Thursday 10 June 2021

Inchies Day: Thursday 10th June 2021: Dairy, Graphics, Photographicalisations & the odd Ode

TFZer Home Made Cartoon - Hehe!


Thursday 10th June 2021

With the sleep pattern destroyed forever, it took me a very long time to fight the Thought-Storms last night. Thus, it was gone six o'clock by the time I stirred into a sleepy, semi-consciousness. Then panicked a smidgeon as I ran around getting the stand-up ablutions done before the Carer or Warfarin Blood Vampire beauty of a nurse called.

Handwashing Tended To

The bamboo socks are slowly falling to pieces. The Surf liquid bottle has developed a leak running over the kitchen floor, creating an imitation ice rink. And the Wilko freshener crystals were unfindable. Ah, well! 

Antejentacular Porcelain Throne Farce

The long but easy evacuation was totally pain-free, it was. Erroneously, this indicated that all was well. Naturally, I felt axiomatic, that there were no problems with the evacuation.

I was so wrong! 

Merely seeing the size, and feeling the solidity, amazed me! I was sure it must have caused some adiaphorous medical damage! 

I've never passed anything near this size before. (And, I hope not to again!) Brobdingnagian came to mind as a suitable word to use!

For when I have to take samples of a stool, the stick provided for me actually broke while I was prodding about on the submarine to try and break things up, so the cistern could flush it away. Several failed flushes, more hacking at the porcelain contents, and three tank refillings later; I gave it the sixth twist of the handle... Walla, slowly the waste product disappeared, the water, almost bubbling... accompanied by gurgling and a sort of final whooshing noises!
A cataphysical cataclysm that I could have done well without, Hehe!

Got the Health Checks done

Readings back up a little this morning.

Off to the kitchen

  I got the kettle on. Cut up the spuds in the crockpot and seasoned them with Chinese onion and chilli flavouring. Made a brew of Glengettie, and I made a start on updating yesterdays diary of woe.

The Carer Arrived

The first time this young chap had attended. Not surprisingly, the man went to the wrong place, Winchester Court, not Woodthorpe.

He rang me as the poor lad was not aware of the call number on the still-not-working intercom to get in. This was nae bother, at that time, as I was in better mental health for once and could converse and advise him of the medications and needed paperwork was located. Nice natured bloke. Said he was attending tonight as well. All went well.

Blog updated - Facebooking

A hard slog, time-consuming, and accompanied by Herbert from above tap-tapping, knocking and many noises that indicated he kept dropping something on his floor - my ceiling. Hey-Ho!

Hristina Arrived


Poor Hristina came in and told me of her difficulties in parking up anywhere again. The places without yellow lines had all been filled! She'd had to park on the double yellow lines, and was wanting to get away quickly, so no nattering time today, bless her ♥.

She got the blood take in double-quick time today and was off, all worried. I do love her so, and she is the top of the cream when it comes to taking care while extracted the blood, too! Making sure the bleeding has stopped. ♥

A long break in Herbert's noise...

Bless him. I heard a different sound then. I had a look around and found some mail delivered.

It was from NCH (Nottingham City Homes). Advising us that the drains were going to be checked shortly. Woodthorpe court will betwixt 8am > 4:30pm, from 30th June to 7th July.

This will be interesting—the Carers, Dentist, Doctors, Matron Jackie, Warfarin nurse, Hospital appointments etc., could well bring me problems? I'm a bit worried now!

It's taken a while coming, but at last, I can get a shave and wash within a two-hour window when the drains are cleared. 

We are being looked after, you know - the replacement bus service is a gem! Now the drainage blockages to be sorted. If the intercom could be mended, that would be delightful; not worrying about deliveries, carers, nurse etc., struggling to get in the flats. Thanks to NCH, I'm so glad the Conservatives are not in power in my beloved Nottingham... You can why below, can't you?

Peruse the Emag for Nottingham

Then found this about Covid-19.

Slightly concerning to we Warfarin takers?

Tea & bikkies - Head down!

Got a call from someone asking to speak with Dorothy. It took me a while to convince them that they had the wrong number. 

Couldn't get back to sleep, so I watched some TV - 'Tales of the Unexpected, that did the trick, Zzz!

It didn't last for more than ten minutes, and the landline burst forth with sound and flashing!

It was the nice lady from Sherrington Park medical centre, with the results and new dosages for the Warfarin. Blimey, that was quick - Hristina on the job, you see, reliable and pulchritudinous gal! ♥ Each day, it was listed as two Warfarins, bar Wednesday & Friday, when it's 2½ tablets. 

I gave up trying to sleep again!

I got on with updating this blog. But stopped after a while, as I went to make a brew of Thompsons Punjana, and noticed the clouds in the sky. We nephophiles do that! Hehe! 

I took several shots of the cloud formations. Unfortunately, Peripheral Pete was in one of his Shaking Shaun moods at the time, Humph! Which can last just for a few seconds, and they often do, but this one was a bit of a marathon session. I was still twitching an hour later. Which caused my typing and close mouse work on the computer frustrating!

Oh, what a state the feet, toes & legs were in!

Left foot toes were a bit bloated, the red markings that Tim Price and I thought may have been athletes foot changed appearance? Left foot and leg was still a smidge swollen. The right ones were skinnier. 

These variations, aberrations, and ever-changing feet help keep me from getting bored, I suppose? Do you think I may have ticks or mites on the plates?

No Sleep Again!

Despite my weariness, Sweet Morpheus didn't want to know! I got up again and carried on with and finishing updating this Inchies Day diary. Then posted it off. Got my head down again about midnight... Worra Life!

Early Morning Ode

I thought I’d ponder, over...

Well; my being overweight,

Tell myself, of how this I hate,

It’s not, I think that I overate,

I’ve stopped overfilling the plate,

But then I lost interest in a debate!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Upcoming expenses took over the verbal affray,

These will have to be paid for one day,

A new three-wheeler trolley...

Tackling mu banks dwindling lolly,

The financial mess, straightaway,

But using my brain prompts many a folly,

I need a new camera and a brolly...

Isn't life jolly!


  1. At least a short visit from you vampire does you a lot of good. Excellent morning ode.

    1. Thanks mate.
      Spot on there, Tim, Great service, great timing, and a grrreat gal!
