TFZers, doing up the new office? |
Wednesday 12th May 2021
Filipino: Miyerkules ika-12 ng Mayo 2021
23:35hrs: I woke and wrestled my way out of the £300, second-hand, c1968, eyesorely-horrendously grungy coloured, haemorrhoid-testing, unfit-for-use, recliner, up onto my feet, and the daily wobble over to the nocturnal wee-wee bucket. Where the jet-like release took me off-guard; I don't know how I managed it, but there were no spillages or over-splashes! Plenty of CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling, though.
I nervously made my way to the kitchen; I say the word nervously because it is true. I fear that I may have left the fridge or freezer doors open or left the tap running, but all was okay. I got the kettle on, and moved the drying clothes from near the heater, and put yesterdays washing in their place.
Washed and disinfected the grey bucket while doing these menial tasks; I needed three more wee-wees. It's going to be a bad day for more than one reason. Apart from the wee-weeing torrents, the dreaded and feared AstraZeneca second vaccination is due. Twitchy, now!
I am a smidge worried, putting it mildly!
I took the medications and got the Health Checks done.
All the BP figures were in the green, the first time for a while that has happened. Still too high, of course. I got the template for today made up and realised I had not reached the regulation mug of tea nearby? What had I done? was the Vascular Dementia to blame?
I updated yesterdays blog, which was interrupted many times for a wee-wee to be taken. Getting bonkers, this is! It took a few hours as well. Posted it off to Blogger and emailed the link.
Went on Facebooking on the TFZer and Winwood Heights pages.
I went to make another mug, and found that I'd left the earlier one, pored out, unmilked, gone cold, sadly sitting near the kettle. A definite first that... me not drinking my tea! The end must be nigh! Hehehe!
Made a start on this post. Between so many wee-weeing sessions, I've lost count of 'em! But with getting up and back down in the chair so often, Cartilage Cathy and Arthur Itis were well aware and complaining in the only way they know - giving me pain! Tsk!
I got the ablutionalisationing tended to, next. Bit of a mixed bag session, good and bad luck, but I think the pluses won? No doubt in readiness for the after-effects of the near-lethal, mind-blowing, crippling AstraZeneca vaccination?
The teeth cleaning went well, and, without a single dropsy... Oh, yes! I had to take yey another wee-wee before shaving that was not so good.
The strong flow was still with me, and I misjudged things a little, so I ended up having to clean the mat, WC and myself! Hogglebogwash!
The shaving had about six dropsies and a banged elbow against the sink, retrieving the shaving foam: and two minor nicks, one on each earhole.
The showering went really well, almost perfect, just the one dropsy, which unfortunately was the new lime-scented shower gel, and it landed on my left toes! Ouch!
I took extra care with the drying-off cause of the new PP packs stored in there now. All went fine, and nothing knocked off of the floor cabinet at all... Yet! Oh, and the legs had lost a lot of fluid retention. I wasn't surprised with the wee-weeing I've been doing. I think the nurse has put two Furesomides in the pots? Mind you, they are also for Blood Pressure - note that the Sys and Dia are lower today?
The medicationing went well, but, of course, with Little Inchies fungal lesion not bleeding, that saved a dodgy, painful job!
I limped into the kitchen took a photo of the morning view, with the distant puffer clouds and sun coming through.
Made a brew of Glengettie tea, and took it with me, and onto the rebooted computer.
Got the photos in and updated as far as here.
Opened CorelDraw, but the AstraZeneca cripplers will be here soon to distribute their punishments and agony-giving vaccine on me. Hehehe! Bless 'em!
The ladies arrived, announcing themselves as they came into the flat.
Cometh the kind AstraZeneca Vaccination Executioners. Hehe!
I rolled up my sleeve in readiness: The two lovely gals asked about things and reactions.
They listened to my gibbering on about the state the first inoculation had left me in. When I mentioned (A good job I did, and that the girls picked up on it and investigated for me, phoning the Deep Vein Thrombosis Clinic for me) to find out if my Warfarin INR level would stand the AstraZeneca.
