Sunday 13 June 2021

Inchies Day: Saturday 12th June 2021: Dairy, Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

TFZer lads gather around Mary... Oh, yes? Hehehe!

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Saturday 12th June 2021

Morning Ode

I stirred, no pains from Angina Annie,

Thought Storms came on, of great verbosity,

Good heavens, over a five-hour kip, Yippee!

From the recliner, I hauled my over-bellied body,

Starting the day's endless flows of wee-wee!

Everyone sudden, urgent, with duplicity,

I'll check the NHS graph later, check the pee,

I must rush, getting up so late, you see,

The Carer is almost due to tend to me,

Got another bucket, to cope with the hyperactivity,

Ah, the Porcelain Throne, things need to be free!

Waited for yonks for things to start off, whee!

Massive, gunky, wonky, and Gooey!

Causing me much concern and ambiguity,

I thought I'd be immune to shockability,

But things started again! Such alterability!

It shows my vulnerability!

I went to do some morning photography.

The carer came, and simply,

Gave me the tablets again wrongly,

But a pleasant chap, he shows congeniality,

He departed, I found another tooth cavity!

Not sure, but I may have contracted depravity?

Healthchecks carried out, causing me joviality,

Hopes yet, of my survivability?

Maybe even of future longevity?

Forget I mentioned depravity!

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Gawd strewth! It's midday now, and I still haven't gotten around to doing and posting yesterday's Inchies Day blog off! Mainly through so many wee-wee visits, and the brain letting me go off track and do things that didn't need doing, after each wee-wee, and getting all confused and befuddled in the head after each bucket visit! Humph! I'll get it posted now... well, I need another wee-wee first...

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Three hours of graphicalisationing

Not a very successful effort, I fear. The exact reasons for the earlier delays - ever correcting cock-ups, errors, Whoopsidangleplops. Plus, straying off of the subject I was working on after taking a wee-wee... Humph!

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Ablutionisationing tackled

Am amazingly easy-going session, teeth, shaving, showering, drying off... until it came to medicationing. Then the anapeiratic fingers cause Colin Cramps to visit.

And that meant I lost my balance while trying to Phorpain gel the knees without using the stick (Fool!), and toppled forward and stubbed my to against the stool with the sock glide on, and ruined the events' pleasure!

Not that it got me going. No cursing, swearing, self-loathing, grinding of the few teeth I have left, or anything like that, of course! Oh, no! Well...

The body, particularly the legs and feet, looked overly pale but were in goodish condition under the circumstances.

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Socks, jammie bottoms and a thick shirt. Made the usual mess that needed cleaning up afterwards. Made a brew, and I drank it while sorting out the waste bags.

Only a few sacks made up. Took them to the waste chute and deposited them, without using the trolley guide, only the wooden stick, and got them down to the bins. 

Made another brew, and as I did so, I realised that I had not taken a wee-wee for about twenty minutes. Smug-Mode-Utilised!

onto Graphicalisationing again

I spend a long time again, but I only got two more done. Spit!

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I got the sense that with today being their pen-ultimate visit, the interest was waning a tad. He got the tablets right, I think.

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A MEal of sorts prepared

Not very attractive or appealing looking.

I was a smidge weary and not too interested in what I ate tonight. Which was just as well... The potatoes were again tasteless; even with my adding the ground black pepper, the tomatoes were okay. But most disappointingly, the Surami sticks were also a little bland...

After a bit of ponderisationing, I came to the conclusion that either the tastebuds had gone on strike, I'd caught Covid-19, or I was too over-tired. The taste bud thought was discarded afterwards when I enjoyed some naughty-nibbling... First, Twiglets, a mini-packet of Jacobs blue cheese flavoured savoury biscuits. Followed by a noughat iced lolly, for they tasted terrific. Grrreat!

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Incomprehensibly (but most welcome), I slept without any interruptions for wee-wees, and no waking up with Thought Storms straight through for wait for it... 7½ Hours!

And I was still reluctant to get up, even though the urine had built up and was painfully testing the Dam Wall (bladder), demanding instant release! Ah, well!


  1. Wonderful ode. Beautiful sky shots. The meal doesn't look very appetizing.

    1. Chuffed that you liked the ditty, Tim, Thanks.
      I was just to tired and weary to get anything to eat that took up more precious head-down time (♫ Violins play sadly in sympathy in the background ♫ - Hahaha!)
      Keep safe, Sir, all the best to everyone.
