Thursday 17 June 2021

Inchies Day - Wednesday 16th June 2021: Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

TFZers, with a sweet tooth? Hahaha!

Wednesday 16th June 2021

Meandering Morning Thoughts

The wee-weeing goes on, like a liquid drone,

The cause and solution, unknown,

The memory retaining things like a protozoan,

Confused, baffled, afraid was the area zone,

I can't see me changing this tone,

I'll try, but how to: I'll be blown,

I feel like a luxury, mayhaps a Toblerone?

I just fell and bashed my centre knucklebone,

No real pain, no need for me to moan,

Another day to spend all alone...

Who can stop me from eating an ice cream cone?

Hello! Off again to the Porcelain Throne!

Just remembered the dentist to visit. Groan!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mega Handwashing Session

Waste Bags made-up, into the box

Health Checks Completed

Not quite so good today.

Potatoes into the Crockpot

Ablutions Tended to

Feet looking rather handsome.

Carer Natalie arrived

Bless her, she was good and early to sort me out. Grrreat! No worries about missing the dentist appointment now, bags of time. I decided to hobble via the dreaded gravel path hill this time. Gawd, I soon found that wasn't a good idea, after all! Thanked the gal, off she wented, and I got everything finalised and prepped for the mini-marathon limp to the Sherwood Dentists, a call at Wilko's, and get some fresh potatoes (This failed, as well!)

Time to take some photos from the balcony. Thanks to Natalie

Took Waste to the Chute on the Way Out

This is the route taken by Inchy

Exited via the Main Lobby

Over Chestnut Drive, Up the Hill

Climbed the Footpath

I had to stop several times on my assent. I didn't expect to struggle quite as much as I ended up doing.

To the top of the Hill

I was well-shattered by then. But I assumed a Smug-Mode-Grade B, proud that I made it up to the footpath at the top. Ahem!

Almost on the level now...

Close Call, Cyclist nearly had me from behind!

And another one threatened coming up the slight incline. For some unknown reason, he gave me a right-proper dirty look? Oh, yes, of course, I was taking his photo. Hehehe!

A Moment of Pleasure!

As I got nearer the bottom gate onto Mansfield Road, I spotted this Wood Pigeon (I think he was), picking about for nesting material. I was proud of him not being bothered by the people going by him or the old bald paparazzi photographer! Haha!

Onto the Main Road into Sherwood

I Got up a bit of Speed, to the Dentists!

Well, not really, but it felt like it. Back on the tarmac, avoiding several pavement cyclists as I progressed. It was too early to go in, yet they had the doors open. So I took the opportunity of photographing the life-risking step to get into the place and the first flight of the three staircases to the upper surgeries. That is if you can see them in these pictures.

I called into the Wilko store

I selected some hanging strips. Needed to get both of the door chimes at the flat that had mysteriously been knocked off of the door frame yesterday? Tsk! I wanted some lemon Zoflora and more sink unblocked as well. I got the unblocker and some hangers to use on the doorbells. I asked the chap why the two I had selected would be best for the job. Naturally, the one that cost three times more than the other was recommended.

I paid up, out and had a perusal

Back up to the Dentist

I signed n and answered the updating questions and signed the form. Then I had to sign a permission form?

I was having a go at the crossword book, and I took the greatest of pleasure in being directed to a different ground floor surgery. I had feared I'd be done by the Witch and the Snotbag again this time. But No! I was tended to, in the front surgery! The dentist and nurse were very patient and kind with me. Asking many questions and deciding that I would not need any pulling of fillings today, and not only that, she gave me a prescription for some Duraphat® Toothpaste, to be used 3 times a day, for brushing my teeth. I looked it up on the web later, this revealed: 

Important information about some of the ingredients of Duraphat® Toothpaste: This toothpaste contains Sodium Benzoate. Sodium Benzoate is a mild irritant to the skin, eyes and mucous membrane. Usage: - apply a 2 cm ribbon onto your toothbrush for each brushing (2 cm provides between 3 mg and 5 mg of fluoride) - Brush your teeth after each meal - vertically, from the gum to the tip of the tooth -  Spit out all excess foam and do not swallow!

Well, that and the other things I found left me a  little confused. What is a 2cm ribbon? Where do I buy it from? How do I use it?

