Friday, 20 August 2021

Inchies Day: Thursday 19th August 2021. Diary, and sometimes the odd ode, that might be told?

♥ TFZer Mary Wins - Grrreat!

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 Wednesday Evening 

I waited from 13:00hrs until just after 22:00hrs for the 4 items Amazon delivery of three trousers and a double pack of pyjama bottoms to arrive. Having been up by then for over 18 hours. Bedraggled, tired, dirty and smelly cause I dare not get a shower and miss the delivery; Oh, and fed up!

The internet going down so often at times; it was off more than on! A pig of a day, nowt going right much. 

Looked at the tracker again... and got this screen - after being told for hours that it would arrive before 10:00hrs (Lying Scumbags!)

I was doing comments on Facebook at the time, replying to comment about Virgin Media Internet, and was in a gritty, grumpy mood anyway at the time.

Minutes later... I got this:

My insides were twisting and churning; I'm afraid I swore a little, quietly but viciously. My EQ shouted at me, keep calm. It's gonna get worse! Things got worse! Then, seconds later, I got this come in...

Your Package has been Delivered?

  What the _ _ _ _!  

.After going into a stage-two panic, I had a good look around outside in case the box had been left anyway, but no! I had to look it up. I farted about trying to discover how I could talk to someone at Amazon. But I was getting all het-up and getting nowhere... I needed a wee-wee; I think that helped me to regain a limited modicum of mind control. I cannot remember how I got to it, but there was an option I eventually found to talk to a Valley Girl Robot, as mentioned by Tim Price in his last comment on the blog. It was all written, and you had to pick from a selection of options that came up, no opportunity to write anything you want to write in explanation, choose an answer sort of jobbie. I'm none the wiser now! 

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Gone midnight now, and I've still not finished the Facebooking yet: But first, I looked to see if any comments had come in, and there's one from Master of Science in Teaching (MST), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Institute of Physics (IOP), and Associate Professor of the NOSRCMA Near Ohio Red Car Monitoring Assessment (Financial Donations Accepted). And I thought I'd replied to it - But No? I believed I probably lost my comment? So I did that first, then got on with TFZer and Winwood Heights Facebooking again.

What a palava!

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Due to Jill encouraging and helping me sort out the place ready for the expensive declutters to arrive and sort me out, there has been very little time to work on this post. So things will be a little terse and to the point today, a sort of readable shorthand. Hehehe! I thang You!

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Having been up for a total of 28hours, thanks to the Amazon cock up and none delivery, did not help me get much sleep. Tsk! Only about 4 hours of bliss for me...

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06:35hrs: Woke, wee-wee'd, and got some waste bags made up. Wee-wee'd again, had a facewash quickie, made more bags up, got them in the box ready to go to the finger-trapping, toe-stubbing chute room.

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♥ Carer Jillie arrived ♥

The gal soon had the medications sorted for me. Jill kindly said she would come back later to help me with the sorting-out for an hour or so. The gal is so good to me. Bless her! 

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Continued Updating

I am so drained after so little kip. It's Amazon that I can keep awake... Oh, I meant amazing! But the connection and blame for Amazon's failures caused this humour!

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Photo From The Balcony

The new car park at the end of Chestnut Walk had even fewer cars in it. But then again, it was much later than I would usually take a photo, thanks to Amazon failing to deliver the parcel yesterday. Thanks! Then I took a sap of a van and workmen below in the Emergency Vehicles Only parking space. 

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Health Checks Done

Then realised I'd not done the Health Checks yet - So I did them".


Yet again, an even lower BP! Yippee!

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Handwashing Sorted

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Espied Ghost Clouds?

Can you see a figure in this one?