The two lovely gals asked about things and reactions. The outcome was that the Covid juice could not be given due to my INR level.
I rolled down my sleeve.
Whoosiedangleplop: I had misread the date of the next Warfarin Test or just assumed it was in a weeks time, following Monday. The girls pointed out that it due tomorrow. The date of my 0900hrs Dentist appointment!
I thanked the gals, and they departed, bless their cotton socks, for sorting things out as far as they could, for me. ♥
Now a semi-mild-panic gripped me. I had to have the INR blood test, more than the Dentists check-up, although I knew I needed the split tooth doing at last... I decided to try to change the dentist appointment.
Getting myself worked up, Stuttering Stephanie moved in. I rang the District Nurse HQ to ask if they could call the dentist for me to change the appointment. The lady asked me many clarification questions and was patient with my stuttering. But after half an hour or so, she told me they could not do this.
So, I had a go at telephoning the dentist. Luckily, the receptionist's voice was a little like Sister Janes and Warden Deanas, it carried well, and I caught most of what was spoken to me. This gal also understood about Stuttering Stephenie and the reasons for my asking.
A new appointment was made, and the lady obviously remembered my name from the last visit, and she asked if I could get up the stairs to the surgery.
She arranged for me to visit a ground floor surgery on Wednesday 16th June, at 09:20hrs. I thanked her for her understanding. ♥
Opened CorelDraw, and I carried on making some graphics for later use, and although a slow job, it was enjoyable. Weariness made me stop after three were done.
I was slowly calming down and started to get the meal sorted out—the landline flashed. It was the precious Warfarin Blood Vampire, telling me she would call in the morning, at 08:00hrs, to do a blood test. I thanked her, and I got on with the simple meal making.
The last of the Chicken sausages (the tasty ones from the Sherwood shop) I must get some more. Chicken meatballs in chilli sauce, with added Passata. The last of the milk bread soaked up the juices.
A taste rating of 8.4/10. Nice!
I settled, and sweet Morpheus was a little reluctant, even though I felt drained, so I put the TV on. Found an old Sherlock Holmes half-hour episode showing. I thought I'd sink in the atmosphere and had to watch it...
Fell asleep as the first set of commercials came on, woke up five hours later... Ah, well!
I quite like the looks of the stairway in your esteemed office, it is always good to have a challenge, or a sport, or a silly hobby...
ReplyDeleteGood to see the 145 number on your BP results, I would say that it is a grand event indeed. Dropping down into the green zone is worth quite a celebration, so I toast you over a cup of Glengettie Supremo Enormouso!!
Say, I just realized that my INR test is not noted on Google Calendar. Best check in the morning. An 8.4 nosh rating is also something to celebrate, so here's to you with a second or third cup of Glengettie, kind Sir!!
Please enjoy a happy day. Hey it looks like you are already in Thursday, so you are 5 hours ahead of me already — such is the way of the Sun, my son :-)
Saved by the INR. They'll get you sooner or later. From what I understand even on shot gives you decent protection. You can go out much of anywhere anyway. Good looking grub.
ReplyDeleteLuckily, Bill, I have all three of the traits you mentioned. A challenge; Living, A Sport: Searching for Sweet Morpheus, and Silly Hobby: Battling with Blogger!
Fingers crossed for todays SYS, mate... not done the health checks yet.
Glengettie, I getty mine from Amazonski.
I fear I keep pouring the Thompsons Punjana, Glengettie or Co-op 99, and going to fetch the milk, I get distracted by whatever, and return to the computer without the aforementioned beverage? All part of vascular dementia I suppose, but mostest annoying when I find the cold sad looking mug of milkless tea. Hahaha! Tsk!
Talking of sun... no it's gone, might have have been an interesting thought that... maybe not.
Cheers Sir and HRH!
Thanks, Tim:
ReplyDeleteRespite given, Sir. Have to face it eventually. Haha!
THe AstraZeneca is being rejected all over the world... but not here.
TTFNski mate.