Wednesday 1st August 2012
* On the way out to go to Morrison's I popped over to see how Stewart was, but he was not up yet.
* Arrived at Morrison's around 1030hrs, met Sister and Brother in law there, who said they'd give me a lift home with the heavy goods I was about to buy!
* Spent a fortune, Brother in law ran sister home with their food, then called to drop off something at another house, then dropped me off at home. Much appreciated.
Thursday 2nd August 2012
* Not much sleep, but ailments not bad again, especially the knees seem easier.
* Did diaries for the day.
* Abluted, medicated, and called at Margaret and Stew, both seemed okay.
* Walked to city, then caught bus to QMC. Fondled by nurses and female doctor. Test results due in a week.
* Got some cheapo bikkies for Margaret and haematology nurses on way home.
* Tired.
Friday 3rd August 2012
* No Senior Moments to report today, unless of course, one has occurred that had taken affect at a later time, that my limited observational and memory cells had missed, by which time I would have become aware of it s happening in which case it may be recorded elsewhere in this log, if I remember it. (I think)*
Saturday 4th August 2012
* Health good, abluted and went over to see Stew and Margaret, took nosh for Margaret, Turkey Ragout pots and garden peas, both okay.
* No walking today, back to the hovel and on the laptop all day (more or less).
* Bit down for some reason.
Sunday 5th August 2012
* No walkies today - raining again.
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret... by gad she's beautiful! (Margaret... not Stewart!)
* Listening to radio whilst on laptop (headphones on) - sudden urge to release water - headphones off and radio on the floor.
* Slow day.
Monday 6th August 2012
* Up early, went to WC - found I'd left the flipping heater on all night! ah well, the utility company will be glad.
* Did diaries for Spoof, and posted them.
* Went over to ogle Margaret... she installs feelings in certain quarters that I should not be having at my age and health!
* Went for a walk afterwards, got caught in the rain, the brolly blew inside out and is now residing in the bin.
* Purchased new brolly from Pound Shop.
* Purchased new brolly from Pound Shop.
* When I got back, I prepared things ready for the hospital visit in the morning, and turned off the oven I'd left on.
* After searching for me mesh oven tray for yonks, I gave up and used a metal dish - then opened the oven door to put it in... yes you've guessed, there was the mesh tray... oh dear.
* After searching for me mesh oven tray for yonks, I gave up and used a metal dish - then opened the oven door to put it in... yes you've guessed, there was the mesh tray... oh dear.
Tuesday 7th August 2012
* Up around 0430hrs, but got some decent kip in.
* Medications taken, hospital things checked, WC visited three times, Diaries done, and after a 30 minute search shoes found squashed under underneath the bag of potatoes... don't ask please, I've no idea.
* Set off on the marathon walk to the QMC, little bit of drizzle, arrived in about 1hr 20m though, might be a record that.
* When I arrived at the haematology area - I was the only one there! Took a ticket, and as I sat down, my number came up, and in I went.
* Gave the girls some nibbles for their break, and I was seen to and out in no time.
* Too early to catch bus (Bus pass starts at 0930hrs) so sat and did some of the crossword book (well I got two I think) and nibbled me baked potatoe while I waited for 0930hrs.
* Into town, got a baguette and cob for Margaret, and caught bus home.
* Dropped off early, and called in the cob shop and got a sausage sandwich for Stewart, plodded on and got to Stewart's.... and he was out.
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An old Margaret photo used before - but she's lovely! |
* Went to the shops on the front, and found Margaret and Stewart in Lidls. Joined them, and took the trolley home for him while they had a snack in the cafe. Rejoined them, and walked back with them. Stew had spent more than I get pension on his shopping. Jealous me?
* The Sausage sandwich was cold - Gave Margaret her bits, and she took the sandwich to warm up the sausages and not waste them later.
* Back to the hovel, salad cob, beetroot and last banana for nosh.
* Did diaries for tomorrow, so I could go to launderette in morning with bag one of three, then go out to see Margaret at her workplace at the Theatre Royal.
Wednesday 8th August 2012
* Up and to the WC, made a cuppa, took medications, and made up 18 dose pots of tablets/pills/capsule in readiness for later.