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Checked the Amazon (Sorry To Use That Word) Tracker

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Jillie Returned

Two hours hard labour, Hehe! Only joking. Jillie was a treasure, and she kept me going at clearing away and shredding the paperwork. She even knew when I was getting weary. The gal is a genuine, gentle, ingenious genius! Fell of good advice. We, Jillie, mostly got more clearing done in two hours than I have done for days and took some stuff away with her for the Social table and bags for the chute! And she is beautiful with it! ♥ She departed to her next client. She used her downtime to come and help me again. Bless her cotton socks! ♥

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Hoovered Up & Took Photos

The big pile that was on the armchair has been significantly reduced! Thanks, Jill ♥.

The space behind the £300, second-hand, decrepit, c1968, rickety recliner. And the collapsable desk. (All Jills work!♥) It was practically cleared! ♥ I must try to get a photo of Nottingham's finest carer ♥.

The Steptoe & Son room was still looking horrendously messy, but that is because it was! But I could see some improvement!

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Checked The Tracker Again

Mind you, according to the tracker, he was yesterday! But that didn't stop that man from failing to turn up! He's getting closer.

Oh, I'd better mention that this is yesterdays trousers and pyjama bottoms, it's the Tabet cloths. The clothing should, could, might possibly, perhaps be arriving tomorrow.

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Too tired Now, to Continue

Got the meal finished off, sat down in hopes of nodding off. Realised I can't afford to in case the trews arrive, fed-up, got the stew made.

It looked fine, smelt delicious, tucked into it... Whoopsiedangleplop! Foul Tasting! Gawd know what I'd done wrong? I fear only a 2/10 for Taste-Rating this time. And that being for the peas and bread. Oh, heckithump!

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Head Down

Trying not to fall asleep in case Amazon Trews or the Brit Marmite biscuits arrive! A task (staying awake) that was not going to be easy this, so I found some crap that might not send me to sleep on the TV to watch. Zzzz!

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Stirred Back Into Imitation Life

I Woke Up about two hours later, still blurry-eyed, and had an argument with myself about should I get up or sod it all? 

Whoopsiedangleplop! First-Class!

Then It became evident to me that I'd fell asleep while eating some of the crap beef stew! I'm quick at noticing things like that!

Mainly through the squelching and feeling of the cold gravy, as it made rivers and streams in the folds of my stomach, as it ran down into my PPs! Which saved the recliner cover from getting wet, but Little Inchy got a soaking!

 Having to clean things up and the need of a wee-wee forced me to get up anyway. As I stumbled to the kitchenette limpingly, gently banging my right shoulder on the door frame and dropping the walking stick, the door chimes rang out...

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Evening Carer Arriving

I'm was a little confused and not really with it, but Carer Julie, bless her, spotted this straight away. I suppose the gravy, and the stuck-on peas clinging to my belly, and stained jammie-bottoms was a clue!) 

Julie showed genuine concern and checked I was alright. ♥ At first, she thought I'd had a tumble with seeing Metal Mickey on the floor. Julie helped me sort things out mess-wise, and we got the medications taken. I hobbled with her to the door and wished her my thanks-her. She told me to forget everything and get back to sleep. Bless her!  

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Cleaned Myself Up

By the time I'd cleared up the mess I had made, I had got new PP's on; nodding off was not on the cards. I was not sleepy at all. 

I suppose banging my knee on the cabinet corner, getting redressed and stubbing my toe on the recliner when I got back to the computer chair sort of rejuvenated me? No, that's not the word? But anyway, I don't think I could have got back to sleep.

The Thought Storms and self-recriminations were flowing again, mingled with the Amazon failures and letdowns, along with the pain of the toe-stubbing. Disgruntled, displeased with myself, irritated, annoyed, exasperated and in an insurrectionary mood!

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New Car Park Checked

I placed this here for the attention of AAB: Associate of Applied Business, ASPT-APT: Associate in Physical Therapy, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Computational Finance, Master of Science in Teaching (MST), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Institute of Physics (IOP), and Associate Professor of the NOSRCMA Near Ohio Red Car Monitoring Assessment (Financial Donations Accepted). Hahaha!

Blimus! A maroon and a white car in there tonight! The regulation since opening three red vehicles were in there.

