Friday, 14 May 2021

Inchies Day: Thursday 14th May 2021: Vampire Angel Blood Test


Thursday 14th May 2021

Maori: Taite 14 o Mei 2021

01:00hrs: Woke needing the standard wee-wee. The brain was actively working before I'd even got up and caught my balance - rapidly informing me of urgent things to remember - and I seemed to forget them within seconds. Still, some of them stayed with me: Got to get the updating of the diary done, and a new template started, for a phlebotomy Angel will be calling to take my INR Warfarin blood test at around 08:00hrs... erm, ah! Got to go to Sherwood to get some more of the Halal chicken sausages and canned baked beans... Nope, that's all I can recall. An exasperated sigh was released!

No sooner had I taken a PSS (Persistent, Short, Sharp) mode wee-wee in the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), without any PM (Pre-Micturitional) or CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling, I found I had to hasten, (well, hobble) to the Porcelain Throne. 

Amazing: This session exceeded my wildest expectations. I felt I may just have acquired all my good luck for the month in one go, here! I got down on the seat in time - the movement was pain-free! - No bleeding at all from anywhere! - Not messy or over pungent! And, the content was flushed on one go! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: It comes to something, shows how old age and a decaying brain and body can affect you; when you feel the need to relate a successful Porcelain Thrones visit details with such gusto? Har-Har!

I washed and cleaned up and off to the kitchen, nervously. So pleased to see that the taps had not been left running, the stove was turned off, and the fridge and freezer doors were both closed. Phew!

Made a brew of Glengettie, and I took the morning medications. And seemed to adopt a... it's hard to find a way of describing this... erm; "A determination, but with an acceptance that it is not going to go right anyway, so press on and do your best!" 

Got on the computer and pressed on with updating the Wednesday blog. It took me longer than I had hoped, mainly due to Blogger, which seemed to be changing my formatting again.

Hours later, I'd got it finished, posted off, and had emailed the link. Then replied to comments from Tim and Billum. I'd be lost without them lads making an effort; this Blogger is not very easy to use and lacks many facilities of WordPress. But need must, oh, I must remember to cancel my paid WordPress blog.

I went on Facebooking, TFZer and Winwood Heights. Then made a template for this post and started it off. Got up to here and got the Health Checks done; I had to rush a bit cause I have to get the ablutions started before 07:00hrs to be sure of being ready and prepared for the Vampire Angel's arrival.

The blood pressure had come down a bit more! Still too high, as it has been for a year or more now. But this reduction is excellent news!

I took this snap through the balcony view and set off to get the ablutions done - wearily. Because I think I may be getting low on good luck, I've had so much of it already today! Haha!

Came across some advertisement in the letterbox. For a Train ride on a posh old fashioned Pullman, with Victorian-style service and decor. It would have been lovely, but how things are, there is no chance.

I made up a few waste bags and got them into the box on the 

Then off to get the stand-up (Too early to use the shower, cause of the noise it and the drain makes).

Incredible: Blimus, even more luck, yet again. (It's very worrying, you know!) 

  • The teeth cleaning perfect, not one single dropsy! 

  • The shaving was also good, just three dropsies and two tiny nicks!

  • Body scrub and drying off, one dropsy, one clout of the shoulder!

  • Medicating no bother, but I did drop the olive oil and Phorpain gel tube.

  • Getting dressed... ah, well, Neuropathy Pete did his usual thing, with bad timing. I half halfway into the PPs, and a short Peripheral leg dance kicked off. This time he had me over, as I turned to reach the door for support - I only went down n the knees... hitting the head against the door frame saved me. Tsk!

Still, the thinner than ever legs and feet were looking as if they were not mine. They seemed that good!

The head was not hurting anymore. Cartilage Cathy and Arthur Itis were very calm. (I wasn't quiet, I am expecting something to go wrong at any time now... just a natural feeling for bad-luck-jinxed personage such as I)

I needed three wee-wees while doing the ablutions! Mmm? 

Angel Nurse arrived, no messing with her today. All blood was taken, and she was off in minutes; bless her. Thanked her with a can of Vodka, well, she likes it! ♥

Quick update on here, then got ready to go to the shops.

I took the bags to the waste chute, then down and into the lift lobby on the ground floor. The new notice board had some new stuff on it. I'll have to check it out later - of course, I won't forget... Ahem!

No one was in sight to pester for a natter. So I went outside and met the caretakers. (Bin collection day) I tried to get a chinwag going, but I failed. I do a lot that nowadays... failing!

I went to the ILC's (Independent Living coordinators) Interrogation and strip search office, and had a word with Deana and Julie, then out to catch the bus into Sherwood.

Roy, Jean from Winwood and Pete were in the bus shelter. Others soon joined us. Roy and I tried to hold a conversation. But we are both so hard of hearing, it was a bit of a farcical affair. We still managed a smile and laugh between us.

The bus came along, and within two minutes of getting on it and seated, I was battling Arthur Itis and Cartilage Cathy to allow me to stand up again to get off the bus. Hehe! 

I went to Ozan International Food Centre first. To see if they had any of the Halal chicken sausages I tried and fell in love with on Monday. They had, and I put some on the trolley top, two packets! I looked and found some Polędwica cooked pork, and I got a few slices of that. 

Accifauxpas: Things were going well, apart from the agony from under both of my feet? I remembered having a visit from Shaking Shaun last Monday and throwing all my coins over the counter. So tried my best not to this week. I managed it, started to feel a little smug, and tripped over the step as I left the shop! Winning just isn't in my vocabulary anymore!

I got back up with the assistance of a young lady, no one else showed any interest, I thanked her, and she mentioned that I looked very ashen, and she told me to be careful. Hey-Ho!

