Wednesday 5 May 2021

Inchies Day: Tuesday 4th May 2021 - My mind in mayhem again. So much to do - So little time. Brain absorption, minimal!

Buenas Noches!

♥ TFZer, Lona - attracting the attentions of someone? Haha! ♥

Tuesday 4th May 2021

Italiano: Martedì 4 Maggio 2021

After coming over all-funny, and getting down in the recliner and going into sweet Morpheus Mode, I woke up last night around 17:30hrs: 

Feeling sort of hazed and still annoyed at myself for the Whoopsidangleplops with my leaving the hot tap to run cold - Twice yesterday, I was not in a good mood with myself. After a few minutes of self-criticising, and self defamatory thoughts, I began to come out of my shell a little more. 

I decided a mug of Thompsons Punjana tea might help, and it did. Well, it got me wee-weeing anyway. Hehe!

I resolved not to give in and accept things so readily today, which I seemed to do all of yesterday. I got on with finishing the Inchies Day blog and got it posted off to Blogger. 

I decided to do the Health checks early to see if the high readings would be lower in my doing them early.

But the HC figures were still close to what they have been for some days now. The pulse was high, I think, at 110? 

I noticed how pale-skinned and ashen I was looking as well, I hope I've not kicked the bucket, and nobody has told me. Har-har!

However, the legs and feet were looking in better form this morning. The swelling in the left foot has got cleared yet, but it is getting less each day. That reminds me, I must take a Furosemide with the evening medications, oh, no, I've taken them - I mean the morning medications later on... Confusing innit?

I made a mug of Glengettie and stood for a short while, looking out at the rain and threatening sky from the opened kitchenette window.
Not surprisingly, after yesterday, I kept checking that I'd not left the hot water tap (faucet) running. I even found myself getting up from the computer to check every now and then on the faucets. Humph!

I sent the email link for the Monday blog by email. I'd received one from HRH Lisa in Ohio, a lovely natured lady. ♥ Then I checked to see if any comments had come in. Two had, I replied to them.

Then, as I was going onto Facebook, I noticed the rain had started, as I had expected from seeing the clouds earlier.

This time, I took a shot of the sky through the balcony windows.

Not wanting to get all wet, like. Hehe!

I went on Facebooking, put some photos in the albums, and visited the TFZ and Winwood Heights pages. Used up an hour or so doing that. Haha! Then went on CorelDraw to make some graphics up. 

I had to nip to check on the taps (faucets) and made a brew of the Co-op 99 tea at the same time

When I got back, boy, the ever-changing sky was different to forty minutes earlier!

Whoopsiedangleplop: I managed to trap my finger in the metal spring release window lock... again. Tsk! 

I got the ablutions tended to. The session was not as good as yesterdays; far more dropsies occurred. The feet and legs were not as bad, though.

Accifauxpa: I had some trouble with Cartilage Cathy, Arthur Itis, Little Inchies fungal lesion bleeding, and a mini-Neuropathic Pete’s adventitious right leg Schuhplattler drop-something and flail-about dance. Oh, and a new morphew just above the right knee. It was only a tiny one, but after I caught it against the shower chair, I thought it must be a boil or abscess, so bad did it hurt. But, no, it was only papule-size, bled for a few seconds and stopped of its own accord? I lovely deep red, Hehe!

It took me ages to get the lesion to stop pouring out the red stuff, but patience and a bit of Clobetasone cream on lint stuck down the PPs, did the trick in the end. It did make me wonder if the Warfarin INR level was too high that caused this rare, nowadays, sanguineous episode?

I made up some waste bags and got them in the trolley box. And checked I'd got everything with me, in case Deana has the time to help me with the Vascular Dementia form filling.

I got down and outside, left the bags tidily, near the bins. And started to make my way along Chestnut Drive...

Whoopsiedangleplop: I had to walk along the road as the Severn Trent workers had lorries and vans on the grass and walkway. It looks like they will be starting the investigation of the water leak today. Walking on the road is a dicey job with the three-wheeled walker. I tried to get a move on, in case the Amazon-Morrison delivery, the Medicine Team lady, Leah (I think?), came early. 

I got to the Winwood Court and waited patiently to speak with Deana and Julie. I knew they would be busy, with not working yesterday, it being a bank holiday. I took two photographs inside Winwood Court while I strolled around with the trolley waiting for Deana to become free. She was swamped with work.

Bless her, she got around to me, and we rushed through the remaining unanswered questions on the form, and there were plenty of them still to do. Bless her, we soon had them finished off...

Whoopsiedangleplop: Unfortunately, it came to light when it came to putting the forms in the envelope to post back... Muggins here had left the wrong envelope, the one it came in, not the postage-paid self-addressed one they sent me with the questionnaire! Oh dearie me, another clanger made by yours truly! 

But, Deans came to the rescue with a plan and helpful idea; "Go home, and find the envelope. When you do, ring me, and I'll come and collect and mail the letter for you!" How kind the gal is! ♥

Cheered by this empathy, I whistled as I fought the strong winds trying to blow me back in the reverse direction. 

At the end of Chestnut Walk, near the flats, it was back onto the roadway to get around the now three Severn Trent vehicles. But I wasn't moaning; the leak needs investigating. 

As I got back into the flat and found the missing envelope, I rang Deana, who said she will come for it when she gets the time. I felt all cared for!

The intercom rang and flashed. It was the Medicine team gal, Leah. I'm not sure of her name now, but it begins with an L. (I'm sure if it?)

She soon sorted out the medications, offered me advice and even opened a can of peas for me that didn't have a ring pull on it. I was being looked after and spoilt today!