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Well, would you believe it?

The Witching Hour Again?

Down Again! Absolute Crap!

Does Steve Fries know about this?

At $22m salary plus expenses, does he care? Should he care? His bosses are obviously content to let him carry on number crunching and conning them... but I don't imagine they would give a toss about customers either?

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I started on a graphic on CorelDraw whilst hoping for the led-by, bedevilled Steve Fries, Liberty-Global Virgin Media Internet, to start again. It took a while. So irking!

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Virgin Media Internet Still Down

Virgin Media Internet, owned and ruined by Liberty-Global not back on yet. So, I washed the green long sleeve tee-shirt in the sink.

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Virgin Media Internet Still Down

I ointmentated the stubbed toe; well, heel it was actually.

The feet are looking fine, by the way.

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Ah, Internet Back On

Got this blog updated and then sent the email next on to Facebooking.

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Evening all!


  1. Wot a cock-up with those trousers. Announcing the delivery of thin air to residence 72.
    We fang you for the kind words on that theme of red cars. We are working feverishly with Joe Biden to assure that sufficient funds be availalbe for high-quality monitorisation. Joe is asking us to tie in with Afghanistanis who may be secreting red vehicles into the Greater Nottinghamer Metropolitan Area. The white vans appear to be in good order so far. Lisa is staying up all hours to assure that the database is accurate and available to all interested parties.
    The BP is averaging a great number, what a turnaround.
    Very fine and considerate of Jill to show up twice in one day, to bring refuse to the bin, and to organize yer stuff and junk. Worth every blessing of both cotton socks, that is wot. I think they should devote a parking space for your helpers, located nearest the building of Woodthorpe, of course.
    We are fanging you for this remarkable account of a tremendous Thursday!

    1. High, Billum,
      Love the red car assessment, made me larf, it did! I fang you!
      Amazed, I am on the BP, Sir.
      Wait till you see Wedne..., no, Thursdays blog mate. I'll get it right in a minute... Fridays blog. Wot I will write whenever I get to doing it: "I woke up with Carer Jill..." A misleading snippet, but I liked the innuendo. Hahaha! Biggest excitement since my feriation.
      Many mercies for the your interest, may HRH Lisa, and your good self, find fortune, festivity and that Humira Harry continues his good work!

    2. Eliciting a larf is a great reward. You are most welcome, kind Sir!
      I believe that a fine larf is a grand way to stabilize BP. That and a good chinwag go a long way, innit true?
      Much looking forward to reading how to wake up with Carer Jill. And I hadn't yet encountered the word "feriation" until today. Long live our feriations!
      And, speaking of Humira Harry, today is an injection day. HRH Lisa is quite adept at staving off sleep for many days and nights. Astonishing.

  2. Great cloud ghost shot. The Amazon run around. It is so frustrating. Makes you feel violated when they show a package has been delivered and you have no idea where. I'm really impressed with Jill coming back to help you sort things out. Not only is she a big help sorting, but she gives you much needed company. Bless her. Great BP and vitals. Between pill sorting and having lovely ladies helping you out your vitals are improving. Sad state of affairs on the stew.

    1. Thanks, Tim,
      That gal Jill is a true Angel, mate! Giving her most precious thing of all to me; Her Time! I gave her a First Edition book this morning in part-thanks. It can't lose value, and is already worth 100times what I paid for it. I also asked if she would let me take her photo tonight (she's covering both shifts), and she agreed, if she has the time. Bless her!
      Yes, the nosh was one of my worstest ever, eurgh! Most annoying is not knowing what I did wrong? But I was going it after being up and about for 26 hours, so... Tsk! The Tres should arrive today, but somehow with it not being available on tracker, I fear the worst! The parcel with the Marmite biscuits in it, should be here today as well, but that is being delivered by ParcelForce, I'm a little bit more confident of them arriving.
      Keep safe, and confused over the Covid Cuties figures, Cheers Sir.
