Thursday 22 July 2021

Thursday 22nd July 2021: Diary, Photographicalisations, and maybe the odd ode, that might be told?

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Thursday 22nd July 2021

Woke at about 05:00hrs, in need of a wee-wee. Almost effortlessly, I clambered out of the c1968 recliner, and I utilised the overnight emergency bucket. A weak, dribbling effort again. Worryingly, Little Inchies fungal lesion had been bleeding, and the painful process of ointmentating had to be done. No, bother, of course, for a man of my heroical bravery. No oohing and arghing, wincing or Argh's! (Well, not many), Hahaha!

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Into a Mind-Haze-Mode!

I'll try to explain as best I can what a Mind-Haze-Mode involves.

You find yourself starting a job and realise you've gone on to another to do. Not yet having completed the first task... then something distracts your feeble brain further; It may be noise from Herbert above you - or the intercom going off, or the door chime coming to life, all equally good at confusing you. Then, with the first two intentions still in mid-progress, you'll start on a third one... Often unaware of the first job, until it comes to light later, you'll leave whatever current task is to hand and start the cycle repeatedly.

This example may oversimplify things, but it can generally be understood by those lucky enough not to have this Mind-Haze-Mode, affliction.

I think... Where was I?

Oh, yes! Somehow or other, I found I was doing the hand washing in the kitchen sink and noticed the potatoes had been partial put in the crockpot.

I finished off the Afghanistani made, green long-sleeved t-shirt, all washed, rung, and hung to dry.

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Stand-Up Ablutions

Too early to use the shower cause of the noise it makes, disturbing my sleep-late neighbours.

The feet needed cleaning, but I'll do that later in the shower; I take a washing-up bowl in with me to stand in to get the feet refreshed and titivated. (Cunning or what?) Hehehe!

Despite my rushing to get done in time for the Carer to arrive, the dropsies were far less than usual? Only two minuscule nicks shaving.

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Health Checks Done

Mmm? Not so good today. The BP was back up into near the Hypertension Stage 2 colouring.

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Porcelain Throne Visit

This session was just as smooth, pain-free, unmessy, and non-toxic as yesterday. It was almost a pleasure.... until I found that Little Inchies fungal lesion had been bleeding again!

The nurses at the City Hospital, after having my heart replacement, called me 'Stoic'. Hahaha! I do have a higher pain threshold and pain tolerance than most... with all of my ailments, bar the ointmentating of the fungal lesion! So I looked up what it meant when I got home.

But getting at the lesion to put the miconazole and hydrocortisone ointment on the wound is the only source of pain that I find overbearing. 

Hehehe! Just thought I'd mention it. Then if anyone finds me whimpering with my pants down around my ankle, they'll know why!

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Made A Brew Of Glengettie

And a Carer Appeared in the Room!

A first-time caller, a pretty young thing. I think she said that her name was Katzia. She found there were no Codeines left in the bag? After searching around, I found a few out-of-date Codeines in the rubbish drawer; I used them. Some other items were down to their last few tablets as well.

No communications about the status of the prescriptions from Meridian.

I ask Katzia if she would please ask Natalie if she could update me on the prescriptions situation.

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Ode To The Medications

Carers, now sorting the meds - I couldn't drop a clanger,

Then the creams for things like my furuncular,

Little Inchies, fungal lesion... more painfuller!

Harolds Haemorrhoids, Dakacort, makes me shudder!

Oil for the ears and drops for Sandra Saccades,

There's other stuff, but my memory fades,

My brain loses things; facts go off my radar!

This doesn't please or make me jocular,

Getting through another day... spectacular!

Even if I look and feel like Dracula!

A silly little ode to cheer me up. It didn't!

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Internet Down Again!!!

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The Intercom Came to Life!

T'was the Iceland Delivery

I got to the now working intercom, and I pressed the admission button into the flats. I made my way to the front door, and...

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Accifauxpa - Whoopsiedangleplop!

Right leg, Peripheral Pete kicked off on one of his Schuhplattler dance routines. Taking place in the narrow hallway, I'm usually able to avoid going over - But not this time. It happened quickly; I hit the trolley and knocked off all of the cans and bottles on the radiator in seconds. Incidentally, with the bottle of WKD breaking as it hit the trolley on its way to the carpet, I now realised that the blue WKD is carbonated - it sprayed me in the face as my head joined the bottle on the floor. I just thought I'd mention it.