* Then as I was stacking them up, remembered the increase in dosage of Ramiprils' - and had to open each one to add the 2.5ml capsules. Never mind, at least I remembered!
* Sorted the laundry, two big bags, but could not carry them both at the same time, so took the first to the launderette, calling to see if Stewart wanted anything bringing back from the shops, he asked me to get TV magazine.
*Launderette busy, only one machine free, so crammed everything in and hoped for the best.
*Nipped over to GP surgery and asked for extra Ramipril and Cosdiene as I was low on them, and confined next appointment date.
* Back to the launderette, dried the togs, and returned home, put em away, and got next lot out to take... the heavier stuff, jeans, dressing gowns, towels, blanket etc. Back to the launderette, quieter now.* The flippin' drier cost over £2, and still the things weren't dry properly!
* Back to the hovel, hung the togs up to finish drying, and got bits to take to Margaret on my visit to her at the Theatre Royal. Set off up Mansfield Road on walk to town.
* Going up the hill past Gregory Boulevard junction, and I was actually knocked over by a disabled scooter driver. He road over my right foot, and the vehicle knocked me into the bushes on my left - lucky that, if it had happened a few yards earlier or later, there was only concrete for me to fall onto... phew! Passers by came over and asked if I was alright, the disabled chap kept asking if I was alright, saying 'Sorry, I just didn't see you!' Shook up for a few moments and the foot and toe hurt, but I was okay I thought. He shot off up the hill, and I hobbled even worse than before on into town.
* Remembered the TV mag for Stewart, and bought a quiz book for Margaret, and called in to see her and give her the things, telling her my Woes... she knows me now, and took in all in her stride.
* Took the photo above of the Nottingham Riviera beach in town.
* Got tram to Forest, took this photo of the free exercise thingamajigs on the Forest. Well it's somewhere for the little mites to train and get fit for the next riots innit?
*Walked (hobbled) the rest of the way back, posted Stew's mag through his door.
* Investigated me right appendage. The foot is a bit raw on the edge, and the toe is black, and the shoe has a split along the seal.
* Started this blog/Senior Moment for today.
* Must remember later at 1800hrs its 'Journey into Space from 1959 on Radio 4 extra, followed by 'Day of The Triffids!, then Hancock! Great stuff!
Thursday 9th August 2012
* Foot and toe not bad at all after yesterdays argument with the mobility scooter.
* Ablutions tended to, and went over to see Margaret and Stew, Margaret looked tired bless her, and Stew was grumpy. Asked if I could take a photo or two for my blog, of Stew and his 'Harley Davidson' mobility scooter. Photo's on the left.
* Stew had a little run on the scooter, chaperoned by the ever attentive Margaret, and cheered up a bit. Nice day, sunny.
* Forced myself away from Margaret, and went on walk to Bulwell. Knees okay, but the right foot and little toe was a bit painful by the time I arrived in Bulwell.
* Managed to get some Goulash, Turkey Ragout, and nibbles for Margaret in the morning. The woman at B&M trying to give me £5 in my change that was only 75% there - the number was missing - "It should be okay" she said, 'No' I said. Had to stand around while she called supervisor, asked her to change it, and while she disappeared upstairs then returned with a proper fiver for me, offering a scowl of Olympic standard as she did! Well... it gave me the chance to count the 545 tiles in site on the roof.
* Bus back to the muggers paradise called Carrington, called in GP surgery to pick up prescriptions, and had them filled at the pharmacy. (Amazed I remembered them! Good that!)
* To Lidl (with the usual trepidation) to get a loaf, tomatoes, lettuce, and bananas. Forgot the bananas, but at least I was not overcharged this visit!
Friday 10th August 2012
* New pain on waking, in left shoulder/neck, possibly from when I was knocked over by the batmobile yesterday. Took medications and some pain-gel on shoulder.
* Did diaries, abluted, and went to shops and got some flowers for Margaret's birthday.
* Dropped them in at Stewart's on way back. Knees and hands okay this morning.
* Forgot to get tom's so nipped back to shops and got some.
* Back to Stew's, and remembered I'd forgotten to get me spread, back to shops, then back to Stew's once again.
