Saturday, 24 July 2021

Saturday 24th July 2021: Diary, Photographicalisations, and maybe the odd ode, that might be told?

Ah, Patties Go In The TFZers Pool Car?

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Friday Evening 23rd July

Got the blog posted to blogger.

Facebook Catching up.

Emailed Ohio Bill and HRH Lisa.

Worn out and feeling as if depression was dawning, I made up a late evening snack to eat this morning. Is that right?

Well gone midnight before I got my head down. I'm not coping with the hassle very well.

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Saturday 24th July 2021

Woke around 06:00hrs; I just had time to realise that the darkness had a grip on my thoughts... and drifted off back into the land of nod. 

I bestirred again at 07:10hrs: The Thought Storms all of a negative nature, indeed into the depths of depression and a self-hating mode.

Morning Tasks

The head was reluctant to bother, even trying to get things sorted clearly. A wee-wee was taken without much consciousness about it. Some late CMD (Cessational Micturition Dribble) running down into the PPs, prompted at least a little awareness. But less interest in my plight. This was not good, but my mood was so low. 

The NWWB (Nocturnal-Wee-Wee Bucket) was taken to be cleaned and disinfected. It was done robotically. Had a wash and cleaned the teggies, then made a brew of Glengettie.

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Porcelain Throne Call - No.1

Ah, getting back to the messy affairs mode of evacuation again. Still, I've had worse.

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Health Checks Done

Oh, dearie me! Not good this time. The Blood Pressure had shot up astronomically to a scary SYS of 181! Yesterday it was at its lowest ever - now this morning, its highest for months! In fact, it went from the lowest to the highest!

I anticipate that yesterday's low morale caused by so many disappointments, failures, shocks, Whoopsiedangleplops and Accifauxpas, may be the cause of this high score?

Now the Darkness deepens!

My concentration, interest in things weakened even more. And the Meridian morning Carer had not arrived yet? Will today be yet another blank for the Health & Care Company?

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A Brew Of Glengettie Made

And I took a photo through the balcony window.

And, I spotted the car parks having an inordinately large amount of red cars in them. So I took shots of car parking areas in turn...

Hahaha! Taken for the edification of Billum, from Ohio. He's the Associate Professor of the RCMA Red Car Monitoring Assessment U.K. (Financial Donations Accepted).

Taken to the left.

Shot underneath the balcony.

The last one was taken to the right.

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Porcelain Throne Call - No.2

Oh, getting a lot messier this time. I may take a Gaplpharm, as Trotsky Terence is taking over in the evacuations procedures again... which reminded me, the Medication Care has not called again - the second time they have blooming-well done this to me this month! I took a capsule. I think these are good; they suit me anyway. And, plus and besides, you can get them at the Poundland Store!

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Phoned the Meridian Number on the Folder

10:00hrs: I called the number for Meridian Health & Social Care. (loosely interpreted, of course), on the landline phone.

Two rings at the other end of the line, and a recorded voice came on, the usual waffle.  Something about "Please hold the line while we contact you with our first free agent?

♫ Jolly recorded Music ♫

A man came on; (Who got impatient because I had to ask him to repeat himself a couple of times), and we went through who and where I was. Then got to what I wanted; I informed him that the carer had not called to give me the morning medications and was about three hours late. 

He told me I am not down for any weekend visits?

I assured him I should be and that I have had them since first using Carers?

He said he'd check again...

♫ Jolly recorded Music ♫.

Came back on the phone and assured me that I was not due any care today?

I again assured him that I was! It said so in the agreement on the Meridian folder!

He said, "He'd see what could be done and ring me back later" (He didn't).

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I Rang Off, and...

Fell Into a 'D' Mood

Dreich, disconcerted, discouraged, disheartened, downcast, demoralised, downhearted, despondent, disappointed, devitalised, desolate, downbeat, disgruntled. A deep, mentally drained, discontented, downcast, displeased, dithery, discomposed, displeased, discountenanced, disillusioned, dour,  downcast, dissatisfied, discontented, disgruntled, and Soul-Destroying deep dark depression!

Just thought I'd mention it.

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10:25hrs The Door Chimes Chimed!

It was a carer from Winwood Court. She had received a call from the office to come and tend to me. I don't think she's called before.

When she's done the medicationing, we had a little chinwag. I explained that this had happened last week, and n nobody from Meridian has been in touch to apologise or explain why. No guilt in saying sorry; it's just a statement of how you feel?

She managed a laugh as I told her of my difficulties with non-attending staff and trying to get cover. So that was nice, and I enjoyed it.

My mood momentarily came out of the blackness. Of course, it fell back down in the moment she'd left.

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Can you guess what it was...

Yes, Good old Liberty-Global Virgin Media boss, the $23m plus expenses salaried boss, Steve Fries strikes again, to prove his inabilities! Git!

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Uncertain About Medications Taken?

It's a shame that Meridian let me down a second time today.

It's left me with a confusing quandary.

I'll explain: Having had to call Meridian to annoy the answerer because of my stuttering and inability to hear what he was saying, and disgustingly had to bother the chap by asking him to repeat himself, he didn't like that! His certainty that I was not due a call today? Which sent me into a 'D' mood, left me puzzled and even feeling sorry for myself. But mostly, puzzled. The carer responded quickly once she got the phone call from the boss.  