The above is how things looked after the kind Iceland man opened the door when he heard the commotion - then got me up onto my feet again. He then picked up the bottles for me! ♥

Also, he pointed out that I may have a 'blood blister' coming up on the finger I'd clouted in the wires of the trolley basket as I went down. Which are now bent and distorted (the wires)! As one can expect after so many flabby stones of body mass had just fallen on it belly-first, with a thud!

He put the bags inside the doorway for me.

I thanked the man, who checked that I didn't need any more help and was feeling alright before he said I'll be off then, take care. A gent! 

I insisted he takes his choice of the cans and bottles available and thanked him again.

Things are getting hectic here... Hehehe!

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Bags to the Kitchen for Sorting

Got the fridge food put away first.

Keep the strawberry and pork & pickle pies cold before sharing them as thank-you treats with the new biscuits and other odd bits.

Getting the stuff in the freezer was a work of art, but I managed it with a bit of shuffling. Hehe!

Herbert above was doing some banging about - that or it was someone else.

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Back Into Mind-Haze-Mode!

As I went into one of the odd modes, and I started job-hopping again. Tsk!

I hung the shirt washed earlier to dry near the open window. 

Then got the pod peas out of the fridge and in pots, ready to be podded.

Then got the Lounge pants soaking in liquid soap powder in the bowl in the sink.

Back to the peas... and started podding away.

About halfway through, and I went back to the lounge pans in the bowl, got them washed, refreshed, rung and hung up to dry.

Back again to pod peas and finished podding, and put the peas in a saucepan with some Worcestershire sauce to marinate.

Then as I washed the bowls used, I realised the value of the plug strainer I'd bought. It had stopped some bit of stalk and part of a leaf; that was so tiny from going down the drain hole. That should help with not blocking the drains.


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Deana Called

Pick up the things. We had a natter, well I did. Deana couldn't get many words in. Hehehe!

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Herbert's Flat

Some horrendously loud drilling started above my head. But it stopped after a few seconds?

Time For a Nibble.

Two small pork and pickle pies and a bag of vinegar flavoured Quavers, mayhaps? I shall investigate and prepare things.

I ended up having a little feast. Wholemeal cobs, orange tomatoes, chilli chicken fillets, potatoes, and some podded garden peas.

Taste Rating: 705/10.

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Head Down
(Well, that was the plan anyway)

I think I got about half-an-hour kip in, woke and went to have a much-belated shower. I remembered to take the bowl in with me to try and clean the big toenail on the right foot; it looked terribly dirty. I tried to get at it with the loofa and shaking the foot in the soapy water but could not get it clean? I reached for my spectacles, and I had a better look - it was a bruise underneath the nail! Possibly from the tumble earlier? Then...

The Doorchimes Rang Forth!

Katsia came in, opened the wet room door and asked if I needed any help... Hehehe! Gawd, the temptation to say 'Yes please!' almost got to me.

I got dried off in record time and got to see Katsia sorting through the medications. Some more tapping, knocking, scraping noises coming from Herbert's area above. Katsia heard it and mentioned it. Talking with this gal was hard to understand what she was saying. I think it was the same for her as well. ♥ She'd had a long day working, this morning she served me, now tonight, without a break, and still has more clients to tend to, bless her.

More tapping, knocking, scraping noises coming from Herbert's area above. But not for long. 

Updated This Blog

Got it finished, checked and awaited Blogger to change all my formatting, which it did! Corrected things back to what I wanted, and still Blogger, the blogger, changed some configurations when it published the diary?



  1. The three stooges are funny when they fall on the floor and get sprayed in the face by a bottle of effervescence. It's rather serious when it happens to you. Herbert's at it again? Katsia sounds like a sweet soul. She is probably overworked and then some. At least you are nice to her, I'm sure she appreciates it. Decent looking meal.

  2. Herbert must be making something large this time, Tim. Swine!
    I'm falling in love with the odd carer, The memory surges, and I still get the urges. Haha!
    Note the chicken was chilli flavoured? Nice!