* Chat nice chinwag with Stew and Margaret, then walked Margaret home.
* Back to the hovel, to do this blog.
Saturday 11th August 2012
* Decent nights kip, but still woke up feeling tired.
* Knees and hands very fair, hernia not bothering me, sternum okay, ulcer not playing up at all, no dizzy spells, excess gases no bother, foot getting better... only bit of pain was from shoulder. Put potatoes in the oven, and went up to ablute myself, and put rubbed plenty of Ibuprofen pain gel on shoulder.. or so I believed. When I eventually smelt the pong, I realised I'd put me Dervovate ointment on in error for the pain gel. Ah well...
* Found myself eating less today, due to the taste of peppermint in the ulcer medicine, the toothpaste, and the mouth wash - I'm not keen on peppermint at all.
* Took laptop with me on me trip to see Margaret and Stewart, and showed.. or that be shown?... them the photo's of them with the Harley-Davidson mobility scooter. They were very impressed with with David Bailey skills!
* Stew asked me to go into town with him, and we both enjoyed it I think. Stew was on good form today. He bought me a mobile that is supposed to be compatible with hearing aids, and one for himself. We got back to Stew's and I set up his phone, great model, big keys, loud, and not complicated.. in can't have been for me to set one up!
* Got home and smelt the burning potatoes as I opened the door.
* Updated these Senior Moments and me blog.
Sunday 12th August 2012
* Awoke with the shoulder/neck hurting, knees hands okay, ulcer and sternum very fair, wind rampant, ulcer fair, and earache had joined me problems.
* Made a cuppa, to the WC, and started doing diaries, concentration not too good.
* On me way upstairs to turn in hot water for me ablutions, missed a step and fell on me face - oh dear!
* Did teggies, and had a swig of bleach by mistake for mouthwash - I know.. what a prat! It tasted sweet. Spent an awfully long time drinking gallons of water - then removed the bleach form near the sink, better late than never. All seems okay now.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, both a little down today. Walked Margaret home, and did this woeful tale.
Monday 13th August 2012
* Up and at em this morning - feeling better than for a long time. Medicated, ablutionised, and over the road to see Margaret, looking good.
* Walked to Bulwell, got some nosh in, and bussed home to the hovel.
* Bit of bother late on staying awake, and food came back up.
Tuesday 14th August 2012
* Again, despite proper kip, I felt okay again this morning.
* Medications, ablutions, diaries done for Spoof... then stubbed me toe going upstairs...
* Took some bits I got yesterday in Bulwell over to Margaret and Stew, both in fine form.
* Walked into town, got some bits for the nursing staff and Margaret, then called in Vic market to get some tomatoes and fresh garden peas - whattamistakatomaker! The toms were soft and the peas really sour! Found some tin food on special offer, and foolishly bought some - this made the walk home carrying two bags, tedious, slow and painful. Should have known better than to do it.
* Took a couple of photographs to put on this blog, but only one was passable.
* Limped home, made a salad, and nodded off a few times.
* Cleaned hearing aids and spectacles, popped to the WC - could I find the spectacles?
Wednesday 15th August 2012
Margaret re-stocking her shop after busy day |
* Bad night for sleep, woke up late with knees, stomach. sternum etc okay... but hands painful.
* Medications, ablutions, and an hour to find me second hearing-aid later... (I won't tell you where I found it, 'cause you would not believe me and think I must be mad!), on the laptop and suffered a freeze - turned her off and on again twice, and she seems to be going okay, slow, but working - did diaries and Quint graphic ASAP in case it goes down again. Oh dear oh dear oh dear!
* Got things ready to go to see Margaret later at the Theatre Royal where she's working, going to try and get some freesia's for her, they smell nice and might cover up any after-affects of the wind escaping from both ends that has just started revealing itself. Oh dear oh dear oh dear!
* Walked to town, as the rain descended, Icalled in flower shop but they didn't have Freesias in, called at Tesco, and got some for Margaret at the same time arranging a mortgage to pay for them.
* The rain began to belt down heavier, and I caught the bus back to Carrington.
* Added Eskine Quint review to facebook.
* Added Eskine Quint review to facebook.