But the medications were taken over seven hours later than usual? This has left me wondering about ant reactions with the evening ones at the regular time, which of course, will be seven hours earlier? Or will it?

The old brain was struggling with its numerophobia, apraxias and dyscalculia now. I gave up, anyway; who is to say a carer will call tonight? Or not, perhaps, maybe, perchance? I'm fed up! Not a good combination that, confused and fed up! 

I hope it's Valerie who calls. Not only have I fell in love with her (Well, I can't help it, academical anyway - Hehe!) she takes good care on the job. ♥

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State of Mind

Did a carer call or what?

Had someone come, & I forgot?

Me? Forgetting, Surely not?

Oh, did I empty the chamberpot?

I could make some risotto in the crockpot,

Oh, No rice left, so I'd better not!

Plenty of canned food, quite a lot,

Did I eat that last faggot?

Will, I get any sleep tonight, I begot?

Will an evening carer call, or Iceland have a timeslot?

I don't-half type some tommyrot!

I'm good at rubbishy-rhymes, am I not?

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Mail Arriveths!

Bowel Cancer Screening advice.

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Fitful Doze

Got the meal prepped and gobbled up, ate it all too! I kept nodding and waking; I think the longest bit of sleep I managed was about five minutes, with many of them of a few seconds.

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Got The Ablutions Sorted

The usual dropsies, of course. The teeth cleaning went well - other than I had a close look at them afterwards, and the bottom part of the lower and top part of the top teeth left seemed rather yellowing to me? I think I'm following the instructions, alright? Mind you: my Saccades and achromatopsia may be affecting what I see?

Got dried, medicated and dressed. I was putting the love oil in the ears when...

Aha, Joy At Last!

The Evening Carer Arrived, and it was Valerie ♥. She looked a little weary. I think she's had another long day on her caring duties. She got the medications sorted for me. Afterwards: I showed her my Ode above and read it to her, and it was love to see a smile on her face. Grrreat!

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Got the nosh Sorted

Flaming gorgeous! Thanks to Tim Prices ether encouragement, I'm so glad I've got into eating Chillie stuff nowadays. Tonight it was sweet chilli flavoured chicken slices, and very tasty too!
Pigged it all away without any bother!

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Blog Updated, Posted to Blogger

Then went on Facebooking.

Evening All!


  1. That chili chicken looks delish. I'm happy I got you into chili. It's anti-depressant, too. Nice of them to send you a sweet carer to sort things out. Lots of red cars and dark cars also.

    1. Cheers, Tim.

      Valerie she be,
      A treasure to me,
      Coming again Wednesday morn you see,
      Be the best day of the week for me! Hehehe!
      Thanks mate.

  2. That 181 number got me to worrying as well. How does it get away with jumping from one extreme to another, what the H does it think? Nowt, I say.
    Grand to see such a bevy of red cars here and anon. Good also for Tim to note that darker shades of color may be seen among that large number of automobiles. I shall need to fine a statistical tool to account for this multifarious data. It might be necessary for me to calculate the distribution by color and by choice of geograpbhy. Much to explain and to consider...hmmm...hmmm...hrmmm.
    Diorrhea is one my my chief woes. I've also had the doctor take some blood to determine the state of the Crohn's. So far I am somehow off the Humira and have been prescribed no replacement medications. Hmmm...hmmm...hrmmm.
    I believe there are also some "D' values in my disposition.
    HRH Lisa sends her very best. The dentist gave her some advice about a dental office much closer to us than 75 miles. It would be around 20 miles...

  3. "So far I am somehow off the Humira and have been prescribed no replacement medications! "Ç#%&'s!) Swine! All I can imagine, Billum, or hope, is that they want to test you after you've been off of it, to evaluate... Oh dear! I hope you can get back on it soon, mate. Swine!
    No doubt you will be reporting the red car situation to JB?
    20 miles still to go, are there none nearerer? Swine! Aill, better then 75 I suppose.
    Wisheth HRH all the best of luck for me - and if your medicational man does intend to deprive you of the Humira, tell him to come and seem me!

  4. They appere to be a variety of glad-handers who will give you what seem rational answers once per year. The numbers on my blood work dhow large variances from normal. The bloodwork is 2 weeks old and Ihave no idea what they mean. The swine! You are quite right, they would quake at the thought of a call from you.
    HRH finally received a decent amount of sleep last night. May you be the next to obtain a valuable visit from Sweet Morpheus!
    TTFNski from us guys.

    1. Hi, HRH and Billum.

      Your RBCs, WBCs, and PLTs are graphed for you, Bill? It must be scary perusing yours, mate. Can things improve, or get steady, Sir? I do hope so!

      What Awesome, cowabunga, fantastic news that HRH got some rest at last... Please, please, more of this Sweet Morpheus for Lisa!

      I just like to reiterate - The Humira removalists, should explain exactly why they have done so - Grubdungleheads!

      Thanks for the good wishes, and I'll have words tonight with him above, and tell him that HRH needs sleep, and my cyber-mate Billum, needs Humira, I'll not hold back!

      Hehe! taketh care!
