Monday, 28 May 2012

The Diary of Woe - May 2012

The Diary of Woe - just life for this impecunious moron!

The Decrepit, Senile, Pot-bellied, Uneducated, Lonely old farts Diary of Woe

Tuesday 22nd May 2012:
On my walk into the QMC this morning,  (1 hour 20 minutes duration) I struggled a bit with the high winds and rain.
Along the Boulevards, the pavements were strewn with tree branches, conkers, leaves, and various other sundry rubbish that had been blown about in the high winds, I could hardly see the concrete at times.
On arrival at the Anticoagulation Clinic, I was well soaked and the shoes had developed a squelching sound. The walk up the stairs to 'D floor' was very trying, the feet hurt, and my left knee was painful, so I decided there and then I was not going to try and walk back home afterwards, I'd catch the bus's. (Thank heavens for the free bus passes!)
I met a chap there that I was in the Cardiac Ward with, and he told me how he was going and the problems he was suffering.  We both agreed, that shaving with an electric saver was so slow, and didn't give a good cut or finish that a blade razor does, and we were both tempted to go and buy one!
As I walked through the City Centre on the way back between buses, I notice yet more retailer units had been abandoned!
No signs of 'Pippa' the fat black cuddly cat yet.
Email from Janet (Sister) waiting, I replied to it.

Updated this blog, and came to the opinion that the 'water' tablets I'm on (Furozomide) are so effective, I only have to read the label and I want to go!
So guess where I'm going again now?

Sunday 28th May 2012:
Up around 0400hrs. To the loo, hobbled downstairs (arthritis bad again today), kettle on, turned off the oven I'd left on all night, to the loo, took medications.
Went over to see disabled mate Stewart and his carer Margaret.
Margaret looked even more pretty and desirable this morning!
Thought I'd take me walk to the Arboretum this morning - and what a disappointment! The place was littered with rubbish everywhere! How the visitors found a bit of grass without empty bottles, condoms, food waste, fag packets, beer cans, pop cans, and all sorts of waste, I do not know!
Called in Aldi on the way back, and observed the lad on the check-out drooling and slabbering over the female he was serving!
Got back in just in time for the loo to be used again.
I burnt some bacon in the oven, had a cuppa, fell asleep - woke up, hobbled to the loo, and fell asleep on it! (Sad innit?)
Spent a lot of time making up graphics for me to use in my blog sites. I really enjoy doing these.
Fell asleep, dreamt of Margaret and for some reason my comedy hero Spike Milligan?
Slept well for once, angina not too bothersome, and the knees were better than last night.
Monday 28th May 2012:
* Photo of the Theatre Royal, where lucky gentlemen can pop in and see Margaret managing and serving at the very expensive snack counter!  Amazingly, no traffic in view - I must have taken this early morning methinks.
Up around 0500hrs - To the loo, cuppa and medications, back on the laptop Blogging!
Going over the road to see Margaret later (0705hrs now).
Arthritis less painful in knees this morning, angina fair, and growth in my gums is going down - good stuff!
Went over to see Margaret and Stew (Pictured here on the left).
Both looking good, especially the pulchritudinous Margaret!
Had walk into town and up Angel Row, back down Derby Road into town, and caught bus home. Feeling fair, knees still better than they have been for last three days - Yahoo!
Must remember it is Warfarin INR blood tests tomorrow morning - as if I would forget, a man of my calibre? (Yes it has been known I know!)
Tuesday 29th May 2012:
Up at 0400hrs - Loo, cuppa, get things ready for Blood test visit, Loo, then on laptop to check for all the important, loving, caring, supportive, and social messages I'd received (none),  took medications, put water heater on, and on the laptop to update this diary of Woe.
The weather looks like being fine for the 90 minute walk to the QMC.
Went over the road to see Margaret & Stewart, both fine. (Especially the gorgeous Margaret!)
Nice morning, felt well, so I walked back home from the hospital - what mistaka-to-maker!
Fell asleep, and barbecued me spuds in the oven. 
Wednesday 30th May 2012:
Knees not too bad at all, angina a bit bothersome, and growth on me gum seems to be receding. Good stuff!
Spent ages on doing me blogs, then made some cheesy potatoes and chopped some smoked bacon into it, black pepper, olive oil spread, and sea-salt, then mashed it all up. It smells nice, I just hope Margaret likes it.
Walked to town.
I was going to see Margaret, at her work in the Theatre Royal, but arrived too early - so caught tram to Asda and got some bacon and bikkies for Margaret.
Tram back to Theatre royal, very busy indeed, they have South Pacific showing and it is very popular.
Ogled over Margaret, who's daughter was there working as manager.
Photo below is of Margaret and a work colleague Mel.
Had a chat with them when it slowed down a bit, I enjoyed that a lot.
Margaret managers the.. er.. what do you call it.. Snack and Drinks section.
Mel was from the next door section, bookings and things.

Margaret's section has just been moved and revamped, with new fridge displays for the non-alcoholic drinks... with automatically closing doors that keep catching her knuckles!
I dare not stay too long, because they had a lot of work to do.
I said my farewells and went off to catch the bus home.
When I got in, the kettle went on, I put the bacon in the fridge, visited the loo, took my midday medications, and updated this Diary of Woe.
Margaret said she would be at Stewart's in the morning, so I'll make her something with the bacon.
Searched for hearing aid batteries for a while... I know I have some... but where?
The painful and uncontrollable emissions of wind started again!
No signs of Pippa the fat black cuddly cat today yet.

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