Thursday 16th August 2012
* Woke up with a bit more bother today, ulcer, wind and knees playing up - but arthritis in the hands, the sternum and hernia not bad at all.
* Did diaries for the Spoofski, and updated blog.
* The waterworks started... and boy did they! At the moment I'm typing a few lines and then off to the WC! I was going to go to the hearing centre to get some batteries today, but don't think I ought while the... er.. what do I call it... er, the water works are so persistent! Here I go again.
* Blimey, both ends that time! Hope I don't run out of paper or wear a hole in me slippers!
* I think the hand welts are starting to come back again. Took the photo to take to surgery just in case.
Friday 17th August 2012
* Little confused this morning, thought it was Wednesday for some reason.
* Email from brother-in-law, he's going to treat me to a day in Skegness on Monday as an early birthday gift - that was nice of him, I've not seen the sea for about 30 odd years. Mind you, if I remember rightly the smell of the barred fish and chip shops might drive me crazy!
* Knees a little painful, so had a walk into town to get a bag for the trip out on Monday. Plenty of people about, hte Nottingham beach well used - that was when I realised it was Friday...
* Got some disinfectant from the 99p shop, then found a stall selling cheapo back-bags and got one. (A cheapo bag not a stall.)
* Took photo (with permmission) of couple drumming up support for YFJ.
* Got bus home. Did some diaries, forgot to get potatoes, must get some tomorrow.
Saturday 18th August 2012
* Went over to see Stew and Margaret, only Stew there, but he was in good nick.
* Had a walk to Asda, passing the Forest where the Caribbean festival was having the final touches put to it for the weekend, fed the pigeons, and carried on to the store.
* Amazing price on small new potatoes, down from £1 to 25p a small bag! I took four bags, and a bag of red potatoes to roast for the trip out on Monday. Some tin peas, and tinned ham on offer too.
* Not a good idea I realised when I'd got to carry them all home!
* The knees gave me no bother, but the feet and hands did cause the blood was being stopped a bit with the heavy bags. Oh I am a fool... must have had to stop at least 20 times on the way back. The chest was bit painful too.
* Got home to the hovel, and using all remaining unburnt 3 saucepans to cook some potatoes. Let them cool while I did this and me blog. I did extra so I could use them in a salad for Margaret in the morning.
Sunday 19th August 2012
* In pain in chest area this morning, everything else feels fine.
* Did diaries, new ones added by Mark as requested, Brian Clough, Robin Hood and Adolph Hitler.
* Made some chicken curry for Margaret, then did my ablutions.
* Over to see Margaret (very tired) and Stew, a good chinwag, took a couple of photo's and then walked her home.
* Back to the hovel - "I thought by gum it's hot in here" - then I turned off the oven.
* Updated the weekly magazine articles.
* Tried again to sort out how to set the flippin' pre-set stations on the digital radio, gave up after an hour.
* Headphones stopped working for some reason, then I cut me arm when taking out the rubbish to the bin.
* Returned to the laptop to do this blog and magazine articles.
* Chest bothersome again, but everything else just fine.
Monday 20th August 2012
* Up really early to do diaries and mags - then got ready for trip out to Skeggy.
* Just made it in time to meet Sister Janet and Brother-in-law Pete for trip out on train to Skegness that they had paid for as an early birthday pressie - except only Brother-in-law Pete was there, seems I got it mixed up again and thought Janet was coming. Not so.
* Really enjoyed chinwag and journey to Skeggy, nice weather not too hot, little wind.
Pete on train going there... |
* Arrived at station and joined queue for mens WC.
* Hobbled down Lumley Road to the seafront, and ventured up to the shoreline to test the water.
Wind power thingamajigs things just off shore. |
* Walked North along the road, many things/memories found to discuss with Pete from 30 years ago last time either of us visited Skeggy.
* The deadly mobile scooters were rife, and I had a few close calls with them - but managed to avoid being knocked over by any this time!
* We passed a few Scooter hire and sales shops on out walks.
The deadly selection of Mobililty scooters at one shop! |
* Called in chippy for Pete to have his Fish & Chips - I must say having sampled one of his chips, and a bit of his fish - I thought they were horrible!
