Thursday, 23 June 2022

Musing Thoughts - That turned political - Sorry

Upon reading this crap, I felt a little hypnagogia,
I felt dizzy, mayhap, it’s habromania?
Or even worse, a mental cacodemonomania...
You can work this out between yers…
Cause sure as hell, this ode will bring you longueur!
Things are so bad, I’ve got apeirophobia…
I’ve just had a bout of acrophobia!
I’m growing evermore tubbier and heavier...
As I age, my ailments get nastier, uglier,
I’m losing my grip, it’s not just a rumour!
With such limited brain power...
The thought of teaching did hover…
I couldn’t my head around wind-power.
I was going to apply for the job of executioner...
It involved a lot of hanging around, so I didn’t bother.
I wondered; will Putin’s war remain nonnuclear?
We’re running out of space for more folks coming here...
But victims should be welcomed, it’s clear...
The world is different to yesteryear...
Putin’s waring is not over yet, I fear!
The cost of living is rising, life’s becoming austere!
There’s hope, says Boris, but from where?
The Tory guilty of Grenfell, did I hear...
were at Boris’s party, no masks, but whisky and beer?
Oh, to meet Nicholas Holgate. who, got off scot-free, Bleeder!

The chief executive of Kensington and Chelsea council has resigned amid criticism over the borough's response to the Grenfell Tower fire.

 Nicholas Holgate said Local Government Secretary Sajid Javid asked for him to go - this is denied by the government. Mr Holgate said the fire in which at least 79 people died, was "heart-breaking" but his presence would be a "distraction".

Perhaps if his council had not ignored the Tenants Association Meetings warnings, that were recorder; Telling them that a disastrous fire: The chief executive of Grenfell Tower's landlord body told colleagues to ignore a resident who warned eight months before the fire that:Only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our landlord. He might not have had to resign at all?

Why has the legal system not used these in a prosecution?

The reappearance of Nicholas Holgate

Posted on May 4, 2022 by northkenthinker

Tomorrow, Thursday May the 5th, might be Election Day, but for some also thinking about RBKC, it will also be when Nicholas “Naughty Nick” Holgate appears at the Grenfell Inquiry: People in and around the Grenfell community might remember Nicholas Holgate. He was the Town Clerk of RBKC (Barry Quirk’s predecessor) until shortly after the Grenfell Tower fire when 72 innocent members of our community lost.

their lives. He resigned from the Council  around a week after the disaster, saying he would be a “distraction”.

But when asked by journalists if the then Secretary of State for  Housing, Communities and Local Government,  Sajid Javid authorised this. MHCLG did not deny this and just issued a statement saying that “The appointment of chief executives is entirely the responsibility of the local authority,” sometime afterwards.

For anyone who happens to think Holgate was just some innocent “fall guy” director simply doing his job and simply just took the rap from the decisions of Nick Paget-Brown, “Jailhouse” Rock Feilding-Mellen and co, we’ll  just post a link to his statements and evidence so far:

Holgate might be highly intelligent and like to think he can cover his terms with official speak and an air of detachment but reading what he says and contrasting that with the goings on at the time tells quite another story – and that story is that he was a collaborator. We recommend interested readers to have a look through the Grenfell Action Group archive to decide for themselves.: Holgate is back in teaching! 

Not so long ago, friends of a Grenfell survivor were horrified to find out that their daughters maths teacher at Godolphin and Latymer School, was Holgate This school is also fairly nearby and is  only 2 miles from Grenfell. We’ll remind Holgate that 18 of the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire were children!

I didn't intend to get onto the Grenfell disaster. But it's been on my mind ever since the fire. I knew, as most people did, that there would be no justice, and the Tories would cover-up... not that any other party in power would do anyhting different.

It shows the rotteness of out political system.

 A bit of a fun ode, that turned out political - Sorry!


  1. Blogger is very good at deleting comments, so good that this is my third attempt to produce one that does not disappear without a trace...Aarrgghhh!!
    Nicholas Holgate does not want to distract us from all the evidence that points directly to the issue of genuine responsibility, that link contains much evidence that leads to culpability, no wonder that he wants to keep the light and the heat away from him. Politics is the art of distraction, the kind that a con artist employs to keep your attention directed away from the hand that quickly flickers. A feint.
    As a former teacher, I recoil at the thought of being in a room with that monster. Another shudder evoked.
    Apeirophobia brings to mind some of the fear and loathing techniques that were the means employed by the nuns who taught me in grammar school. Actually, it brings to mind that chilling thought of being taught by Mr. Holgate. Those nuns would go to great lengths in describing just what eternity suggests to myself and fellow pupils who had no reason to doubt that the discipline minded nuns would employ to keep us in line. Propaganda artists. The word propaganda derives from the missionary verve of keeping "pagans" educated while controlled — The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Holgate would have made a great nun.
    Kindest thanks for this important post, Sir!

    1. Well put commenting there again Billum! Your memories of being educated, are far worse than mine were. You have as Bush said "Prevailed! But you did it in a far less killing-fields manner! Hehe! Well done. Holgate... how I hate to even write his name; Another political scandal, a scrote of the highest order. But we seem to have more than ever at the moment of these untrustworthy, look-after-yourself' toe-rags. I believe he is on the Council's Parole Board as well! Thanks for perisiting with your comments, I shall now try to answer another, but Blogger will likely prevent me again. Humph!

  2. I flipped through the attached documents for clarification, but was only rewarded with pages and pages of obfuscation. It is actually a vehicle for passing the buck to anyone but himself, he particularly is intent on blaming the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) and keeping the light from shining on his role. It seems that every time I see TMO I find deflection at work. It is almost as if he is describing as merely an innocent bystander.
