Friday, 10 September 2021

Thursday 9th September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slip in!

♥ Plane to see, not a TFZer Car Pool? Hehehe! ♥

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Wednesday Evening

Facebooking and...

Liberty-(Crappy)-Global Virgin Media Internet came back on ten minutes later.


I gave up!


06:10hrs: On my third awakening, I managed to force my pyknic, embonpoint, adipose, abdominous, podgy, flabby, paunch-dominated, stomached-body, from the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, incommodious, gungy recliner. With ease, too!

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Mind Meandering!

Once I got my cumbrous, over-weighted body stood up, I wobbled toward the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee-Bucket). Realising as I got to it, I didn't need to use it. This has not been known for a long time; not wanting a wee-wee on wakening? Should I be worried?

The Poddle-About-Unsure of what I was doing phase arrived.

Ah! I needed a wee-wee!

The Five-Second Weak Wee-Wee!

Popped into the wet room to pass my urine. What a dismal effort that was. A short but squirty sprinkle of about five seconds duration, and it was all over - it was all over in another way as well; All over the toilet, me, and the floor.

Somehow, a sprinkling had even reached up to the toilet rolls on top of the tank? How I managed that, I don't know?

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Waste Bags Made-Up

I made up some waste bags, got the kettle on, cleaned the microwave, belatedly took the bags to the box in the hallway.

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After eight days of way too high Sys, this morning has produced the lowest ever Sys count - 119! Wow! Result, in the green 'Normal' zone!!! And you can't say normal about other things with me!

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Morning Carer Arrived

It was carer Sobia today. She has only been to once when she was in training and has gained confidence and efficiency in the ten days since, bless her. A pretty young thing, indeed. ♥

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Window Cleaner Joe Arrived

As he appeared, standing in the hallway with all his gear at the ready, with the sun shining on him from the kitchen window... I just had to ask to stay as you are; For I saw an excellent opportunity for a photographicalisationing! Joe obliged, and I got my camera and took this relatively decent picture, I thought.

Joe liked it on the camera screen, and I asked him for his email to send it to him later. We always find time for a chinwag, laugh and mutual moan.

Always does a good job, too. After getting the windows sorted, I bade him farewell, and I asked him to thank Jenny (his next port of call) for me for the beautiful tomatoes she supplied.

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Readied Things For My Hobble Out

Cash, bus-pass for the journey back, keys, taps, lights and cooker all off, shopping list, (I put that in the basket that the declutterers stole [Intentionally or otherwise] the lid off of).

Crossword book, in case I miss the bus back, reading glasses, hearing aids in, alert bands on the wrists, card, and rubbed some Phorpain into the knees before setting out. 

Closed the newly cleaned windows of the balcony and closed the door.

The Dementia driven checked, double-checking and once more for luck, shoes and coat on, and off out on my hobble down to Sherwood. 

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Grand Weather For A Walk!

Along Chestnut Walk, and turned right down Winchester Street.

Obstacle Number One

Getting through the 'Bet to get cut on a twig' part of the road. I did!

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Inchie Goes Into Makro Mode!

I was determined to try to take a photo, a tenth as good as those that Tim Price does. I put the camera into Macro-Mode. And tried to take some insects on the last of blackberry slowers.

I was patient, not hurrying, and a total failure! The one above was the best of eight or so I tried taking. I just could not hold the camera steady enough.

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Down the Hill

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Crossed back over the road and called in the Co-op store. Got sugar-snap peas and a microwaveable BBQ rib.
Up to the Wilko Store.


Crossed over the road and fought my way through the E-scooters, up to the Afghanistan shop. Bought some bits, £7 worth.  Altaf was not there.

Manfield Road

I risked life and limb with the pavement cyclists. They were like flies! As quick, too! Only just caught this git before he disappeared behind the green box.

£27 Spent at Wilko


Came to the checkout and I handed over £40, 2 x twenties, from the five it six in my pocket... I'll have to explain this; The trousers I was wearing had only been worn once, and that was years ago... and I found the cash in the back pocket, which cheered me up!

