Sunday 10 October 2021

Inchies Day: Sunday 10th October 2021


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Woke Up Wanting A Widdle!

03:30hrs: The instant I woke, memories of a dream I'd been having flooded from the grey cells. Which was superseded with a strong and urgent need for a wee-wee; thus my the time I'd scrambled to my feet and reached the overnight emergency bucket, all memories of the dream had vanished. I hate it when that happens!

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Prepping Josie's Meal

My culinary artistry preparations were started, with a rare enthusiasm, as well, oh, yes! There was no stopping me!

Charlotte potatoes into the slow cooker, sprinkle in with sea salt and a drop of Worcestershire sauce.

Leeks and tomatoes sliced ready...

Oops! Nearly forgot the water chestnuts!

Into the saucepan with the beans, peas, beef and my secret mix of flavourings. I will not reveal to any cordon bleu sous chef, hash-slinger mess sergeant or even to Gordon whatshisname!

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Health Checks Tackled

No real complaints about the results this time, although up a smidgeon!

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Waste Bags Bagged Up

Put it on the box near the door.

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Made a Brew of Glengettie

Put a drop too much milk in it, but it didn't matter in the slightest. Cause I let it go cold whilst on the computer. Tsk!

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Comments answered, well, the one that had come in. (I get the feeling I'm not as popular as I once was? Hahaha!

Got the Saturday diary finished and checked through. Posted it to Blogger. Emailed the link and went on Facebooking.

I'm in an industrious mood this morning?

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Wee-Wee, & Washing

I hand-washed the thin dressing gown. And hung it up in the wet room to drip dry. Too early to put the heater on because of the noise it makes, disturbing the neighbours.

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Added Extra Leeks...

To the meal. Put some passata with basil in the mix and gave it a jolly good stirring, and I had a taste. Okay methinks.

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Morning Carer Called

Katie, this morning. The gal had been on duty all night; no wonder she was late arriving, poor thing. This was her last call. She got the medications sorted, and she was still awake enough to see me drop a tablet as I took them all in one go, that muggings here had not noticed! Thanked her profusely! I got an excellent chinwagging session in with the gal as she relaxed a bit, having got all of her morning calls completed. A choice of nibbles and drinkie was offered. 

Julie took the bags with her for me.♥ 

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Checked On The Stew

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Tried To Get A Graphic Made

But, ran out of time, as Madam Josie's meal had to be tended to.

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Meal Done Served & Delivered

Natter with Josie.

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Feet looking much betterer!

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Own Nosh Done

Enjoyed this one for one. Flavour Rating of 7/10 granted.

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Put a Goodbye Sweetheart' DVD on. Got sat down to fall asleep, wake up. Rewind the DVD, fall asleep, wake up - rewind the tape... fall... for over five hours! I was still on the first episode I started on! Tsk!

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Got Up

Titivated the kitchen, made a brew of Thompsons Punjana. And spent some time wondering if I got a phone call during my nodding-off marathon - or was it a dream? Or whatever?

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Computer on

Sorting the above photos.

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Evening Carer Arrived

19:20hrs: It was Carolynne. Got the tablets sorted, had a mini-natter; she looked a little tired, bless her. I asked her to take the bags to the chute on her way out. And she obliged me.

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Evening Sunset Photos


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Finished this Blog-off

Mad a start on a new Ode I had in mind to create, but it didn't come easily, so I gave up. Any Ode that I struggle to put humour into is abandoned; forcing things does not bode well for a witty ode.

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Spend a long time, mostly making mistakes and getting things so wrong, I thought I was going crazy. Which seemed logical to me at the time. Hehe!

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Good Evening!


  1. Natters that matters and the girls took you bags. Decent meals and a fine sunset. The ode can simmer until mañana.

    1. Indeed a great day for 'Natterings'.
      Thanks, Tim, hope all well your end?

  2. Good that you remembered the water chestnut there, a full (not fulsome) set of meals and some very decent carers to get yer taken acare of. It doth seemeth that more of the carers are helping you with the trash removal, a good record. Not such a good record for yer BP, but wot can one expect on a Sunday?
    Not much noisome and fulsome musical scores from the Herbert arena, making for a better than usual Sunday and a welcome relief. By the bye, you look tremendous in that toque, it gives yer customers something to give them confidence in yer excellently marvelous nosh creations.
    HRH Lisa is still suffering from the massive assault at the dentist last week. The swelling is subsiding a tad, but the pain continues on. A phone call goes to the perpetrators tomorrow (Monday), which also happens to be Indigenous Peoples Day (or Columbus Day for those who are of a different persuasion.
    Great photographicalisations of that bootiful sky, Sir!

  3. I just lost all of this reply! Humph!

    Carer Fatou in the AM, Sir. So, voluntary bag removals and chinwags may be at a premium. Haha

    Best of luck Billum, with your communicating with the dastardly, desensitised dentist! Swine!

    I'll send soothing and healing vibes to HRH Lisa through the ether, post haste!

    The toque is ready for its first laundering Bill, how to wash it remains undecided.

    Taketh care, and please give HRH a gentle cuddle for me. I fank you!

  4. Fanking you for these words, Sir! HRH Lisa has already received some recompense and is also contacting folks at theUniversity we frequent, a place with an outstanding dental staff!
    Bag removal is a gentle gift. I hope the toque gleams like new!

    1. Thee be mostest welcome Sire.
      "Bag removal is a gentle gift", I loved that terminology, a perfect description from you there, Billum!
      Unfortunatley, this morning the gift was not offered me, Sob! Hehe!
      Cheers and love to all! ♥
