Monday, 29 March 2021

Inchcock's Day: Sunday, 28 March 2021

 Inchcock's Day

Sunday 28th March 2021

Zulu: NgeSonto Ngomhlaka 28 Mashi 2021

Good Morning!

TFZers, on a clandestine forest meeting?

Inchcock's Thoughts of the day

01:00hrs: I woke to require a wee-wee and to use the Porcelain Throne. And rose from the depths of the second-hand, £300, c1968, overwhelmingly-sickeningly beige coloured, tatty, uncomfortable, wobbly-recliner. 

Got to my feet painfully, thanks to pains from Cartilage Cathy and the longer than ever uncut toenails, and wobbled my overly-stomached flabby body off to the wet room without using Metal Mickey (Walking stick).

Whoopsiedangleplop: Oh, heckithump! My arrival at the bowl was only just in time, and the evacuation started well before I'd got my bum on the seat! I was fortunate to be over the water at the time. Trotsky Terence was in complete control of the movement, which was merely twenty-seconds from start to finish! Virtually all liquid, spluttering and spreading the evacuated product all over the place... and me! The cleaning up afterwards took me a lot longer. Surprisingly, there was a slight odour, which was another advantage.

So, a decent start to the day? No problems arising from the none-working recliner. I caught my balance so quickly, got to the Throne just in time. What little stink that was produced was hardly noticeable. I think I've used up my weeks' supply of good luck already? Nervous-Mode-Engaged!

Washed, medicated the rear-end, and toddled off to get the kettle on. Taking these sad shots of the morning view from the kitchen window.

I used the Kodak camera today.

Whoopsiedangleplop: The first one was in proper Inchcock classic mode; I forgot to take the lens cover off. Hahaha!

The second one down, I took with the Aperture priority set on the wheel—the final one, in the Auto mode. Not very good were they, but I've done worse. Humph!

When the kettle had boiled, I made a mug of the Thompsons Punjana tea. I was not feeling up to the full strength Glengettie yet, and the Glengettie Gold would no have been strong enough. My favourite three teas, these are.

A run-down on their qualities here for any tea addicts who have yet to try them out. Glengettie - A tasty, potent, tasty tonsil-testing brew. 

Thompsons Punjana: A mix of African black and Indian red teas takes a little longer to brew, leaving a taste to savour later in your throat, gorgeous! 

The Glengettie Gold, this takes even longer to brew. Five-minutes minimum to get the full, delicate flavour. But needs good timing to get it while still hot enough to enjoy. All recommended by the Inchcock Tea Appreciation Society. I enjoyed the brew, in between getting the Health Checks done.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Not all the results were good today, though. The SYS shot up to 169, DIA at 80, and the Pulse high, at 37.3°c - 99.14°f? Using the NHS Blood Pressure site, I input the figures, and it revealed that this is the worst recorded 'High BP' I've ever had on record? I should be worried, I suppose, but I'm not.

Off for another wee-wee, I used the overnight bucket, being as I had not yet emptied and sanitised it. It was of the UTD (Unwilling-Trickling-Dribbling) variety, with oodles of CM (Cessational Micturitional) dribbling.

I noticed the long toenailed toes and what appeared to be some clopidogrel blotches returning on top of the right foot? I didn't believe the doctor at the stroke unit, where they gave me the Clopidogrel, and we found out I was allergic to it, and he told me it may stay with me for a few years. He was right! Haha! 

I eventually got the resistant third of the day, UTD wee-wee taken, washed-up, and off to make a mug of Thompsons Punjana, and it tasted gorgeous!

I pondered whether it was too early yet, to get the leeks & potatoes prepped in the crock-pot?. My recently acquired habit of vacillating, indecisiveness, procrastination and deferments, is not getting less, but more frequent. 'Inchcock the Indecisive' might be a better title for this blog? Hahaha!

I started on updating yesterdays, disastrous effort of an imitation diary. I still can't work out what happened; Blogger closed of its own accord. I've thought about this in more depth and have come up with some possible reasons; The internet going down... but no, everything else was working? 🔇 No... - The computer is like me, getting on a bit, and could have got something wrong? 🔇 No?... - I could have suffered one of Nicodemus's Neurotransmitter failures; this sound a possibility, 👍 I just don't know!

P pressed on and got the mess finished and posted to Blogger.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Then I had rare zemblanity, a wee-wee of the BOVS (Blasting-Out-Vicious-Splashback) variety. This was the only one of this type all day. Why? It remains part of the mysteries of this block of flats, with the apparitions, phantoms, succubi and the paramnesias, who torment residents... well, me, anyway! Hahaha!

Then I made a start to this effort, hoping and praying that I will not lose everything again. Or that Blogger closes of its own accord and comes back on with warped formatting, photos moved and or missing etc.

I took a break from computing and went to get the leeks and potatoes cooking in the crock-pot. I put a lot less water in with the vegetables this time. For seasoning, I used: passata with basil, BBQ salt, balsamic and distilled white kinds of vinegar (not a lot), and some Best Bisto beef gravy granules. I got the pot on the low slow-cook option, made a brew of

Glengettie and returned to the computer, and I took the morning medications.

Whoopsiedangleplop: Fiddlesticks! the fonts in the blog had been resized at random, recoloured, and some formatting had been lost? Humph!

Norton Message: Dark Internet Activity Identified! What's that?

I'll turn everything off and reboot. Not an idea what I'm doing?

Well, that didn't work either!

Went on Facebooking for a few hours, I enjoyed that. 

I got some waste bags sorted out and popped them in the PP box on the trolley in the flat's hallway. Oh, for goodness' sake, the box is all but full of bags already! I am a bald, little rotund wobbly mess maker.

