I believe Bill's a genius, a humane psychophysiologist,
He handles his medications, like a trained pharmacologist,
With a wonderful partner HRH, he says in caring, is a specialist!
His views on mankind, are genuinely contradistinguished,
He’d have made a fantastically efficient gerontologist!
But this creation of his, below; why did he make it?
When I got the photo, I saw why his handcraftsmanship...
He's created this... erm... whatchamacallit, hoojamaflip,
Actually it seems to be a Time-Machine & Space ship...
And I thought it was brilliant, clever, and hip!
Worthy of a man of his learning and academicianship!
He went back to the cave-dwellers times of long ago...
Took his million times Great Grandad from his bed of horseshit,
Put the first ever Billum, and into the spaceship!
Brought him back to the laboratory, without a blip!
Set about getting him a new citizenship...
Old Billum was cheap to feed, he only ate leaves & turnip,
Young Billum, had to learn Old Bill’s Ugg’s, he had to admit,
But learn it he did, and tears of joy, he wept!
Gerry's Make Then Laugh Series 35⅝
This is Tim. Google is not letting me sighn in on your blog. I haven't been able to post comments. Cool time-space machine.
ReplyDeleteThese are ergonomical miracles of the most modern manufacture. Although there appears to be no windshield, it is in fact an isomer so thin that it cannot be seen by the human eye. However, any creature from another time who looks at it will see it blending with the surrounding environment, a perfect camouflage that protects the time traveller. It can also toast bread to an even perfection, there is even a compartment for Marmite jars. Hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteMy most-great granddad was insanely pleased to meet his most-great grandson and to be transported to Crowell Manor for a bit of a holiday. It is quite amazing how much he resembles the editor-in-chief of a blogger page. Only the garb gives his secret away. He read your article regarding Nicholas Holgate and was beside himself with anger, noting that humankind has actually retrograded since the time of the cave dwellers. I had to agree with him of course, the gruesome facts tell the tale of that criminal who is still on the wrong side of prison bars. Time travel is not always pleasant. Jonathan Swift's satirical tales still describe us. To whit:
"I cannot but conclude that the Bulk of your Natives, to be the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth."
And I am merely the messenger, waiting to get shot.
Remain Humane, sayeth Billum of Crowell Manor.
A miracle... Blogger has let me reply, Getting pissed off here. Let's me answer one (sometimes), then that's it! Tim can't get in... I can't get to Tim on WP... Grrr!
DeleteDespite the frustrations, you came up with an excellent reply about your fetching great 1000000000 times Grandad to the present. Hehe! Loved his responses, too! Josie not very well this morning, I'll pop over and see her again later. I'l mention the meal delivery on Facebok methinks. Love to all, thanks!
HUh, hit the publish button "Failed to send message - try again later" came up.