A mystery why I took this one - A quick Senior-Moment perhaps? I see that I had a flash on his door though? |
* Realised my left shoe was split open, so looked in cheapo shops and managed to find a pair of shoes for £12, a bargain thought I - threw old ones in waste bin.
* Hobbled dodging the deadly scooters back to the Train station in time to get catch train. Passing a shop that sold the same shoes for £10. Luckily Pete had hung onto the tickets.
* Nothing exciting I know, but I really enjoyed the day out, and thanked Pete.
* Got in Nottingham station, and I caught the Tram to the Forest, and walked rest of way home.
* Called in for loaf and spring water at Lidl - the staff being their usual 'must-you-bother-me selves.
Tuesday 21st August 2012
* Up and readied for INR Warfarin level checks at hospital. Did diaries first.
* Weather great for walk to hospital, did it in under 90 minutes!
* In and out like a shot again at clinic, again too early to use free bus pass, so walked back home... taking nearly two hours this time, the new shoes were hurting!
* Called at Stewards on way back, no one there though, must be out and about methinks!
* Had a nosh, battered fishcake sandwiches (Oh I do live well!).
* Drifted into the land of nod - woke up, laptop on and found that Brother-in-law had sent me some photographs he's taken at Skeggy to put on blog... so here they are:
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Pete and me - Me smiling? |
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Me looking at me North Sea covered hands? |
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You can see the fear, as I peruse future health risks for hire and on sale! |
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Prospective attacker choosing his weapon! |
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The chippy... |
Wednesday 22nd August 2012
* Woke up feeling a bit stiff, went to make a cuppa - turned off the oven I'd left on all night, filled kettle, went up to WC, turned off the water heater I'd left on all night, then searched for a hour or so before finding me hearing aids on top of the digital radio that does not work any-more.
* Did diaries, created graphic for facebook to tell folk... then realised too late that I'd put the wrong date on the graphic.
* Not a good start to the day... the kettle wasn't working.
Thursday 23rd August 2012
* Stomach even more bloated and painful this morning - but knees, hands, neck & shoulder, feet, sternum, ulcer, hernia and earache all easier! Hurrah!
* Bad nights kip though, took me until 0400hrs to nod off, then I nodded off and missed me morning medications! Grrr...
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew about 1030hrs, they were off out shopping in Sherwood.
* Came back to the hovel and did the diaries for the day.
* Around 1600hrs I nipped out to Lidl to try and get some tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce. Forgot to get the potatoes.
Friday 24th August 2012
* Bit dizzy this morning, but it soon cleared.
* Medications - did diaries, abluted and made some baked cheese & potatoes for Margaret.
* Went over the road to see Stewart and Margaret, but she was not there today (Sob!)
* Walked into town and caught bus out to Morrison's, where I raided their Special offers - Tin Potatoes at 19p, Battered fish steaks for 99p, short date red potatoes at £1, and Vegetable Curry at 59p a tin. Making sure this time I did not get too much to carry home.
* Bus back to town, then bus to Carrington, put stuff away and got the laundry ready... off to the launderette.
* £12 later, I returned home and decided to warm up some left over stuff in the micro-wave.
* The micro-wave not longer works.
* Noted a vehicle park on the zig-zag lines near a pelican crossing and a corner, as the driver jumped out and went in the food shop on the corner to get something to eat. Took a photo of it - then enjoyed a little discussion with the driver when he came out of the eatery when he saw me... good fun that, a decent crowd gathered, and he decided to race off.
* I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the many considerate gits that have popped unsolicited mail through my door again, this week:
Netflix: Who obviously don't know I do not own a TV
The Midnight Pharmacy: Who informed me they open until midnight, with free parking on the road after 0930hrs. Who obviously don't know I do not own a car any more.
Scottish Power: Kindly offering me the golden opportunity to switch my utility needs the them.
Golden Grill Pizza and Kebab: Who obviously don't know I do not like pizzas or kebabs.
Top Pizza Chicken and Kebab: Who obviously don't know I do not like pizzas or kebabs.
Nott's building and Roofing Ltd: Who obviously do not realise my impecunious position.
