Sunday 12 September 2021

Saturday 11th September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slipped in!

TFZer Get-Together!

♥ Beauty & The Beasts! ♥

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Friday Evening...

Facebooking and...

Started Template...

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02:40hrs: I was rudely awoken by Colin Cramps. As I moved about in failed attempts to ease the pain in the legs, Anne Gyna started to throw her ten-penneth into the mix, Just what I wanted!

Rubbed some Phorpain® gel into the legs and took a good gulp of Pentac.

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UP & AT 'EM!

I battled my way out of the £300, second-hand, c1968, cringingly-beige-coloured, not-working, rickety, incommodious, grotty recliner, and as I stood to delicately catch my balance: The adventitious right leg Neuropathic Schuhplattler dance kicked off, with a short but brutal flailing performance.

Judging by how far I unintentionally kicked the wastebasket; it bounced off of the cabinet, hit the chair and rebounded into the balcony curtains door; I could potentially be in line for a call up for Nottingham Forest! Hehehe!

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Wee-Weeing Improvement!

I hobbled to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee-Bucket), and without any delay, the flow started, painlessly, in fact unfeelingly. I got no sense or feeling that I was actually passing water, and an awful was passed. But this is a good thing (I think). The colour was much better, too, which reminded me to do the health checks. So, I did!

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Health Checks

The BP was a little improved today. But looking at the log record, there is room for this. The Up & Down SYS beats me! An Ode came into my mind; I wrote it down, it flowed easily.

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Most of what I do isn't intentional,

The cock-ups are often unpreventable,

My fault? Yes, partly, it's undeniable,

Rarely are Accifaupas contumelious,

Getting summat right can be delicious,

I always try not to be malicious,

Avoiding anything the slightest bit vicious,

My hopes, all contain contentment wishes,

I want to come across as equanimous,

I tend to feel wimpish and self-conscious,

Cause I'm uneducated and impecunious!

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Started On The Template
No tea, and no nibbles, straight on with the job. Yes, this shook me as well! Worked through for about two hours, then went on Facebooking, TFZer and the Winwood Heights sites.

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Pondered On The Day

Checked the calendar. The Morrison order is due between 8 - 10:00hrs. 

The microwave extras, plate, bacon tray and egg cooker pot are coming today. Last night the email said: Due For Delivery Today by 11:00hrs. This morning: due For Delivery Today by 13:00hrs. The one just received said: Due For Delivery Today by 22:00hrs. Humph! I've ordered some bacon with the Morrison order; I'm looking forward to trying the plastic thingamabob to cook it in the microwave. But fear the things will arrive too late for me to have time for noshing anything - staying awake that long will be something of a problem!

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A stand-up affair, too soon to be using the noisy shower. The alcoholics, druggies and Party going tenants mustn't be disturbed. Only joking! Hahaha!

The session went quickly enough. No... I say No shaving cuts, only three dropsies and not until it came to leaving the room, any other accifauxpas...

Then I had a double-blow. Tsk! I misjudged the distance again and banged my elbow, this time on the door frame... possibly hitting the ulnar nerve (funny bone), cause I sort of jumped a little and stubbed my big toe again! Haha! It's taking a bashing lately.

Which wasn't too bad... yes, it was!

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Mug Of Glengettie Tea!

Made a brew and caught up on Facebooking, the TFZer site.

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Porcelain Throne Needed

So, I went to the wet room. (Which, I thought a logical, sensible idea, as that is where the toilet is located, Hehe!) 

Whipped the braces off, and the trousers dropped to the floor, got seated, and grabbed the crossword book. I was sort of part-determined to get some more answers in crossword 101.

I got one solution straight away, then the action flowed from the rear-end. Again, painlessly and smoothly, a lot of it too, leaving a worryingly putrid whiff in the air. I used the air-spray freshener.

The pins and plates were aching a bit. It was worst under the soles and toes? Nothing to do with the toe-stubbing.

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Morning Carer has not arrived yet?

Ah! of course, it's a Saturday. Always a problem day. On two Saturdays, they have failed to turn up at all. You'd have thought a telephone call or message would have been forthcoming from Meridian to inform me, but none did. Mind you, as long as they come late, it'll do for me. My worry is if they don't, and I get involved with CorelDrawing, I'll forget all about the medications.

But, with my experiences in running security control, I can and do empathise with their problems. People not turning up at the weekend was a bane for me when I was at Sawley Security.

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CorelDraw Graphicalisationing

Getting graphics done is crucial now: I've just used the last one on this post. But the carer may arrive any minute now, so I'll make a brew and dunk some biscuits first while I await the visitation.

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Hang on, though!

The Amazon Morrison is due now as well? No carer yet; I hope they do not both come at the same time. Oh, dearie me! Still, I made the Glengettie and had two shortcake biscuits with it. Gawd, I live well!

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Waiting, CorelDrawing, Waiting

Aha, the Carers have walked in. Natalie and a new gal, which I think I may have seen before... Samantha?

We had a decent nattering session and laugh, and I had a moan about the scum-bullying declutterers. Hehehe!

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Did Some Cleaning in the Kitchenette

Not for long, though; I did get some more waste bags in the box.

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Amazon Morrison Shopper Arrived

Decent chap. I gave him a can of G&T in thanks. Left the parcels in the doorway for me to move into the hall.

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Got the Goods Stored

Some of the betterer stuff on the server trolley above. There was no uncooked smokey bacon, the 6 cans of Lamcello was limited to one can, and two more items were unavailable. I did get the smoked back bacon, potatoes, sugar snap peas, three of the six burgers, milk and bread. Oh, the 3 lemon and 3 plain bottles of Morrison bleach became one of each.

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Waste Bags Disposed Of

Off to the chute room with them.

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Rang Sister Jane

I wanted to give her the Paid Funeral details, so she knew how to go on when I snuff it. She said she thinks she has all the details needed. We launched into a meandering old people waffle, both of us at times forgetting what we were saying. 'True!'

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I must get back on CorelDraw Again!

So, I did. I struggled to get one graphic done, terribly sad, innit?

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Sausage sarnies

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Fell asleep in the computer chair!

Woke and went out to do a spot of Car Park Monitoring for Billum, of near to Ohio, 10° NNWest of somewhere. Results:

The park was populated by the red transit van...

Then... Some action. A small black car came along, searching for a spot to park in, his/her last option was to use the end car park...

By gum, it's getting exciting!

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Amazon Order Arrived

Soon had it inside and opened to check the things and stored them away.

The oven plate fitted. The Eggs cooking thingy seemed straightforward for a ten-year-old to understand (I didn't). The bacon whatsit was easy to grasp. Minutes after storing these away, I wondered, will the bacon thingy fir in the oven? Oh, dear, I had to go and check... 

Sod and dangwangles, it's too big!

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Evening Care Arrived

It was Valerie. But I could not hear a word she said, and I had to part-guess most of what she said? (Checked later, they hadn't?) I think the ears might have a build-up of wax.

Valerie got the medications sorted and was keen to get off on her rounds. The gal must be busy tonight.

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Sudden Instant Fatigue Hit Me

This has not happened for a while. No other choice but to stop everything; check the place is safe, and get down in the recliner in search of Sweet Morpheus - which failed miserably, I'm afraid. Sleep eas not interested in me, despite my feeling so tired, with eyes drooping???

I put the TV on, that is sometimes a help, as I fall asleep as soon as the commercials come on... but not tonight! I put the headphones on as usual, with the volume on full, but I could still not hear the speech? It was a horrible time and feeling. 

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But I must have nodded off cause I woke up six hours later.

Evening... no, Morning! 

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