Friday, 2 April 2021

Inchcock's Day: Friday 2nd April 2021

Good morning Folks!

TFZer - Shopping well! Hahaha!


Friday 2nd April 2021

Welsh: Dydd Gwener 2il Ebrill 2021

0330hrs: I woke up later than ever this morning. But then, I couldn't get to sleep last night; thought-storms were running amok! Still, it could have been worse; at least I got about three hours in with Sweet Morpheus! So, there's no moaning from your truly... yet! I was up and caught my balance almost with ease! Into the kitchenette and got the kettle on. Got the Health Checks sorted, and with some better results as well!

No sooner had I got the results recorded than the need for the Porcelain Throne arrived. A slightly different variety of evacuated product again, back to the giant torpedo mode. A great relief when it was passed, I can tell yer. Hehe! Not too messy, mind, and no bleeding! Smug-Mode almost adopted!

I went on the balcony to take a picture of the view and Chestnut Walk below. I'm afraid the scene snap did not come out well at all. No idea what I did wrong, these Kodak and Canon cameras are beyond my abilities! 

Made another brew of 99 tea to replace the one that I'd let go cold. Then got the morning medications taken. Got the Wednesday Inchcock's Day updated. It took me few hours, too many. But still, Rome wasn't cooked by three birds in the hand, was it? Haha! 

I posted it off to Blogger, and I sent out the email links. Then had a go at Facebooking catch-up. Again, I spent far too long on it. Suddenly, the ablutioning time was with me! I just get some sleep tonight! All this getting up late (for me anyway) has thrown me into a state of confusion and mental decay. Is that the proper terminology? I believe the optimum wording would be psychologically maladjusted... maybe?

I went to wash the tea mug on the way to the wet room. And ended up getting myself sidetracked and doing some hand-washing. Such as it was!

This ablution session turned out to be one of my best for many months, I reckon! Yes, plenty of dropsies, oddly enough, most caused not by Nicodemus's Neurotramitter failure, but SSS (Shuddering-Shoulder-Shirley). She never went more than a few minutes without some sort of shaking. It varied from a tiny, hardly noticeable (Well, it would have been apart from the pain, Hehe!), to a few rounds of her doing her best to try and dislodge the scapula ball out of the glenohumeral joint! I thought on two occasions when she was rampant, she might do it! The lingering ache, oh, dearie me!

I went to open a can of new potatoes to add to the stew of the day.

Accifauxpa - Whoopsiedangleplop: The electric can-opener, previously on two parts, is now of no further use, and rests some on the counter, others on the floor, in about eight pieces! My EQ advised me to expect more of these Whoopsiedangleplops. Humph! 

I now had everything in the crock-pot needed and turned my attention to the waste bags disposal. I loaded up the trolley and realised I'd not added the recycling box, so I added it to the top.

I edged my way out of the door, without any Whoopsies or Accifauxpas, out along the lobby and thought the door into the lift lobby. Blood-hell, the cold hit me straight in the face!

Someone had wedged open the window in the lift lobby; I could see in the reflection that the ones below had been left wide open as well. Brrr! I got in the chute room and deposited, with some hassle from SSS, all of the bags. I beat a hasty retreat back to the flat and some warmth.

Then, the daily and sometimes several times daily, failure of the internet!

I got a text message telling me the Morrison order will arrive shortly. And it did. Having ordered some PP's (Protection Pants), a large laundry liquid bottle, and some batteries, it was the smallest order I've ever had; it still cost me £56, though! 

I got a ready-sliced Sourdough Tiger bread Bloomer, some baby potatoes that weren't baby-sized and other bits and pieces. The freezer was well over-filled again. It's the comfort food that Inchcock keeps buying, you know... mousse, iced lollies, chocolates, etc., he's got no self-control at all!

Many hours were spent on starting this blog going. It is already past my noshing and head-down time.

Whoopsiedangleplop: The landline burst into life, and I picked up the handset (It seemed like a good idea at the time!). It was a cold-seller and or con-merchant. I was so tired and done-in, and I slammed the phone down in my annoyance - this, on reflection, was not a good idea!

Whoopsiedangleplop - Accifauxpa: The phone bounced because it was near the edge of the counter and disappeared down between the charity shop-bought, E-plan 1963, cabinet where the computer lives, and the old DVD storage-box thingy that the TV is on top-of! 

Whoopsiedangleplop - Accifauxpa

The landline telephone now appears to be reluctant to give me a dialling tone or to let me ring out. Naturally, a young, educated, charming, calm, cool, collected person such as myself did not get all excited, I didn't start cursing profusely or thump the chair catching my hand on the corner of the metal hinge, stand up and stub my toes on the way to get something to stop the finger bleeding, and very nearly burst into tears of frustration! Oh, no! 

Inchcock Fib Possibility: The previous paragraph may not be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... Sorry about that!

Whoopsiedangleplop: I shut down the computer and got the stew sorted. But the Morrison's thick-sliced Tiger loaf had a surprise in store for me when I opened the bag.

I had to go through the slices and remove whatever was baked with the loaf and congealed. I've no idea what it was, but it looked pretty in the whiter than white, tasteless slices. 

Still, I ate some to soak up the gorgeously flavoured gravy in the chilli-con-Carni potato stew.

Various beans, garden peas and leeks, were added with the potatoes, roast paprika, a drop of balsamic and distilled vinegar, and mucho beef granules. Grrreat, tasting. 8.8/10 for its flavour rating! 

Yet again, sleep was destroyed and delayed; by the Thought-Storms, which brought jealousy, self-pity, lousy recollections, embarrassments and frustrations flooding through the grey cells! 

Suddenly, I was not in good spirits. Still, I managed four hours head-down, but it meant my being late getting up, and I struggled to get everything done in the morning.



  1. What a load of trash. That's a great looking bag of taters. Great looking CCC with taters. Taters are a major part of green chile stew. I'm having Shepherd's Pie for breakfast. Another Saturday working. I think I've missed a couple of your posts. I'm putting in lots of hours right now.

  2. Cheers, Tim.
    I understand how you must be up to the neck in it at work!
    I'm battling to keep blogging at all, still. Google Blogger seems to be changing formatting, fonts, etc at will. Taking me too long to keep changing things back, and then find it gets published with new errors!
    No other options without blocks available, I'm pretty depressed with it all. I suppose I'll have to stop eventually, it's not doing my health, or mental state, much good.
    Hope the family and furries are doing well.
    Time has stopped me for a day or two of going on WP Reader, things ain't great.
    Keep safe, hope things fall together dor you sooner rather than later, Sir.
