Sunday 12 September 2021

Sunday 12th September 2021: Inchies Day, and sometimes the odd ode that might get slipped in!

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I Gave Up!

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03:10hrs: I stirred, passed wind, stood up with ease, caught my balance, wee-wee'd (getting more robust and more forceful!), and went to put the kettle on.

Where the morning view was demanding to be photographed, such was the beauty of the twinkling lights. So, I did!

But this is the best of the three that I photographed with the Canon. Shame! A shame I couldn't make a better quality one.

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Well, these are down nicely. I wish they could find out why all the ups and down figures keep changing so often.

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Prepping Food For Josie's Sunday Lunch

She asked for the chilli stew again last week, so chilli stew it will be for both of this sad Sunday!

I got some spuds in the crockpot, to be diced up small for Josie.

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Summoned To The Throne

Imperiously - Urgently!

I nearly got my legs entangles with Metal Micky (4-pronged stick) as I scurried and stumbled my way to the wet room. It was all over in about a couple of minutes. No doubt about it, Trotsky Terence is in charge today! Damned messy and cringingly smelly with it at the same time.

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Waste Bags Made Up

Sealed them, and into the box, they went.

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Mug Of Thompsons Punjana

And I got on with the updating of this blog. I used the timer to remind me to check the food every fifteen minutes, add seasonings after tasting, etc., and I reset the timer.

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Saturday Blog Completed

At last, I got the diary for Saturday done. Emailed the link, had a look at any comments come it, none yet, too early. Then on Facebooking, which cost me a lot of time, but I do enjoy it.

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Morning Carer Arrived

A new to me young gal, name of Louise. Who was not in too much conversationalisationing, but was confident and capable enough, soon got the hang of my medications, bless her. As I bade her farewell...

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Porcelain Throne Alarm!

This time was more urgent than the last one. I felt sure I would not make it to the Throne on time! But I did, just! I like these braces. They are easier to get out of than the belt. More importantly, this time, quicker as well! And well, the evacuation flowed - almost liquid. Trotsky has a grip on things now! Splattery, messy, and ponged, something awful! Eurgh! I had a heck of a job cleaning up and freshening myself and wet room furniture! Tsk! I'm not looking forward to the next visitation!

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Sister Jane Rang

A good natter and laugh and moan. Hehehe!


I've not got much time before Josie's food needs making up. But, I went onto CorelDraw to start at least on doing a graphic, or even two? I made two, not a lot, but better than one. Har-har!

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Brew & Car Park Check

Three vehicles this morning! All parked near each other. The red tinge in the sky, photographed from the other end of the balcony.

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Brew and a nibble

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Itching on the Head

Ran my hand over the dome, and it seemed I was secreting an oily substance of some sort? Mmm!

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It is the lovely Glady's Birthday tomorrow, so I made a graphic and posted it to the TFZer site. ♥ ♥ ♥

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Josie Dines!

Delivered Josie's Sunday Meal to her door, yet again spot on time requested! Smug-Mode-Adopted. The gal seemed content with it.

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Waste Bags to the Chute Room

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Back to the flat

Got the beans in the small saucepan, then added some potatoes and Worcestershire Sauce. For me later on, with hopefully some sausages, or a beefburger, or whatever.

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Kitchen Cleaned


I was reaching to get the potato I'm missed from the bowl, inevitably it shot pt of my hand...

See the little air slit at the back of the stove? That is where it disappeared to, after bouncing off of the stovetop, rebounding off of the microwave, without touching the sides! Humph!

Gave Up Trying to get it back

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Mission Impossible!

Added three of the four little potatoes to the beans in the pan. Sadly, I anticipate never seeing the fourth one again!

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On Computer Updating Blog

The mobile ran out - much to my delight, it was my much-missed and departed carer Jill ♥. She is going to come and see me later, but is very busy with her new job and sorting things. That was lovely to hear. More than lovely!

We chatted away,

Not seen her for many a day,

My heart and hopes were raised,

The gal can't be overpraised,

If only she could come and stay,

It can't be done, oh, lackaday!

Still, I'll continue to pray,

She will adopt me one day! ♥

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 Made my Sunday Lunch

Sausages, bacon and beans.

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Blissfully Nodded Off

Had minute or so of Herbert. Then went off to kip for nearly two hours or so. Woke and off to the kitchen to check nothing had been left dangerous, the faucet (tap) running, stove on etc., all clear. 

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Evening Carer - Frit me!

There I was, wiping the sink down, and the new carer gal Sobia appeared from the darkness of the hallway, Gawd, did she make me jump! Yes, she flipping-well did! Hahaha! I've been a bag of nerves since. Sobia got the medications given and was soon off on her rounds.

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Got this blog updated and finished, checked and posted off to Blogger.

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Facebooking Catch-Up

Back to Sleep. Zzzz!

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  1. A very nice depiction of the good Boris, quite encumbered by his own nayure it surely appears.
    Yes, Sadday has again made its appearance at the end of the week, Sit.YER BP looks quite remarkable, I am here to hope that 'tie a harbinger of future readings. Of course, time will be the final arbiter...or is that *arbeiter'"
    A nice chat with Lady Jane. I hope that her eye needs no additional needles.
    I have not yet seen Wagon Wheels at the locaL Kroger Marketplace, what kind of contents does the Wheel encase? Marmite perhaps?
    Now I am keen to know how potato number 4 fares in its new hiding place. Perhaps time will tell.

    1. Perhaps a newspaper will be interested in the amazing figures, Billum?
      We are a poorly lot, what's left of us, those that have passed will be alright. Haha! Pete goes for his results and possibly yet another scan in two weeks. Jane had found out the amount of uninterestedness from some of the doctors at the eye clinic. Poor gal.
      Wagon Wheels (Rolling, rolling, rolling, though they're misbehavin', Oh, got that wrong, that's Wagon Train innit? No, maybe not, Rawhide? Got mixed up there, sorry, I'll try again without the failed bit of wit thrown in..
      In a Wagon Wheel: Two biscuits, filled with Orange flavoured jam mallow, and covered with chocolate. I just fetched one to read off of the label - I ate it! Not the label...
      Pot Four, will never be seen again, not by me anyway. Mission impossible to retrieve, Sir. The next tenant will find it when he or she changes the cooker. Hahaha!
      Glad HRH's scold is getting calmer now. Do they sell Germolene over there, Sir? I find it very cooling, calming on my fungal lesion.
      I'm going to need to get my head down for a bit. Second day pf feeling so tired suddenly, and not late in the day? There will be a reason for this - no doubt I will forget all about it (I hope it ill sto on its own) cause it is two weeks to get an appointment at the doctors, Tsk!
      Keepeth going good Sir, thanks for commenting.

  2. Those gals like making you jump. Keeps you on your toes. Good looking meals.

    1. I reckon they've work out where I keep me valuables, Tim. Hahaha!
      Thanks, mate.
      Your check up is about due isn't it?