Pick and Mix: Offering me Highlights from £39, Deluxe pedicure £26, Gents haircuts from £12. Who obviously don't realise I'm as bald as a badger.
UK Pizza: Who obviously don't know I do not like pizzas.
Golden Southern Fried Chicken and Pizza: Who cannot be aware of my dislike of Pizzas or my being barred from eating anything fried.
Kebabish Takeaway: Who obviously don't know I do not like pizzas or kebabs.
Ingeus (Formerley Wor Directions): Informing me that I can claim up to £2,275 when I employ an 18 to 24 year-old yob... I mean person.
Green Thumb: Telling me the secret of a beautiful lawn. Not encouraging one to let them do the lawn with any confidence... as it is obvious there are no gardens attached to the premises!
The Mind Shop, and the National Hereditary Breast Cancer: For leaving me a plastic bag to place my donations in for them.
The Nottingham Police: Asking me if I noticed anything yesterday evening between 2200hrs and 2250hrs, when two of the houses opposite mine were burgled. even supplying me with a telephone number I could use. Obviously they are not aware of my hearing difficulties.
DG Cars: Who obviously forgot that I used to work for them.
Gives one a warm feeling being so popular...
Saturday 25th August 2012
* Feeling unbelievably drained this morning.
* Went over to see Margaret and Stew, came back and nodded off.
* So weary.
Sunday 26th August 2012
* Feeling a lot better this morning.
* Did diaries, blog, and passed water eleven times during the process... oh, twelve now.
* Scrub and a brush up - then over to see Margaret and Stewart - Stew watching his newly purchased DVD's on his giant TV. Margie making his nosh for him. His toilet was blocked so I popped back and got me gloves, coathanger and bucket, returned and in seconds I was down the hole, and freed it - then took about 5 minutes to get meself stood back up again!
* Came home, Margaret chasing after me... at last! But no, it was only because I'd forgotten me bucket and gloves... huh!
* Got on laptop to finish this and me blog, then submit me weekly waffle to the Spoof.
Monday 27th August 2012
* Up early, medications (all bar water tablets) then did the Spoof diaries for the day. During which I only required four visits to the WC... getting easier now.
* Wash, shave sh__, teggies tended to.
* Went over to see Stewart, but he was not in, I'd forgot it was Monday, his day at the social centre. [i](I know... your amazed that I should forget anything)[/i]
* Set out for walk to Bulwell. A lot of shops closed when I got there, but I did manage to get some cheap Alliums, tin of ham, and pickled cucumber.
* Got home by bus, (bless the free bus-pass), took me water tablets and on the laptop.
Tuesday 28th August 2012
* Found three happy birthday greetings for me on facebook. One from me mate Trevor in Dorset, and two from cyber-friends... marvellous!
* Went to make a cuppa, and tried the kettle before using the saucepan just in hopes that it had rectified its own fault and started working again... it did!
* Thinking things were looking up now, I tried the digital radio to see if that had mended itself too... but dropped it on the floor while trying to tune it - had a little memorial service for it as I threw it in the bin.
* Carbolicalised meself, shaved, teggies done, polished me head and clean togs on, and off to the surgery to see the GP and nurse. (0740hrs & 0750hr appointments)
* The sexy, desirable, pretty, attractive, movement inspiring doctor also wished me a happy birthday bless her. Appointment made for a camera to be put down me throat into tummy arranged, awaiting the date to come back to us. Some tablets dosages changed. Prescriptions for Aludrox and Omeprazole given. I left the picture of pulcritude's surgery, and was greeted by the nurse awaiting to take me blood.
* All done and finished too early for me to go to the shop and chemists, so I came back to the hovel, made a cuppa, and updated this Senior Moment's tripe.
* Set off out to chemist to get prescriptions filled, and Lidl to get me bread, be overcharged and sneered at.
* Changed me mind, and hobbled into the City Centre, paying no heed to the scantily clad young females all around me as I arrived at the Broad Marsh centre 99p shop. I purchased some bickies for medical staff's break-time, some croissants for Margaret, a cheap comedy DVD for Stewart, and two cans for 99p fresh-air spray. I managed not to walk into anything as I passed the scantily clad young females on me walk to the slab square, where I took some photo's of the Nottingham fair and beach.
