Monday 31 May 2021

Sunday 30th May 2021: Inchies Graphics & Photographicalisations & the odd Ode


TFZer Angels in Red - Temptation looming? Hahaha!

Sunday 30th May 2021

اتوار 30 مئی  2021 Urdu

Lousy nights sleep. Humph!

A foggy start to Sunday - it soon cleared

Hand washing tended to...
Started Josie's nosh with the spuds...
Porcelain Throne entertainment

The wait was a long one, but I did well on the clues, getting several solved. It was not painful when the action started; it was speedily evacuated and a light brown furry meatball type. Just thought you might like to know. Hahaha!

Health Checks - not so good this time!

Nottingham Local News

Carer Femi Arrived

Son got the medications taken. Told him of the sleep pattern not good, but I expect I'll get used to it, just in time for him to stop coming and struggle to get back to the old one.

He did larf! Hahaha!

Amazon - Morrison order was due...

I went down to the lobby near when his two-hour delivery slot approached. I took the crossword book with me to have a go at while waiting for his arrival.

It was interesting; no, that's not the word... frustrating delivery.

At least both lifts were working!

Got the bags to the flat lobby door

Struggled to move them inside... 

Then, to the kitchen...
Sorted the fridge stuff out... 

Then the comfort food... 

Mystery broken cap?

Got Josie's nosh done, served up and delivered.

The fridge needed attention cleaning wise, so I did it. Messy, hard work, I got all annoyed with myself for the many dropsies. 


Had enough now, got my nosh sorted out

I tried to get to sleep for a bit. But it was not possible; the Thought Storms beat the fatigue again. I did nod off for a few minutes, but I was welcomed back to consciousness by the Thought-Storms, torrenting through my brain!

The Carer Arrived

I was not in a very good state mentally, and his visit left many blank spots. I seem to recall his telling me he was not coming again for a while but will get another carer in his place.

Morning Thoughts - Monday

Updating this little ditty,

There were worries and self-pity,

Of life, I felt a casualty,

But only momentarily,

I felt better and, necessarily...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Compared to what others; Oh, the inequality,

My stroke ailments brought a sort of insanity!

Mind lesser stroke did not include mortality,

I was gifted with survivability,

For this, I feel genuine humility,

Although on others I have dependenability,

I'll keep going, to the best of my ability,

Vascular dementia gives me irritability, 

That's a shame... and irritability,

I've developed many an eccentricity,

The memory has blanks and inflexibility,

Causing moments of mental disjunctivity,

Prompting at times, psychoactivity,

Often preventing any attentivity,

All this may seem an unfortunate pity,

In the stroke ward, many had no normativity,

So, on reflexivity,

I write this little ditty,

My mind is so full of respect and warped hyperactivity!


  1. Pollen bomb eh? I think we are getting one. I've been sneezing a lot and Sasha is licking on her belly more. I'm having to increase her allergy meds again. That was quite a haul of groceries. I see your BP is up again. Decent looking dinner.

    1. I'm having bother with losing comments of Blogger, Tim. Medway through typing and my reply and or the comments tend to disappear sometimes. 'Grumph!'
      Maybe you'll get both replies?
      The darned BP.
      Hope Sasha is keeping well, and yourself of course, Cheers!

  2. Clearing out a fridge is a good way to test yer dropsie level.
    Cold stuff is easier to drop — from Billum's adages.
    Quite a few hefty bags without handles, had to manage more than one at a time — Bilum's adages.
    I shall keep my eye open for the missing lid part. Sometimes lids parts fall off when the lid is oft opened. — an adage from the works of Billum.
    Jolly Jove, it is June. The cicadas love to fly and multiply in this month.

  3. By Jiminy your right, Billumski! Various foods, bottles, moulds, crumbs and out-of-date packages were removed. Hehehe!
    T'was one at a time wiv the bags, Sir. Bit of a struggle, into the lift, out of the lift, to the flat foyer, in the flat foyer, to the flat door, into the hallway... (I'm getting out of breath recalling this, Haha!), then, still a bag at a time into the kitchenette. Phowr...
    I fear, good Sir, the bit of the lid was never found. Thus I bravely had to use a knife to open the bottle - Bravery comes natural to me (He lies) Har-har!
    Are the little cicadas noisier at this time of year, Sir? As I recall, the wife was. Hahaha!
    Taketh much care both, and keep your peckers up!
