the quilt from my legs, and noticed I'd gone and left the bamboo socks on to sleep in! Naughty and silly! Now I am going to have to suffer the burning pains, that's a certainty. They always give me stick when I'm stupid enough to forget about taking the socks off before settling down - I suppose I'll do it again. Grunglebogtit!

Then while silently muttering to myself and proffering insults of high but a crude standard to myself, I spotted that the legs had become more evenly sized? So, a bad thing with the socks, a good with the legs. Fair enough! Hehe!

I made use of the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), not a sign of any PM (Pre-Micturitional) or CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling. But golly, it was furious and piteously painful! Not such good luck there!

I made a brew of Glengettie tea, made up some waste bags, and got them in the new walker box on the trolley.

Whoppsiedangleplop: I had a mini dizzy spell afterwards. It only lasted for ten seconds or so, but luckily I was in the hallway and reach both walls to use as a stabiliser and stopped myself from going over. See, a bit more good luck!

Bit-of-luck: I got the computer going and started to update the Thursday blog. I hadn't been going for long, and the call from the innards to the Porcelain Throne arrived. Blimus, it was almost a pleasure, Haha! A big, solid torpedo, but it slid out and splashed as it landed, no aroma at all, let alone anything fowl-smelling. Not messy, it was easy to clean up, and re-Germoloid Harold's Haemorrhoids and the just two flushes were needed, and all was gone!

I continued, and I got the updating finished. Posted the blog and sent the email link off. 

Approx; 03:12hrs.Whoopsiedangleplop. A clattering noise from somewhere above. It disturbed me a bit, not the noise; I was up and active, so that in itself didn't phase me at all - the thing is, someone could have been in trouble, fallen over and were trying to attract someone for help? But, different noises were heard over the next few hours, which made me feel better, knowing whoever it was, were okay.

Before making a start on this post, I had a comment come in on blogger; well that, was nice. I answered it was from Billum of Ohio. And I spotted Tim Price had sent one, which I replied to as well.

But I realised that I had not done the Health Checks yet. Subconsciously, with yesterdays reading being so good, I think I intended to take them later on, as I did on Thursday.

The SYS had shot back up to 167 from 145. I think it was yesterday, DIA at 62, from 82, and the Pulse 78, from 85bpm.

The body temperature at 37.2°c - 98.96°f. The Blood Pressure reading put me well back up in the red Zone - but let's face it, I've been up there for months now, apart from yesterday's one-off miracle, when it was in the amber. Tsk!

Whoppsiedangleplop: A second calling to the Throne arrived, well, well, well, this doesn't happen very often in a day. I got settled on the Throne, and things were not so willing this time. I got the crossword book out while the innards were deciding whether to release something or not! They did, and it was a different style of evacuation altogether. Messy, so messy! It took me ages to clean up afterwards! Grumph!

I found an email from Jenny, and I replied.

I went on Facebooking next. But this was blighted by the boss of Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet... when it went down again!

Such sad, Sickening Liberty-Global Shit! Service!

So, I set to sorting out and making a proper hash of it, the already washed clothes scattered about all over the kitchenette.

Not that anything looked any better by the time I'd finished faffing about, dropping and spilling things with the greatest of ease!

For I was so pissed-off at the internet, and my loathing of the overpaid crud-nut Mr Fries was stewing away at my innards and doing my health and temper no good whatsoever.

Being forced off of the internet, through the incompetency of a Mafia-type misanthrope, earning over  $2m's a month, obviously, this does not cause rage and jealousy in me, not in the least! But the distinguished-looking handsome brutes inability to supply me a decent internet service gnaws at me, dunnit! 

Oh, yes, it does! 

So now I was not in good mental health, not to mention what happened next! 

But I will mention it, like...

Yet a miraculous moment at the same time!
I'd got the massive job of getting today's handwashing tackled, not easy with such a load. Yes, I washed both socks! Hehehe!