I hobbled up the hill to the Co-op store. I did not have a lot of luck in my purchasing wishes and got the price wrong on the potatoes. I'll explain: They didn't have any cans of cheapo Chilli-Con-Carne or garden peas! I pondered over the potatoes on offer, and I saw some baby new Jersey on sale. 

I thought, although they were only tiny bags, at £1, they were not too bad at all. I took two of them. On the way to the counter, I got a pack of two chocolate cream eclairs for the Wardens as a thank you. I thought, two bags of spuds at a pound, and the cakes at £1.50, got to be a £3.50 bill then? I handed the lady my last £5 note, and I got a 20p in change. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I noticed as I was putting the bits in the bag and looking at the counter tickets on my way out; found that the Jersey new potatoes were £1.80 each. The £1 ticket was for other packs above that shelf. I was so glad I didn't mention anything to the lady, now. What a cloth head I am!

I moved up the road a little further, and I called into the Wilko store. Needing laundry liquid and some bleach. I got to the checkout with the liquid, although not the one I wanted, bleach and some waste bags.   

After Monday's farce with my using the self-serve till and overcharging myself, I joined the mini-queue for the standard checkout. I paid up, had to use the card, as the cash had expired.

Nice: Off up Mansfield Road to the bus shelter, to find Roy sat there. We did have a natter this time, much to those who gathered around us later... it must have sounded odd to them, as we shouted to each other. We got on the bus and were soon back at the flats.

I remembered to drop the cakes off at the holding cell office and proceeded in a Northerly direction, back to Woodthorpe Court.

As I got in and to the lift lobby, Roy told me to take the lift, as he was in no rush, which I wasn't either... well, apart from wanting a wee-wee. Thanked Roy and I was soon up in the flat.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Fumbling over my getting the trolley in quickly, taking the shoes off to ease the pain, and stubbed my toe en route to the wet room. Argh!

I got the bits unpacked and food in the fridge and put some of the cost-a-lot Jersey potatoes in the crockpot on a high setting.

I made a brew of Glengettie and updated this diary for an hour or so.

Then, made a mug of Thompsons Punjana, checked the potatoes and turned them down a bit. Getting late now, and weariness is taking over. 

I nipped into the wet room and changed into the jammies afterwards.

The feet looked very different than they did earlier. The left foot and leg had swollen a bit, some clots appeared to the veins going to one of the toes, above the bone. The right leg seems to have lost a lot of fluid, and the pain from underfoot was no easier. 

I mused over why this was happening. I'd only done just a tiny amount of walking?

I gave up trying to work it out, and I had a check on the spuds again. They were ready, so I got the rather wonderful evening meal served up.

I even made a large pot of jelly and custard for afters.

New potatoes, garden peas, tomatoes, Polish garlic ham, and milk roll bread. 

A deserved 9.25/10 for the really good taste rating. A reet treat!

I got settled watching the Smithsonian channel on the box, got my feet up, just started to eat an ice cream Cornetto... and the landline burst into life.

It was the Doctor's surgery with the blood test results and new dosages. The INR level was down to 3.3, as near dammit perfect! I wrote down the new doses, and the date of the next test, Monday 17th May. 

This brought back the thoughts on the AstraZeneca vaccination mark two. With the INR being good, there is a danger that the ladies will return unannounced to give me the jab... got to be done, Tsk!


  1. Hey my Inchie! That was an amazing day. I laughed at the hard of hearing confab. I could be wailing in agony, throes of ennui atop extreme displeasure whilr tapping Morse code on the wall between my room and the livingroom and Bill wouldn’t hear a thing. I realized the other night it’s gotten so absurd that he can’t hear a word I say in the same bed! The real exasperation is I have order d 4 different sets and styles of hearing aids for him in the last six months! If they squeal while being put in, he rips them out like a wasp just drilled him in the ear. I think it feels like that to his brain. So I have to ask him to wear them so we can communicate here and there! Haha! That Billiumski has gotten a bit crotchety over this lockdown thing. it’s hard to find new footing. I think he would enjoy a ride in Sherwood Forest withyou. He can bring a few sets of aids and offer you ypur pick then you could chat and guffaw loudly in the shelter. I was very drawn to the posh train with Pullman service! I would make the effort for that and I think it would cheer me up no end. I know I’m a wild owlet who got tangled in the power lines at the prime of life ( how’s that for a good metaphor?) but I think a train ride is just my speed while being waited upon in a lavish fashion, of course. Sounds fantastic doesn’t it? Thanks for all the great stories and I’m proud of your initiative and the joie d’vie the simple things like saving yourself from a fall by catching your skull JUST in time to avoid that fall! Bravo Dear!

  2. Lisa ♥
    Poor Billum, we share a frustration and sense of humour between us, Lisa.
    The squealing from the aids sounds horrific, is sometimes caused through the tubes being loose fitting and air getting in, gal. In my condition now, I'm dreading it happening again, cause there is no way the PN (Peripheral Neuropathy) will let me be able to repair then nowadays. I did try a pair a few years ago, that fit right in the earhole, but they were worse than the others... oh, it is annoying!
    I put mine in when I know someone, a nurse, medications visitor, Matron Julie, or the INR Warfarin nurse is due to arrive, or I would never hear the pathetic intercom buzzer. Humph!
    I'm with Billum on the crotchet thing - me too, but with myself! Haha!
    An ace metaphor/analogy there, Lisa!
    I try to ♫ Look on the bright side, of life... ♫, Lisa. EVen when its a struggle, as you understand, to do the simplest things. But, I can trip over, fall-down and walk into things, magnificently well! Hahaha!
    Love and thanks, HRH ♥