I thanked her profusely as she left, and the intercom rang. It was the Amazon-Morrison order. The same girl who delivered last weeks. She put all the bags in the doorway for me; I offered her my appreciation and got the four paper bags of fodder into the kitchen.

The treat cans of plonk, the Unisex Comfort pants, sink unblocked, a roll of waste bags, and washing-up liquids were put away first. Followed by the comfort foods into the freezer. Ice-cream lollies and Morrison brand imitation Cornettos. No fresh tomatoes or ice-cream wafers came. But the leeks and potatoes mix did, with custard and cream desserts, milk roll bread, Leicester cheese, vegetable and beef gravy granules, lemon cakes, shortcake biscuits, Marmite flatbreads chocolate biscuits, mini rolls, passata, Chilli-con-carne soups, and some treats for Jenny, Doris and Frank. Savoury.

I was pleased to get the Surimi sticks; I got four packs, some can go in the freezer. I'll have them tonight, methinks... Yes, with the spuds, garden peas that Lear opened for me, and just a few tomatoes, as I now have only a handful left, I do love fresh tomatoes. Iceland tomorrow, so I know I would not have ordered any from them, shame now! Hehe!

I felt weary after that little rush but so overjoyed and happy to have them call on me. ♥ 

A spur of the moment thing, but I ordered a Microwave, the smallest that Amazon had in - had a bit of luck with it as well - No, I'm not joking! After I ordered it, I found the same one at £5 less. So I cancelled it and added the cheaper one. Me? Lucky?

I got the kettle on, and the door chimes rang out. It was dear Deana to collect the envelope and twenty double-sided A4 questionnaires for the Stroke Teams Vascular Dementia assessment. She even took it with her to post for me! ♥

I mentioned the mini caravan use Microwave I'd ordered and asked d/ean if she could please attend when I get it to show me how to set it up and work it. Bless her cotton socks, she said to ring her when it comes, and she'll show what needed to be done. Thank you, Deana!

I got on with updating this blog. The Peripheral Neuropathic has been playing up today, and it is taking me ages to get the blog done, forever correcting mistakes. Humph! 

I went to check on the potatoes—all was ready. So, I'll tackle the nosh making next.

Feeling well-drained now - but why? Does anybody know? Hey-Ho!

A simple meal of great delight palate-wise. Potatoes, garden peas, my home pickled cucumber (came out alright, nice and tangy, and tongue tinglingly sharp-tasting), mini-tomatoes, Surami fish sticks were served up. Lemon tarts and a pot of custard & jelly for afters.

Sad: I took a few moments to recognise and appreciate the help I had received in preparing this meal. From, Medicine nurse Leah, opening the can of peas for me - Matron Jackie getting the lid off of the vinegar jar for me - The TFZer girls in suggesting the seasonings for the cucumber pickling, and Deana's help, that allowed me to concentrate a little more. It is a sad state of affairs that I should need assistance like this, but my mental and medical conditions are having a ball, disorientating and disabling my hemerine actions. As I said, Sad

But, I am determined to do my best to keep semi-active and sane - although the Vascular Dementia is getting to me, at least, I am aware of the problem (Sometimes, Hehehe!) Which puts me in a much better position than many other sufferers.

As I was musing over this situation, the landline flashed; It was from my much-missed and not seen for months now, Vampire Nurse from the DVT-Warfarin Unit. She advised me that she would be calling to take my blood, in the morning, twixt 8-10:00hrs. So, another good sign that the NHS just might be recovering from the terrible hassle of coping with the Covid-pandemic. I'll be very interested in finding out what the INR level comes out, as after several weeks without a blood test. Mind you, we do not know how things are going to go with new strains of Coronavirus, yet - I don't suppose we ever will do. I'm waffling again, sorry.

It's been a fairly busy couple of days. I think this has helped keep my mind's barometer balance better today, that and the help I had. That turned out a tongue twister, Hehe!

I ate up the 9.2/10 flavour-rated nosh. Then, as I got the TV on, I nibbled a bag of Walker's french fries and an ice-cream lolly as well.

The plan was to watch two episodes of 'Tales of the Unexpected', but No! Not a cat in hells chance.

I fell asleep before the introductory music had finished. I woke up an hour or so later and felt a little miffed. Hehehe! 

But pleased to see that 'Last of the Summer Wine' was just starting to show. I got as far as the first set of averts... Zzzz!


  1. That was nice of the nurse to open the can of peas for you. Great looking meal. Vampire for blood letting today?

  2. I think that Thompsons Punjana should develop a product that contains Furosemide, a possible billion pounds in sales would be easy as wee. You might want to try grinding some Furosemide, placing the grounds in a tea bag for testing purposes. Yer might as well try it with Coop 99 as well, could be swell.
    Good news on the microwave methinks. Worth the price, even if just used for reheating. Also good to read that you are going to receive a training class taught by Deana. Worra capital stroke of good fortune, kind Sir!

  3. Tim:
    Ah, blood has been let, they woke me up last night with the INR level and new dosages, bless them.
    Matron Jackie arrived this morning, first time I was having the NP shakes when she arrived, I'm glad she's seen how bad it can get. Spoke of getting me some help. An angel! ♥

  4. Bill:
    Well, hell, worra good idea, mate. Can I serve up Furosemide on the plate? But wait, I've lost me train of thought, what a state!
    Gave us a laugh there, Merci!
    I so agree, Great Fortune indeed! And this morning, the Microwave was delivered earlier than expected - and also, besides that; Matron Julie called to see how I was going - Wunderbar! Glücklicher Teufel mich!
    Keep safe, and obeying HRH's instructions - you know it makes sense? Hahaha!
