Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Inchcock's Day: Monday, 29th March 2021

TFZer With Style!

Inchcock's Day

Monday, 29th March 2021
Welsh: Dydd Llun, 29ain Mawrth 2021

Good Morning!

01:55hrs: I stirred back into pretend, ersatz life, with the innards telling me I needed to use the Porcelain Throne, post-haste! By the time I'd freed my overweight, monstrosity of a body from the $300, second-hand, c1968, non-working, rickety recliner and caught my balance, I noticed the lack of rumbling and grumblings from the intestines.

My EQ told me I would have trouble passing anything, but I still went to the Porcelain Throne with some haste, just in case. I settled on the raised seat but now't moved, even after reading the book and trying to get some crosswords done. Everything felt rock-hard in the intestines. I knew I'd have to take some Dioctyl and a Numark tablet with the morning medications in hopes of my countering this sudden take-over from Constipation Konrad - a complete reversal of the last session?

I spent almost an hour, in vain hopes of something moving. Gave up and made for the medications drawer.

I got a Numark tablet and a Dioctyl capsule, added them to the morning dosages, made a brew of Glengettie, got the computer going, and imbibed the essential medicines.

Got the Blogger post finished off. I left it warped as Google Blogger had rearranged it all on its own accord (Shit!) and posted it off. Emailed the link. All with many trips to the NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket), each release being of the WROP (Weak-Resistant-Oversprinkly-Painful) type. 

Then I got the Health Checks done. The Blood Pressure, although still in the high-bracket, was down on the last session. Pulse at 87 bpm, and the body temperature 36.8°c - 98.24°f.

I decided (Yes, it can happen sometimes!) to go to the Co-op today and try to get some of their cans of cheapo Chilli-Con-Carne. It really is the best-tasting one I've tried. Then, I went on WordPress to see if any messages might have come in and view the Posts for yesterday in the Reader section. 

I got a message from Billum, the Associate Professor of the RCMA Red Car Monitoring Assessment (Financial Donations Accepted) of Ohio, with this attachment on it. It did make me laugh! I love the strong rope suggestion, Hahaha! Thanks, Billum, it brought me a much-needed laugh that did! 

The wee-wees are getting less frequent, less intense, and definitely much less painful. There, who says that I'm always moaning? Hehehe!

On the way to get the ablutions done, I diverted again to the Porcelain Throne visit number two: Aha! Action, a lot of it, solid too! But it was painful for Harold's Haemorrhoids to cope with, but still.

I got in the wet room and started the ablutions: A fair session until the getting dresses threw a spanner in the works. The teeth cleaning was a little uncomfortable.

The shaving had only three dropsies. But several tiny nicks needed tending to. I think I opened some of those cuts yesterday.

Medicated areas in need. Then, getting the socks on, without using Sock-Glide Glenda...

I noticed that the Clopidogrel marks were progressing up the legs now and seemed to be concentrating on the back of the ankle area. I'd mention it to the doctor, but it is impossible to get through to the surgery by email or landline telephone?

I dressed and then got on with the hand-washing in the kitchenette. I washed, rinsed, wrung-out and hung the maroon long-sleeved zip-up jumper/jacket and the so-called Lounge trousers. Made a right mess and had to mop the floor afterwards, which was annoying, cause the bus to Sherwood would be here in fifteen minutes, so I hastened to get the waste bags sorted onto the trolley-walker and off to the chute-room. 

I rushed a bit as best I could, and got the bags chuted, took the box back to the flat, and picked up the large white bag and paper one with recycling contents, and locked the door behind me, making sure I'd got money and the car for the bus with me, and down to the recycling bin—no one about.

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got hobbling along Chestnut Walk and called point to see Warden Deana. Who told me the foot lady had given her some good news. If I can get there next Friday at 14:15hrs, she can do my feet then, instead of the following Friday at 16:00hrs.

I agreed, willingly. It will get the toes eased a week earlier and sooner in the day. I thanked Dean profusely. I do a lot of that, you know!

WhoopsiedangleplopThen I left Winwood Court, just in time to see the bus pulling off from the stop! Shame! I wasn't too bothered, though. It might have been a bit windy, but it wasn't cold with it, so I ambled along Chestnut Walk to Winchester Street and down to Mansfield Road. Seeing the temporary traffic lights on red, I stopped... Hahaha! Only joking!

The builders' vehicles from the lads and lasses building the new flats next to the laundry building had to parked right up on the pavement. 

My trolley actually scraped the van wheels as I walked down the hill. I heard a voice calling to me; I think it was the lady who drove the van. She may have been saying she could move it for me? Bless her! You can see the somewhat limited space left for pedestrians to get by. I turned to take this photograph to show you.

Once I got in the Cop-op store, the camera went in my pocket, and the serious stuff started - buying stuff! Hehe! I got several cans of their delightful Chill-Con-Carne, two garden peas, potatoes, and roasted paprika. I also bought a box of 99 black tea bags. There, see? I now have Glengettie, Thompsons Punjana, Glengettie Gold and 99 tea bags in stock - no one could ask for a better selection to pick from!

Up the hill to the Wilko store, but once again, they had none of the Yang yang granules. However, they did have a Special offer on the Yang-yang and lily fabric conditioner, three for a fiver, so I indulged. I think I got some other stuff... oh, yes. I got a couple of packets of anti-constipation pills! Paid in the self-serve till, but the young lady was not happy with my faffling, for Saccades-Sandra has kicked-off, making my vision far from good.

As I got to the bus stop at the top of the hill, reading the bus times was not easy. But a lady from Winwood Courts came over and put me right, bless her. We had something I've missed for about a year now - a natter! By gum, I enjoyed it! I walked with her from the bus stop to Winwood Court, and we parted company, sadly.

I pressed on to the end of the road to Woodthorpe Court. Got in the lobby and then the elevator. Someone had left the seat in the down position, it was nae bother to me, mind. Plenty of room for the firm metal trolley, the bags adorning it, and my wobbly-overweight body in there.

I got in the flat and put the things away and checked the leeks and potatoes in the crockpot; I'm going to have a can of the Co-op Chilli-Con-Carni with the veggies later for the meal. I've got some milk roll bread left to soak up the gravy... Mmm!

I took these shots of the view from the kitchenette window. The sky looked lovely with its puffy clouds and blue background, I thought.

Then started to update this diary. The wee-wees have died down altogether now. There were no more calls to the Throne. I made a brew of 99 tea, drank it, then made another, and drank all of that mug too!

I had a look on the YourArea site to find the latest local Covid-19 figures.

Not so good, this?

Then, I decided to get the nosh prepared and imbibed! Which was another delightfully tasty treat! Flavour rating 8.2/10!

I made an old fashioned custard and jelly dessert to follow!

After putting the pots in the sink to soak overnight, I had a funny turn, I've not had one for a few days now? Everything went vague, not the foggiest idea of what happened until the morning. When I woke surrounded by signs of nocturnal nibbling having taken place, and desperate need of the Porcelain Throne.

Ah, well!

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