Thursday 6 May 2021

Inchies Day: Wednesday 5th May 2021 - Grogglebonkturds!

Good Fortunes, Fun & Festivities, folks!

♥ Hello, I'm dreaming again - but a good un! ♥

Wednesday 5th May 2021

Tatar: Чәршәмбе 5 май 2021

01:35hrs: On returning to imitation life, the first thought was, "Gawd, it's cold!" (Found later that the temperature outside was -2°c!)

Then the memory, amazingly recalled that today, I have the Iceland food delivery due twixt 06:00 > o8:oohrs, and one of the sweet but long forgotten about, the INR blood nurse coming 08:oo ? 10:00hrs; to take my blood for testing (Eight or nine weeks since the last blood test)Sob!. So a lot of attention to detail needed. Work was required to make sure everything would be ready for when they arrive; I hope I'm prepared in time! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: But the first thing now was to get to the wee-wee room in time. I got out of the c1968 recliner and off to the wet room. Hello, that was a different style than of late! Pretty forcefully, painful, but no pre or cessation micturitional leaking. Apart from the pain, this was as near to a 'normal wee-wee' I've taken in many months! Smug Mode Adopted! 

Washed, got some clothes on, and went to make a brew of Thompsons Punjana. The milk is getting low, but I am getting some from Sainsbury's delivered tomorrow: I might last out until then. 

I opened the kitchenette window and took a photograph of the morning skyline.

It came out horrible, so I checked what setting I had the Canon camera on, and it was on Manual, or Auto, I think it's called. A summing from the innards to attend the Porcelain Throne arrived, so off to loo I trotted... well, limped. For Carlidage Cathy was playing me up a bit.

The evacuation was not too keen on getting started, so I reread some of the Clarkson book while I waited. 

When things did move, Trotsky Terence made a comeback, terribly messy, but blood and painless, so I'm not complaining about this. I might take a Newmark relief tablet, though, with the morning medications later.

The old feet and legs were looking in great shape. Even the ankle ulcer was all calm-looking, and the itching was fare less as well. I think I'll slip into Smug-Mode again?

I washed-up, and got the morning medications taken, then did the Health Checks.

The flipping SIA was up yet again, at 171. Dia also up a little at 81; the pulse had come down from yesterdays, mind. The NHS sites readings were about the same as yesterdays for the Blood Pressure, still too high, though! The body temperature at  36.8°c - 98.24°f was showing in the green.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got the photos from yesterday and this morning prepped in CorelDraw. I had to use some of them as they were because Neuropathic Pete gave me some good vicious shakes in both hands. Which, of course, meant typing was taking a lot of time, primarily through having to do so many corrections to work.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then got the updating completed (three hours plus) for the Tuesday blog. As I was making up the email link... Grindingagonydamit, and Gragglespitgurgle!

That put the mockers on my plans. Grobbleknangles! So, I went and got the potatoes into the crockpot, season them with some smoked paprika, and got them on alow heat. Still no internet, so I made up some waste bags and got them in the big box ready to take to the chute after 08:00hrs.

Made a brew of Glengettie. The nice, in a wrong way, overpaid, opulent, mercenary,  profit-orientated, Couldn't-Give-Toss about his customers, Mr Fries, who deems me worthy of paying the ever-increasing monthly subscriptions; to be reconnected to the internet. Bless him!

Back to the Blogger, and I started to do some replying to comments. And the intercom flashed and chimed. It was the Iceland order being delivered. The young man soon had the bags through the doorway for me, accepted a treat in thanks, and I got the stuff through to the kitchen.

I'm pleased to say they sent Soft Wholemeal Pitta bread, which I decided would be later, buttered and filled with some ham, as part of my Wednesday feast! Plenty of cold meats and pies to choose from now. Smile!

Whoopsiedangleplop: It took me some time to get the things sorted... Then when it came to putting the ice-cream suckers etc., in the freezer... 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I found I'd left the door ajar! I had to throw out tons of stuff that had gone soft! I made up at least five more bags after putting the lollies, well, iced water now, down the sink. It took me ages to sort out!

The big box on the trolley was chock-full - but it was too early to use the chute. Luckily I had made room for the new lollies to go in before splitting open the ones ruined in my leaving the fridge door open!

Then, as if prove my Vascular Dementia was getting worse - the intercom rang again. I thought at first the Iceland man had found something he'd not left... But, No!

Whoopsiedangleplop: It was the J Sainsbury's driver, with the order that I thought I'd ordered for next week! I must try to get some help with this issue: if any is available.

Thank heavens I'd only ordered one frozen item on the delivery! 

At least the milk had arrived; Plenty of fresh foods, which was a challenge to get into the now much more over-filled fridge! 