  • I sprayed out the arms, no choice in the natter, it came automatically... 
  • The rear-end fell in the bowl, which was on top of the plastic waste bin...
  • That crumpled, as did the waste bin.
  • These two saved the day and gave me a crumple zone to fall on!
  • As I say, it was a wonder I wasn't really injured! 

As I turned away from the sink to get the tea towel, nothing short of a miracle happened! I kid you not!

I must have spilt some water on the floor and did a semi-back-flip Whoopsie, feet up, and bum down... My mind raced, and I awaited the crunch, jolt and pain that was indeed on the way...

But no, a shock, yes! 

Fair enough, I was jolted, stunned and well shook up.

A couple of minor knocks on the elbow, knee and head, but that was it, really, physically anyway.

Lucky, Me! This photo later on, after resurrecting the bowl and reshaping the plastic waste bin. To show how lucky I was that they were in the right position to ease my Accifauxpa!

I didn't even consider using the Alarm Alert button. Even though it took me, Gawd knows how long to get back up on my feet. I crept along on all fours when I'd recovered and used the recliner to ease my way upright. I was actually lucky... Sorry, I can't get over it!

What luck, me? Of all people! I can't believe it myself! Grrreat!

I did sit quietly for a few minutes, though, but apart from shaking a bit with shock, I assumed, and that didn't last long, I was back up on the computer within fifteen minutes. But having a stroke of luck like that, I was finding it hard to concentrate on computing. A bit of a headache came on later, Hehehe! Chicken-feed!

I got the ablutions sorted out (six hours later than usual) and with such ease. It seemed my fortunate fall has cheered me up more than somewhat? Dropsies were less than yesterday, Toothache Thomas was all calm, even Cartilage Cathy suffered no damage, well she wasn't hurting any more than usual! And Peripheral Pete's ankle and the stinging had actually died down - I wonder if I'm dreaming? Hahaha! 

I got the meal sorted. Crockpot cooked potatoes added to a can of Chilli-Con-Carne and some bread. I wasn't feeling hungry much; I took a painkiller for the headache and another with the evening medications later. Getting a smidge worse, no, but that's only natural as the wearies and tiredness started now. But it went down sweetly, 8.2/10 for the flavour rating. 

Accifauxpa: I realised I'd not taken the rubbish bags to the waste chute, bot some clothes on, and hobbled to the chute room and deposited the bags down the tube. The fingers that were trapped in the cast-iron opening lid didn't hurt too much. Tsk!

Accifauxpa: I sucked on the finger for a few moments, cursed silently, and returned to the flea-pit and got the crockpot I'd left soaking in the sink. Then Neuropathic Pete's nerve-ends let me down, and I spilt water onto the floor and cleaned it up. Ganglegobs!

Accifauxpa: Well miffed with things, life and my habit of getting things wrong, the ailments, my meandering mind and politicians, I started to make a bottle of spring water and orange cordial. I got another failure of the nerve-ends and dropped the bottle.

Whoppsiedangleplop-Accifauxpa: I somehow got down to clean the sticky mess up. I got some kitchen towels and used two and a half rolls to finish the job.

Getting settled eventually into the c1968 recliner. I discovered an episode of Hetty Wainthrope was on the TV. But not for an hour or so. Now the dilemma; Should I try to stay awake long enough to watch this favourite of mine old programme? What would be the point?... I'll only fall asleep when it comes on! Like a grade-A twit, I stayed awake until the episode started - got through two sets of advertisements keeping awake, and I nodded off before the third and final bit, waking as the end credits were rolling. 

Then had a night of regular waking for wee-wees, each damned one followed by CMD (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling).

Not a day I'd like to repeat. The early good luck went all sour and changed into Whoopsies and Accifauxpas. Starting so well, too. I really believed that things might be going to go better today; what can I say? But still, tomorrow might be a better day? Huh!


  1. Inchcock thie morning: Feeling a bit down now, Tsk!

  2. Your legs look kind of normal and even in that photo. BP was better. Temp so so. That's a great looking CCC.

  3. Thanks, Tim,
    A rare Health Check results - are things getting betterer? Haha!
    Hope all ell your end.