When the lady told me they were no longer legal tender and had been withdrawn years ago - I was no longer cheered up. I could actually hear the woman behind me tutting! Haha!

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Down To The Bank!

I could see a queue outside as I approached. Then spotted the vandalisation of the building!

It had been graffitied!

Arrived at the Bank

I could not understand how the queue had been formed; a lady opened the doors and told me they are not allowing any more customers in and closing in an hour, with four customers to serve?


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Missed The Bus

So, I meandered about window shopping for a while. A lot of people with time to go for a snack and drink. Sitting there doing nothing for ages. 

Of course, I wasn't jealous, 

Up To The Bus Stop

Slowly some more tenants of Winwood Heights arrived. Chrissie, Penny and two more I do not know the names of. We were soon dropping off at the flats, with Penny insisting I get off first, then along with Chrissie and a chap, they shot off back to Woodthorpe Court. They must have stopped for a natter because I caught them up in the link passage.

At the lift, the three of them fitted in the cage. I waited for the other one. All the lost chances for a good gossip today, Humph and fiddlesticks!

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Back In The Flat

A letter had been posted; I'll look at that later. Started to put the purchases away and got the kettle on the boil.

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Porcelain Throne Needed

And oh, boy, It was too!

Down on the plastic, instant action, smooth, quick and of a colossal size! No bleeding, though, with little pain!

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Back to sorting.

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So, I had a peep at the letter delivered.
Asking us if we knew of anyone who might like to live here at Winwood Court. We could forward the photo-copied leaflet to them. Mmm? 

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Mike Fries Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet Still Down!

Started To Update This Blog

A Massive Job!

But, thanks to $22million salaried Liberty Global boss Mike Fries, it had to be cancelled until the Virgin Media Internet signal returned.

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Made a Brew

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Washed The New Shirt

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Virgin Internet Media Working Again!

I'll not get too excited, though!

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Bugger Me!

The signal from Mike Fries Liberty-Global only lasted for a few minutes!

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I took some photographs while waiting for a miracle from Mr Fries, Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet!

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Started To Clean The Kitchen

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Herberts Have Started Again

Notepad Consulted.

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Spent hours Updating

It's getting dark now. The Evening Carer will be here any time now; hello, here she is now...

Carer Carole, or Samantha, maybe Pamela... arrived. I hate it when I get them mixed up. Tsk!

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Although today's good moments. were few & far,

There was a fair moment of, there you are!

Money found in my old trews, Haha!

Went shopping in Wilko, feeling jocular,

£26 spent, what a shocker!

Then, told my money was out of date, hit my jugular!

Paid by card, to the bank, it's door locked, not ajar,

Told me that they were closing, blah!

Good job about good luck; I'm not particular,

Today's good moments really were few & far!

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Fodder formulated!

Got some food made up and ate well.

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Internet DOWN yet Again!

If anyone knows of any offers by trainee assassins at a cheap rate? Or anyone selling a working ballistic missile. I wouldn't mind, thanks. Then I could make contact of sorts, with over-paid, number-crunching, fact-fiddling, Mr Fries, and point out my displeasure at his inability to keep Virgin Media Internet online for longer than an hour at a time. It is a little annoying. Thank you.

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Pissed-Off Now!

I'll have to try to catch up with blogging and Facebooking in the morning. I'll get my head down earlier and hope to wake up and make a start on this... assuming that $22million a year, plus expenses salaried, customer-hating Mike Fries of Liberty-Global, who own and are destroying Virgin Media internet, might possibly be back online?

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Evening Photography

From the kitchen window.

Looks homely, doesn't it?

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Message For Mr Fries.

CEO (And number-cruncher) of Liberty-Global.

No, I'd better not!


  1. Nice adventure and photos. Excellent photos through the kitchen window. Great looking meal.

  2. Thank you kindly, Sir.
    I wanted to make a Dagwood imitation meal, Tim. But, it didn't work with the BBQ burger and sliced tomatoes.
    Keep safe,
