Saturday, 15 May 2021

Inchies Day: Friday 14th May 2021

♥ TFZeress relaxing - Oh, Yes! ♥

Friday 14th May 2021

Croatian: Petak, 14. Svibnja 2021

01:25hrs: I stirred back into a replica of realism, but the brain wasn't fully operational... What day is it? What's to be done? Any medical visits today?... the chain was broken when the summoning from the innards arrived, demanding attention for the Porcelain Throne. I escaped the warmth and clutches of the £300, second-hand, c1968, eyesorely-horrendously grungy coloured, haemorrhoid-testing, unfit-for-use, recliner, with almost ease, caught my balance, grabbed (Metal Mickey) the stick, and was off hobbling to the wet room.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got seated, and it seemed that nothing was going to move, despite my body parts telling me it wanted to? I got the Wrinklies book and had a perusal of it for a few minutes. Nothing moving yet...

Whoopsiedangleplop: So I gave it a painful encouragement push, cringed in pain, and had to keep the pressure on to clear the product. It was a relief when I'd emptied things out. Jet black, a decent amount but not in the standard torpedo or meatballs style; it looked like a weird sculpture and had to be broken up with the stick to make sure it cleared the system, which it did in one flush? 👍

Accifauxpa: A bit of blood that looked like it was from the pressure put on Harold's Haemorrhoids by the rockhard escapee. I turned to get the toilet cleaner bottle, dropped the cap opening it, bent down to retrieve it, and 'Klunk'... against the sink, right where I hit the head on the door edge yesterday. I'm getting consistent? Hahaha!

The SYS at 166. which I do not think is all that bad, considering some of the results lately. Cleaned up and off to the kitchenette and got the kettle on. Took the medications, made the Glengettie Gold brew, and got the Health Checks done.

After two days of all in the green results, I got two in the amber today.

I don't think the Temperature 37.6°c - 99.68°f, is highish, but nowt top fret over.

I checked that the front door had not been left open because I could feel a draft coming from somewhere.  Just another of the lack of confidence habit I've picked up lately.

The door was closed too, I espied a letter from Nottingham City Homes that had been posted, so I investigated. It was about reopening Communal areas for independent living communities (Us Wrinklies): From next Monday, 17th May, for groups of up to six people. Reminding us that: They will be installing sanitiser dispensers in communal lounges, use them when entering and leaving the lounge. And wash your hands for at least 20 seconds when you get back to your home. You should still continue to social-distance from anyone not in your household. We advise that you continue to wear a face mask unless exempt. And some other instructions.

Between mugs of tea and wee-weeing, I got the updating of yesterday's post finished, and I sent it off to Blogger. Made and emailed the link address. 

Went on TFZer, Winwood Heights Facebook pages. Got into it a bit and took far too long about it, but I still enjoy it when the computer and my body and brain allow me.

I went to make another brew, this time Thomsons Punjana.

I put some new potatoes into the crockpot and added some sea salt. Naturally, I anticipate I'll be remembering to turn on the cooker at a later stage. 

Not really, but I'll do my bestest!

When I got back to the computer, I got the Canon camera and took a snap of the gloomy-looking morning as it was beginning to get lighter.

I pressed on with doing this diary for a while. But, I had a lot of bother with Saccades Sandra, cataracts and typhlosis don't help much either, hard work. The focussing of my was severely affected, so I stopped. And then went, planning to search for the old eye drops they gave me at the hospital. Could I find them? No!

I ended to the ablutionalisationing next, but had to suddenly start with a dash to the Porcelain Throne!

Serendipitous: I was confusticated with this session, happily so, mind! Yes, it was still black and hard but came out smoothly, effortlessly, with no bleeding and minimal discomfort or pain! Amazing! 

Every Porcelain Throne session, wee-wee and morning-waking, there is something different, altered, transmogrified, from what it was before... I cannot imagine waking up in the morning, using the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), or the Porcelain Throne, without the pleasure of not knowing how things will go... I suppose it keeps the brain-box going if nowt else. Hahahaha!

Amazing: The ablutions went great as well! Few dropsies, no Accifauxpas... I'm developing a liking for these having good luck lark... but reservedly worried a smidgeon about them.

I was cleaning up after medicating and spotting this mark on the top of the left foot. At first glance, I thought it was a miraculously grown in a few hours, new ulcer... on closer inspection, I'd spilt something on it. Just for a bit of fun, bearing in mind where I was at the time, would you like to guess what it was I'd spilt? Clue: Cleaner!

Sarcasm Suspected: I dressed and made a brew of Glengettie tea and back to the computer. A windows update had come in... I was missing them; I'd not had one for two days.

I updated this blog, got the photos in Google, and then went on CorelDraw to try again to make some graphics for later use. Wish me luck with Saccades Sandra, I fank you! Here goes...

I did get a few done, but I had to give up. It feels like I've got something stuck in the left eye as well as the Saccades. I'll see if it's safe to get the meal ready. Then hopefully eat it, and settle down to rest a bit. Poor old thing, Haha!

Ten minutes later and Saccades had eased off a bit, so I got the meal sorted and served up.

The potatoes were a disappointment for me, not a patch on yesterdays Jersey Royals. But still, they did cost well over half as much to buy. Once again, the Hahal chicken sausages were a delight to the taste buds! The very conveniently sized milk loaf bread sliced fit around the sausages perfectly. Hehe!  Flavour rating 7.5/10. 