It was a pleasure to visit them. I thanked them and went to upset the Bank Manager by paying the Dentists bill. Leaving the premises after the Wilko visit, I departed with about £150 less in my bank account.

Off to the Chemist

Where I left with a further £15 spent. Then say they were selling the same Protection Pants as Amazon, for £1.50 less! So I bought a pack. There seemed some logic in this, at the time?

I hobbled down to the Food Store

Passing the new food takeaways being done up along Mansfield Road. Despite eight going bankrupt this last year and closing down?
Buy, the potatoes on offer were pathetic, and no small or new ones at all.

Off towards the bus stop

I was winded, the feet were agony, I was sweating and yet contented?

I spotted some Nottingham Artwork on the pavement as I got to Winchester Street.


As I turned the corner up Winchester Street, the scaffolders working there had partially blocked the road, and it was mayhem.

Why should I worry? I thought. (Twit!)

I soon found out!

I stood at the request stop and was about to open the toothpaste to have a nosey, and things came to me... they do that sometimes, you know - not very often, mind, Haha! 

I was waiting for the bus that was going to get through the traffic jam.

Gawd, I'm quick!

So, set off up hobbling up the second-steepest hill in Nottingham!

The first of many stops en route

Another breather was taken...

Yet another...

Near-collapsing now...

At last, I reached the top of Winchester Street and turned into Chestnut Walk. The feet were almost crippled; Arthur Itis and Cartilage Cathy were giving me son hassle and pain!

I wobbled along, back to the flat!

The first thing that was done on getting into the flat, was a wee-wee. The next, a Codeine was taken. Oh dearie me!

I got Duraphat toothpaste out

This is where I looked it up on the web.

Porcelain Throne Marathon taken

Blimey, that was a hard long, painful, trying job!

Set about updating this blog

A flaming job and a half!

Had an inner grumble...

At the time it took, the pain it produced, and the financial costs of this dentist visit cost me!

I then got the nosh prepped. I really must remember to clean the teeth afterwards! Did I?

The Vampire Warfrin Nurse called me

To advise me she would be calling to take my blood in the Morning, twixt 08:30 > 09:30hrs, which is super! Lovely to see her again, and thanks for the early timing, Brilliant!

A Scammer Call Came In next!

As soon as I heard his voice, combined with the overloud background noise, I rang off!

City Police Pegasus Rang

The controller needed to update my details - she was very calm about it; bless her!.

Served the dish of beef and veg up

Taste rating: 8/10!

Carer Arrived

A first-time caller Carer again. I was topless, but it didn't phase the gal at all.

Tried to watch the football...

I reckon the double hobble had gotten to me a bit, although Cathy Cartilage was not as bad as I thought she might be; Arthur Itis and the feet were making up for it. So tired and weary, poor old thing, Hehehe!


  1. That was a nice outing with a lot of excellent photos. Decent looking meal.

    1. Aginisticalisationing it was, Tim. Yet I really did enjoy it. Paying the 'Price' for it now, feet, toes and Arthur Itis. Tsk!
      Another decent nosh, two on the trot... Yee-Haw!
      TTFNski, Tim.

  2. A two-way outing route made the scenery more decentry? Nice to have the dentist (and treated at the front this time) out of the way and a few fresh supplies decided.
    Those scammer calls are always a bit of a pain, I listen to the background jabber and know it is time to rehook the receiver. Presumably, all the chatterers are getting the same spiel, a grrreat deal :-)
    Billum reports that all is well at these whereabouts. Far fewer cicadas. You would have enjoyed them as they flew onto your person for a chinwag.

    1. Morning, Billum,
      The prescription toothpaste 'Duraphat'
      instructions are too complicated for me to grasp!
      The scammer calls get me so angry! Of course, I might be putting the phone down on a genuine call... See, I can fret over anything! Humph!
      I reckon the part-hearing of the chirrup, is it? Would drive me bonkers, Billum.
      You've jogged my distant memory box, Sir; I recalleth an incident from the 1960's, I was awaiting the arrival of a young lady in the slab square (43 Trolleybus)... I started taking in air for a gigantic sneeze I felt coming on - and the biggest moth I've ever seen flew into my mouth??? It didn't taste very nice.
