Sunday, 16 May 2021

Inchies Day: Saturday 15th May 2021: I'll have to stop doing this diary, much as I love doing it. Can't cope nowadays.


♥ TFZeress, being pursued? ♥

Friday 15th May 2021

Greek: Παρασκευή 15 Μαΐου 2021

01:15hrs: The regular climbing out of the c1968 recliner and hobbling over to the overnight grey plastic wee-wee bucket was carried out, almost automatically! Hehe!

Partially aware of what I was doing, I limped to get the kettle on, took the morning medications, and made a brew of Glengettie tea.

Turned on the computer and had to visit the Porcelain Throne. Another variety of evacuation again; Trotsky Terence was making a comeback; thus, the giant meatball shaped product produced was stinky, messy and gooey! Oh, and light brown, with a sort of fur on the outsides. Things took a long while to clean up afterwards, Tsk! The feet were looking in good condition, though! Even the hard skin underneath was not so painful to walk on - I am a fool; of course, it would be less bother, I'd only just got up! Idiot!

Gobsmacking! I decided to get the Health Checks done, and the results were almost pleasing!

Only the body temperature was in the red, well pink (Hehe!) showing 37.7°c - 99.86°f. The blood pressure was the lowest it's been in months, nice, but unnatural for me?

I got on with updating yesterdays diary. Then make this template. Emailed the link for Thursdays... no, Fridays blog.

Made a brew of Thompsons Punjana, put the Canon camera on charging, took this snap of the morning view, and took the tea with me back to the computer.

Started on doing the Facebooking, had a wee-wee, washed, blogged, wee-wee'd and went on the Blogger comments.

I took a quickie shot of the computer with the Kodak as I left to visit the wet room due to my having detected a worrying, wet, warm sensation in the PP's (Protection Pants).

I had an investigatory look at the lower regions of my body. Below the bulging but wobbly folds of flesh from the stomach line area.

Oh, Dearie Me! Little Inchies fungal lesion was leaking a little. So, the Daktacort ointment had to be applied. I think I was lucky to catch it early; actually, it was only just beginning to bleed. Not that this makes it any less painful to apply. However, it's less messy; but we won't go into that.

Whoopsiednagleplop: Another wee-wee was carefully taken. I made a brew and returned to get the comments looked at, and something of new pain developed in the upper left chest area, sharp stabbing pains of repeated but of a short length. I'm assuming it is Anne Gyna, but it is so long since she's given me any bother; I'm not sure?

Back to the comments, one from Tim Price, and one from HRH Lisa, of the Billum of Ohio household. I replied to them and got some brekkers... well mug of tea and some biscuits.

Off to get the ablutions done.

Fantastical: The teeth cleaning was admittedly a little painful, but it's been worse. The nasal cleaning had a few spots of blood, but only a speck or two. The shaving, thanks to Nicodemus's neurotransmitters failings, must have had ten or more dropsies. Only two minuscular nicks. The showering had one good clout against the grab rail, four dropsies, a toe-stubbing, and oddly, I cut my finger on the scrubbing brush? Don't ask, it beats me, how!

Fantastical: The medicating went absolutely perfect! Oiling the ears, Cortizoning Little Incies fungal lesion, and Phorpaining the knees and lower back.

Not So Fantastic: Saccades eye drop-dropping: as usual more went on my cheek and stomach than got in the eyes! Which, is nothing new, I don't know why I mentioned this. It's the same every time. No wonder I keep running out of it so quickly. I should have enough for two days or so, and it can be bought generically from the chemist in Sherwood, on Monday.

Not So Fantastic: The drying off, had the floor cabinet half-cleared of contents as I wafted the towel around. Tsk, Fool? Picking the bottles and tubes up, I hit my knuckles on the edge of the floor cabinet when I lost balance, and as a parting gesture, I belted my right shoulder on the door frame! Argheee! I made up some small waste bags and got them into the box on the trolley.

Amazing: Sister Jane rang, just as I was about to click the send button on an email I was writing for her. We had a natter. I was told off for buying Halal sausages. Told how lucky I was to have had three cancers and was still here. Hehehe! Big Sister, you, see. Hehehe!

We had a natter and laugh anyway. We both agreed, (No, it can happen!) that the optimum result for the Cup Final, would be Leicester City 19 - Chelsea 0. But we both thought this might not happen.

I was updating this blog and, Liberty Global went down again!

So, I'm peed-off again!

Went onto CorelDrawing.

I can't continue with this diary, I'm afraid. It's taking too much time nowadays. But I shall try, after much thought, to post some graphics and photos now and then.


1 comment:

  1. That will be a sad state of affairs if you have to stop posting. Is there anyway you can get an upgrade in service with a new modem for faster Internet? That would help a lot. WordPress is super frustrating with the blockhead editor. I simply add photo blacks and paragraphs and don't mess with anything else unless I post a video or music. I hope you can find a solution and keep post a few photos and a little bit about life in home jail.