Exceptional: I washed, changed and sat down to watch some TV to send me to sleep, but it wasn't needed this time.

Apart some a few wee-wees that the bladder informed me were needed (thank you, bladder!), I slept for over five hours!

A First in Over a Week: (I think?) Also, I can't recall getting up once to check on the taps, lights, cooker, fridge doors being closed at all!

Now, if I can stop the wee-wee wanting... Humph!


  1. Looks rather clouding out. Good photo. Your feet and getting a real blotchiness to them. Thoughts of opening communal areas? Sound dangerous. Decent looking meal.

  2. Tim:
    Cheers mate.
    I'm not too bothered about the communal areas, if I remember right, it was very 'clicky', no that's not the word... I looked it up, 'cliquey', and I didn't go again. Cheers, Sir.

  3. Best think about a Friday? — It's a full day away from Sunday. Unfotunately, the rapid passage of time finds us facing Sunday; in fact, you folks in Nottingham are already in the grasp of that fell day. We're holding on to Saturday for all it's worth, all it's worth means about 3 hours. Arghety argh!
    Sad to see the BP jump into the red zone again. Maybe it will sink into the green tomorrow, or Sunday. A good deed by Sunday?
    Spilling the cleaner can mess up an hour or two, can it not? Shaggy Pajamas!!
    Speaking of Sacades Sandy, we're on the verge of welcoming some multiple billion of Cicadas to the Lisa/Billum manor, we are. They bother many, but i kind of like the idea that a creature can wait exactly 17 years and then go looking for the ladies. Only the male cicada makes the noise, so that means less silence? Red-eyes beasties. Do you experience such in Nottinghamshire?
    Live past Sunday then, kind Sir!

  4. Billum:
    The departure of Samstag,
    Did not make my tail wag,
    Now, as you say, verfluchter Sonntag. (I Might have spelt that wrong, sorry)
    Spirits begin to flag,
    Hopes and fear now zig-sag,
    Sunday's are usual a bit of a toerag,
    Afraid of Sundays in the Winwood Reichstag
    But I have in stock, many a tea bag,
    Shame I've not got any skag!

    For all your good wishes, it's the red zone again for the BP,
    It can't be controlled or helped, you see,
    Something I've noticed about we three...
    HRH, thy good self, and me,
    We have more than our share of pain, and misery,
    I'd love to come over and have a natter with thee,
    Might we go on a shopping spree?
    Get HRH's favourite food, can we?
    It may not, of the ailments make us free,
    But we'd each understand when we needed a wee-wee!
    All written in fun, Mon Ami! ♥

    I'm on the ball with the odeing, this morning Lisa and Billum - it's worrying...

    Ah, Cicada, I watched a programme about them, a few years ago, I remember staying awake all through it as well, Billum... yes! Also, and as well as that, besides, I had to take the headphones off - the darned annoying noise of the giant insectimums, meant people in the woods had to shout to be heard; t'was most uncomfortable, Sir.

    Which reminds me, I meant to ask, do you use headphones to listen to the TV and radio? My hearing aids, all three pairs of them, just cannot pick up what anyone says, when available I use the sub-titles?

    I think the beasties, are only in one place in the UK. I sked Mr G: "Being the only Cicada native to the UK and only being found in one area of the UK, the New forest cicada is classed as endangered and in great danger of becoming extinct. For these reasons it is listed as a Priority species on the NERC Act and protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act."

    I'll do my bestest to follow your advice about this Sunday, Sir. If you both would do the same, I'd much appreciate it. ♥ Long live sociability!


  5. One must indeed have some spare teabags to get through a Sunday, skag is not as available in most dwellings I would warrant, but I haven't surveyed anyone of late. Verfluchter Sonntag ist richtig, und zwar eine gute Beschreibung, nicht? Toe rag is quite a useful term that I had not previously encountered. I now can look at toe rag as the perfect way to classify that fell day by the way. Just like a smelly old toe rag — not to be confused with cotton socks, that is most certain. :-)
    I think that HRH could plan a gettogether well, a spree through the ancient wonders of the Sherwood Forest is something that Lisa mentioned just yesterday. Sounds like an excellent plan, particularly since lockdowns are starting to disappear in the way of a storm cloud.
    I find that headphones don't work well with my fairly profound lack of good hearing, closed-captioning is enough for Billum.
    Perhaps we could send yer a few Cicadas from the billions that are about to appear in the sky, my my.
    Here is a poem by Goethe on the Cicada:
    Here is a translation by Sir Google:Blessed are you, dear little one,
    You on the branches of trees,
    Enthusiastic about a little drink,
    Singing like a king live!
    You own everything
    What you see in the fields
    Everything that the lessons bring;
    Live among farmers,
    Your friend, undamaged,
    You mortals,
    Sweet spring, sweet messenger!
    Yes, all the muses love you
    Phoebus himself must love you
    Gave you the silver vote
    Age never seizes you
    Wise, tender, poet friend,
    Born without flesh and blood,
    Sorrowless earth daughter,
    Almost like the gods.
    More about blessed

    Perhaps the mayor of Nottingham might be interested in purchasing a few thousand or a few million Cicadas, just in the interest of making that critter the official Nottingham insect. Perhaps QEII might want some delivered to Buckingham Palace?