Then, the intercom rang yet again. It was the Warfarin Vampire nurse to take my blood for the INR test. It was so lovely to see her again, even with the facemask on. Hehe! 

She soon had me all done, and she managed a little nattering into the bargain, which suited me down to the ground. She mentioned that Hristina, who uses to come regularly to seem e, had asked her if she had called on me lately. So nice to know someone was worried. ♥. Shelly departed, and I thanked her and slipped her a can of pop of her choice. ♥ Super to see the nurse again after so long.

I was most annoyed with myself again, yet soon started to accept that these things will happen more often. I wondered how long it would be before I start forgetting where I live. But the blue period soon departed; why? I've no idea! I added the bags to some more I'd done and dropped them on the trolley.

Then, amassed the things on the trolley guide and got to outside the door.

Gone 08:00hrs now, so I could use the waste-chute without bothering anyone with the noise the bags make going down to the bins.

Getting to the waste room was easily managed. Even getting into the limited space with the box and wheeler was done smoothly and painlessly!

Whoopsiedangleplop: However, unfortunately, as I moved in towards the chute cover, I gave myself a heck of a knock, on the right hip, against the trolley's handlebar.

Inchie Fib Due! Of course, with my being brave, fearless, heroical, temerarious, sort of good looking young man, this did not phase me at all. It didn't hurt, and I didn't swear, cry, or even wince at all. 


I went back to the flat, and applied some of the Germolene creams and took an extra painkiller.

While doing this, I pondered on the new microwave I'd ordered. It's an excellent job that Ballet Dancer and Warden Deana said she'd help me to set it up. When I get around to moving stuff from the kitchen, finding space for it elsewhere, and making the room to place the Microwave.

I got the treats bag and took it down to Jens, Nora and Frank's apartment. Left it outside the door and pressed the bell. She'll only moan, but I do enjoy returning favours.

Back up to the flat and got on with this blog. Grafted away for about four hours. This could not be helped; it was Nicodemus's Neurotransmitters bothering me this time. I took so long.

Yet the freezer mess and sorting to out was bothering less than usually would? I think this must be a part of the diagnosed dementia? 

Ah well, getting up so early, forgetting about the delivery.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Xyrophobia and Zeusophobia suffering Brother In Law Pete phoned, I'd missed him off of the Blogger email - I'm getting worse! After a little natter, I lost contact with home. So emailed the blog details, Post Haste, to him. I did feel a fool!

For the first time in many days, I got an attack of the dizzies. I packed up on the computer and wasn't feeling so good suddenly. So I got something to eat prepared, a bit of a feast considering how I felt.

Small potatoes, caramelised mini pasties and pork pies, garden peas, tomatoes, Marmite cheese disc, and some buttered soft pitta-bread. I made far too much for myself to eat but did enjoy what I did consume. 

Flavour rating: 7.5/10.

I got the pots washed, and settled back down in the c1968 recliner. Semi-content (It helps when you forget things so easily and often, you know), and drifted off to sleep, dreaming that I was flying around in the sky, swooping down to talk with the birds, bees and mice? Surreal, but I was so into this...

Whoopsiedangleplop: The landline burst into life. It was the DVT Warfarin clinic lady, to speak with me about the INR level, with it being so high. It was 5.4, so I must be careful not to cut or scratch myself. The new doses were given, Wed: 0 - Thur 2½ - Fri 2½ - Sat 3 - Sun 2½. Next blood test Monday.

The lady was concerned that I was not taking the medications correctly. I pointed out that it is 2 months since the last blood test. During that time I was laid up for a week with the effects of the Covid jab, and if anything, I would have potentially missed many doses? Answered her questions best I could, a lovely lady. Thanked her, wrote down the dosages on the pad, and returned to the much got out of, recliner. 

Whoopsiedangleplop: The dang Thought Storms kicked off. But with a marked difference this time, as I recall. The pondering, question and identification of the fears, problems, failings and frustrations, was a lot shorter than usual, probably helped by my wandering mind. But there was were more topics to get distressed over.

This meant Swett Morpheus was delayed by several hours, and I woke far much later in the morning. But I got about five hours of kip in, so not to complain.

Keep safe, everyone!


  1. A new microwave. Hallelujah! That will make life in the kitchen a whole lot easier. Nice of the vampire to mention your favorite vampire asked about you. Decent looking C+ meal.

  2. To Tim:
    Cheers, mate. It's been delivered (microwave) early. Now finding the time and strength to make room for it... then for Deana, bless her, to arrive and show me how it works.
    I've had a sudden influx of nurses calling lately, Tim. I love it! Yee-Haa!
