Thursday, 26 August 2021

Inchies Ode - More a waffle really


Fair dues, today's been unctuousness free!

I couldn't buy fresh or even a canned pea!

But sweet Carer Jill looked after me!

I visited the doctor, no, not for an autopsy!

But for the testing, of my memory,

I hoped to get through it easily,

But I didn't, and I failed rather sillily,

Peripheral neuropathy then attacked me,

A leg dance, like doing half the Hokey Cokey,

Still, I was brave, I even got a little jokey,

The early morning pee, a jet-like marathon long wee-wee,

Stung me, left my spectacle lenses all misty,

Carer Jill arrived, boy, she's gorgeous, Yesiree!

When Jillie left, I became guiltily grouchy,

My Thought Storms today were milder but delusory,

Had another funny turn, lost balance got dizzy,

I change thoughts and tasks all day, it's silly,

Could you describe this Ode as a documentary?

All day, I talk to myself regularly, and derogatorily,

I curse myself, gruffly, dismissively, querulously,

I loath myself when depressed, that's no blarney!

I don't like coffee, but love Thompson's Punjana tea,

I'd like to declare summat, to make a decree!

But I'll forget what it is, you can guarantee,

No parties for me, anyway, what is a jamboree?

Note, I'm trying to do this Ode wittily,

My hopes of contentment, are purely illusory, 

I find it hard to avoid Whoopsiedangleplops and injury,

Accifauxpas, cock-ups, and anything unsatisfactory, 

Seems to be my style, way, and forte,

As a teenager, I used to be very sporty...

With blotchy skin, acne, a balding head, and spotty,

The balding head at the time drove me potty,

Nowadays, I can't stop going for a wee-wee!

My rear end evacuations, you wouldn't want to see!

But still, at times, I can get to feel some glee...

Mostly when Carer Jillie comes to see me ♥!


  1. The ode mater strikes again. You remembered to go to the memory test? Memory did test so well? All fragmented and not defragging? What's one to expect being distracted by Jill and all. You have enough fragments of memory to write odes, blog posts and entertain us.

    1. I had to tell yers Tim. Jill fetched my Enoxaparin hypos for me today, in her own time for me! Bless her! ♥

  2. When I get blogging, Tim, my reserve 'Happy Brain' comes to life. Hehe! It's hard work though, Nicodemus's neurotransmitters, Shaking shoulder Shirley, Anne Gyna (who's been kind to me lately), Saccades Sandra, Arthur Itis, etc. Og, and the having-me-ove-at-times, Drop-Something. And of course, Neuropathic Pete’s adventitious right leg Schuhplattler drop-something and flail-about dance routine... not to mention Herbert's noise, can and do attack at will. (Who is this Will?, Hehe)
    If such a thing exists, it seems like selective memory loss. But I think I've worked it out, the main problem. When I'm doing something and get distracted, or have to do something else, that's the danger times for Memory Mike to go astray. Then again, this could be all codswallop.
    Talking of cod, I think I was dreaming that I was a fish this afternoon in my old mans nod-off. Another fish and I were talking about the new car park at the flats?
    Hope all well your end, Sir, all the best to the clan, tellutrian, including beakies, snakies and furries.

  3. A very fine ode to mark a Thursday. I saw a T-Shirt emblazone with the query:
    "What if the Hokey Cokey really is what it's all about?" A kind of existential thought for a Thursday is just wot the Doctor (Who) ordered. A grand dance to accompany the music makes it somewhat magical, or do it not? Hard to say right now, maybe I will have more to report on the Hokey Cokey on this coming Friday?
    TTFNski from HRH and Billumski!

    1. I fang you, Billum and HRHski.
      I wonder who came up with that slogan, Sir? I like the idea!
      I fear my dancing over the year gone, attracted some oddlimost comments from the girls. I recalleth one Saturday night, at the Locarno dancehall... I'd had a few drinks, like, and got brave... stupid, but brave... I got up to dance with lassie I'd been eyeing up. Her comment after the 'Jive', went along the lines of "Yo reminded me of pregnant rhinoceros wiv a broke leg!", Lisa-Carol (Or Carol-Lisa) her name was. Hahaha! I gave up trying to dance after that.
      Hokey-Cokey, is okay with me. The Twist just wasn't the same, was it?
      Checked on the vehicles in the end car park today. Done a graphic with the photo I took - not very good, but may bring a smile Sir, I've put it in the blog today, Sir.
      Carer Jill, fetched some replacement Enoxaparin hypos for me today - What an Angel!
      Talking of angels, is HRH Lisa getting any luck with Sweet Morpheus? I do hope so. You timing seems in line with mine nowadays, with the can't afford carers coming, Morpheus seems to not like it. Hahaha!
      Sweet dreams! ♥