Got the ablutions sorted out next. Accifauxpa list:

Teeth: Caught the cracked tooth, another pain killer to take later.

  • Shaving: I opened yesterdays cut behind the ear hole.
  • Shaving: Nine dropsies while shaving, including the shaving foam, which cunningly landed right on the toe with the corn on it! Tsk!

  • Showering: I gave myself decently-painful clout on the right shoulder while retrieving toe dropped shower-gel. 

  • Showering: I topped off my self-harming with an absolutely cracking toe stubbing!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Dried, got the PPs new on, and it was apparent to me that the Clopidogrel was, in fact, returning again. The growths, lumps and spots are not clear to see in this photograph, but the itching was starting as well. Hey-Ho!

Not that I'm complaining, I am just overjoyed that Cathy Cartilage had calmed down, and the hobbling about was much easier!.

I think the right ankle is getting weaker again; I went over with it a couple of times in the wet room.

Inchcock Fib Possible: Note the vicious results of the toe-stubbing? (Left big hallux) I'm proud of that, but I still muttered some naughty language in the direction of the shower chair at the time! Hahaha!

I had a brain-wave (I believe I had one in August 1952, as well). If I put some mould remover on the marks on the shower floor after getting Josie's dinner done, I can pour boiling water over them and scrub off some of the spots?

Smug-Mode-Adopted, but not for long!

Whoopsiedangleplop: Sugar & sod-it! I'd left the tap (faucet) running! And was now without hot water for cleaning the things used to get Josie's nosh prepared with! 

My 'Smug-Mode' was replaced with the 'What-a-Pratt-I-am mode!' Also, I got a little pee'd off with myself!

Is it any wonder that I hate Sundays?

Got the pots washed as the hot water is back on. Hurrah!

Grogglebogsworthiness! Now the toothache is getting worse!

Whoopsiedangleplop: I got the kettle and some saucepans on the stove and returned to the wet room, still in just my PPs. Dropped a saucepan, but it missed my legs and feet!

And realised I'd made yet another Accifauxpa, and this one not for the first time! I'd used oven cleaner on the floor, and not mould remover!!! 

Whoopsiedangleplop: I used the shower to rinse away the applied liquid... it had not made the slightest difference! In fact, I think that the marks on the floor looked far worse than before I used my futile, stupid brain-wave idea! I felt my bottom lip creeping out a smidgeon! Haha!

All that effort and kerfuffling, for nothing! And now I had to get Josie's nosh done, but it will be later than usual, after the wasted time and effort, that failed miserably, due to my Accifauxpas and Whoopsiedangleplopping!.

I got the meal all done and served on the tray. I got the extra-mile today. Extra cheesy buttered potatoes, garden peas, a mini pork pie, pickled cucumber, silverskin onions, tomatoes and BBQ flavoured smoked mackerel. Strawberry desserts, two pots, she can eat the other later if she wants, and a tub of ready-made custard. An apple, baby-bell cheeses and a can of Perry. 

As I was getting ready to take it to her door, I wondered why I was doing it? I never get any feedback, well, other than she likes the cheesy buttered potato's. 

I asked her last week to let me know please if she liked the pickled cucumber. Then I can make some more. But nothing was heard from her.

I mustn't complain: It's partly with us both having hearing problems and bad memories, I think, Har-har!

Updating this blog, and the door chimes rang out. 

I thought it might be Josie with some problem, needing help. So I hastened to the door, well, limped swiftly. 

The Matron, Julie, was asked by the chemist to drop off my medications. I was a tad confused; they were three days late; I had only today's left to use, and come think of it, with the masl on, I'm not sure who it was now? But, I didn't offer then a can of plonk in thanks, and I feel terrible about not doing so now! 

Unpacked the medications and checked them... Well, I was going to, but there is no paperwork with them?

Haughty that, but what can I expect from Carrington Pharmacy, 343-345 Mansfield Rd, Carrington, Nottingham NG5 2DA, next to the pub, near the Lidl store.

I spent another hour sorting the pills into the weekly pots.

If anyone would like to guess how many pills I dropped doing this task, a can of Vodka & Orange is yours if you get it right! It's not a high figure, don't go too high, it's less than twelve!

I can do no more. I'm mentally exhausted. I'll get the nosh sorted out, methinks. 

The formatting went all to pot again; I'm leaving it as it changed into. I can't get my head around things!

Got the nosh made, head down.


  1. Your temp is staying high. Not good. Not good at all. You are going to have to go barefoot with those Howard Hughes toenails. If you give up shaving and cutting yourself you can be an Inchy version of old Howard. I take it you didn't flood the flat below leaving the hat water on? Right decent looking meals.

  2. Say, I can now report that my BOVS ratio has decreased since starting the Humira. My initial shock episode appears to be over (knocking on wood as I type, of course.
    Dark Internet Activity Detected — wot a message. It sounds like some hacker has been busily creating warning messages that get "activated" when you aren't doing anything. Sounds nefarious to me, it sure do.
    I am going to blame Sunday on all sorts of nefarious stuff — such as Dark Internet Activity Detections.
    Yer got to laugh at it or yer going to collapse into a "wobbly mess maker"

  3. I am guessing that 17 pills escaped during the weekly sorting activity. If I am correct, you can give the can of Vodka and Orange to a package deliverer.
    Fare thee well in the interim, kind Sir!

  4. Hi, Tim,
    The HC's seem unreliable of late, mate.
    Had laugh at your comment, Tim.

    No flooding, Phew!

  5. Ah, good Humira news, Billum!
    I'm more than worried about the dark news.
    Thanks you.

  6. Not far off, Billum! Well done, a wonderful effort, Sir!
    Keepeth up the good ork and news, Sir Billumski!
