Inchcock's Day
Saturday 27th March 2021
Welsh: Dydd Sadwrn 27ain Mawrth 2021
Good Morning!
02:00hrs: On conscience returning, I reluctantly had to immediately leave the semi-comfort of the £300, second-hand, decrepit, c1968, rickety recliner, due to the need of double evacuations, the wee-wee and the Porcelain Throne!
I fumbled my way up onto my pins and slowly hobbled to the wet room. Pleased to feel a lot less pain from Cathy Cartilage this morning! An excellent start to the day that! The complete evacuations were almost a replica of yesterdays.
I took the morning medications, then did the Health Checks.
The SYS was much lower, but the SIA had crept up to its highest ever. (Not that I understand what this means - I do a lot of that, you know - Not knowing what things mean!) The Pulse at 85 bpm sounded okay to me? The blood pressure was not so good when I tested it on the NHS site: With the X on the chart leaning more to the right?
I got the teeth done, the cracked tooth was not as much a bother as yesterday?
But over the next twenty minutes, and no arrival yet, not that it mattered. Aha, the box lit up, and I admitted the driver. +-
I got the bags though to the kitchen, and surprisingly got the stuff put away alright.
The body temperature, at 37.5°c - 99.2°f, was a bit higher. Hey-Ho!
New Life Motto: I live in Baffledom, near Bonkerness Lake, in Upper-Senility-Towers, you know? Hehehe!
Amid many rather rampant wee-wees, I got the updating done and finalised the Thursday blog. Emailed the link and went on Facebooking catch-up. I had some lovely comments come in today and spent far too long on the platform, but it was friendly, enjoyable and made me feel I was wanted.
A whole pair of short length diabetic bamboo ones needed doing!
Not surprisingly, I got them done, rinsed, rung and hung above the sink in no time.
Before starting to do the teeth, I needed to rinse the shower area, where the mysteries of Winwood Heights, the unwanted wraiths, spectres, apparitions and other grotesqueries haunt the hallways and lobbies, searching for Inchcock, to create ambiguities, abstrusities, perplexities, misfortunes and botherations, to scare, worry, age and confuse me... I got carried away there, sorry! Where was I? - Oh yes, the lemon and lime shower gel bottle hanging up had dripped all of its contents onto the floor and needed cleaning up... Fancy that? Me? Having a Whoopsiedangleplop?
The shaving had seven dropsies and three tiny nicks. This brings forth a question: Why are the only places where my hair grows in my neck-hole and behind the ears? Just a thought like. I must get rid of the moustache as well; it's going grey, nae, nearly white! What a sight!
I used the after-shave to stop the shaving bleeds. Stings a bit; this Brut is good at that. Needless to say, I didn't use it on Little Inchies fungal lesion; of course, Dettol was used.
Harold's Haemorrhoids were not bad
I got the waste bags made up and gathered and got them in the trolley-walkers box and carriers, ready to take to the rubbish chute. It still beats me how I am forever taking rubbish to the pipe, but the place still looks an absolute, overloaded mess? Natural skill and personal quality? That must come with Peripheral Neuropathy, having a stroke, oh, and diabetes, I suppose. Cause between those three ailments, they have limited my abilities too far. Oh, stop moaning, you old fart!
So, I cleared things to free me to be near the intercom, and I could concentrate on listening for the buzzer!
I made up some more waste bags, as I could do this and stay within my limited earshot of the intercom.
Two more bags made up, and I added them to the others on the walker guide. It was well overloaded now, Hehe!
I remained near the intercom box and waited.
And waited, and waited some more. After waiting a little longer, I needed a wee-wee. But dare not leave the intercom area.
He was up at the door in no time.
We had a chinwag, well, more a guessing game to see if we could understand what the other was saying. I'm still not sure what was going on; I just sort of nodded every now and then.
I sorted out the treats for Jenny, Doris and Frank, and put them in a bag that they can use for their litter picking, along with the others.?
At this point: The Blogger froze then closed down on me! I could not understand why or how to get things right, Fonts, sizes and colours gone mad? changed, paragraphs to normal and visa-versa - I just haven't the time or impulses to sort it out. Shit!
so this is a mess of a blog! Sorry. I'll put the last few photos on, fed-up!
Went to Jenny
I'm off, cheesed off, might not bother at all with blogging - WordPress stop me, and now Blogger buggers me!
Got my nosh, and fumed, stewed, felt sorry for myself, and had a wee-wee.
Fresh cream French horns, orange juice, and the complicated to make meal. A can of the new Morrisons Chilli soup (drained the exsessive juice away, plenty in the crock-pot mix to use) did the leeks and potatoes in the crock-pot and mixed all up into the saucepan on the hob.
Ace! Worth the kerfuffle of cooking it! Taste-Rating 9.2/10!
I sat and pondered on the problem of the Blogger auto closing, leaving me with this mixed up format destroyed blog, lost content, spell checker gone!
- Have I been hacked?
- Was it me that done something disasterously wrong? (Most likely scenario!)
- Was it Blogger buggering up?
- Was it the computers inner workings?
- Had installing Norton been the cause?
- Was it using Norton as my browser?
Sunday morning, I added the photo of the meal.
Another day, with new hopes of success!
Well, I hope for less disaster, I guess,
My inspiration, desire, mental-health getting less and less,
Life is but, a confusing mess,
It's someone to talk to, that I'm desirous,
But there must many more like me, bless!
Times do not allow me, to avoid distress,
I'm almost adapted to being in a mental mess,
I wonder if, I can pickle watercress?
The ease with which the ode above flowed, was worrying. Hehehe!
You were in fine form. That's an amazing stack of stuff on your trolley. The meal looks great.