Thursday, 25 March 2021

Inchcock's Day: Wednesday 24th March 2021


Thought of the day: Some cause happiness wherever they go. Others, whenever they go."

Wednesday, 24th March 2021

Spanish: Miércoles 24 de Marzo de 2021

00:40hrs: Stirred into imitation life, lay there a while, totally confused, and tried to reclaim some degree of logicality and sanity. I gave-up!

I rose up from the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly, nae, sickenly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety recliner, as quickly as I have done in months. Only Cartilage Cathy and some constant sneezing were of any pain or bother... yet.

As I was putting the kettle on, a call to the Porcelain Throne arrived from the innards. I felt the need to hasten as expeditiously as possible to the wet room in such a fashion. Which I did hobblingly, as Cartilage Cathy was getting stiffer all the time. 

Accifauxpas: I hit my shoulder going through the door frame. Got the jammies and PPs down in record time and got the bottom down on the seat the moment the evacuation began! And what an ultra-messy affair it was. Trotsky Terence was in full charge again!

A lot of time was lost cleaning things and myself up afterwards. Most annoyingly, the damned cistern had to be hand-refilled and needed five flushes to clear the glutinous, gooey mass of the multicoloured product (deep red and black, today?) Whoopsiedangleplop: And the battery in the travel clock had run out; I checked and dropped the battery in the bowl!

I returned to make the tea and spotted that the moon was visible outside. Well, it wouldn't be inside, would it? Haha! 

The photograph I took was a bit of a mess. I seem to have taken two shots in one as the shaking began. Good old reliable Neuropathic Pete, and Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters, can always be relied on to die at just the wrong time. Humph!

I took the evening medications that I forgot to take last night - now I must remember later to take the morning ones. It sounds like a simple enough job to do, doesn't it? Not for this going senile, memory-challenged old twit! I got the Health Checks done...

Not so good results this morning. SYS up to 160, DIA 69 and Pulse at 90bpm, but that is okay, methinks. The body temperature was also fair.

0407hrs: The same tip-tap noises came from the flat above again, like yesterday. Not that it matters; had I been asleep, I doubt I would have heard them. It must be a new tenant cause even Herbert didn't make noises at this time of day. It's a good job; if it is a new body, they were put above me, where they can do little bother with their noise making.

I made up a CorelDraw graphic for Marie, one of the TFZer (Troll Free Zone) on Facebook for her birthday. 

Then finished the updating of the Tuesday Inchcock's Day. Then altered the header photo to try and get it to fit better and did some Facebooking.

I found the latest figures for a week up until yesterday for the regional Nottingham Covid-19 cases! Which were down 20% on the previous seven days to that - but Beeston now has the highest increase in the country! 

I came across this 1950 photo of Victoria Station. Special Memories

People crowded together, smiling, socialising, no platform sleepers, no muggers, no gangs of yobboes either... the one thing that is the same in the City Centre nowadays, is there are no policemen about. (Humph!) 


Then I saw this photo from 1948, that family washing day, in Clifton Village. No p[iped or hot water, of course, no washing machines, a clothes horse outside to dry the washing... and a lady was heard moaning about the flats possibly having our water supply interrupted for a few hours last Friday. Hehehe! We've got it so good in comparison!


Off I trundled limpingly to get the ablutions tended to. Talk about surprised: No leg dancing, knocks, no bleeding from Little Inchcy, or walking into anything! And, also as well, and besides that, SSS Shuddering-Shoulder-Shirley, Dizzy Dennis, Toothache Thomas, and Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters were as good as gold! Apart from cutting the gum cleaning the teeth, the brush is getting old, like me, I suppose, Hehe!; Not a single cut shaving - and showering was fall-less and knock-less! 

Fair enough, there were a few dropsies, but far less than usual! I almost burst into song when I got the socks on without Whoopsiedangleplop or Accifauxpas! Also, the medicationing went smoothly! ♥

I put on my David Bailey hat, and I tried to get some decent pictures. 

Not too bad an effort, in the prevalent weather conditions, I thought? 

Then I had a go at some handwashing. Got them done, wrung and hung to dry above the kitchenette sink.

Back onto the computer, and I got a landline call come in. An Indian sounding woman, belting away, nattering at great speed, and I could not stop her when I said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot understand a thing you are  saying!" The caller rang-off!

At that moment, Night club dancer ILC and Warden, Deana, came into the flat. I told her the call, and she rang to get the last callers number for me. It started with 01495 - I input it into Norton Safe Search, and nothing came up at all. Then I tried in Gooogle Search engine; It was a Bangladesh number. Deana told me not to ring it back because it was a con job!

I seem to be getting these every other day this month?

The clunking noises started again from the flat above. 

I tried to add some foods to J Sainsbury's order for next week. Manage to get them in alright.

The noises from upstairs sound more like Herbert usually does now. Drilling and banging, and louder than ever, either that or maybe with any luck he's left and the maintenance team might be sorting things out? But, indeed not at 04:00hrs like this morning?

The weariness dawned on me, and I got the meal prepped and served up.

Pork & beans, with added roast paprika, balsamic vinegar, and the last few pickled cucumber slices. I devoured the meal like a hungry pig (a good impression, really). I got the pots washed and settled into the £300, second-hand, c1968, eyesore, horrendously grungy coloured, haemorrhoid-testing, unfit-for-use, recliner, to watch the two episodes of Tales of the Unexpected on the goggle-box. 

And unexpectedly, I drifted off so often during the first half-hour show, I suppose I might have actually watched five-minutes of it! Then went off to kip again and woke up to catch the ending music of the second episode.

Ah, well! 


  1. Nice views from your window. Pork and beans looks great. I haven't had pork and beans, that style anyway, in ages.

  2. Clifton Village from 1948 looked familiar enough to me, who was a mere one-year-old at the time. Rough stuff for certain. Betterer numbers for sys and such. Some grand photos from the window, too.
    I am being told that my blood work indicates that the Humira is working as it should. I am taking high doses of vitamin D now. Blood work must have shown my deficiency. Deficient in sunrays most certain!
    Fare well, kind cocker!

  3. Ah, the P&B's went down well, Sir!
    Life was a proper struggle then, but they probably thought it as good to have the gas lighting, as others before used candles? The ever changing world has eased things, but at the same time, the way we are going scares me. Well, not scare, but worries me for future generations.
    The rioting in Bristol was terrible! The Boulder killings, etc.
    THe HC's are looking much better.
    I was cheered at the Humira mention being positive, Billum! Well done! Yeehaa!
    Go forth and festivitalise frequently! Cheers!
