Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Inchies Day - Tuesday 25th May 2021 - Ode, Graphicalisationings. Photographicalisations and some local news


Seven TFZers to find?

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Tuesday 25th May 2021

Bulgarian: Вторник, 25 май 2021 г.

Woke at 01:30hrs, off to the Porcelain Throne,

Limping like a damaged drone,

Cathy Cartilage hurting the knee bone,

The evacuation made me groan!

Painful, bloody, sorry about the tone,

But such agony is not mine alone,

Hello, it's ringing - the phone?


Being up early, I didn't expect a call,

Struggled to the landline, it was a trying haul,

A schemer, conniver, or scammer at all?

A recorded message, the very gall,

Cheek and nerve of the scumball!.


Got the Health Checks prepped,

I expected the figures to be suscept, 

Except, they were fine, to accept,

All in the green, not a single suscept!


There were many urgent wee-wees,

I suppose I should drink fewer teas?

And ease the fluid-retaining knees?

Eat fewer ice-creams and toffees?.

I might get thinner than the Telly-tubbies?

Then I can go out on some soirees,

Or do other impossibilities?



Just look at them handsome plates of meat!


Local Corona Figures

Had a Hobble into Sherwood

Got the ablutions sorted, dressed, and spent an hour or so, forgetting things needed and treble checking the flat before leaving.

I took the bins bags to the chute and the recycling bags down and out to the bin area. Not an easy task. Robert took them off of me and said he would save the big box for me to use again and collect later. Stout chap! 

I started my hobble along Chestnut Walk.

The greenery smelt beautiful as the drizzle began to fall as I neared the turn onto Winchester Street. I got the brolly out, but it was no use; I had to give up; no way I could cope with the umbrella and trying to control the three-wheeler as I limped down the hill.

The rain started coming a little harder, so I accepted my fate and got wet with a certain acceptance that would not have been possible a few months ago?

A little further and wetter, down the hill, I noticed that there was yet another Escooter base at the corner of Doornock Avenue.

I got onto Mansfield Road, and I turned left going to the Oran Continental Food store. I'm hoping to get some cooked pork, small potatoes, and some more of the chicken sausage that I love.


They had no sausages, the small potatoes were not worth buying. However, I did get some cooked pork that looked nice and tasty.

Paid, and out across the road, and called in two charity shops, hoping to get a delicate China mug. 

Whoopsiedangleplop! No luck! In fact, at the Nottingham Hospice Shop, I couldn't get up the steep steps to get in!

Whoopsiedangleplop! I called into the bank to get some cash. Crossed over the road and into the Co-op to get some cakes - they had none in the fridges.

Whoopsiedangleplop! So, I called at the Bird's shop, got some cakes for the Wardens treat, and some wholemeal rolls, I only wanted two, but all they had was bags of six. Humph!

Whoopsiedangleplop! The rain got wetterer (Hahaha!). Into another charity shop, but they had no China mugs either.

To the bus stop, at the top of the hill. Met a couple of tenants and caught the bus back to the flats 15 minutes later. It was a bit of a messy shopping trip, Tsk! But, my vascular dementia stopped it from being too horrendous.

Caught the bus, and I was soon back the Winwood Heights, and I called to visit the Wardens with their treats. Deana let me through the barred passageway. I thank you!

Whoopsiedangleplop! I forgot to get the empty recycling box, so I went down again to collect it. What a clot!

Whoopsiedangleplop! Grade A!

Up and in the flat, and found a little note on the floor...

Grobblegrindingness! Blungletads! Grumbleclonknackers!... It was from Hristina, my beloved Vampire Nurse - Who I had forgotten was coming, despite her kindly ringing me to tell me, and me making a note on the pad of the date, and putting it in my calendar... Proof of my needing help with my vascular dementia!

I was disgusted with myself, ashamed and more than a little concerned!

Fear of my being moved into a care home bothered me, particularly after my experience of actually living in one after having the stroke.


For the first time in a few days, I've now got depression again. I suppose I'd better get the nosh sorted out, but there is no enthusiasm lurking about.

Gawd! I despise myself!

Had I not made the cock-up with Hristina's visit, this might have been the best-tasting meal for months. But, I could not enjoy it - a sort of self-imposed penance?



I've learnt today. that self-hatred, disgust and unforgiving, severe self-tormenting ridicule go along with this blasted vascular dementure. One goes from an uncaring, impossible to be bothered with anything status to a deep depression in seconds.


  1. Well then. You just need to stop the self-hatred, disgust, unforgiving, severe self-tormenting ridicule and self loathing, and learn to love yourself for what you are. I know. It's easier said than done, but it's better than being put into assisted living. Descent looking meal that is.

    1. I can only try, Tim. The affects of the vascular dementia, are crippling to ones confidence.
      But reminding me of avoiding a Care Home existence, has renewed my efforts to try.
      Thanks, Tim.

  2. Quite a jagged yellow line defined yer progress (nogress?) along your 3-wheeled wonder, Sir. Looking like yer search fer a fine China cup might be even more difficult than negotiating the steps. I like how the highlights are noted on the map, such as the Mystic Moon on Hall St. Those Escooters look like ETs, do they not? A blue and yellow visitors from a distant galaxy. I wonders wot they think of this most peculiar planet. Nice to garner a few cakes for the birds among us, with thanks to the Wardens!
    Taketh much Careth, kind Sir.

    1. Merci, Mon Ami. I fear the search for a China mug will have to take a back seat. With my missing so many appointments thanks to the attentions of the dementia, I'm house bound again... well, flat bound!
      The Mystic Moon, they tell me that the Chinese food is great from there - many months ago, I tried to get a meal delivered from them - but I had to sign up with the food delivery company first, they had to inform the take-away, then they had to give me a membership number, then nonce that was registered, I could give them an order... Wot? 😫 I lost interest.
      The visitor to earth, found the tellurians to be aggressive, greedy and unfriendly, I heard?
      Awaiting the Sainsbury food delivery that failed to come yesterday, and I was told it was coming today... but time is getting short now? Five minutes away from the end of the hour slot? Oh, dearie me! No bread and spuds again?!.