* Bus to QMC - in and out in 15 minutes.
* Avoiding the he scantily clad young females nearby, I caught the bus to Carrington, went into Lidl to get me bread, expensive birthday treat goulash, was not overcharged, but the usual well used Lidl sneer was offered by the bloke at the check-out. You could tell he was a well trained professional by the way, when I asked him if he wanted the odd 26p to save his change he muttered: "Don't worry abart it yoof!" So I didn't.
* As I walked by the building site, I noticed a new sign on the temporary fencing: "It is an offence to..." the end bit had been snapped off.
* The building in the bottom photo, rear left, is the bank that had the CIT van attacked.
* Changed me mind, and hobbled into the City Centre, paying no heed to the scantily clad young females all around me as I arrived at the Broad Marsh centre 99p shop. I purchased some bickies for medical staff's break-time, some croissants for Margaret, a cheap comedy DVD for Stewart, and two cans for 99p fresh-air spray. I managed not to walk into anything as I passed the scantily clad young females on me walk to the slab square, where I took some photo's of the Nottingham fair and beach.
* Bus to QMC - in and out in 15 minutes.
* Avoiding the he scantily clad young females nearby, I caught the bus to Carrington, went into Lidl to get me bread, expensive birthday treat goulash, was not overcharged, but the usual well used Lidl sneer was offered by the bloke at the check-out. You could tell he was a well trained professional by the way, when I asked him if he wanted the odd 26p to save his change he muttered: "Don't worry abart it yoof!" So I didn't.
* As I walked by the building site, I noticed a new sign on the temporary fencing: "It is an offence to..." the end bit had been snapped off.
* The building in the bottom photo, rear left, is the bank that had the CIT van attacked.
Wednesday 29th August 2012
* Up, medicated, abluted, and on the laptop doing diaries at 0530hrs.
* Pete emailed me, would I fancy a bus ride into Mansfield - so I agreed, and walked to town bus station to meet him, and off to Mansfield.
* Pottered about a bit in the heavy rain, and Pete got his shopping in, then we got but bus back to Nottingham.
* Where I turned off the oven I'd left on.
* 40 visits or so to the WC later, I watched a video... well nearly, but I fell asleep, woke up to go to the WC - rewound the DVD... went to the WC, then gave up and tried to get some sleep proper.
Thursday 30th August 2012
* Up early, did the diaries, abluted, changed into togs, and called over the road to see Stewart and Margaret.
* I put the luggage box onto Stew's mobility scooter, but that made it too long to get it back into his shed/garage.
* Margaret arrived, and suggested we try to tie a backpack bag to the rear of the seat - brilliant idea! I managed to get it fixed nice and solid, and Magaret stored the topbox away in case needed later. She's good!
* The padlock on the shed had broken, luckily I had one at home with two keys, and we used that to secure it.
* The wind from both ends was embarrassing today...
Friday 31st August 2012
* With no sleep the night before last, I put on a Heartbeat DVD to watch, about 1830hrs last night - and woke up this morning at 0530hrs - distorted, aching, and with the broken headhones dangling around my neck and stomach. Oh dear...
* Got on with the diaries, medications taken, and a few cups of tea.
Yes, well, It's all very well these biker types running riot around the streets but what about the poor Scrivvens sufferers? How are they supposed to cope with the noise? I for one, am writing a letter. And I shall mention that Margaret and the president of this club, Stew.
ReplyDeleteOh, the photographer, whatever his name is.
Arm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Mr Arm,
ReplyDeleteI quite agree with your actions. I live in the village and these people with thier Harley Davidson bikes are a real menace. I was sent flying the other day. Lets hope the police will clip the wings of this unruly gang.
Mrs Ethel Banbun
Dunny On the Wold
I share you concerns Mrs Banbun, or if I may Ethel.
DeletePerhaps we should get together and form a Steak and Sidney pie association? Affiliating ourselves naturally to the Lib-Dem party... that shoudl double their supporters overnight.
If you should suffer a similar fate again - you can call yourself Ethelred the Ready?
Taketh much care.